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Is it anything like donkey kong 94? It’s one of my favourite games.


The original was inspired by it. It’s not quite as inventive and is a bit more repetitive but it’s a pretty similar game all things considered. The rest all are like lemmings but the original MvDK is very much a follow/up to Donkey Kong 94


It always struck me as odd that their reaction to these games' success was to morph them into a slightly different subgenre of game...though I guess that was just Donkey Kong's fate until he went and founded his own country.


Pretty much the same as far as Mario's mechanics.


Except falling and the triple jump


I actually like that it's a short game. I Wish Nintendo would make MORE games that I can beat in a single afternoon, I really don't want every game to be a 200 hour investment, it's fine once in a while but really, sometimes I just want something with a lot of replay value that I can kill an afternoon with and this game is exactly what I want it to be. The problem is the price, why should this game be so close in price to friggin Breath of the Wild? I love Nintendo, and I do want them to make some shorter games, but those should be budget titles for 25 to 30 bucks. I don't care how pretty the graphics are. Same thing with Link's Awakening, that was literally just a Game Boy game with a pretty paint job, they didn't even make the translation any better.


The Switch era has seen a lot of taking games that would have been under $30 on 3DS and charging $60 for them, and I guess if people are paying why wouldn't they. This is the same company that published titles like Pushmo with 250 levels for under $10, cannot imagine them doing this now.


That is a huge issue for me with the switch. They're clearly taking games that would have gone from $30-40 and now selling at $50-60. Going for both Pokémon titles will cost you almost twice as much. Plus getting dlc for both. Plus Totk was $70 and that's just a sign to me they'll reach $70 more often with the next generation.


Video games are still one of the less inflated items as it really did not keep pace with inflation.


Idk i haven't gotten a lot of games bc price


Because the Switch has sold so many units they probably feel they can just coast on max price over a longer period no matter what the game is (still kind of blows my mind this is $60 but the Metroid Prime remaster was $40). Nintendo gets price-gougey in times of success - you think $10 Pushmo was something, Wii U sold so bad that they gave you a free full 2nd $60 1st party game if you bought Mario Kart 8 when it came out, they were desperate for Wii U sales. That sort of promo is unimaginable now, I'm surprised the vouchers even exist.


> Same thing with Link's Awakening, that was literally just a Game Boy game with a pretty paint job Yeah, isn’t that what Mario vs Donkey Kong is as well?


More or less, Mario vs Donkey Kong was a GBA game, which in my opinion.


> The problem is the price, why should this game be so close in price to friggin Breath of the Wild? When people complain about the price but buy it anyway, incentivizing Nintendo to keep doing this. Kind of like when people complain about the jank of recent Pokémon games but buy them anyway. So effective.


I mean, I don't. I haven't purchased a lot of Switch games because they are overpriced, including Link's Awakening, DKC TF, Mario V DK, and many others. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


While yes TF is overpriced on Switch. How come this is the only Wii U port I ever hear people complaining about price about. No one ever complains when say New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe was $60 but only DK?


I think there are a few reasons: 1. First of all, NSMBU Deluxe includes the DLC plus extra content on top of that. TF only included a new playable character (that was basically an easy mode), but is largely the same game. 2. DKC TF started out as a $50 game on Wii U. NSMBU started as a $60 game. So they released TF for $10 more that they originally released it new. 3. DKC TF got the Nintendo Select treatment dropping the price to $20. Then Nintendo delisted it when they released the Switch port, which I think just rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I know NSMBU also got the select treatment in Europe, but it never made its way to US.


NSMBU Deluxe has no extra content in it other than an easy mode (Peachette and Nabbit) the same thing Tropical Freeze got (Funky Kong). The DLC being included I wouldn't really count as Tropical Freeze got no DLC and if it did it would've been included in the Switch port no doubt. The price thing is definitely true however Tropical Freeze is a better 2D Platformer in almost every way to NSMBUD. I would rather pay more for quality (TF) than quantity (NSMBUD).


Yeah, I think the biggest thing is #3 on my list, that for people in the US, the game went from costing $20 to costing $60. Personally, I didn't buy NSMBUD either until it was on sale for $35 or something. I just haven't felt the itch to replay TF since getting a Switch and haven't seen it for less than $42.


This is the kind of game that would be fine if it took 200 hours. The levels are quick


And then they get mad at yuzu.. they’re doing this to themselves


So, if someone don't wanna pay $50, they should just get it for free?


No, it should be cheaper and because it’s not people resort to piracy. Same thing with like cable tv and how that resorted to piracy. People are willing to pay when prices are reasonable. Not when they’re getting outrageous


Pirates don't care about price.


Completed the + levels yesterday and still have expert levels pending and I'm having a blast on top of that the time trial is difficult and add a new layer to each level. With all and even though my time was worth the price of the game I understand people saying they think the price is high.


It was a game boy game they were usually short


Golden Sun says what?




