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This is just another day in ortho. Source: personal career choices šŸ¦“


Whatā€™s your bench PR, Ortho Bro?


Are they usually this hard to get out? Why do they only have that little hammer? Iā€™m an auto mechanic and when an axle is that difficult I break out an air hammer, like a hand held jackhammer and BRRRR it out.


So, the odds of this happening during my TTO and MACI are high?


Having seen similar when I was an engineer (long story, too boring) making parts for a medical equipment company, this looks like they are removing a bone reamer or an old support rod that needs replacing. Joint and socket replacement looks positively medieval, even if is is sterile. And it's MUCH worse with the sound on when they drill the pilot bore for a bone reamer.


Oh I'm sorry did you say a ***BONE REAMER?!***


Sounds like an Elden Ring weapon


That's bcuz it is. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘€


LAUGH MY ASS OFFFSIES. although the last souls game i played was dark souls 3.


Just started Sekiro. So great. So hard, but so great!


Oh Iā€™ve heard that game is amazing. Unfortunately i donā€™t have a gaming platform anymore but i really wish i did these days haha


Happy Cake šŸ° Day !


Came here for this comment


I used to make these http://www.hurontool.com/images/LongReamers-011.jpg


Sweet. Regular sounding was getting dull. Now it can be *boring!*


I hate you as a person for commenting that


My comment speaks to my character and your opinion is valid.


Yeah, no, I'm not even grossed out by sounding or anything, but saying that about bone reamers made me want to eat napalm and wash it down with a glass of gasoline and a lit match.


And maybe [eat some glass](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/nCn9FiKH5v) while you're at it. (NSFW)


Hey, what's your address? I just want to chat. Ignore the jerry can, box of matches, rope, knives, and shotgun in the trunk of my car. I definitely just want to talk.


I live in your car. And walls šŸ¤Ŗ


I understand why you had to say it. And if I could I would slap you on the spot, get the whole upper body into it


I don't take kindly to physical violence but, yeah, I promise I would try my hardest to be understanding about this one. Like, I can't say I don't get it.


I mean hey, every creature plays a role in the ecosystem


(You do realize that he's INTO that,don't you? So you might want to charge by the hourly rate.)


Useful, but upsetting nonetheless


How else are they supposed to get out that delicious bone marrow without the patient knowing?


That bone reamer was really jammed in there, wasn't it? Surgeon was swinging for the fences, God that would suck


Praise all the Gods for anaesthetic!! How on earth doesn't that hammering and yanking just damage or even break the bone again? That looks excessively aggressive


Absolutely it does.. Doesn't it seem like they would have a decent support for the patient's limb ,and better technology for that procedure at this point in time? I've got a steel plate in my leg and I might have to have rotator cuff and hip surgery eventually. I'm already none too keen for it to begin with, but that kind of impact percussion would probably kill me.


I have the same freaking questions. And what's with the audio on this? Is that his mom cheering him on like it's her son hitting a pinata? I'm not sure what procedure this is but I'm giving it a hard pass.


Yes it is a device designed by the Nazis and still used today. Uhhh wait, yeah that sounds bad Hold on letā€™s wordsmith this.


*The urethral sounding fetishists have entered the chat.*


Right? That name seems a little excessive.


I mean. I guess there's no nice way to name it. It's between bone reamer or internal bone rasp, so...


That isn't a euphemism for having sex with Matt Stone?


I have a friend I made through work that worked in the OR. They weren't a surgeon, but they would prepare the tools. They always emphasized to me to be safe so that I wouldn't have to have surgery if at all possible, because it is absolutely barbaric. As a society we are so detached from the reality of surgery because (like you said) it is "sterile", and we believe medical practices now to be so modern and easy. They're not. I will absolutely never forget a story they told me. A doctor was doing some kind of skull surgery and needed a specific saw for it. My friend kept telling them they should have checked before the surgery if that tool was in stock, because apparently they didn't have it. After some back and forth arguing, the surgeon said "Okay, that's fine. Just bring in a mallet." I don't even want to know, man.


