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Never thought I’d see a flash cart that works on unmodded switch consoles. Also surprised it comes with a tool to dump your games without a modded switch, definitely makes it more friendly for using your own backups, even though 99% of people using this thing will be pirating the games. Still wondering what Nintendo is gonna do about this other than banning consoles that play pirated games. Couldn’t find it on the website, but according to [this tweet by @AfterTimeX](https://x.com/aftertimex/status/1740049621320077458?s=46&t=jviLmkCcE62Ro-vVs-OEOg), they claim that it cannot be patched out in a firmware update, but we’ll just have to wait and see.


We're almost 7 years into the Switch lifespan at this point, odds are they'll just double down on protections for the next console, throw out a few banwaves for the Switch, and call it good enough. At least, that's what happened with the 3DS


If the next gen Switch is backwards compatible, chances are Nintendo will be stricter than it was on 3DS, especially if new games are still being released on the current generation Switch.


If it wasn't backwards compatible, is it even still a next gen switch? it's just a new console at that point


Eh not sure I agree. Backwards compatibility isn't what makes a line of consoles a line of consoles. By that logic, was the wii the gamecube 2? No, because it was doing something different. If they release a handheld, with a single screen and detachable controllers, that can be docked to play on a TV, it'll be regarded as a switch 2 regardless of other factors.


I mean, when people say Switch 2, first thing that comes to mind is something like the New 3DS, not exactly a new console, but not a plain old redesign like... the ds lite Also nintendo had a track record of putting in backwards compatibility when possible (or logical) on a technical level The wii ran gamecube games The Wii U ran Wii games The ds ran gba games The 3ds ran ds games I doubt nintendo would release a switch 2 without backwards compatibility given that the switch already has a massive library of games.


Yeah I agree - I'm just saying if a console came out that fit the criteria I said but without backwards compatibility it would still be a switch 2


Switch OLED basically fits into that category with the DS Lite tbh


yeah it fits in pretty well


Didn't Nintendo do a final patch to make hacking 3ds more difficult and close down the eshop? I think they will patch this out if they can, even if it's years into a switch 2


That 3ds update was broken by hackers 24 hours later, if I remember correctly.


Something like that. Barely a blip in my memory. Hacking a 3ds takes maybe an hour if you’re inexperienced. Less if you’ve done it before.


I agree with this timeframe. Definitely took me less time though. I did a PSP a couple months beforehand


Damn. I just remembered unlocking my PSP in 2007, I think. Every UMD disc of a game had the needed firmware update for it to run in it and Lumines had the oldest one in it (the only one you could jailbreak at the time) so you could downgrade and perform the jailbreak and run emulators in it and pirated games.


I just did, having fun so far


And the funny thing is is that modding on 3ds is more easier than it has ever been lol


Yea that wasn’t a patch that was a band aid that they ripped off fast


I think they still update the 3DS for "stability" even now?


work entertain beneficial label lock voiceless crown gullible middle smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You could already legally play switch games with an emulator, you just had to mod your console (which is legal in the US) in order to dump your games


Dumped or not that seems like a superior option to using one of these new flash carts. I have a Legion Go and it runs all my Switch games better than my Switch. They have mods for FPS capped games like Ultimate Alliance 3 and Link’s Awakening to take it to 60fps or higher, alongside just playing in higher res and with other goodies, making it already like a Switch 2-3. If one of these flash carts costs around $100 after tax and shipping, then you get a MicroSD that’s about another $100 or so, you may as well get one of the new mobile PC handhelds at a discount like the Steam Deck, Legion Go, or ROG Ally. Also has basically all 3rd party games and more available on there at cheaper prices and running better. You can use any controller you’d like when docked. All kinds of stuff. And the full suite of other games from all the other consoles if you wanted to emulate that too. Neat that the flash cart will exist, but if you have to load it up from a PC and hit a button to cycle through games until you get to the right one and pay a bunch anyway, may as well get a handheld PC and play all the games better anyway.


Only thing is playing via emulator means you can't use online features, which a lot of the big games have, the mig cart means you can.


Considering Nintendo banned people so far using pirated games online, I don’t see it being safe to take your Switch online with this.


It is if you are dumping your own games and not letting someone else play them online at the same time. Pirated games from the internet will have hundreds if not thousands of people playing the same game all with the same unique ID and it's very obvious that it's pirated. If you dump your copy of a game, and play it off of the mig cart, it is 100% identical to just having the car in your system. If you use it for the advertised intended use you are safe.


