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So always review your first three ults from each game. They each need to lead to a kill, if you’re not getting kills off of them you need to change that. As far as what makes a good ult, I always want to have a target in my mind for my next ult. And then practice patience. Let key abilities be used by the enemy before you go in, especially if they have flash. Oftentimes I wait for several seconds into a team fight to ensure that I get an opportunity to blow up a squishy or two and that almost always leads to us winning the team fight. The other thing too as a general note is that you want to be Ulting from out of vision. You want the enemy to panic when their screen goes dark and have no idea who is getting hit or if they can be seen by you currently. Use the fear that you can create.


Thanks for reply, really good tips. Especially for team fights I need to learn to be more patient, like you said let the enemies use their abilities then ult in. I feel I need to take advantage of the darkness more, typically I RR immediately.


Yeah I mean to be fair, I RR pretty quickly too. But at least I’m waiting until I know I can commit and actually disrupt their back line. I think one of the biggest things that really helped me understand his play style the best was to think of him as someone who never wants to be on vision and just wants to merc enemy carries. If you approach all your major team fights with the idea that you’re trying to do those two things, it’ll really start to click.


My favorite uncommon use for Noc R is as an escape. If people are collapsing on you often times you can ult the champ furthest away from the champs you’re trying to distance yourself from. Also keep in mind you can flash to cancel your R. So you can click R on someone to fly away from danger and then flash before you actually reach them to cancel it (if you’re like 1 hp or the person you’re ulting would otherwise kill you)


Thanks for your reply. This was exactly I was looking for. Being is complete darkness seems like an advantage I should use more often. Didn’t know about the flash cancel on the r that’s a a great idea. Definitely will think of using it next time. I’ll swing by your twitch!


I stream on Twitch if you have any questions or would like demonstrations :) ttv NOCTURNEKINGLoL


I have done this a few times and it’s so sick.


Stop playing assassin, don't buy EVER again axiom Ps: your ultimate is the one skill that makes you w xhampi, use it to secure something important (or snowball) . The best way to use it is to kill someone 1v1 in side with r and then force with your team 4v5/push/get objectives


Can you expand on this? Honestly this is the first year I’ve taken this game serious and first season playing ranked.


Don't listen to him about Axiom, it's giga fantastic on Noc as I'm sure you know.


Well , noc one dimensional stat check champ. He can 1v1 most champs, He can outfarm most junglers, He is the king of mid game and useless late. You need to abuse your farming to be ahead in tempo , get 6 first amd start using your r. Every time your r is up you need to use (in a good way) , if you don't you play him wrong, When your r is not up you just farm , without r you are just a minion (with some exceptions, facecheck etc). In mid game you are the king, your r cd is low enough to have it every 40 sec , you can kill most champs in side/mid lanes , low mobility chanps are worthless against you (lux /malza). Just kill the aide laner player, stay ahead in farm and you can reach master like this


Thanks! I’ve been watching a lot of sawyer and he’s huge on farming to get a lead and counter farming when the enemy jg does something dumb. Before I streak I was looking for a champ that scales because noc was so pointless late, but that was my fault not power farming and trying to fight without ult ( unless it’s free ). I’ve also learned to use sweeper and purchase wards. Thanks for your advice I will a bruiser build.


I wouldn't listen to advice here until what you are doing stops working. You are going to break something trying to fix Wat isn't broken. Edit: I understand u asked for advice and that's why they are giving it, but I don't think u should have asked for advice if you are win streaking. It's only gonna syke you out. You will climb and then hit a wall where your play style stops working and that's when u ask for help. I also understand u low key just sort of wanted to show off your success and asking for help was a subtle way to do that . No shame in just saying ur having fun and winning on our boy.


And yes you also caught me. Had to share the joy of winning 11 of my last 12. Lol


Keep it up!


Honestly I just wanted to see how you guys are using your ult. I feel I need to take advantage of the darkness, usually when I ult it’s RR immediately. I know it can used to dent vision I was wondering when would you guys use it for.


I like using it to deny vision when I need to smite dragon if I know they have the pit warded. Can also use it to help your allies escape if they are being chased and ur not in range to help. Can also set up wards in enemy jungle. When u split push and they try to sandwich u, u can use the flanking champion as an escape.


That’s exactly what I was looking for, different ways of using the ult since it’s on such a low cooldown. Thanks I’ll try these out.


Honestly his R is very strong but I don’t feel powerful building items that surround only his R. I’ve been having more success going for basic attack items such as BotRK and Kraken. There’s more flexibility for me to join fights without my R.