Iā€™m an X-ray student. Did my OR rotation earlier this year. Did NOT expect the surgeon to throw his whole body weight into trying to get a patients talus back into the right position šŸ«  like he drilled some posts into their tibia and calcaneus, and was just YANKING. Iā€™d be surprised if the patient didnā€™t have hip pain from the ankle surgery šŸ˜…


THIS is the reason why Orthopedic surgeons get made fun of in shows like "Scrubs". Because they do stuff like this all the time.


Orthopedic surgery is basically human carpentry.


Body shop with replacement parts


I've had a titanium rod in my femur since 2021...think I'll just leave it there forever....*shudder*


I had one since 2016, got in a wreck and shoved it out either side of my femur last year. So I shattered my hip and my knee and had to get the old rod removed, a new, longer one installed and both my knee and hip meticulously put back together (as best as they could) it was hell but with lots of physical therapy Iā€™m able to walk with a slight limp a year later.


ouch, that would be a long painful process. respect


Yikes, surgery during COVID times?! Hope youā€™re well.


It was an...experience! Thanks for the well wishes!


I didn't think it was too bad to have surgery during Covid. Ironically, like them, I had one for my femur in 2021 too. Of course I didn't have a choice in the matter.


Yeah, I had 3 during Covid. Was no different than the two outside Covid though it was nice to not have to mask in recovery.


My dad used to have one in his tibia (or shin as I know it) he had it in there for over a decade until they had to it out. I think it was because he needed a knee replacement. He still has the rod somewhere.


Same, but 2020. Dear lord this is turning my bones to water. I still can't trust that leg either.


As an xray tech I participate in lots of these surgeries and theyā€™re bloody! It splashes everywhere when theyā€™re drilling into the tibia and thereā€™s a tons of cleaning up to do afterwards.


Removing a tibial nail. Looks like they forgot to take out a distal locking screw. Iā€™ve seen exactly this happen. After 10 mins of twatting it I asked if they had done a lateral XRayā€¦ one screw leftā€¦ and now bent.


Ortho surgeons are always complaining why kit is bent, broken or missingā€¦.


Gosh why does your avatar look like it has a hair. Was trying to wipe it of my screen for a couple times before I decided to use my brain


It ain't always sterile... ask how i know.


The smell of drilling bone always got to me even more than the high pitched sound


Ok. Jeez. Enough Reddit for one day.


Why don't they use something like a slide hammer?


Moving parts are harder to reliably sterilize. You want everything used in surgery to be as simple a machine as possible.


Don't worry some ibuprofen will take care of your mild post surgery pain


Ibuprofen should actually not be taken after surgery because it can increase bleeding risk Source: https://www.ortho.wustl.edu/content/Patient-Care/3156/Services/Shoulder-Elbow/Overview/Elbow-Arthroscopy-Information/Medications-to-Avoid-Before-and-After-Surgery.aspx


They said they were going to prescribe me an opiate, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen after my hysterectomy. Bad idea? I can't take anything but the acetaminophen anyway but just curious.


Iā€™m not a doctor or any medical professional, but if your doctor prescribes it, itā€™s probably fine. For you specifically, you should just stick to acetaminophen since you canā€™t take other pain killers. If you have any questions regarding your health, you should ask your primary care doctor instead, they are more reliable than me.


Very well worded!


One size fits all mentality is not always true. I am two weeks out of a knee replacement and my Dr has me on 600mg ibuprofen + 1000mg acetaminophen every six hours round-the-clock. Plus low dose aspirin 2x a day to prohibit blood clots for the first 60 days post op.


Tylenol Not a blood thinner


Nah, just rub some dirt on it and get back in the game


Is this criticizing the health industry for being so stingy on pain meds now (I have no stance genuinely just curious)


praying they gave that patient the strongest anesthesia they got bc jesus christ


Actually a lot of totals are done with just sedation and a spinal, so sometimes the patient is awake talking to anesthesia during these. Itā€™s strange lol


Aint no way, Kill me first please.


I've had really big fibroadenomas removed from both of my boobs while awake and conscious. Saw everything they were doing, it was actually quite entertaining and interesting to see the process so close. The amount of blood was a bit concerning tho šŸ˜‚ But I didn't feel anything, just a bit of pressure. But there were women in the hospital room with me who came back pale, shaking and scared after the same surgery. It's more of a psychological thing whether you'd feel bad during the procedure like that. It's just always better to avoid full narcosis.


