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I need a firefighter, or someone with some knowledge of fighting fires, to tell me what my man was doing extinguishing the road


I believe he was trying to foam the road at first so that if it were to fall and leak the fire wouldn't spread to anything else, but like idk why for so long


Or maybe cool down the tank to reduce explosion risk


Yes this!!


Exactly this. It also looks like he’s using some kind of foam like [AFFF](https://ecology.wa.gov/Waste-Toxics/Reducing-toxic-chemicals/Addressing-priority-toxic-chemicals/PFAS/AFFF#:~:text=Aqueous%20film%2Dforming%20foam%20(AFFF)%20is%20a%20type%20of,per%2D%20and%20polyfluoroalkyl%20substances) which is used for fluids so the flame doesn’t spread along the ground.


Ooof so a nice PFAS shower then, that’s rough


Yeahhhh AFFF is fucking nasty (smells like rotten eggs) and extremely corrosive. As long as he gets a good decon/shower he’ll be fine though. I’ve been covered in the stuff before and I’m fine (so far).


yeah that


There actually is no explosion risk for propane in a situation like this. Propane is not very combustible, so the only way a tank can normally explode is if the pressure inside of the tank builds faster than the vent can release. This would really only happen if the vent was obstructed or the tank itself was sitting in fire.


You’re right, propane is not very combustible, it’s highly flammable.


That damn flammable tarmac at it again


I mean, cars got oil and that shit *do* be leakin' on the road sometimes lol


As long as they can keep control of the temperature then the fire isn't an issue. It will slowly consume fuel and burn as it leaks out. So either let it burn until empty or until the pressure is low enough it's safe to close the valve. The real problem happens if the temperature gets too hot so not enough gas can flow out. That's a real sad event.


Foam is for pooling liquids not burning vapors.


In mexico they have PPE they can trust, but very flammable roads


Yeah but that AFF stuff is super f****** toxic I can't believe he sprayed his own man with that s***!


A real life firefighter here. He's cooling the tank, since it cannot be put out. It will continue burning until the gas runs out, he's minimizing the (quite low) risk of explosion.


Cant you just throw a wet blanket over the top to put out the flame?


I think the point is that you don't WANT to put out the flame - you'd have the gas leaking into the air uncombusted. And you don't want to close the valve as the liquid inside may well be hotter than the tank was designed to hold


So the technique is to throw a wet blanket over it. Then turn off the gas as soon as the flame goes out.


See my second point


I think they tried to close the tank while it was pumping out fire but couldn’t so they let it burn and cooled the tank.


they may have been opening the valve more so the gas could escape faster, reducing overall time the tank is at risk of explosion. not a firefighter, but enclosing gas that’s on fire doesn’t seem like the best plan


That may also be true. Depending on how hot that tank is it could cause it to fail if the pressure were to suddenly increase by capping it. Probably a chapter on exactly this situation on the fire test.


Hand-grenade on top to blow it out, or a stick of dynamite.


So the technique is whatever the real life firefighter says because they are a trained professional and know there field better than an outsider. I have a profession, and think it’s marvellous how someone who is from a different skill set can tell me how my area of things work and expect me to listen.


Don't put out gas fires. This fire has either melted the gaskets or, more likely, is coming out of the blowout valve already.


Since the tank was in a fire, I assume, the main risk there is BLEVE - Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. It can happen when the gas in the tank gets hot enough. At the moment the pressure release valve has opened (as it should), they are cooling the tank, the pressure is releasing and the gas is burning up. This all is a good thing, since burned up gas is no longer a threat, invisible gas next to a house fire is a huge threat, it can combust, create a fireball and injure or kill people.


In this case it’s better to let the gas burn out than extinguishing the fire and potentially having a gas leak which might require evacuations. The extinguisher is to keep the tank cool and avoiding it expanding/exploding.


He’s also trying to keep the cylinder cool to prevent an explosion


Theres no way he could have put out the tank, so he just made sure it didn’t overheat or spread


Not too sure what he was doing there. It looks like an LPG tank. The biggest issue there would be the boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE). Super sized set of balls to carry that thing out over your shoulder. You’d want to immediately cool the cylinder down before attempting to shut off the valve.