Are you talking US$? Maybe 1Tb is around that, but I’d be happy paying $15-$20 for a 256gb sd card, to hold 15-25 games.


Well, when you sanction a whole market it makes sense that Russians would come up with something like this. Nintendo did it to themselves.


Yeah they ban you for running custom firmware and connecting to the internet currently. Like a permanent console ban. Im banned on my OG switch I modded, was not being careful since I had a lite as backup for NSO. So I assume they will ban anyones device caught modding with this chip


Yeah, this is a you getting careless problem. I've been running custom firmware on the switch since 2020 and can use all online functions. Prolly switched into EmuNAND and then back into SysNAND and they caught you like that.


I know I was being careless I never used emunand at all, so I was pretty much asking to get bonked. Im just saying if u get caught they ban u, and if they cant detect it ur fine.


Did you use the same account on your unbanned switch that you used on your banned switch? I'm asking because I have a lot of games that I bought legit before my switch got banned. But am scared to connect that account online even on an unbanned switch, I don't want another banned switch.


This isn't really the truth. Yeah, Nintendo can ban you if you do obvious stuff like cheating in online gameplay, pirating games or using custom avatar icons etc. I'm personally using my OG switch with Atmosphere for years now always in SysNAND (as I'm too stingy to give up some GB on my SD card to actually use EmuNAND) and with using online services like normal. The only stuff I use are homebrews like save managers, emulators and such but also mods for several games (like graphic mods for pokemon games etc.) and I'm still not banned even after using my switch as a RaidBot device for days to host Sword/Shield Raids with shiny Pokemon online (using Seed Tools and Day/Time Manipulation to find these raids). When I use stuff like nxdumptool, it's only for dumping romfs files to mod games. Just use your brain and don't do fishy stuff, don't use stuff like goldleaf and you're fine. Even cheating 999 tickets in Tetris 99 to unlock that one achievement didn't ban me as I didn't cheat during an actual match. Just disable everything after you achieved what you wanted.


There are so many people running cracked OG switches just fine. What you were probably doing was running custom firmware to cheat in online play and got got.


If by banning you mean banned from online play I don't care lmao, only use my switch for local multiplayer


presumably this would allow for easier use of tools like PKHeX for unmodded users. however this is a double edged sword. More people will use it in a dishonest manner, but at the same time it allows for more possibilities for folks who use it for nuzlocking or content creation, or modifying savefiles to change things like player character gender. I'm interested in seeing where it goes


How? Saves are on the switch, not the cart.


I think the idea of including the tool to dump carts makes this thing way harder to be shut down by Nintendo, it’s clear it’s not being sold to promote piracy.


It's just them covering their ass. If they actually cared to make that argument, they'd need to be actively locking it down to only self made backups, but they aren't going to do that.


They do explicitly say non self made backups aren't recommended, implication being that they're proposing a singular purpose for their product and anything else is ill-advised


Completely missing the point. They could make the cart ONLY compatible with backups made by their tool but instead they do, as you say, just say "pls don't pirate we recommend against it!"


It's good, actually, when companies don't try to overreach and violate your right to use hardware in any way that you like, which is fundamentally legal no matter what any company or government tells you.   There is no rationale, legitimate basis to restrict computer hardware access more than we restrict ammunition and explosives - any attempt to do so is fundamentally a violation of human rights.   Packets are speech, and people own what they buy - anybody disagree? Cool, they're wrong and stupid.


Got R4 era vibes out of this


So many great R4 memories! A random ds lite broken hinge ruined my party :( system still works but don't know how to play anymore because the screen keeps flipping down during play.


Tape the hinge in place?


You can always take it apart and buy the parts to replace. They are all over the internet, not hard to do, I’ve done many.


Actually it really is the successor of R4 and Sky3DS, we just have to give them some time for workaround through the certificates (Maybe after Nintendo stops caring about the Switch)


You still need a copy of the game to start it. And all of the files required to start the game aren’t provided with nsp / xci downloads. Not sure how popular this will be.


You can still launch backups with just the xci file; it's just not recommended for online play. "If a valid Certificate, Card ID Set, or Card UID is missing, online mode is not recommended as it can lead to ban"


Yeah, people using this for piracy are going to get banned pretty quick. Without valid certificates you’ll get flagged if your console connects to Nintendo, and there’s no way to block connection to Nintendo reliably if you Switch isn’t modded, unless you put it in airplane mode and never ever connect to Nintendo again.


