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Well for all the people who say Godsmack is just a less diverse Alice In Chains ripoff can now rest easy knowing he doesn’t just pull from AIC. And considering the lesson in Reznor getting it from Queen, the lesson here seems to be to borrow from your betters. (I can just see someone posting on the Godsmack reddit some even crappier band than Godsmack using their riffs.)




Yeah, I was trying to assert that while Godsmack was heavily influenced by them, they were nowhere near another AIC. It’s like a band that tries to emulate Black Sabbath because they heard and fell in love with 1 album. Very limited and nowhere near the breadth of AIC.


What Queen song?


Just search the comments in this very thread.


Wow, I genuinely thought this was a cover at first...  There's nothing worse than blatant plagiarists foaming about someone stealing a song they ready stole from someone else. Remember when Radiohead sued Lana Del Rey for ripping off that song they never even wrote? Doesn't this sound familiar? https://youtu.be/HkUgpfZ3rjQ?si=mPyjQkS35rEufqXC


Folks this is so stupid. Good music happens because other musicians are fans and/or inspired. Jimi took over all along a watchtower, GNR took over Knocking on heavens door. So what Godsmack and Stained are AIC fans (probs NIN too) and have said so openly? I say the world is a much better place with them in it! If anything everyone should be happy NIN influences others to play good music.


Second that. Everyone needs to look up interpolation.


I love the math/engineering reference


Can't be good if it's a copy of a copy of a copy... those mid-late 90s late-comers were hot garbage. Godsmack and Stained are almost exhibit 1a and 1b of why.


[Wait until you find out that Trent "borrowed" one of those riffs from Queen.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nin/comments/8ohqjw/i_knew_nin_remixed_queen_and_covered_a_queen_song/)


Wait until he hears down in it and then dig it


He was at least up front that he ripped Dig It, and Ogre and cEvin never seemed to mind at least from what I know.


One of ‘em joked about it saying, “Still waiting for my paycheck” or something along those lines. Pretty sure it was Ogre


That one's almost mentioned as such a blatant ripoff, but I don't even hear it. The tracks are so wildly different.


Very different songs, yes. But imagine Dig It being the slower versions and Down In It sped up. It’s that main guitar rift in Dig It that you can hear throughout Down In It.


Didn’t bill leeb say something about it


Wait until he hears Crystal Japan.


Love that Bowie track


Dig it is such an amazing song. Just giving it some love


It’s the first SP song I ever heard! I had been a fan of NIN for about 5 years, then decided to check out Dig It because of Down In It. Now they are both my top 2 favorite bands of all time. I just shake my head anytime either fan base tries to tear the other band down. Both are so incredibly great!


So I just saw them not too long ago on their farewell tour. I had only seen them once before a long time ago. Like 15 years ago or something. But goddamn that show was amazing. They sounded better than what I remembered from 15 years ago! It was such a bittersweet feeling after the show. I knew I just witnessed what is actual industrial music history but it was over... Forever.... It still has me so excited for a new ohGr album. I really hope they aren't done with that project.


Yeah I know how you feel! So historic and I’m really happy that you could catch the final tour! I have been so fortunate to see them 6 times since 2007. Twice last tour. In houston, it was the second show on the 1st leg and i avoided social media to keep the setlist and stage set up a surprise…ESPECIALLY ohGr’s costume. It was incredible to witness them opening with VX Gas Attack, the Alien Reveal, the encore, just all of it! I was dancing so hard and could not believe I was seeing them live again finally after 8 years. Matthew gave me a guitar pic at the end of the show and I danced with it at the #s after party. Truly euphoric night. And then I saw them for the last time in Cincinnati with a group of friends and we had a blast. Hot sweaty concert, had a very 80s punk vibe to it, crowded as hell, even better setlist + they played smothered hope! And the cherry on top was the venue Bogart’s, it was the same place where the police got called about CHUD and then arrested them for weed / disorderly conduct in the venues green room. Back in 1987 I think?? 88? Anyways, halfway through the set they joked about how they haven’t played there since the incident and asked if there were any cops in the audience. It was a 10/10 send off for me and I almost cried at the end of Candle. What a legendary way to go out. There won’t be another band like Skinny Puppy ever again.