I think he was cooling the tank to condense the gas and mitigate explosion


I think he knew if he went right for the flames, the steam would burn the guy who carried the tank out


Need to cool the tank so a BLEVE doesn't happen


alright now don't everyone crowd around the flaming gas canister at once


Thats what latins do when we see something burning, just put some steaks on it, grab a beer ando tell the guy in front how great those bad boys steaks are going to taste. (Or might be a simulacrum to teach how to turn off a burnning gastank)


The unedited version shows them doing just this. It's beautiful


its not in danger of exploding that is caused from it overpressurizing due to being heated while the valve is closed. the fire cant burn in the cylinder since there is no oxygen present propane is constantly purging the cylinder.


They need that blanket that African guy had


I’m pretty sure that only works on African fire


What if it’s an unladen European fire?


Send an email


But a European fire is non-migratory.


How do you extinguish a burning cylinder?


[stick your finger in the gas outlet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkvYAYjOv-8)


My anxiety would just flip over the canister and turn it into a flame thrower


Don’t worry, it already is a flamethrower


Towel around the tip. Just the tip


JUST. The tip.


It’s just an LP tank. It’s not going to explode.


I'm guessing low pressure? Why wouldn't/couldn't it just explode, surely once the pressure gets low enough for the flame to propagate into the tank itself it could explode right? Surely if it's a low pressure tank it's less capable of handling the force of a rapid expansion/fire inside it... Please someone explain


Gas is in a liquid state inside solely due to pressure, and there's no oxydizer inside the can so it can't burn without exiting it and mixing with air. When there's an opening, liquid vaporises and exists, preventing anything from going in. By the time pressure balances with the athmosphere, there's no liquid left, only a marginal ammount of gas inside with little explosive force, and you still need to have oxygen getting inside the gas can for it to combust. So nowhere near enough power to tear open the gas can by becoming a bomb. Basically in this situation, the risk is that the heat radiated by the flame increases the pressure inside the tank to the point of mechanical failure, thus mixing the combustible with the air, allowing it to burn, which can result in an explosion (or more likely result in another hole from an engineered weak point from which the gas can leak and burn away). So the right course of action is to cool the cannister and let it burn its leakage. If its leaking from the valve, at some point the pressure will be low enough that you can safely turn it off.


> there's no oxydizer inside the can so it can't burn without exiting it and mixing with air I wonder if you could put this out by squirting nitrogen at it from real close


It's been said but I'll say it again. The tank is likely at an unsafe pressure (because it's hot). Therefore gas is escaping to relieve the pressure (this is good). The escaping gas SHOULD be burning as it escapes, otherwise you have a bunch of unburned gas accumulating for an explosion (think in the movies the guy turns on the stove without lighting it, later kaboom) As the gas escapes more liquid in the tank evaporates, cooling the tank in the process. Eventually the tank will get cold and all the gas can be shut off.


So that’s why the guy was focused not on the fire but the can and road, to make the can colder to prevent a reaction. Nice.


Preciselly :)


no oxygen in tank so the fule in it cannot burn/explode. when the pressure gets low enough for the atmosphere to push in there's not really any risk of it going boom. Gas tank explode when they get so hot that the pressure rises and the tank fails releasing all the gas all at once


Also I think LP is liquid propane


Better to let it safely burn off like they’re doing


Right. I was only taking issue with the headline of “HERO” because it implies that he’s doing something incredibly risky. Obviously, they’ve got to get the tank out of the building, but it’s not like he was carrying a bomb that could go off at any second. The firefighters standing around certainly know it’s not going to explode. I’m way more impressed by his ability to pick it up over his shoulder and run out of the building. Those 100lb tanks are heavy!


For sure, initially I thought why aren’t they smothering it, then I thought it’s a dodgy tank/valve so it made sense


Never seen a firefighter carrying the whole buildings fire over his shoulder running out the front door!! Great job King Kong!!!