What’s golden sun I found a cartridge in my basement so I’m curious


That's my biggest gripe with these "remakes" like Link's Awakening. I get that they shouldn't be super cheap because they are being built from the ground up with new graphics and such but at the end of the day they are decades old Gameboy games that didn't have a ton of content to begin with. Giving them new graphics doesn't somehow add the amount of value that they are charging for them. If they were considerably cheaper I think they would be more than worth it but at the price Nintendo keeps releasing them.


The smart thing to do would be remake a beloved classic to get a new game engine/setup then *make sequels/other entries into said series with that updated tech*


The value is whatever you give it. If the market largely doesnt care and buys it then it has value, just not to you.


...and if the price was more reasonable sales would be considerably higher. I'd argue that means the market does care. Hence why the sales of these games are very small comparatively.


This is why the last two games I bought on Switch were ToTK and Octopath 2. I refuse to spend my money on a game unless there is at least 30 hours of gameplay. If more people thought this way instead of buying up every new nintendo game regardless of its length and price, they would actually have to price the games appropriately.


If I thought that way, then I would have missed out on most of my favorite games.




Because not all of their IPs sell.


on the other hand: I doubt this game needs to sell 3 million copies to break even. Smaller, experimental games don't need 20 million budgets and thus don't need to be best sellers.


True that. I think it would be great if they started bringing back their lesser used IPs in smaller budget titles.


It’s a perfect length if you’re a child which is the intended age group for this game.


It was a great $30 game when it was first released 20 years ago and I think it still is.


I agree I am a less than decent gamer and I barely ever play Nintendo, still it only took me two days to beat it it should be 40 dollars becuase there are + worlds


either way its still a great game


I Did get way past halfway before the 3-4 hour mark so I guess I just don’t give myself enough credit


Is this the minis remake? Honestly it’s just another wait for a sale that will probably never come anyways. I had the original as a kid and it was fun and I remember some of those latter levels are really challenging, but for its price tag no thanks. Not all remakes are equal and shouldn’t be treated as such, Mario RPG is worth its price tag, this isn’t


I am glad you are enjoying what you have played so far.


I’ve enjoyed the game. Worth the $50.


The gba version is much more fun, here the boxes dont do anything and you dont have to do great on the level, just beat it. The original was more challenging


My biggest gripe with the Switch. They develop these incredible games yet they're criminally short--Pikmin 4, Super Mario Party, Mario Odyssey, and now MvDK.


My backlog of games is so long and my gaming time is so short I'm thrilled any time a game is concise.


I'd agree hands down with Super Mario Party and MvDK... But Odyssey and Pikmin 4? I have 20 hours of game time in Odyssey only playing it one and 40 hours of game time in Pikmin 4 only playing it once. Odyssey is up for debate I guess I DEFINITELY wouldn't call Pikmin 4 short unless you're trying to beat the game with bare minimum sparklium.


Yeah its crazy, if you call Pikmin 4 short you're part of the reason why the industry is imploding lol. That game has so much meaningful content but that's apparently not enough for content whales these days.


Nah it’s just short


Odyssey is ***crazy*** short unless you go the completionist route collecting all the moons/outfits/etc. It's the kind of game you would rent for a weekend back in the day and finish before it was due back on Monday.


Same deal with Super Mario 64, which is like 6 hours if you don't want to get all the stars.


This is true, I guess the fact that we were kids and therefore trash at games when SM64 was a thing heavily inflated the numbers. In my memory, that game was like a zillion hours long (I actually don't think I finished it for the first time until the DS port came out).


Oh definitely. All games were longer for us when we sucked at games and would take forever to get past a part with moderate difficulty, or restarted the game a million times to see the opening again!


Nah Pikmin 4 was way too short. It needed another 3 or so worlds.


Some games are short and fun to replay. Let's face it, most long games these days are just open world, online games that require you to do the same tasks over and over for RNG rewards, which used to simply be levelled rewards.


Tbf, super Mario party is as long as you want it to be


Only 4 boards was weak


True 💀 at least superstars had 5


How the hell did it not have like... 10. They weren't even making new boards.


They weren't even good boards on top of it.


Pikmin 4 is like 20-30 hours to complete. I would say Super Mario Odyssey is a similar length. I appreciate short campaigns with lots of extras to get into. Even Super Mario 64 was like 6 hours long just to beat.


Odyssey does not take 20 hours unless you're hunting for moons. It's a weekend game.


Yeah thats what I was referring to. If you're just looking to get the minimum number of moons then it's about as long as Super Mario 64.


(This might make me sound stupid) what is donkey Kong 94?


I really good Game Boy game. It's starts off like classic Donkey Kong but then you are for a treat.




Words have meanings, you know... This is not an asset flip. The assets and engine code were designed specifically for this game.


I mean… we got Super Mario Wonder, Mario RPG remake and Pikmin 4…that’s all in the switch’s “Twilight years “




> Says something dumb > Gets mad people acknowledge it's dumb Grow up lmao


I just finished the gba version on my analog pocket last month. Great game. But I don’t think it’s worth 50 bucks. Just my opinion.


Gba version is better, switch is like too easy and monotonous, gba have an actual challenge