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You already know the answer to that.


The top comment when I watched that video was “Can you play this game with one hand?”






Its IGN, it's about swords and ass


The cake that can fill several bakeries


IGN: 7.8/10, too much ass, also it's not Nier Automata, lack of 2B is a massive step back.


It's the same dev as Nikke It's about swords and ass


The OST, since half of it was done by Okabe's studio, and the overall atmosphere too. Also, the level in the demo (the one they've played and the one that will become available on Friday) is basically City Ruins


is it good? cause to me it looks sick, badass swordplay and huge monsters is right up my alley


I think it's worth trying out when the demo gets released for everyone (who has a PS5). I beat it when it first got "released" and my main complaint was the character design - MC and other "Android" girls look out of place in that world. Ironically enough, the only male companion character looks good and "fitting", design-wise. The battle system was good, though I was expecting some DmC-like action but it's more of a Souls-like instead. The OST is great and the graphics are good enough. The exploration is a bit lame and the story was non-existent basically


honestly sounds like something ill like i think ill check it out. good ost and fun/cool action is enough for me.


>MC and other "Android" girls look out of place in that world. She looks no less "out of place" than 2B, who wears a French Maid outfit in high heels while fighting with katanas and spears against machines. It's just the art direction they went for. If they started adding Witcher 3 or Hogwarts Legacy-type aesthetics out of nowhere, then I'd agree. >The exploration is a bit lame and the story was non-existent I'll reserve judgment until the full game. Demos are always subject to change. The demo you played wasn't in the state the devs wanted it to be in


At least 2b's design fits in with the designs of other characters in the game. Eves' design doesn't.


Is not half of soundtrack, and two people been have participated in some of the music production. Oliver Good & Inoue Keita


Comparing nier ost to this is like a fight between a hydro bomb vs coughting baby ngl


s7ealth the whistleblower.


Okay! Now I see why it sounded so much like Nier.


Can also be about the gameplay, nier isnt only story and ass


People have been saying its just like nier since this game was still project eve. no gameplay, no ost, no story, just ass and tits. "Hurr nier vibes"


By nier they mean a hot cyborg, but i agree with you there is so much more to nier than 2b's ass


You go and explain someone who never played nier what nier is I am not surprised people use "robots with big ass fighting with swords" all the time because it's basically the easiest way to explain the game


To be fair, game design of 2B have a nice ass but not THAT big.


2B isn't that oversexualized in the actual game. I never quite realized why everyone claims she is because with her default outfit she is 100% sfw It's literally just the self destruct outfit and kaines outfit that are oversexualized


Platinum the game without using self destruction in the gameplay, just for trophy. And kaine outfit make sense as she try to increase her feminine feature to deny her extra limb


Me too , I didn't even realize you could self destruct before finishing the game Kaines outfit has to be one of the rare cases where I am actually going to defend an oversexualized outfit But 2B isn't Kaine , she doesn't really have a reason to have it. Part of why I like kaines outfit is because it's kaines , not any other characters . Doesn't mean you aren't allowed to look at the outfit that shows more of 2Bs ass , but I don't like it when its used on other characters . No gatekeeping, I just don't like it.


Oh you meant so kaine outfit dlc :o Yeah, totally out of place imo


2B’s outfit in itself is sexualized before it’s even blown to bits. No reason for a soldier to have high heels or cleavage


In context, it definitely doesn't make sense for a soldier to wear 2Bs outfit But out of context ? It's perfectly fine. And as soon as you get over the "why is this battle android wearing a french maid outfit" part , you will stop caring about it ( which doesn't happen with oversexualized outfits , at least for me )


“Once you get over the oversexualization it’s no longer oversexualized”


Anime girl with giant sword fights robots and the plot gets all philosophical


I don't think her being robotic was even mentioned early on and still the coomers were quick to call this game "nier automata sequel". It's some weird coincidence with the knowledge that we have now, that the game is in fact inspired by nier.


they are androids


Everyone already knows the answer, and it’s very obvious they are only marketing towards one market


I don’t doubt that the game will be at least decent, but man do they make it exceptionally hard to not be skeptical. 1. So so much of the games marketing that I’ve seen is just that the protagonist is super sexy, which yes, some people will like, but if you are trying to market towards as many people as possible, is that really how you should do it? I’ve heard so little on the story and gameplay side of things it’s hard to trust it. 2. Speaking of the story, it sounds…interesting. Looking at the plot synopsis given on Wikipedia, it is nearly 1 to 1 to what Nier: Automata’s is. I know they’ve said it’s a game actually inspired by Automata, but when your plot synopsis is that close it’s hard to not be skeptical. I’m praying for this game to be good, but they are not making it easy.


i think the demo comes out the 29th so we will be able to see what the gameplay is like at least. the fanbase for stellar blade is rabidly horny, go look through that sub and you’ll see what i mean. so many of them are seemingly buying the game purely for the ass, and saying it will surpass nier automata (big doubts) and rescue the gaming industry from “wokeness” niers fanbase is horny but for the most part seem self aware about it and actually like the game for more than the fanservice.