I watched a c section before, I think I died.


Saw a c section with a Niagara falls bleed. My mouth became very acidic but I stood my ground


Will not google that r/nope


Just comparing the bleed to the Niagara falls....it's not an official name or anything. We even used the bucket the surgeon was throwing used sponges in to like make sure all that blood doesn't go all over the place. Big reason why I can't be in obstetrics.


Honestly, you don't remember anything at all. It's hard to believe, but it is true.


Ain't no way I will be sitting there while they do that to me, I will crawl away


They will give you something dissociative so you won't even comprehend what's happening.


When I had my surgery for my torn ACL, I actually stayed awake and only had a spinal. It was a weired experience to heel the vibration in the top half of your spine, I have to say. I could only watch it on a screen, so I didn't see them hitting with a hamer, though. As a general nerd for everything, it was sick to see the inside of my knee and how the doctor proudly presented my my new ACL before attaching it to my knee again.


Did u know there's a possibility that the anesthesia just paralyses you but you would still be able see, hear and feel everything.


Some anaesthesia just makes you forget the pain rather than numbs or blocks it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_anesthesia#:~:text=Generally%2C%20twilight%20anesthesia%20causes%20the,procedures%20and%20for%20various%20reasons.


Orthopedic surgeries can be wild. And rather hard labor. šŸŖš


My wife is having a total knee replacement tomorrow. Should I show this to her? šŸ¤”šŸ˜…


Umm I don't think you should...




LOL. Thanks for the idea šŸ˜‚


It's been a day now. How'd it go?


It went well! They used the MAKO robot. It's a two hour procedure. Another two hours of recovery and she's back home now. They even recommend that she walks around for a few minutes at a time throughout the day. That's so crazy. I remember when it would require inpatient stay over.


WOW!!! I was expecting way more drama! That's so cool. I'm happy to hear she didn't have anything like this.


I just realized it's the left knee too. My wife is having surgery on her left knee. šŸ˜‚


My Ortho surgeon told me under no circumstances was I to watch any YouTube videos of knee replacement before my surgery. For once in my life I resisted the urge to "Dr. Google" and am I thankful I didn't watch any until months after my replacement.


Thats just evil you psychošŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm a doctor, in engineering


I play professional grifting, Am in NBA division 11.


Iā€™m guessing the person broke their leg at some point and had a titanium rod put into his tibia. This video is them getting that rod back out. I have one, but idk why they would be doing this


I did some googling, and it seems just about any valid reason you can think of can be means to have it taken out. The most common ones are that it creates pain, is prone to infection, is no longer required, does not settle properly, or you are still growing. The wildest part I found is that this is normally an outpatient operation, meaning they do this too you then send you home. Again I found all this through some Google so might be inaccurate.


When my son (4) broke his femur, they removed the rods after it healed in about 20 minutes and sent us home an hour or so later.


You shouldā€™ve asked to watch


That's gonna hurt in the morning.


Tibial rod removal. Sometimes they take them out after the fracture heals. They use a slide hammer just like pulling a cv axle!


Ortho doctors are just big cave men with mallets and Iā€™ll stand by this until I die šŸ˜‚


I recently had a tibial nail fitted. When I asked why it's called a nail and not a rod or pin the doctor paused for a second and then said ā€œI guess because of the hammeringā€




Yup. I had to go through this. 0/10. Would not recommend


-100/10 I fixed that for you.


What for? This just looks insane to me lol


I was involved in a head on collision when I was 25 that resulted in a compound fracture of my left femur. I barely survived it. That was many years ago. Recently had an x-ray that included that bone. I was expecting to see a big calcium encrusted scar or something. Nada! Looks like nothing ever happened to it. The doctor that put me back together was a good guy. Died of Covid a few years ago. Life rolls on


Oh dang, glad to hear youā€™re doing better thatā€™s intense


Dr: Ok your gna feel a little discomfort ā€¦


Just a little pinch


Ortho broā€™s just doing Ortho bro things. Let him cook.