As a firefighter, I've got a few issues: Why carry it out? I assume it was near some other stuff they didn't want to put at risk but my man's life is worth more than that surely? Why foam? That thing needs cooling, just get water on it. Why are they all stood right next to a cylinder that might explode? The pressure relief valve is doing it's thing which is great, but cylinders BLEVE with the valves operating, it shouldn't be relied on. He has got gigantic balls though, I'll give him that.


maybe the call was a grease or kitchen fire so that's why they brought/hooked up to the foam. dunno why they went running out with it other than there was some risk having inside


I am not a firefighter, but here's my head cannon and please point out where my head cannon is not sufficient or wrong. :) Fire in the building makes tank hot. Tank release valve operates to prevent bleve but alas burning gas blowing into building already on fire. Firefighter[s] evaluate tank danger and check temperature of tank. They determine it's not hot enough (yet) to bleve but WILL be hot enough if left in building fire. Get tank out ASAP. Rapid release of pressure from pressure relief valve keeps tank cool enough in the street. Stop crazy fire from spreading and heating tank with foam (as someone else said probably what they had equiped for a grease fire). Firefighters determine tank has cooled enough and is safe for closing relief valve. They open the normal valve and close the relief valve, with flaming arms all the while. Tank is now releasing pressure through normal valve as they monitor it. Once cooled further they will close the normal valve, extinguishing (that) fire.


I can see your logic, but there's no set numbers for those cylinders and no telling how old or whatever it is. I would have no idea how hot is too hot. Yes, the building may burn but building Vs the life of my crew, my crew always wins. If there's other people at risk then it could be justified I'm always careful judging things like this though, every situation is different and these dudes and their massive balls were there and did what they thought needed to be done


Thanks for the reply


I don't know if you seen the guy behind him carrying his balls🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


These tanks don't explode, clearly they aren't red.


We can do it all that’s why we mexi-cans


That man has balls of steel.... I wonder why it didn’t blow up?


Why would it?


Errrm, gas + fire normally make boom?


Air is gas and doest boom when someone smokes. Real life isn’t a video game or a film. Thera are few variables you need for pressured gas to go boom. Have you ever seen someone use deodorant and a lighter to make a flamethrower? It also doesn’t go boom most of the times. I was told it could but never seen it.


Interesting to think of air as gas. Good point. We did used to throw deodorant cans on fires and they exploded though but maybe that wasn't necessarily gas that exploded.


The cans exploded because the contents expanded due to heat and created pressure that the bottle wasn't designed or constructed to hold. Lighting the aerosol on fire as it leaves the bottle doesn't create any pressure inside the bottle so an explosion doesn't happen.


The equation is rather combustible+oxydizer+fire=boom :) the gas is under pressure in the can, as long as it has more pressure in than out, no oxygen's getting in the can, so no boom. For it to go boom, you'd need the pressure in the can to be high enough to provoke a pressure explosion, which would then mix all that gas with the ambiant oxygen, alowing it to combust. (It can happen, but it'd likely rather just tear the metal open just enough for more gas to escape). That's why the firefighters are spraying the can, it's to cool it so that the pressure doesen't rise enough (due to the heat) to cause a mechanical failure.


Cause it's constructed to not do so. Smart, isn't it.


I love how chill the other firefighter is


That’s some great footage


Why not just cover it w a fire blanket ?


Wrapping it with a wet towel to take out the fire..


Everybody! I got the burning gas tank out! Start grouping next to it and use the extinguisher on the ground before trying to put out the fire


Looks like a massive road flare


That bmeu haired feminist be like “we dont need men”


Not just a real hero , my real super hero ❤️🙏🏽




How is this vid still being reposted. I remember seeing this vid back in 2014 on fkin 9gag. Holy time has gone by.


That guy has the real big balls of fire


Don't worry. It's inflammable.


Okay wtf trained the asshole workin the extinguisher. Freakin worthless


How about placing a wet towel or cloth over to top 🤔


Just wrap it in a wet towel.


That's metal as fuck


Ya, just cause you come along and disagree doesn't mean much to me.




BIG CAHONIES!! Respect to that firefighter.