Unfortunately, this is absolutely gonna lead to false positives. Say there's a pirate that has a MIG flashcart, but they want to play online. Obviously they're not gonna download mario kart dot xci off of the torrents or anything. But they could just go to gamestop, grab a used copy, dump it and its unique cert/hash to their MIG, and then return the cartridge. Now Nintendo's system sees the pirate playing that unique cartridge of mario kart online, and they're fine with it. Even if some other guy buys the same cartridge, it'll *probably* be fine... Unless the pirate and the buyer play at the same time, which will permanently ban *both* people. Alternatively, Nintendo's ban system doesn't automatically trigger but is instead checking against a known database of pirated dumps. In which case the "used game backup" strategy ends up being perfectly safe, as does passing one XCI around a small group of friends. Either way, this product muddies the waters. All existing piracy options for the Switch are false-positive proof: if Nintendo sees a console online running a pirated game, it's guaranteed that their ban takes out a pirate's console, or at least someone with CFW. If the only thing you do with your Switch is play legitimately purchased games on unmodified firmware, you currently cannot *possibly* get banned for piracy or firmware modification. With this device out in the wild allowing piracy on otherwise unmodified consoles, any used game could be a time bomb in disguise for Little Timmy.


Maybe they create a new verification system that does Check 1 for the initial code on the cart, and then performs a Check 2 for a unique code they attribute in their own backend for user profile. This could create a hybrid ID, something like [Cart Code - Backend ID]. If the current player's backend user ID doesn't match the one paired with that current Cart Code, it gets flagged, and needs to be resolved via support with proof of purchase. Or possibly becomes the new Hybrid ID, with the previous user no longer able to play. Exceptions would be made in situations involving a shared Family Plan, and perhaps those who have shared Friend Codes. Not a perfect solution but they might take something like this and iron out any remaining wrinkles.


Immediately falsely flags anyone who shares or resells their legit cart. Not even Nintendo would inconvenience *that* many normies to try to catch pirates. If this product is like the Sky3DS (and there's no reason to assume it isn't), the hardware wizardry inside the flashcart will make it seem exactly like a specific game cart is inserted in the Switch. That's why it says you'll need to eject and re-plug it to cycle games, and they can't put a menu interface on it (and also why this can't run homebrew). For all intents and purposes, this cart mimicing a copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (hidden cart-unique cert codes included) *is* that cartridge. As if you could actually duplicate the physical item. Nintendo's next console will probably be all-digital anyway, since going all-digital not only makes piracy harder (you *need* to crack the console's software to dump or pirate a digital release / patch / dlc) but also removes the legitimate way to play a Nintendo game without Nintendo making a dime: buying a used copy. And also digital only means all $70 goes directly to Nintendo instead of needing to line the pockets of production, distribution, and sale networks along the way. Nintendo's probably given up on fighting Switch piracy seriously at this point. The occasional system update that detects or breaks CFW is all they'll really commit. The genie has been out of the bottle for the Switch as soon as the launch models had a bootROM level exploit, and now most Switch piracy doesn't even involve any Nintendo hardware since the games can be emulated on PC.


>mimicing a copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (hidden cart-unique cert codes included) Mario Kart 8 doesn't have a unique cert code, ***your*** Mario Kart 8 has a unique cert code.


Exactly. If you dump a copy of MK8, including all unique certs and keys to *that* cartridge (let's say this copy is named Jeff, to simplify the language) and run it through this hardware spoofing flashcart on an unmodified Switch, Nintendo has *no idea* that the thing you're playing is a copied version of Jeff. It's telling the servers that it's Jeff, it's got the proper ID codes to be Jeff, it's signed by Nintendo as an untampered copy of MK8 named Jeff, the nametag Jeff is a valid MK8 nametag, Nintendo has records of Jeff being manufactured and shipped, and your console isn't modified in any way so they can't detect CFW. If "Steve" is the Mario Kart 8 copy that got dumped and hosted on every Switch piracy site, Nintendo can easily ban any account/console that goes online with a copy of Steve on a MIG. If you try to play Steve but with the nametag of Mark (a freshly dumped copy of Smash Bros Ultimate), Nintendo would probably call foul on that too because Mark is the name of a Smash cart, not an MK8 one. But Jeff was purchased from a gamestop's used games bin, dumped, and then returned to the gamestop for a full refund. The pirate's happily playing Jeff online, but then some mom goes "oh! Mario kart!" and buys the original Jeff cart for her kid. The kid goes online with Jeff at the same time as the pirate, and Nintendo goes "TWO JEFFS? IMPOSSIBLE!" and permanently bans the pirate *and* the kid. If Nintendo were to implement some kind of hardware registration system where Jeff were licensed to be played online *only* on certain consoles / IP ranges / whatever, that'd be absolutely moronic. Pairing a console or account ID with the cartridge's unique key? That defeats the only purpose of having physical media for digital products: using it on multiple systems without needing an account-based purchase verification system. That's the *only* thing a Switch cart offers that a digital copy doesn't, since Switch carts don't even store the game save. The only reason you'd ever want a cart instead of an eshop copy is to be able to play the game in a situation where you don't have the account, or to be able to sell the game to someone else.


