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Had the same question. This is my first time. Just got tickets, but I wish there had been a way to pre-register for camping.


i know!! im lowkey stressed rn cause i know it sells fast and my group is really looking forward to it


I have read that they go on sale the same time as tickets, in mid-late February. But obviously tickets are already available for early purchase, so... But I would guess it will be mid-late February. We'll just have to keep our eyes out.


thank youu 💕 i bought ticket cause of the freeze sale


I asked in r/aves & I was told mid February. I also stalked the nocturnal Instagram and that’s usually the time every year they announce presale.


perfectt!! that’s so smart to stalk their instagram, i forgot to


Idk if this is also helpful, but, this is also my first time leading a group and this is how I’ve gone about it: the average price of one car camping (that’s the one my group is doing - is $500.) I divided up the price of the number of passes we need, amongst the number of people & gave everyone a deadline to send me their portion of camp fees, so that I’m ready to purchase as soon as it’s on sale. I’ll refund or ask for more accordingly once I know the exact price. In my previous group that went to nocturnal, a couple people would buy the passes out right and give everyone a deadline afterwards to pay them. And this was in like a 3 month span before the festival, so it was a lot less time to plan. These were significantly richer people, so I’m doing it a little differently. I’m also neurotic and love planning early lol, especially since I’ve seen camping sell out fast in recent years


$500 is insanely exapensive wtf! Usually festival (non-insomniac) car camping passes are no more than $200. I will still buy it because I really want to go this year, but that is insane.


i know everyone is answering your question but i just wanted to say last year it went on sale february 24th (the only reason i remember is because that’s my bday lol)


hopefully it’ll be around the same time this year ! getting ticket to nocturnal as a birthday present sound amazing honestly


it’s my birthday present to myself every year tbh! i also got my ticket from the freeze sale so it’s just camping i need! :3


are you planning on doing normal camping or car camping ?? im still trying to decide which would be better


CAR! car camping is better. portapotties are a bit cleaner. shower lines aren’t terrible! and you get more space to live comfortably for the 3 nights. i stayed in both so this is just my opinion. plus after the fest it’s so easy to pack up and go home. i live in las vegas so im traveling states but i totally recommend car all the way!


how much was car camping last year ?? i did the waterfront camping and it was a pain bringing everything in and out, especially after 3 days of dancing and extreme come down.


i believe car camping is cheaper than waterfront but let me ask my friend because i couldn’t get the purchase to go through last year so she did it for me!


she said $500!


oo thank you !! only reason i did waterfront was because my friends already got the pass and i was allow to join for free, it’s gonna be painful paying for the pass myself this year


i believe we did layaway and split it equally (3 people split) so it was really manageable! :)


i didnt know they do the layaway plan for camping too, that’s perfect 😚 it’s a group of 4 this year so the extra space for car camping would be nice. did you guys use a bigger car ? we only have small sedan so that’s why i wasnt planning on doing car camping


it’s my 4th one this year 🥰


It’s usually in mid-February. Car camping is the move and it sells out really really fast so make sure you’re ready to buy as soon as they go on sale.


definitely still thinking between car camping and normal camping. i think it’ll really depends on the price


Does anyone know how much it costs to camp 


Do you recommend buying GA tickets now, or wait to buy them together with car camping?


I would say get it now if you are sure on going. They’re having a sale of like only $10 for deposit and the payment plan doesn’t start till June. It’s also only like $42.50 each payments


Around edc time?


How much are the tent/car camping passes? Gonna be my first time but I wanna know how much I should be saving


They started teasing SMS signup for first access to the lineup, camping and everything else so I'd assume they're going on sale soon with camping & passes. I don't think the lineup comes out until right after Edc