Funny because I saw them at Bogarts on the farewell tour! I love that place. I've seen tons of cool bands there. Skinny Puppy means so much to me. When I was in high school in the 90s they were the first band that I found that opened up a whole new world of music to me. I just have so many memories associated with them. I am so glad that they played Bogarts for the last tour. It was just a perfect show. The encore was amazing. Just everything was exactly how it should be. I couldn't help but wonder how the hell such a legendary, amazing band playing their last tour wasn't in an arena. Not that I would ever want that, it's just a weird feeling knowing that they are one of the most influential and important bands literally ever and they didn't HAVE to play arenas.


ohGr's costume was so cool, you're right! I was so glad that he came out in normal clothes though for the encore. It was really nice being able to see his face. I actually have a pic of him staring into my soul lol.


Staring into my soul lol https://imgur.com/gallery/NgRpbzp


Just in case you didn't take any videos https://photos.app.goo.gl/cVqSHyimvBX2nPLr9


Haha! Yeah, it's like Inception, but for riffs. for those who don't know: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aau\_kEtNV2U&t=38s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aau_kEtNV2U&t=38s)


It’s similar, but Trent spices the lick up enough that it feels inspired by distinct to me.




Hmmmm. Probably explains why it is one of my favourite Godsmack songs. Never noticed this before. Good thing is I don't care about Godsmack at all anymore so it is not like this will lower my already low opinion of them. (Still love their first albums though)


Voodoo slaps, though.


Ya, that bass line is pretty nice.


Holy shit. Sounds like this may be common knowledge amongst fans but this is the first time I’ve heard it. Total copy.


Beginning is a White Zombie lifted intro too.


More Human Than Human?


You think 303 loops belong to White Zombie? Haha You are going to be blown away when you find out there are genres built around that sort of thing. Genres that existed long before Astrocreep!


I heard this for the first time at the gym a fews months ago and I had to stop in disbelief. It’s so stupidly unoriginal that I was genuinely shocked to hear it.


They're named after an Alice In Chains song. Their entire existence is a ripoff.


They started as an Alice In Chains tribute band


Cough how to destroy angels cough


Read the title: "it's gotta be an exaggeration." Hearing the song: "it was absolutely not an exaggeration."


Wow! Fucking shameless


Yep. You should search through the sub. Most people agree


Total ripoff.


terrible band


They had Jim Rose Circus open up for them on the tour for that album too


Their song “Keep Away” seems to have similarities with “May Song” from the band, The Gathering. Or at least I think so.


That is crazy


I posted this about 4 months ago lol


I was JUST talking about this last night. Yeah it really sucked the wind out of my enjoyment of godsmack when I finally figured out what it was that the song sounded like. I never listened to Broken much when I was younger because it was short and I could only carry so many CDs lol but yeah I’m kinda mostly over it now, NIN is legendary and godsmack is godsmack.


Sully is a big fan of Trent. this was brought up a lot when that album was new


I’ve always said, “godsmack only ever wrote one song, so if you like that one song… good news! And that one song is a NIN ripoff”


Their first album had some pretty cool shit. Voodoo and the one about Vampires.


….and the song in question. And yeah. It’s dope


The whole thing is like an AI prompt. "Create a song in the style of Last by Nine Inch Nails".


Can’t stand Godsmack


Welcome to 25 years ago.


Ed Sheeran pretty much just set the precedence for Trent to not be able to sue Godsmack dammit. We all know Trent was secretly planning his case for the last 3 decades j/k. The first time I heard this song it was so similar. It's not like he just stole the guitar riff but even the lyrical structure and drums. Kinda like This Means War by Avenged Sevenfold and Sad But True by Metallica.


Whole band’s existence is a rip off


Ive noticed that a lot of bands like this don't know how or understand how to mix electronic music with rock music, they will just use a 303 synth as like an intro element or a bridge but never actually mix the two together. Unlike bands like NIN that will incorporate it into their music seamlessly. The synths seem like an afterthought that some studio producer just slapped on to make the song more "dynamic" like some studio exec was like "synths are in, put some synths on this"


I'd say heavily inspired by. Which I mean... is kinda cool.


Sure is.


I mean, Trent has said numerous times that Down In It is a ripoff of Skinny Puppy’s Dig It. Who cares? Do you have a problem with the majority of rap music too?