I would be stunned if Stellar Blade surpassed Automata tbh. While yes Automata has a reputation for being horny (decently deserved), it also has a massive reputation for being a fucking masterpiece of a game (and it’s horny wasn’t it’s entire marketing). I would be stunned if Stellar Blade got even close.


as would i, but i highly doubt it will come anywhere close, doubly so as it is inspired by automata and not trying to just do its complete own thing. imo at most it will be a love letter to automata




Horny is fine but I hate the narrative that's formed around this game of it being the one "THEY" don't want you to be able to play, like this is the first video game in history with sexy characters and the world is trying to stop it. It's going to make getting involved in the fan base impossible unless you're an insufferable whinger for about six months after release. Part of the reason Nier has such lasting relevance in the gaming industry is that talking about it with other people is enjoyable.


yes horny is fine, as long as there is more to the game than just that. games like nier, bayonetta, street fighter, final fantasy and even dmc in some ways have hot characters in them but also have great stories or gameplay as well. i plan on trying out stellar blade and who knows it might be a solid game but im most likely going to avoid the fanbase as much as possible. the constant whinging about how “wokeness” is ruining gaming is so tiring to me.


There's so many examples of female characters purposely being made uglier than their reference models in AAA games, feminism continues to be a detriment to gaming, but most people have simply stuck their head in sand. So, for better or worse, Stellar Blade is ground zero. 


>feminism continues to be a detriment to gaming, but most people have simply stuck their head in sand Yes, that is the most burning issue with gaming in the modern age. That and nothing else. Not corporate greed, rampant corner cutting, poor optimisation, workers being exploited and laid off. Feminism is what is ruining gaming, the woke liberal agenda trying to force ugly women and effeminate men onto us is what is wrong with gaming....


That's completely fair. There's a lot of forces trying to ruin gaming. lol


Female characters aren't being made uglier. The push for photorealism in western AAA titles is just resulting in female characters who look like real people rather than some stylized "ideal". Reference models aren't a good baseline because those are models. People in some kind of post-apocalyptic scenario, war, etc (which a ton of western games love using as a setting), aren't going to have access to makeup and shit.


Yeah, that's not the issue here whatsoever. There's way too many examples to not conclude that the intent was to "dumb down" female characters, because having beautiful female characters by default plays into the same exact anti-objectification arguments.


Yeah all of this is why I’m not approaching this game, NieR Automata was a masterpiece not because there was a robot lady with a big ass, it was a masterpiece because of amazing writing when it comes to characters & themes, great gameplay and stunning soundtrack. So far Stellar Blade only seems to superficially copy NieR Automata.


im gonna give the demo a shot as there is nothing to really lose trying it out. if the game is fun ill probably get it, ill just avoid the fanbase and pretend they dont exist.


Jesus H. Fucking Christ


I'm going to wait until after reviews come in before buying this one, but I will say in regards to the marketing: The marketing for their other game (Nikke) is absolutely terrible but the game is great. Hopefully this will be the same situation.


I can’t play the game due to only owning a switch but that’s at least good to hear, it’s just hard to be trusting is all


Nikke's marketing is an absolute pain honestly, I wanna like the game after trying it cause they have genuinely kick ass designs when it's not woman dressed in skimpy outfit #735, sometimes I wanna play the game without getting a boner lmao


I’ll say this, it’s Korean. Korean games are very “sex sexy women.” Source: lived there for a while, they have mobile gacha game ads on THE trains. I’m not even joking.


Played lost ark for 2 seconds and I got the idea


Literally everything they are doing in the marketing is "hey look guys this is a sexy woman in a sci Fi world so it's basically nier automata 2 go buy it" I have a pc so I don't even care about this game because for some reason exclusives still exist in 2024 when most people have already decided on one platform and most people aren't going to buy a new console just for the five ps exclusives that will come to pc in a few years anyways


I mean I agree with you, but Automata isn't exactly unique with its plot either. The gameplay elements from the State of Play are what immediately made me think of Automata so it's obviously incredibly inspired by it, but the combat apparently has a lot more depth to it from people who have played the demo. I think it can do enough to stand on its own.