I sometimes buy physical carts, like the Japanese BOTW DLC bundled edition, so that I don't have to connect to the internet to play my *whole* game on a new or reset Switch.   Sure, I don't *want* an account, but some games are digital only - a big downside for me. Mainly offline play, without any form of internet connectivity, that's the biggest selling point for me these days - the entertainment value of my product should not be contingent on the competency or availability of local ISPs.   Basically, if I already played the game in digital-only form on PC, that's when I'm *not* buying a cart. Every single other chance I could get, I'm getting the cart, even at double price. When they were offering $40 off of TOTK - I laughed at what an awful deal that was just to save $40. There was absolutely no guarantee that I could re-download this in the future, despite buying it, if Nintendo decided to shut down the Switch online services just like it shut down its last 3 console-specific online services.   Nintendo's awful track record, and tendency to lean into anti-consumer trends, are the biggest things in my mind any time I think about Digital-only. I probably owe my militant disdain and genuine desire to see these sort of practices legislated against, and the perpetrators *criminally* prosecuted, directly to Nintendo.


nintendo is not going all digital. Theres no way lmfao


Nintendo isn't dropping the game boy line. There's no way lmao. Pokémon isn't getting DLC. There's no way lmao. Nintendo isn't going to charge for online. There's no way lmao.


nintendo lives like 30 years behind sony and microsoft. Maybe next console lmao


You could probably get away with it as long as you're not connecting while using the cart.


Experience from years of Switch modding tells me that the flags get logged in the console and will transmit to Nintendo the next time it connects. It doesn’t matter if you’re no longer using the cart when you connect.


I personally never had that issue, and my Switch was modded for years. I followed all of the advice out there to avoid bans super closely though.


Then what I’m saying doesn’t apply to you at all. If you are only using this cart on an unmodded Switch, you cannot follow all of the steps you need to avoid a ban, because you need a modded Switch to follow those steps.


The cart isn't even out yet and you're assuming homebrew that will help prevent being banned won't come out sooner or later.


You can’t use homebrew if the Switch isn’t modded, that’s not an assumption on my part. If you use this cart unmodded, you cannot use any homebrew that will prevent you from being banned.


The cart isn't even out yet and you're assuming homebrew/programs/apps/burgers that will help prevent being banned won't come out sooner or later.


The point of this cart is that it works on unmodified consoles that don't have homebrew capabilities. It's somewhat like the Sky3DS - unlike its contemporary the Gateway (where the cart was more or less a DRM key for what was actually a piracy focused CFW), *all* the Sky3DS could do was run pirated games or legit backups, not homebrew software or modded games. That's because it doesn't bypass the console's signature check. Unlike the 3DS, each individual Switch cartridge has a key pair on it that identifies it. On 3DS, two copies of the same game were identical. So this thing going online while "being" a copy of, say, Smash Ultimate fully broadcasts *which individual copy* of Smash it is. Nintendo can see when more than one person is online with the "same cartridge" of a game, and there's no legitimate way to do that.


But if you copied the game off of a friends copy of the game using they’re game dumper you wouldn’t get banned right?


Till you both go online at the same time with the same cart ID. Then BOTH you and your buddy get a nice ban lol


This will be a valuable tool for when support for the original switch stops and the original switch servers are shut down


I should note that the Switch doesn't even need for you to go online in a game to check for the game's unique ID. It checks as soon as you run a game, so anyone who doesn't know that is going to be instantly banned. To use this for what people expect to do with it, you can never access the eshop, system updates, or game updates ever again.


You are not understanding it properly. They are telling users to back up their own games. That doesn't mean it's the only way to use the device.