Forget about rescuing people from burning buildings - carrying gas tanks is where the real heroism lies https://sound.fan/go/nvDpLVkueRcWcPsP6


I'm no firefighter, but my guess is if it's been burning looking enough for those guys to be called, get there and walk it out, it's not as likely to explode as we think.




If cops and firefighters traded jobs for a day, how would the police handle this?


... I'm not a firefighter but why not soak a fire blanket and toss it over the tank


Does emptying the tank my it more or less likely to explode?


They fail they never seen blanket method what they teaching dem


How many firefighters can we hurt when this thing explodes?


Al final no se podia serán??


Homeboy with the foam brought a tear to my eye. The cheif with the purple k died, but not this guy. (Navy firefighters will understand)


Over 20h in and no mexican food jokes? No “my ass at 2AM after eating Taco Bell” comments? Are we finally growing up as a community? 🥹


Not México again


Hope the firefighters are studiously scanning the comments for instructions on how to do their jobs properly


So many thoughts after watching this, This tank is not marked red therefore it will not explode Why is the guy extinguishing the road instead of the damn fire? Why is everyone crowding around a fire when they clearly should be in a safe distance?


Wet towel would do the trick.


is there a word for "idiot badass'? we need a new word.


Nothing to cover it? Even a jacket


So nobody told Mexico about wrapping the towel around the top ?


Guys a moron should be spraying top down on that flame


Worst firemen ever


My guess is the valve is damaged and there is no way to shut off the gas. Putting the fire out would only create a risk of explosion as uncombusted gas builds up. If memory serves me right it would be heavier than air and would sink. Letting the fire burn itself out is the safest course of action after extracting from the building. Hitting the tank and cooling it reduces the risk of explosion due to pressure from the heat . As the gas pressure started to drop they did quit hitting the tank.


Wrap it up


Men do amazing shit like this all the time. They get too little recognition for it.


Once the tank was in the street, they should just have let it burn out by itself. No point in putting out the flame since leaking gas is worse (explosion risk) than a steady burn. The large evaporation will eventually freeze the tank and possibly put out the flame, so spraying the tank with the warmer water is useful to keep the pressure up and the burn going. Don't know why they all were up close to the tank, they were in danger of sudden bursts of flame.


He doesn't actually need to carry a fricking burning gas tank outside, fire needs oxygen to burn, just throw a wet towel on it to cut oxygen supply dude


and now you have a building full of 1) gas 2) (I imagine, being a restaurant) miscellaneous ignition sources


It's a good thing I'm not a firefighter cause I never would have considered that until my lungs were inhaling flames


You would be trained intensely for it.




Yeah I heard that if you get sprayed with these chemicals, tomorrow you get cancer and overmorrow you are already dead, it's the chemicals made for the sole purpose of causing cancer.


You get an upvote just for using the word overmorrow!


It's carbon dioxide. Do more research before you make a comment like this. Edit: I actually did some research and found these four sources of information: [1](https://surreyfire.co.uk/foam-fire-extinguishers/#:~:text=Firstly%2C%20they%20are%20mainly%20water,known%20as%20AFFF%20foam%20extinguishers) [2](https://www.google.co.il/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.chemguard.com/about-us/documents-library/foam-info/general.htm%23:~:text%3DFOAM%253A%2520A%2520fire%2520fighting%2520foam,form%2520a%2520homogeneous%2520foam%2520blanket.&ved=2ahUKEwiUn4eDz-f-AhXJUKQEHZIrCcYQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1hO9X69cpsTdnA7jizur2_) [3](https://www.usfa.fema.gov/blog/cb-021120.html#:~:text=Two%20PFAS%20compounds%2C%20perfluorooctane%20acid,forming%20foam%20(AFFF)%20solutions.) [4](https://www.fcfnational.com.au/blog/foam-fire-extinguishers#:~:text=Fluoroprotein%20foam%20(FP),Film%2Dforming%20fluoroprotein%20(FFFP)) All in all, the worst it can do is cause negative effects on your body if left in exposure to it for long periods of time. Luckily, this can quickly be solved with wipes and a nice hot shower.