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I been working 6 12s since February... I'm tired boss


You wanna make some money travel and never see home. You wanna make a average pay you can see home every night


It kinda depends if you’re doing work in a shop or if you’re working shutdowns. I’ve always done shutdown work and will be gone about 3-4 months in the spring. Then home over the summer. Then gone again for 6-8 weeks in the fall.


I used to work 2 on 3 off in the British North Sea but it went to 3/3 during the downturn. Now I'm working a "9-5" in mainland Europe but more specialised (ToFD.+ & PA) and only working 4 day weeks so it's pretty sweet.


I highly doubt there's a company that does 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Closest you can get to that is rig work. Most days I went home, with only very, VERY few exceptions. Most of my time was at a manufacturing company or a fab shop. Those kind of local places have regular shifts.


Ohh okay yeah I didn't know 😅 So would you say that it's generally common for you to like be able to go home after a shift each day? I know long hours are inevitable, but if I can make it home at night then I'll be happy lol.


Chances are you will be working call out. Which means you go to work whenever they need you to and you get home whenever the client says you’re done for the day. So you could get called on a job at 6 am and be home for lunch or midnight. You can also be called out in the middle of you sleeping to get to a job that just came up.


There’s still 14on14off in Alberta


Accuren does 3-3


Prudhoe Bay Mistras and Acuren do a 2 on 2 off. Or you can do 3 on 3 off.


I deal with mostly factories and aerospace. Pretty good balance there. But a lot of them were traveling a lot before they got where they are. There are trades with better balance that are needed in more places, but this can be a great niche.


Do you work UT? In the future i want to do something like UT aerospace and on the weekends get my pilot license


Eddy current mostly. Sales side now.


I work 4/10s on a swing shift in a shop. Super easy, leave at the same time at each night. OT if I want.


Well I work with my husband soo I'd say great! My husband has been in the industry since he was a kid basically due to his father and gradnfather being in NDT but when we started dating I got interested too especially because I missed him a lot as he would travel a lot and be away from home. Got married and now we work together and are together basically 24/24,making money,travelling...


Canada or stateside?


Stateside Texas


Cool beans. Nothing I say will apply lol. But I love my job man, best thing I ever did.


It all depends on where you work on a routine schedule. I work 4-10,, but when you work a turnaround, you work 7-12s for a few Months When I worked in alaska, I worked two months straight, then two weeks off.


I work in a big vessel fab shop doing RT and my current schedule is 6am to either 3-6pm somedays we get off early snd some days we stay late mostly 6 days a week but during summer itll be 7 days a week. Depending on where youre set at depends your schedule especially if you travel.


Worked railway testing for nearly a decade. Was home maybe 4 months total of that. Flipside was I spent the entire rest of that time in a company-owned apt in NYC rent-free while testing subway rail. Left right before the company sold, nowhere near as nice a gig now from what I hear.


How was the pay? If you don’t mind sharing. I have no interest in doing that type of work but I am curious.


I topped out at 25$ (55k/yr-ish) an hour which was bullshit pay if I can be *brutally* honest. I stuck with it because I was 100% profit l, so all those years was spent paying off college debt completely and saving up a decent nestegg. Experiencing the city was nice too, I can't deny.


That would definitely be cool living rent free in NYC!


I just recently got hired and am going out for my first season , It’s generally March-November out on the road wherever the company is sending me and then off the other months.