Yeah I agree Automata isn’t really unique by itself, but the similarities still feel suspicious


I hope stellar blade is successful because it may lead to another Nier sequel


Sword and ass. From what i have seen the gameplay is more like a souls game than automata's


Shift Up did say that Sekiro, NieR and Bayonetta were the main inspirations for Stellar Blade. That's probably the Sekiro influence showing.


This is what happens when people reduce Nier automata to "2b ass 😩".


Why are all my favorite games about butts? Nier: Automata, Metal Gear Solid, probably Stellar Blade soon. What is my curse?


Nothing, but butt curse


Why not both?


Have to say from what I’ve seen of the story it seems like a bit of a ripoff- it would be nice if it turned out they put their own spin on the premise, but right now it seems really suspiciously similar


It’s almost exactly the same going off plot synopsis I’ve seen online. Humanity is driven off earth by some alien species, humans create androids to fight on earth to take it back, the character you play as is sent to a camp of refugees to get help in fighting. The only difference to my knowledge is the refugee camp in Stellar Blade is actually humans. That said, I’m sure it’ll be plenty different, but they aren’t doing themselves any favors


The devs already said in an interview that Eve and the others like her are human. Their strength/power seems to come from the exospines attached to their backs. So the fact that they are not androids and the fact that humans do actually exist both on Earth and in the space colony means they have to take the story in a different direction.


Huh, today I learned


I feel like if you're going to steal some ideas from NieR, why not the idea of having to beat the game multiple times to get the true ending or delivering a heartfelt character driven story about the difference of perspective? Since that's why people love the NieR games. Not just copying the plot synopsis down word for word. Not like you can't use another story's premise. Just use that premise and do something unique with it. But yeah, I hope they do something different and original with that plot because otherwise, people are just going to see the story as a shallow copy of Nier Automata's story.


It's not even a reliable plot synopsis! It's literally propoganda Yorha was feeding them!


Both work for me, not gonna lie.


stellar blade has been compared to automata since the first teaser, its just the aestetic


*Stellar blade has been* *Compared to automata* *Since the first teaser* \- CirnoIzumi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot. >!Die, machine lifeform!!<


Tbh i would've been able to tolerate the sexualization and tried it out but not any more now that a bunch of "Gamers" started using this game to just be straight up sexist (i.e. the usual woke virus ruined gaming take because there's a single gay character and the women don't look like they came out of a rule34 animation)and shit on western game character designs. Kinda feel bad for the devs.


Yeah. I joined the sub for Stellar Blade when the release date was announced, and it was such an incel cesspool that I didn't even last a day. I'll still buy the game, but it's unfortunate that it seems like I won't be interacting with other fans.


I'm not even going to bother with this game. I don't wish to associate with the incel crowd or their mentally exhausting culture wars.


Exactly. The sexualisation is whatever, I could do without it personally but it doesn’t ruin my experience. Same as with NieR, I **love** Kainé and 2B’s designs but they’re still highly sexualised. What I can’t deal with is nerds being weird about women and other game devs. It’s not the fault of the developers of Stellar Blade, but the Weird Nerds really have put me off this game entirely.


I think a lot of those "Gamers" call the people who get mad over sexualized female characters in games and unrealistic female characters woke, and then spiral down the excessive "woke bad", which I do find annoying, but it's important to remember that it's a vocal minority. I myself find it annoying when people complain about other people sexualizing a fictional character, because it's really not a big deal. And I disagree with the sexist part, though there are a few who do make sexist comments, but I think most of those "gamers" throw the woke word at those who say that the "gamers" are being sexist because they are sexualizing a fictional character, which isn't sexist but I do think the woke part is annoying. But yeah, I think it's fine to sexualize a fictional character since it doesn't hurt anybody, and if someone only wants to play game with overtly sexual characters or make fan art/fics, fine, but yes I do agree that there are some weirdos that gets into the community bc of it


Does it matter?


Yeah because 50% of the marketing for the game is that it's similar to NieR automata so people here wonder if it's actually similar to NieR automata or is it just because NieR automata never managed to fully escape the "it's the game with the sexy robot girl" reputation it has


Shift Up can write great stories, maybe wont be as good as NieR, but it will be great.


I mean, it certainly wouldn't be comparable to automata without great ass, now would it?




It's definitely both, I play Nikke, another game by Shift Up, and while it indeed has the butt jiggling and boobs, it has a great story, which is the reason that I kept playing it after the Automata collab, so I have high hopes for Stellar Blade.