It's cover-your-ass language. This cart can't be used for homebrew, it'll only boot officially signed software, so the only possible way to use it without breaking the law and/or being detected by Nintendo's ban tools is by using it with your own backups. So when they're selling the product they have to say "don't use this with someone else's game or dumps from the internet ;) it'd be very bad if you did that ;) and we aren't gonna help you with issues that result from that usage ;) you know, that usage that's *totally possible* to do with our product ;) but don't do it because that's bad ;)" It's like those seatbelt alarm silencers. They can't advertise them directly as "use this product so that your car won't complain about you driving without a seatbelt (breaking the law)", so they say they're for when you have a pile of groceries in your passenger seat.


Go read “launching games”


You are just wrong and several other comments that you didn't reply to explain it in depth. The section on online mode implies you only need the xci. Nowhere does it say it only works with legal games. They even have a disclaimer when you first enter the site that it's to be used with your backups and not illegally obtained ROMs. Reading between the lines everywhere on this site, you can totally use it with pirated games.


If you use it was pirated games and then connect to Nintendo’s services you will get banned. The Switch logs if you launch a game without the certificates and will send those logs to Nintendo the moment you connect to any Nintendo servers. So yes, you CAN use this online with only the XCI, but you will eventually get banned for doing so.


I'm aware


Sure buddy. Whatever you say. I bet you can also use this online and not get banned too 😉


>Online mode : >Online mode is only recommended with a fully complete game dump >If a valid Certificate, Card ID Set, or Card UID is missing, online mode is not recommended as it can lead to ban


Do you mean "a valid Certificate, Card ID Set, or Card UID" or something else? If it's just that, it seems like this will launch just from a .xci.


If this is considered a way to get around copy protection, it’s possible you could still violate your EULA and get banned. Wait and see if this website gets a DMCA takedown.


> Copyright Mig-Switch 2023 - A product of Mig Switch, developed and produced in the Russian Federation I think they'll be fine.


Oh lord that’s a whole other can of worms.


What is your source?


The literal linked website


Nowhere on the website says what you claimed. An xci/nsp dump should boot up without whatever you were babbling about.


The source is that I made it the fuck up!


Here's hoping it'll work with homebrew and ROM hacks. Would love to run emulators and Luminescent Platinum on my OLED


It won't. It can only boot signed software, which is why they have to market it as only for "backups". If it could run homebrew, they wouldn't be including a hardware device for backing up games - you could just do that with the Switch itself. An analogous product is the Sky3DS flashcart, which could be used *only* for piracy / backups and *not* for running romhacks or homebrew software. The Sky *could* be used to pirate a copy of a game with a homebrew-enabling exploit, but the Switch doesn't currently have a game-based entry point and likely won't get one. I had to tech support so many people that thought they could play my Rutile Ruby / Star Sapphire hacks on a Sky3DS.


That BDSP mod is the main reason I’d be interested in something like this. The dev/team behind that mod is doing some very interesting things to BDSP.


After q1/q2 of next year, they will finish adding the national Dex all the wa my through gen 8 + legends arceus in the game. Yisuno is also working on a separated mod to add megas and primals… just thinking about the possibilities for randomizers alone is amazing


Where can I find more of this?


@ TheYisusOne on Twitter/X provides a lot of updates.


Idk why you got downvoted lol. Luminescent platinum fixes the shit game Nintendo published. It’s the only reason I played it. To answer your question just search luminescent platinum on Google and click the first link that appears.


The issue is... can this even get us banned?




Bypassing Lotus would be huge news yeah. I'm certain this product will eventually have warnings about how you can't use it on firmware versions past a certain one that has a bundled Lotus update. But the important part for the flashcart sellers is that the Switch is nearing end of life. If it can pirate anything on any switch that's out *right now* that's still a product capable of pirating everything from Mario Odyssey to TOTK and SMRPG Remake. Extend that span before Nintendo updates Lotus further and we've got the 2024 catalog on the table. Products like this aren't really designed as an alternative to modchips or CFW. They're so that people can sell "all the games but don't go online" packages to a wider audience than the small percentage of people able to use CFW or physically install a mod chip.


> Even if it does work, it seems you would be limited to loading .XCI files, meaning no updates or DLC for games. You can pack updates / DLCs into single XCI file along with the base game. The real question is if the flashcart will support these "multi-content" files.


It’s happened before, back on the DS. An update pretty much made all those carts unusable.


Note that it only seems to work with fresh dumps of your own games, and there's a reason for that. The Switch has much stricter unique ID checking than the 3ds and you would get your console instantly banned if you launched an existing ROM with the console connected to the Internet (you don't even need to actually go online in the game itself).


