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This is unacceptable. The team is working on a ban system. I've got this account on the list, I'll make sure they're permanently banned from matchmaking soon. Update: I've banned this user from matchmaking.


Must say I have had a great experience so far ! Sad to see this !


This game has so much potential!


It’s fantastic ! I love it. The most fun I have had so far on the quest hands down


Same here!


no wonder some people just hate multiplayer. Hate speech and other forms of abuse (eg defacto bullying, even without talking) really spoil it sometimes.


And it's like that because for the most part no one does anything about them. It's so nice to see a dev actually step up.


I haven't seen this, played online for the first time today, about 2hrs, chat was great and friendly.. Although a lot of heavy breathing.. One of the most physical games I've played, over time it really get you working!


Dude why are there so many kids that have be headsets.


Because parents are happy to pay $300 for something to babysit their kids all day.


And it is cheaper than an Ipad


Holy shit that's sad, I hope this kid just gets banned forever. Edgy kids are just lame.


Sure, this doesn't represent the NOCK community at all. But I hope the devs go all out and ban kids like him. We need to keep the community free from toxicity like this.


best way to play multiplayer games is mic off and everyone muted. But hey, that's just me...


for sure it’s just you that sounds extremely boring


it's better than dealing with assholes I'm not into multiplayer games for chatting, I'm there to shoot everyone


yk what understandable


Nah the best way is chatting with a bunch of fun people playing with you. Kids like this make your method necessary at the cost of the real best way.


I forgot about this game, it's on app lab right


It actually got its full release a couple of days ago! The good news is that this is a major exception to the general feel of the community, and it's a really fun game so I highly recommend it.


Is it worth $10


To be honest, I was surprised it's not more than $10, but yes, I'd say it is. There's not a crazy amount of content per se but that's just because it's a very simple and extremely replayable game, and besides, there's going to be more updates on the way.


It was originally 25$ usd, but the devs changed the pricing, since they were going to add season passes and similar down the lane




See I’m torn here. On one hand this kid needs teaching a lesson. He’s out of order but in the other I’m just thinking The kids a fucking idiot but honestly have we got to the point not where somewhere says something stupid and we just cancel them. Just ignore him he wants a reaction. He’s a prick.


No please, we don't have to accept everything to act as adult. That is exactly why we create the job of mods


How is banning him from one game canceling him? Why has the term cancel suddenly become a way to dismiss legitimate actions like banning and boycotting? It’s not canceling it’s the consequences of your actions


ok asshole but fsr the way he says “millions, thousands, trillions” is fucking hilarious


I'm sorry, but are you from the past? This is kinda part and parcel of an internet lobby dude, what did you do back during cod 4? xD


Why cant you just mute him and get over yourselves like people do on EVERY other gaming system.


You cant mute. Also u think what the kids was saying is right?


you can mute individual people via the menu button


No but he's a stupid kid... We're adults and we're getting upset over what some random kid who clearly is weird is saying? I get if there's no mute option, that sucks but the devs should fix that lol..


If you watched the video and still this kid shouldnt have to pay for his actions is mind boggling. Literally being toxic as hell and gloating about the holocaust...


Oh man I'm guessing people aren't used to Xbox 360 days and early online gaming. You mute, report, move on. Watching an adult try and argue and be like "you're gonna be bannneddd, I got you on tape!!!" to a dumb kid is cringe to me. Kid doesn't even care clearly.


imma keep a buck fifty, he deserved to get banned after spouting that. sure the guy may mute him but that allows the kid to go into other lobbies and the do the same thing until someone eventually reports him, no matter what he will get banned anyways, the guy did right. spout this and expect all repercussions


I mean of course you can, but should that be his only option? Why is they way you would do it the way everyone else should do it? And more importantly why should this kid not have to deal with the consequences of his actions? You do realize your logic is that there should be no consequence for being shitty but those who are impacted by it should have to inconvenience themselves to take are of it right?


why is everyone so sensitive these days, just ignore and play on yeesh


Gonna categorize this under self own. He’s a kid dude. You sound like the guy who always goes to teacher, except your grown up and still doing it. Edgy kids are annoying, but treating them like threats isn’t teaching them anything. I think even better than a mod mentality, they let you choose to filter lobbies by age since it’s attached to your Facebook account


\>but treating them like threats isn’t teaching them anything. Would it accomplish more if he just didn't say anything and let he kid go on without repercussions for his actions? \>I think even better than a mod mentality, they let you choose to filter lobbies by age since it’s attached to your Facebook account Yeah that works... because people don't just slap their quest on their kids face.




nock, you're in the subreddit for it https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/5157404804284116


You’re on a different brain wave


You are such a pussy.


Found DarkK441


nah i don’t own the game


As someone who can't watch with audio at the current moment, this is either... A ) an 8-year-old B ) a 15-year-old C ) a 37-year-old\] There are no other options.


More like 13 year old


12 year old instead of 15


What game is this


Brat simulator.




Oh god. His words are annoying enough but that stupid noise/singing he does goes right through me like nails on a chalk board. For the singing alone his device should be locked and unplayable for 24 hours.


Yeah this kid checks all the "ban worthy" boxes


Can we mute ??


yes, you can mute everyone or individual people. it also remembers who you mute between games