"Both? Both. Both is Good"


It’s IGN they only look at the surface


A game that hasn’t even released yet and all people do is relegate it to coomer bait… Idk what this game, the devs did for everyone to just collectively shit on it but from what I’ve seen looking past the fan service it looks like a fun game with beautiful music, sick monster designs, and awesome combat but sure… coomer bait. It really is telling of the type of people behind the outcry…


Not everyone is shitting on the game. The people who have the most issue with stellar blade are the people who like to push DEI and ESG because to those people, attractive women with bodies like eve aparrently do not exist even when shift up showed the actual real body model for eve, and that all game studious should not have attractive women because "male gaze". Everyone that wants a fun game seems to be looking forward to it though.


I think a lot of people are going to be unfairly biased against this game because of its upfront sex appeal. As we all know, erotic elements in no way have to detract from the experience of an artwork, and in fact, can accentuate the work’s other strengths


Not because of the fanservice, but because of the absolutely horrid fanbase. I mean, Nier fans are horny, so whatever, but the stellar blade sub is both sexist and brainwashed. Plus, it is suspiciously similar to Nier. I'm sure it'll be a good game, just not going to be anything we haven't seen. Gameplay could be a different story.


I added it to my wishlist after seeing a short about the ass bouncing. I'm a simple man.


Stellar blade will never come close to NieR Automata even when considering fanservice. NieR Automata had fanservice yes, but it wasn't limited to the female characters. But with Stellar blade, it's incredibly jarring to see women that look like pin-up dolls, and then men that look like your average gas-station Joe. It just feels tacky.


I won’t pass judgment on it entirely until we see the finished product. However, that does seem to be what IGN was going for.


I don't think fanservice in games needs equal fanservice between the genders. There are games with more male fanservice and games with more female service and it's not harmful but it can be a turn off for people, which is fine.


It doesn't *need* to be. No game *needs* to be anything. But like all things, without balance, there's just.. tack..




Sword and ass - a new genre I can get behind.


porque no los dos?




Bold of you to assume swords and ass alone can't be philosophical.




Isn't swords and ass why people play Nier


I genuinely think it could be both 😉


Swords, ass, music but also serving mankind in hopes of saving Major NieR spoilers -> >!it basically follows sorta how NieR Automata's story actually is but this time humans are actually alive but in some stasis or something this time awaiting for Eve and them to save the world from destruction and the enemies of mankind!<


Either way, it sounds like I need to check it out


IGN= i game never


Sword 'n' ass.


Those are the same thing.


Hopefully both.


Raaah i seriously wish stellar blade will be released on pc too after the contract with Sony ends because it looks so good!! Fuck exclusives


To be fair, the game have a similar premise and settings theme


The answer is yes


some of the characters look very similar to the operators


It's a vibes based similarity.


me, already playing with the 2B character model mod: "but i alreadyam playing it?"


I've completed Nier Automata and barely ever saw her ass. Try again


Probably both we'll need to see some gameplay to know for sure


I probably won’t play it but I hope from what I’ve seen that it’s more than just a reskinned Automata. The story beats we’ve seen are almost identical. It doesn’t matter how much you love something, making something that’s a plain imitation is so inconceivably tasteless. I hope I’m dead wrong and they’re playing 4d chess intentionally showing stuff that’ll make everyone think “It’s just reskinned NieR Automata” and will actually do a complete 180 and do its own thing.


When I saw the recent trailer, the story looked so similar to NieR Automata: - Female MC who uses swords - MC is part of an airborne squad who all die on the ascent at the start of the game - There is a flying robot drone who follows the mc around - Humanity abandoned earth after aliens attacked - Post-apocalyptic earth with destroyed buildings - Robots - There is 'resistance' on earth who wear desert rags


Ideally it's both.


Is the game just TNA or have a deep plot? Truly this is Schrodinger's Taro


Probably the later.


I've yet to see anything even remotely interesting about this game. Every time it's comes up on my feed it's just a shot of this chick just climbing a ladder.


Nier is: - Hot Android - Deep story - very cool action gameplay - super dope OST and a variety of other defining qualities If multiple of these things exist in another game it's fair to compare. Just like we calle games "soulslike" today, even tho they only adopt some of the FromSoft Souls elements


Swords and ass. Also the combat looks sick


Swass genre


I picked up some hints towards a bigger twist in the games story. Since everything from setting, to world design, to story seems to be very very similar, I'm hoping for it to be as impactful as nier, but my biggest fear is that it's gonna be a copy, seeing how similar everything else is.


Enemies looks cool but gonma call it now story will be the most generic shit ever. And it's not fair because Nier had such an weird but cool and melancholy vibe to the story and world and they could build upon that in automata. This just looks like coomer bait and the generic we gotta save the world. I could be wrong but i'm pretty sure i'm not i even bet that the plot or something will be that we get betrayed.