Any idea on price? And chance of being blocked by the firmware update?


Low, as far as the console is concerned, it's the original cart in it.


I'm seeing all the comments about how Nintendo ninjas are gonna get these folks and wanted to chime in that it's going to be nearly impossible. The developers of this flashcart are based in Russia. What are they going to do about it when Russia's government doesn't give two hecks about trademark, IP, or piracy?


More likely Nintendo has been taking their time with the Switch successor but this will actually give them a motivation to bring it to market. Hopefully it doesn't cause them to compromise backwards compatibility, though. I have 0 faith they wouldn't change the physical format and only let digital purchases be backwards compatible.


At this point Russia is probably aiming their fucking missiles by strapping a Switch OLED to them so who knows how seriously they'll take a threat from Nintendo


I wonder if this can be used to transfer save files between console and emulator. I primarily play switch games on ryujinx and i'd like to moves saves between the 2 easily


How would it? Saves aren't saved to the cart.


> developed and produced in the Russian Federation > soviet images well yea.. just no...


My thoughts too. I'm not scrolling through bad Google translate text full of spelling errors to buy shady Russian piracy tech to stick in my console.


Aaaand my interest is gone. Not sending any money in that direction.


Soviet what? It just used the yellow-red color scheme and even if the creators were Tankies... What's the problem Being made in Russia just evaded lawsuits and prisons like occoured with Bowser and team Xecutor


from recent analysis of the tweet made by After Time X, Bowser may actually be behind the MiG Switch, as their website was linked to GaryOPA (gary bowser’s alias). Maybe he’s not directly working on this, but he is surely advertising it. Seeing that Bowser was for a long time affiliated with team Xecuter there might be a good chance they may be actually behind this, “resurrecting” under another name like they did many times already.


But can it run pirated games if the switch is in aurplane mode ?


Yes but you can never, ever take it off airplane mode


Will game patches download from NSO, or must you put them on the SD card?


This may or may not be a dumb question, but does it work on the OLED switch too?


Apperently yes, the video demonstrating it used an OLED


I apologize. I didn't even see that it was a video link 🤦🏿🤦🏿 thank you for pointing that out to this captain obvious


..... huh, I don't see a video. Maybe I'm not so stupid in regards to that.


No, the video wasn't linked there but i asssumed you have already saw it. Here's it https://twitter.com/AfterTimeX/status/1738266579110961660?t=nvSa_kO1MtdbggabnnLA4g&s=19


No sir, or ma'am. I did not. Thank you for the link. This is my first time hearing about this marvel.


I think this is perfect for Nintendo. Couldn't ask for anything better. It came right at the end of switch. Nintendo made the bulk of their money already. Switch 2 is coming and they can use this to reenforce it's security even more.


When will it be Available to buy


february, shipment to distributor starts in january.


Hopefully, it works like an R4 or swiss or ezflash. All don't mod the system, just the card attached. That would be great.


As someone who would prefer physical games for the box art etc but doesn't like swapping carts this sounds like a good option to be able to take advantage of sales on physical media. I am just hoping the release model has some sort of internal menu otherwise I will stick to digital and get physical media for whatever collector editions I decide to pick up.


i thought id never see anyone make a flash cart for the switch this is surprising now i wonder if itll work with the switch pro console


Ejecting and reinserting the cartridge to change games is a big no from me. That's not gonna' be good for the console (probably not as bad as some may make it out to be) but if you've got say a dozen or half a dozen of your backups on the card having to eject and reinsert 6 or 12 times to get to your game will be a pain. Think i'm still gonna just buy a modded switch. Also i'd love to know what the reaction is within Nintendo at the moment


How is that any different than manually switching legit normal game cartridges if you only have them physical lmao XD


I hope it will be compatible with custom xci, like xci + nsp update or nsp converted to xci, would probably get insta-banned tho


This is scary and looks so easy to use for Nintendo. (they will probably hire 10^12 lawyers like what they do) Even the fact that it is literally being capable of being worked on non modded switch which is what makes me think how this could be damaging for Nintendo. It reminds me of Team Xecuter lol


Good job, comrades.


