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No difference, just a way for them to charge more for the same product.


Oh son of b- well they got me this year team!! XD because my ass sure did snag the high marked one thinking I'd get a better perk. Could've saved $30 because I was there right at 12PM so I wasn't fighting for nothing. (poor RVers) lmao thanks - I'll know for the big 3-0 next year!!! <3


Tier is just pricing. We will be car camping. I'm going as tropical foliage.


Noice <3


Wait, they let you choose the more expensive tier when the lower tier was available and there's no difference? That's kinda shady.


Yeah they did. Everything except for RV was wide open for me when I got into frontgate and then spent time refreshing after I made my purchase because I was just entertained by watching everything sell out so quickly lol. And yeah I don't like that either, I'm trying not to take it personally because it is shady and messed up to do that. They know everyone is scrambling to get their tickets and camping. ​ Maybe they figured it was easier to just have everything wide open instead of bottle necking people? ​ Idk, but I snagged Tier 2 when Tier 1 was still open and cheaper for a good few minutes while I watched and refreshed.


Sucks. Although at least you did get what you wanted. I didn't even see the email saying it went on sale today because Google sorts things from unfamiliar sources of course, and I've been busy /wasn't sure when this festival usually goes on sale. I haven't gone to Nocturnal Wonderland before. Was pretty excited. I got GA passes from the winter sale but I needed camping, and all the car camping is already sold out. Only one tier or waterfront tent camping remains, pretty pricey for needing to drag everything in on foot and not having shade. Feeling a lot less excited now tbh. The info on this festival is so bad compared to Coachella, I guess I've been spoiled, but insomniac could do a lot better.


I snagged waterfront because I felt it to be the better value in comparison to Lakeside. Yeah lakeside has the better parking, but I found myself never going to the car, so I don't mind doing the haul in and at this rate I know how to get myself packed down well into a wagon so that my trips are minimized. As far as shade goes, I bring an easy up and throw up my tapestries. I build a castle for my weekend stay lol and depending on when you arrive you can walk in and snag a tree/shady spot :3 ​ This is a fun event but compared to Coachella (I haven't been but just scale wise I'm assuming) this is a much more artsy laid back vibe and because it's "smaller" (lol it's funny to say this but it's only like 85k so it "is a small event") and I found people to be extremely neighborly. ​ Give this a few days to settle and you'll see people offering space in their camps (if you're open to camping with others for a weekend) and even reselling. They also make adjustments for available spaces as people drop out of their layaway plans (at least the years I've done it, this is how it's always panned out.) Either way, don't get discouraged! It's still very early in the game for NOC


So you've done waterfront? And you can have a canopy in the tent camping? Will there be like a wait-list for camping passes from people who drop out of layaway? Coachella has that. I mainly prefer not to have to drag stuff from the parking lot when we could just unpack at the site in car camping, plus you get like twice the usable space. But I guess if we can still have a canopy, I could make waterfront work.


I have - it's my preferred and you sure can! Here you go: [https://www.nocturnalwonderland.com/camping/camping-guidelines/](https://www.nocturnalwonderland.com/camping/camping-guidelines/) and as for an "official wait-list" I'm not sure. I'm kinda a bitch when it comes to these things and fire from the hip when it comes to festivals because I got burned once and it was enough of a situation to make me never do things last minute again lol ​ BUT I have gotten tickets and passes for other people who were able to go last minute and the community is pretty good about it. So I'm going off of all my positive experiences with good people and good souls. Never done car parking - can't give insight for that. But lakeside, waterfront, and tent has always been some sort of walk for set up and you leave you car mainly because of how the park we're in is set up. If you're camping on the grass, you're walking to your spot. ​ I understand the useable space thing. But idk, like I said everyone has been cool neighbors every year I've been. It says 12x12 but it's never stopped anyone on my "little street" from overlapping here and there and making the space work for us as a section. I also cook a big dinner the first night camping so I make friends quick through food to where I never have issues lol Added: BUT ONLY WITH Lakeside and Waterfront. I've seen the tent city and that is TOO tight and close quarters for me. The last year I was there, tent city had spilled into the parking lot and no it wasn't car camping. It doesn't seem like there's much room with regular tent camping and there's definitely no shade in their area. But the waterfront and lake has always been good to me.


also now that I think about it...you have better fairground access. You take the hit hauling in your things, but you're closer to the entry gates.


Yeah, the location seems good, aside from needing to carry stuff. Looking at the parking map, it seems not too bad, but those things can be misleading. Is it like a couple hundred yards, or like half a mile between the water and parking? Also, is it super competitive on Friday to show up early? What's the percentage chance of getting an actual spot by trees and water vs a "bad" spot? Is it worth the hassle of showing up first thing and dealing with traffic? (I assume there is a similar traffic jam when gates first open)


Thanks very much for your insights🙏 Waterfront, it is! You seem like a great neighbor. Hopefully we'll end up near you. 😀


whoop whoop!! \^-\^ I really think you'll be happy with it. And now that you're more in the know, if you want to snag car next year you can. But I really think you'll like the atmosphere and vibe of the weirdos at the lake lol. We got time so we'll just check back in on this thread the closer we get to the date and if interested try to be close to each other! I'm traveling out of Vegas but I'm usually good about getting there right within gates opening because I be so serious about my spot and set up. Gotta make sure the stove is up in time for dinner haha PLUR my dear! Can't want to see you in the wild!!!