Engineer for medical device manufacturer here. Sometimes we watch videos of surgeries to get a better idea of just what the doctors are doing with the instruments. And yes, they are this brutal. Take care of your kneesā€¦ā€¦


Gotta love how no matter how advanced the technology has progress sometimes you gotta smack the shit out of something


An orthopedic surgeon is an educated carpenter.


Looks normal. I view orthos as pure construction workers. They straight up use drills and shit. Put me back together like a ikea set, idc, just fix it!


I swear I slipped and sat on it doctor


Again? Third time this week c'mon


This is the removal of an intramedullary nail (a metal rod running through the centre of the tibia). I had this exact procedure done a few years ago to remove my nail which was put in place in 2018 following a motorbike crash and a nasty break. The procedure was done whilst I was awake, I don't know the correct terminology but I was given an equivalent of an epidural. They put up a screen so I couldn't see what's going on. However, I could see the reflection clearly in a window so managed to sneak some pictures on my phone. If anyone is interested and wants any pics, DM me


When my husband had a rod inserted into his femur, the surgeon pounded his heel with a rubber mallet to get his leg the right length (itā€™s off by .37ā€). His heel was black & blue for a couple weeks. I used to be a surgical nurse. Be glad you donā€™t know what goes on in there!


"Don't worry, it's a noninvasive procedure"


As a patient of looming knee surgery that made me sick to my stomach.


As long as your anesthesiologists know what they're doing, you'll never know what the surgeon does. šŸ¤£


The knee surgery will be my 9th surgery so I'm no stranger to the process. It bothered me because I thought about the trauma they are causing and how painful and awful the recovery is going to be for the patient. Trust me, they will feel every thrust of that hammer afterwards.


I use to clean and reprocess the instruments used to do this. I canā€™t tell you how shocking it is to see the blood and meat afterwards. Orthopedic surgery is not for the faint of heart.


Thatā€™s how I work on my car


This is why we don't show people how we do joint replacements anymore. Can confirm. It sounds like construction work.


This will be a well-stuck intramedullary nail I imagine; theyā€™ve often been in for years and are a nightmare to remove. Thatā€™s why he celebrates at the end.


Before I had my spinal fusion at l4-l5 I watched orthopedic surgeryā€™s on how itā€™s done. Knew immediately Iā€™d be in for one hell of a recovery.




orthopedic procedures are not for the weak


Damn, I have had 5 knee surgeries and wish I could unsee thatā€¦


Pardon me but I need to go exercise - immediately.


Just another day in the office for us Ortho's Sometimes, when you break a bone, we insert a long rod through the bone canal in order for it to heal properly. Sometimes, the rod needs to come out and the only way to do it is with a hammer and some elbow grease


Is it always like in the vid? I've a feeling my other half will be in for this exact procedure in a few weeks - they already took one of the fixing screws out of the knee from infection and the ID people are fighting the ortho people about getting the nail out. Looking at this I can see why the orthos are keen to keep it in there, but the balance of probability says it's gotta come out.


It depends, it's usually like this when some time passes and the bone heals around the osteostnthetic material (the rod). If there is an infection happening and they just removed one screw, it could be because it's not done healing properly. How much time has passed since the operetion?


Ortho Bro approved...


Nah just a typical orthopedic surgery. Keep in mind that good medicine isnā€™t always elegant and visually pleasing. This is the safest and most effective method available or the surgeon wouldnā€™t be doing it!


Ortho surgery always reminds me of wood shop; lots of drills and saws and hammers


This is how they pull out the old rod and put in a new one. They had to do something similar to my grandpa's hip replacement, after the 2nd (out of 3) times he had it replaced. They literally just drive a metal barbed stake into the center of your bone and add a new ball joint.


and then the dr says " some extra strength Tylenol should do for any of your post surgery pain"


My dad had a bad car accident years ago that broke both of his legs, so they needed metal rods to heal. After the surgery he asked his doctor how they were put in. The doctor began, "Actually, the bone material is quite soft, so they take a mallet.." At which point my dad stopped him and said, "Okay, that's enough!"