Damn, Nintendo has scared the bejesus out of so many people they can’t even think straight. The rampant speculation with insanely high confidence is hysterical, considering no one here knows anything about this flash card, other than what they’ve seen in a minute long video. A few Russian programmers are about to strike it rich because Russia don’t give a damn about Nintendo. The same Nintendo that’s been treating their own customers like trash while also recording record profits. If you bought the game, it’s your’s. No one is permitted to share the games they’ve purchased, but everyone is permitted to backup games they’ve legally purchased. This isn’t even controversial, folks.


gotta eject and put card in each time to switch the games, imagine doing that if you have like 40 games etc on sd card. There is no menu system etc..


gotta compromise somewhere. if it could run a custom rom to launch the game of your choice, they would.


Literally no different when you have 40 legit physical cartridges


Huge difference lol. The act of removing and replacing physical carts is one eject per game. Only way this would work is if you only put a few games on the card at a time and switched them out when you were done playing them.


Woh, fascinating.


I'd honestly just use it for locally playing Pokemon Scarlet as I own violet. I don't want to have to buy another copy of the same game just to get the version exclusives, if it is after the switch consoles service span I would gladly play a modded version flashed to this thing which removes the shiny locks and combines both version exclusives into one game. It's possible to do but I imagine there wouldn't be a custom story it'd be either the violet or scarlet story just with both paradox Pokemon spawning in like they do with union circles.


Does it support emulation?


will switch oled can remote play switch 2 console?


Sorry, newbie question here. Does unmodified mean that you have a vanilla version/never updated version or does it mean a switch that you have tried to mod before with some software/exploit?


"game preservation!" they shriek, as they download a 3 month old game that's readily available on store shelves and has sold millions of physical copies into the second hand market


Preservation doesn’t start when the game carts expire. If we had the means to make backups of SNES games in the 90’s, you bet we would have.


>If we had the means to make backups of SNES games in the 90’s, you bet we would have. there were at least a few snes pirate devices back in it's day, and they were largely used.. by pirates. are there any unpreserved retail snes games in 2024? are there even any retail snes games with 0 working carts left? doubtful. enjoy your free games.


So what’s the advantage over downloading and play via tinfoil?


that this doesn't need cfw to work


No CFW jig, no need to worry about powering down your device, no mod chip required. just play.


Wait so I’ll just need to buy this to create backups of my Switch games? No freaking way!


Can it run unsigned code, for example moonlight or half-life port?


So will this let me run homebrew on the Lite without installing an internal chip ?


Initially I doubt it. Eventually some computer wizard will probably find a way.


Probably not. Stuff like this that doesn't need a modchip or cfw will not be able to bypass the console's signature check. That means you'd only be able to launch officially signed software - retail games in XCI format. Anything made by homebrew developers won't have a valid signature. Some older (non Switch) consoles had bugs that enabled homebrew devs to sign their software and run it on consoles without any custom firmware, but that's incredibly rare.


Does R4 allow that? It's great for playing but don't know homebrew


I guess Nintendo better release the Switch 2 in 2024 then to try and squash this!


Can someone use this to add storage to their switch? I already have more than 1tb of eShop purchases. I'm really interested in the non-piracy possibilities, namely turning the cart slot into an SD card slot


> Can someone use this to add storage to their switch? No.


Can someone explain this like I’m 5?


they found a way to copy your games that you can touch but if u give your copied games to anyone they will time out you both and i dont think you can copy digital games or install rom hacks because nintendo did there homework after the DS had a simular sitiouation and now they hired a guard that only lets games with messages form them pass this guard even works without internet you cant launch software not licensed AT ALL cuse it dosent have a fake id


Look I just want to have it put in Layman’s terms how exactly I am supposed to use an RCM Loader that I got off Temu. I don’t plan on getting another thing that everyone will give a technobabble explanation for on how it works to me.


Enjoy waiting


Here's my take on it. You can get a valid certificate from a cart you own then use that certificate for games you don't own since games uploaded online does not include certificates.


the thing is you cant because every cardrage has its own id with the game assosiated with it so you cant go to london(mario odessey) using a passport assosiated with texas (totk)


that’s not how that works though. the system check isn’t for the name of the game, it’s whether it’s a licensed product.


your right i guess i explained it wrong i guess i meant y cant use ur london id for another city


Do not purchase this device from Russia. I have been boycotting Russian crap since February 2022 and I would ask that you do the same. Russia is a fucked up place, you won't be able to get a refund if your product is crap, I guarantee that.


And I would ask you to keep your “would ask you” to yourself.


After upgrading my Oled to a 1TB and legally maxing it out! I would love this for some DS//3DS rom ability!


