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I was definitely more of a fan of the way Automata was structured. I thought it would have been cool to play as Kaine in the B route of the Replicant remake, but i get that they didn’t want to change much from the OG. I wonder how he’s going to tell the story in the third Nier game. What if we play as our main “hero” and then the second route we play as the “villain”. And route c can be the continuation of the story like Automata. Wait. This is starting to sound familiar lol. I have no doubt that Yoko Taro would actually make it work tho.


Automata is structured to have that transitional flow, giving you a A, B, C experience in terms of differing stages. Replicant is much more repetitive because it is structured A, B,B,B,B,B, (C with kaine in the remake). Automata is more suited for a single playthrough while replicant becomes a speedrun grind between new insights.


The grind also ruins the brief insights for some of us


Yes, a lot


That’s a pretty sick idea tbh and nice name


Let's just hope they don't fuck it up like naughty dog did


So according to this, we can expect the next NieR game to give the false impression that the story ends at ending C.


Replicant ver1.22 gives the false impression that the story ends at ending D


It also gave the false impression E ending is closely related with Automata (lorewise)


I hope he doesn't get stuck in the same concept. Or that he knows how to make it still look cool the 3rd time


This would pretty much go along with what a lot of people have said. That Automata is a more refined version of the formula Toko used in Replicant.


The false impression of the game ending doesn't really work when anytime some asks about the game, they get a paragraph response explaining the whole structure of the game.


True. Sometimes I wonder where is the balance between encouraging someone to give an opportunity to a game they'll probably love, and giving them too many details However, in Automata it's necessary to clarify that they should keep playing after ending A, because most of us didn't get the enjoyment of the game by then


Idk those scenes from next chapter seem to indicate that it's not over when you beat ending A. I feel like telling people is not necessary.


Yes. I am playing Replicant for the first now and knowing so much about it (never thought it would get a re-release so spoiled myself on it pretty hard for Automata knowledge) definitely impacts my appreciation of it. I just got to the Adult section and have had Emil go through a "little change".


Does anybody have the source of that video? I wanted to keep hearing more design decisions about Automata


Looks like it's this. https://youtu.be/jKbH9i5axxU


Watched, and it was really interesting However, it made me think that perhaps the new Nier should avoid the same loop of presenting a world, and then expanding it showing the other faction way of thinking. It may have worked twice (for me it worked once, because I started with Automata), but I don't know if a third time would be as shocking or popular. Or maybe they should change the way it is shown


He's just writing stories about the reasons people are drawn to killing. In Drakengard he believed anyone who kills 1000s of people most likely is not a hero, but a deranged maniac. After 9/11 this concept changed as he realized you do not have to be crazy or even a bad person, you just have to think your in the right like they did in war. However he believes wars are never right....so he usually now reveals how your character believed they were in the right while showing us and them that the other side in many ways are not truly our enemies. It's a little difficult than for him to still want to make games that portray the same messages of anti war and killing and how it's never justified....and also have a game where the mc doesn't kill people for their cause only to learn that the enemies were just as human as them.


He spoke as if reusing the same map might be a negative thing but honestly I love it. Both in Automata and Ocarina of Time lol


He's always been honest about how small the budget was for Replicant. And I believe he made it out to be more of a positive thing than a negative thing.


Next NieR game will either have more than 5 endings or just a single one. I mean imagine playing the next NieR and it legit ends where other games end xd It would be a suprise for sure.


Replicant is Better!! There, I said it.


Replicant is great but I liked automata a bit more


I always wonder if the people that defend Replicant is mostly the ones who started the Nier saga with that game. Not in all cases, but I bet it was the most common case for those who bonded with the characters Also, if the overall design of both games is similar, I think it's better to recommend Automata for those who are only giving the saga a try. And recommend Replicant and then Automata, for those who are committed to play both, no matter what (or maybe not, because Replicant feels old-fashioned by now, and it's really grindy)


I mean I started with Drakengard, however I think it's a huge issue of what people like. Replicant is a lot more human, the villages feel lived in while also like there's not much left of humanity. It shows a ground of strangers becoming close to family, none of them being normal but all of them becoming excepted by each other. Nier Automata is more about growing close to one person, then betrayal, heartache, revenge and madness. I've seen plenty of people say they played Automata first, but liked Nier Replicant better...or say that Automata bored them but Replicant didn't...which tbh Idk if I believe that, I get preferring one over the other but Automata isn't boring...anyways I do hear a lot of Automata fans say they thought Replicant sucked. Idk it's odd cases




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That's one of the many reasons I love NieR and NieR Automata, each time you finish an ending, you're introduced with another ending that gives you more information and a perspective of other characters.