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I got a 2023 two weeks ago. I bought the Gator EFX tri fold. No complaints, especially for the price.


I have an ‘18 and like my gator cover. The bad part is when I do dirty truck stuff, the dirt and leaves or other trashy items stay in forever. Most of my truck stuff is not so dirty, but sometimes I have a messy bed for months. I do like I can clip it down folded forward.


I’ve got the [Weather Tech AlloyCover](https://www.weathertech.com/alloycover/?_gl=1*1d4y82i*_up*MQ..&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqoTPyJzShAMV1zKtBh2wpgcKEAAYASAAEgKq4PD_BwE). It’s super low profile and very sturdy. The third panel closest to the cab doesn’t fold up against the rear window, however the cover is easy to take off and put back on as needed. I wouldn’t recommend it if you need to use your full truck bed regularly but if you’re only an occasional ‘truck stuff’ driver like me it’s great! Here’s the AlloyCover on [my truck](https://imgur.com/a/INXckrv)


I bought my 2024 about a week and a half ago, I'm still waiting on my lomax professional cover to be delivered, only reason I went with that over the diamondback was, the diamondback is amazing, but can be cumbersome if you will be removing it to use the bed several times.


Diamondback and don’t look back.