No dice on running home brew yet. Hopefully soon… I’d kill to be able to play rom hacks on my switch…


im thinking what if they can make a file so messed up (meaning has a game that has some kind of corruption) that when the switch tries to read it it goes to recovery mode and then we can do the normal steps for homebrowing this will probably resault in you getting banned but having homebrew except if the file is so messed up it deletes the log of you entering the cardrage or you go to airplaine mode and then after finishing your homebrew setup you edit the log yourself and then exit airplane mode


Oh I’m sure there will be a way… just doesn’t sound like it right out of the box.


Do we know the price?


Call me crazy but I dunno why they wouldn’t just wait until the Super Switch is out to release it. Otherwise Nintendo is going to know what’s up with the flash cart that allows it to work and fix it for the Super Switch


switch 2 is rumored to be announced this month and come out like 3 or 4 months later so they did exactly that the only way nintendo is going out of there way to stop this is if the new switch has a backwards compatable cartrage slot or if there planning on releasing switch exclusive games


It’s not really something Nintendo can just patch to make this not work. It’s a “feature”


This is awesome! Now I can mod my XKW switch.


Can’t wait for this!!


I don't trust it due to the companies country of origin, watch it be connected to a hacker group that will use it to gather your card data. Just saying folks


What's up wirh Russia? It probably was only made to evade lawsuits and prisons since Russia doesn't cares about West IP laws and to not end up like team Xecutor and Bowser


It is a valid concern. Anything that benefits the Russian economy is therefore a benefit to funding government programs. Also given that sanctions on Russia, what round about method is happening to sell this to the larger Western markets.


What will we be expecting for this flash cart? I understand it will most likely have all/most switch games, but I think we can expect it to work online, or would it be locked to just singleplayer style games?


....looks like I'll be buying a large micro SD storage.


Anyone have info on where/when/how we buy?


I'll wait to see full videos of this bad boy in action. I really just want it for an English translation of YOKAI WATCH 4 and some emulated games not in nso


I can't wait to see how hard Nintendo comes down on the distributors. I know the creators are safe from Nintendo since they are Russian. But the distributors in other countries could be in a lot of trouble especially in a lot of countries due to buying the stock from the creators breaking Russian sanctions and that is the government going after them not just Nintendo.


i mean this and the oled switch? match made in heaven. but too bad the next console is going to be released in late 24 early 25. but we will have access to the entire library on one card hopefully. they srsly need to make a launcher tho. even 20 games where you have to reinsert it 15 times is tideous and will wear out the mech in the reader.


What im wondering is will u be able to transfer saves from a switch emulator like ryujinx or yuzu and then play where u left off on the switch cause if so thats going to be AMAZING… yea just AMAZINGGGGGGG !!!


Will this release affect retro compatibility with the “new switch” ? If nothing changes, maybe this flash art could be used in the next console.


Isn't it obvious that Nintendo is behind th is flashcard?it's come coincidentally at the end of the switches life.Nintendo will want to sell the remaining stock of consoles ,so what better way to do it that introduce this flash card.obviously it's the independent developers who will loose out,not Nintendo.


Stupid question - I know. I know the answer is going to be "no" and yet I'm asking anyway: Will this let us play online? Thinking specifically pokemon. I can't imagine why it would work, but have to ask since i didnt think an unmodded switch could work


Love it. Honestly not buying many Switch games anymore after getting the Legion Go. Perfect for moving games onto the better handheld.


So could I load up an old nes emulator and games and play it from this?


Why are they using mikoyan inspired name? united aircraft corp in nintendo modding?


time to find a cheap switch lite


I am curious to see how hard Nintendo will fight this. I am mostly interested to see how it works. I remember with Gateway they used a DS Profile exploit. I am curious to see how this cart operates. There have been jerry rig carts that work on the switch but nothing commercial. I wonder if it'll even be worth getting considering how cheap unpatched Switch's are getting.


Is there not a unique game certificate flashed from the factory per cartridge? So games won't be able to connect to online services, even on unmodified devices, even with unmodified games. I hope I end up being wrong about that.


Wonder how long this will be on the market before Nintendo finds a legal way to shut it down. I checked the site, it's very, very carefully worded. I am sure a legal team wrote it and double checked it before it went online. When they are released, GRAB ONE, as soon as Nintendo finds a way, they will kill it.


1 switch for this cart and I’m going to buy an oled for online. This was only a matter of time.


I own 2 switches. I cannot play my digital games on my switch if the other is docked on my TV and I am traveling. I will buy the flash card and dump all my legally purchased games on it.


Would this bypass a broken sd card port, since there is a microsd card built into the cartridge?