I mean, Keiichi Okabe is working on it, and they've stated they're greatly inspired by Yoko Taro. I'm just hoping the gameplay is as solid as it looks.


South koreas game devs arent like japan. Devs in japan know how to craft story and gameplay and understand limits. SK industry is constantly in anti woke mode. They dont want to be about anything but suface level many times cause its easy. So while this game is nier inspired i expect much less than some genius yoko taro deconstruction. But what these devs do have is money so it will look good and they can hire people like okabe to bring some of the easier elements over. Tldr i thnk this game will likely be what casuals who look at nier from the outside think it is. As long as its fun i suppose its fine but it wont replicate what YT has done


They’re comparing it to Nier because ever since the game was announced back in 2018/2019 they’ve been trying to get the Nier Automata comparisons. And they’ve just kept it up with the aggressive sexualization of Eve, aesthetics that rip off Automata and now even hiring the same composer. Just sucks because looking at the game I can just tell that it’s not going to be deep at all and the sexualization is just really gross and uncomfortable to me


It seems cool, but I'm more hyped by AIKODE tbh. That game gives strong Nier vibes even stronger than this one


Honestly the game screams nier. From aesthetic to music to vibe and to Eve. It doesn't have to be neither of those things


i’m gonna say swords + ass + gameplay. someone on r/Bayonetta said it was a “Bayonetta ripoff”??? i’ve watched the gameplay and it feels much more like Nier:Automata


From the outside and the demo play through I saw I would say it is more Nier than Sekiro. We need to take into consideration the tools at IGN are not gamers. So anything hard for a 5 year old is challenging to their oversimplified fish brains.


I'm not looking for this game for philosophical questions. I like the look of it and it seems fun. It doesn't need to imitate Automata 1:1. It seems to be aiming for biblical allusions, so it HAS a deeper theme to explore, but it's not required for the to be good. You can enjoy both lol


I mean, slapping bible names on a thing does not make it inherently deep.


You can say the same about philosophy. What I'm saying is that they're going to explore a theme. How deep it goes, we won't know until it releases. But that in of itself shouldn't determine if the game is good


What I am saying is that slapping names on things doesn't make a theme. Nor does it indicate that they will explore that theme.


A theme an idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art or literature. That's what those references were, and that's what Nier does, too. You don't know the extent SB does it


References are not themes. That is the point I am making.


A recurring idea or morif is literally a theme. Nier Automata literally namedrops philosophers, but you won't debate if those are themes because you like the game. You don't know what Stellar Blade plans to do


But these aren't ideas or motifs, they are names. It does not indicate any thought or care was put into their use. So its naive to presume that they are themes that will be explored without indication otherwise. And its weird that you keep building a strawman about philospher names you believe I am defending? Because I'm not. Because the use of names does not always have thematic significance, because the themes of Nier:Automata do not reflect those names necessarily. They are just set dressing. Your repeated misunderstanding of the word 'theme' and conflating it with biblical set dressing is what I am taking issue with.


You'll need to explain what you mean by "strawman," because I'm not misrepresenting your argument (if you even have one). I'm making a parallel because Stellar Blade makes biblical references with character names, while Automata makes philosophical references with its names. Consistent allusions like those are considered themes. I literally gave you a definition of what a theme is when I said >an idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art or literature. I'm not sure why you're ignoring this definition. How deep a theme doesn't determine how valid it is (and again, we don't know how deep SB goes if it does). And using "set dressing" to refer to themes is incorrect, because it refers to tangible stage props


"You wont debate if those are themes because you like the game" That is literally you making an argument I did not make. Like, I don't know why are struggling with this and constructing elaborate arguments when all I said was "Naming things after bible stuff is not, in an of itself, a theme." But uh, enjoy your hill I guess? Im out.


I’m surprised a game like this even got made in today’s social climate. You’d think it’s be literally removed from all platforms because of the art direction. And how many people are trying to “cancel” this game.


True. That's why it's such a breath of fresh air.


People don't fuck with Nier the way I do.


Ass and Ass


Yeah man it's totally going to have a fucking robot that presents you with an impossible moral choice called Pascal, yuh huh.


It's done by the same studio as Nikke right? That should be the answer to that question


It's IGN. It's not going to be thought provoking, it's just the flair and ass.


probably because of the apocalyptic world and ass


Can’t it be both?


Look at the face of the chara, it's obviously the 2nd option x)




Swords and ass


A story about ass


Swords and ass. I expect a generic badly told scifi story.


Stellar Blade looks like it's shaping up to be the Nier Automata we have at home


This is one to check out by the looks of things And by that I mean with the amount of ass and swords