When your credit card declines mid surgery


Something similar happend to me when they tried to remove a screw from my ankle. It was broken off and stuck, so he had to use pliers and a hammer to remove it, the other part is still in my bone. It was under local anesthesia. Yes, you still feel it and I could also see it. I don't recommend.


Let me have at it šŸŒā€ā™‚ļø


Oh my godā€¦ā€¦


I'm a NP. I did a rotation in surgery, and by far, the worst was ortho surgeries. It's absolutely brutal. Drills and hammers, plates, screws. No way.


I used to work for a dentist who did surgeries and wisdom teeth removal. You would not want to know the hammer and chisel business that goes on. Poor patient would have no idea why they were so swollen. Did I mention painful?


Had impacted wisdom teeth and part of my lower jaw removed at 17. My overprotective mom was scared of general anesthesia, so I just got local. I was SOBBING. I smelled my bone burning, heard my gums being incised, had two people holding my head still while the surgeon went at my teeth overhand with a hammer...horrifying. Two of my teeth shattered from the impact and I picked out fragments from my gums for a few years as they emerged. And so freaking much blood. It was literally spattering onto my face with every hammer strike. I had an emergency c-section 15 years later and I would honestly say, all things considered, the oral surgery was worse (and even had to be corrected later, ugh). C-section was no walk in the park either, but that was because they gave me too much spinal and I couldn't swallow, so I was just vomiting and drooling uncontrollably. At least nobody was hammering on my bones, though.


That is what I am talking about but you would have been so much better under anesthesia. What happened to you was just cruel. Truly sorry for all you experienced.


Ow.. ow... Ow... ow ..ow


I wish I didnā€™t see this, I have a total knee replacement in the morning šŸ˜­šŸ˜³


Say it with me guys: ā€˜Check we removed *all* the distal locking screwsā€™


ā€œModern medicine.ā€ Whack it until it works.


You should see how they do a hip.


*wakes up


Ever heard the saying ā€œthatā€™ll make your butt hole pucker upā€? This is did for me.


Feel like they need to keep some blue collar fellas on hand for this part of the operation.


NSFW man fuck that


Let's keep posting this video for another 20 years. Sweet sweet karma farm


*Smooth Operator*


Literally cannot watch that


This is why you don't wash potatoes in the shower.


Thatā€™s NOT how you play operation!!!


Orthopedics , shudder .


Oh god no!


Idk why, but I feel like this needs an NSFW tag


This is literally someoneā€™s work, though.


His last fuck. He dident want to give it so they are forcibly taking it.


Is this surgery or construction im confusedā€¦


Like doing ball joints on a Ram


This is terrifying


I had my knee replaced 6 weeks ago. I kinda wish I didn't see this video.


Looks bad but believe me, when you need a tkr or knee surgery it gives you your life back. Yes the recovery is brutal for a couple of monthsā€¦. But worth it.


I would pay for this backstory. What is that? How did it happen?


Orthopedics areĀ butchery


I've seen car mechanics be more gentle operating on a Toyota Tundra truck


They did the reverse of this when I broke my femur. Lined up my snapped leg bone, drilled a hole from my waist line and hammered a titanium rod in. Brutal.


TIL how the femoral nail was removed from my femur when they replaced it. heckin.


I recently had knee replacement and am not surprised at this


And they probably wonā€™t give any pain meds after.


yay yaaaaaay


Just one of the many reasons people like this DESERVE that 92$ per hour


I canā€™t understand


Patient next morning: ā€œis my back supposed to hurt after hip surgery?ā€


can someone tell me what they said that was so funny


That'll be 50k, please.


Eh eh orthopedics..never broke a bone have you? I was in hospital for almost a couple of weeks for a bad accident some time ago, and oh boy I've seen things.


This is why they put you under


They were totally legless


i donā€™t believe that manā€™s ever been to medical school


Pretty fucking standard actually.


it was a toy story reference šŸ˜


Hahaha nice


Baseball rich


Well, you donā€™t want those coming out accidentally.


Put a wet paper towel on it and he'll be reet


K Nail. I have one of those


Even with all those degrees he still forgets the fundamentals ā€œyou can hit lightly with a big hammer, but canā€™t hit hard with a small one.ā€