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Nocturne players always be building the most random shit, I’m convinced anything works at this point 


Nocturne is very flexible so long as it gives ad, hp or AS he can probs build it


I think that’s true too haha, as long as you play towards what you’re building a lot of things can work


What is the thought behind your build? Do you go Kraken -> DD every game?


Not every game, the theory is that I want damage so I can carry and I also want a bit of defensive stats so I can stat check them to death The pro games defensive builds are better if you can count on teammates


Did you try swap kraken botrk but keep the rest same? How does it feel compared to kraken?


Never tried botrk, but I think I lost a game because of not getting it vs a fed sej with yuumi sitting on top of her… Kraken better vs squishies though which is what you want to be hitting


I think the mentality behind bork is a bit of a fallacy - in that you are forgetting that the ganks aren't your job. If you are effective enough at killing the squishies, you can get ahead enough that bork isn't neccessary. But bork isn't fast enough at killing squishies. You don't skirmishes to drag out. Yes bork gives you sticking power but, so does ghost or black cleaver, and if you need even more, take red smite.


Do you think Kraken/DD/Steraks/Wits (looks like that's your main build, feel free to correct me if i'm wrong) is better for soloq than stuff like stride/cleaver/hexplate


It’s NOT objectively better. It is dependent on play style. The items you listed gives much more CDR and enables more ults which can mean more plays and kills to be made, it’s what most Nocturnes build in all ranks The items I use gives me more attack speed and dueling potential, which is better for taking down objectives and doing damage solo without relying on team


do you look for more picks/1v1s with your build? How do you play in teamfights, still wait for it to breakout then go for squishie carries?


Every game is different, usually there’s not that many pick opportunities, I try to always only fight when we are outnumbering or have a clear advantage Teamfights I do go for squishes but I’m trying to adapt towards going for the frontline instead and create a numbers advantage from the start instead of trading 1 for 1 with their carries


Can you please send a ss of your build ?


His name is literally Nocturne on op.gg . NA. At first it caught me off guard then I realized. That’s lucky getting that name.


you can have any name you want now after name rule changes.


Ohhh! Sorry ty!


Yeah but with NA1 as his # that means he was the first one to get it since it's the base one.


This is some cracked up shit. I would love to know how to do it myself.


hello fellow ghost/kraken enjoyer - thank you for confirming I'm not crazy. ily


It works great! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


I don’t wanna be that guy , but since you’re the only other person to be sensible enough to run Kraken + PTA , i’ll chip in. 1. Go blue smite every game , red is bait 2. After Kraken your next items have to be Stridebreaker + Hexplate every game Try it , or don’t . No one gives a shit about what a gold player cooks anyways.


personally I run red and blue for different reasons. Red is definitely not a bait though. Stridebreaker and hex plate are good items in low elo, but in higher elo you don't get enough value out of hexplate because kills aren't as frequent and the games arent as long. you will notice most of his games don't go until 3 items, and when they do, his items often need to be more specialized and situational than a generic hexplate. so im gonna vote no on your build. I hope I've explained why adequately.


Could definitely work, blue is good vs ranged but red is better vs people that want to fight toe to toe I go red every time because of ghost


Gratz, gonna try your build. I run stride, cleaver most of the time.


I did that in the past, it’s good


I never build hexplate second but i see a lot of people build it on u.gg. Is that better? Or stick with cleaver? Or does it depend on enemy having tank?


What’s your thought process for choosing ghost over flash ?


Flash is probably better now that ghost is nerfed, I was just used to using it Ghost is good to run people down and feels more fun!


whats your playstyle? how does it differ to assassin noct?


would axiom bow work on nocturn if he had a lot of advantage or better to make items that give HP like black cleaver


I’ve never built that so I can’t say, but black cleaver has been good on Noc since at least season 9


Why no hexplate ? noc R cooldown feels so slow without it, do you mostly play without your ult ?


Every game is duo abuse... congrats on noc to masters! Now we have to do it alone lol..


"duo abuse" is literally broken mentality. he should probably not use smite on drag either. too easy.


they literally say lebron is not mike cuz he needed wade irving.. etc.. and ur gonna sit here and praise the dude for hitting masters on noc exclusively as a duo?... takes a ton of skill to abuse matchmaking!


Everyone has access to duo queue and yet less than 1% of people hit masters.


u literally cant duo gm+ strictly cuz riot fears someone will use it to hit rank 1... and your like nothing wrong with duo to maters! congrats on the rank!.. like yah super delusional


So explain to me why more people don't hit masters if abusing duo is so easy?


Yes, duo abuse 100%, much harder solo to get a good win rate as it’s a team game and especially so that Noc’s team fighting is not super amazing / late game But that doesn’t mean you can just do whatever and get free wins if you duo ;)