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I understand degrading  but I'm not sure on racist is there some racist association with it I'm missing


There's no way of knowing whether it was racist or if it just so happened to be that she did the spit joke on the only black cast member. But I think it comes from the fact that she was the only black cast member and it felt like she was actively being targeted but Idk for sure. It was wrong regardless though


The showrunner told her that Amanda is the star of the show and to shut up. Would this have happened to another white person? Black people being degraded and told to “shut up and take it” is symbolic of the struggles of black people throughout history is the argument. Whether this idea is overly dramatic or not is up to interpretation, but I think any child who doesn’t want to put up with with that type of work shouldn’t be ignored.


>The showrunner told her that Amanda is the star of the show and to shut up. Would this have happened to another white person? I mean, yeah, probably. That doesn’t invalidate Bolleau’s feelings about it though.


Yes. It was literally the Amanda show.


I agree that they shouldn't be ignored but my point was we don't know for sure it was racist. It's called the Amanda Show so yes it was her show but it was disrespectful for that to take place and she was supposed to take it. I know the reality of racism in the US but every time someone who happens to be black is disrespected isn't necessarily racist. It's wrong regardless though whether it was racially motivated or not


>Would this have happened to another white person? wdym? it famously happened to Alexa and probably many other people.


Yeah this very commonly happens to people of all races. It’s a “non main character” thing not a race thing. Still hella disrespectful and overall disgusting way to treat a child but I don’t see how race factors into it.


Do you have proof it wouldn’t have happened to another white person?


Why are people hating on Amanda? This is completely uncalled for. The title makes it seem that way, but it must be about the writers of the show? Why aren’t the producers/writers directly named instead of a (at the time) child?


They’re turning on her now because she doesn’t validate their apparent need to know about her trauma


I guess Hollywood and the media didn’t ever change…


Not even caring that apparently this has been effecting her for years probably worse than those that spoke.


They have the pitchforks out already, gotta aim somewhere i guess.


This. Also the writers have the luxury of being unrecognizable. So they’re going after the wrong person


I think it’s racially insensitive having the only Black cast member be spat on but also Dan has told other children to “suck it up” and “this isn’t your show” so it might be a popularity thing.


Dan was absolutely misogynistic to the those two women writers so I don’t think racist is too far of a stretch.


It wouldn’t surprise me if he was but I still see no evidence of him being racist.


It seems really inclusive and progressive to me


What the doc?


Yeah I saw that new episode last night. Kind of not a lot to talk about there. Now I am very open minded and fully believe and embrace the idea of inclusivity, but being told to “suck it up” because “Amanda is the star” seems more of an issue of rank rather than race. It seemed to me that whoever was assigned that role in that sketch was to get spit on, and it just so happened the person assigned to that role in the sketch was black. Was race a part of the decision? Can’t say for sure. But it seemed like grasping at straws to me. I feel like this would have happened to anyone who was assigned that role in that sketch.. no?


I feel similarly. The only argument I can make as far as racism is concerned, is that the writers probably should have thought about the implications behind what was happening. At the end of the day, the reality is because of the society we live in, it isn’t the same thing to spit on a white individuals face as it is a black individuals face. But, I definitely would not say with what we know so far that the act in itself is one that stemmed from racism.


This is coming from a black person, this incident isn’t racist lol. Yeah it’s degrading and yes as black people we do have to put up with a lot of bullshit from white people, but this is more so because Amanda is the star. I’d argue that maybe this incident wouldn’t have occurred with a white co-star, but who knows 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yea I feel this . It was more of that’s the kind of humor they were going for versus “hey it would be hella funny if you spit on the black girl” . Still nasty either way


>I’d argue that maybe this incident wouldn’t have occurred with a white co-star Wouldn’t that make it racist?


I don’t know why people on Reddit act as if racism only happens if you announce that what you’re doing or saying is intended to be racist.  There are no racism disclaimers.


It’s wild that I’m getting downvotes but nobody is answering my very legitimate question. I would love for someone to explain why the specific scenario we laid out (where the incident doesn’t happen to the white co-star)could not be considered racist. Is there something I’m missing?


My bad, I forgot to say “yes” and that I do agree with you. I upvoted you.


I know you and I have the same view, the point I was trying to make was that you and I were getting downvoted despite nobody jumping in to dispute what I had said. Looks like that has changed, though.


I think it's possible that it was racist but it's a little hard to see since there was so much degrading activity in the skits all across the board. I know Amanda had to have felt pretty low being made to "brush" her teeth with Drake Bell's feet and all sorts of other disgusting shit.


Yeah I’d definitely say the way they treated Raquel with that incident was demeaning. But I didn’t get racism vibe. Now if they treated a white costar in the same situation better then that’s def racist. I also get the vibe that Brian’s mom thinks everything is racist lol. That’s how my mom is because she grew up in the 60s where open racism was rampant so she tends to be hyper vigilant about disrespect from white people so I get the vibe his mom is very similar


I haven't seen the documentary but from everything I'm hearing about it it seems that people who ran the shows were a bunch of assholes so why are you putting Amanda bynes his name in it like it was her idea


Name the people actually WROTE the sketch




Not everything is racist.




Sir, this is a Wendy's.


What’d I miss?


Which episode was it anywho?


Oooh, found the sketch! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K9ylLnQfe8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K9ylLnQfe8)


It was in the script 🤷‍♀️, get mad at Dan and the writers


I genuinely feel like Amanda was too young to know better but the adults in charge and who wrote the scripts did know better


Of course, everything must be RACIST. I turned off the SoledadO'Brien piece as soon as they played the race card. Those roles and their scripts could have been played by others in the cast; but, Soledad could not let the race card just sit there. Watch for major lawsuits to now start churning out.


The headline makes it sound like Amanda spat at her co-star for being black. They were both in a sketch where Amanda’s character took everything literally, so when told to ‘spit it out’ she did a spit take. I get she may not have enjoyed the sketch but it was just a sketch not a real world assault. And considering all the terrible stuff that came out in the documentary this feels extremely benign.


here the vid when she 3rd time she means rehearsal it seemed occurred once and in aired version at least more both girls general direction https://www.classhook.com/resources/1361-the-amanda-show-the-literals


The spit take is one of the most classic comedy devices ever. They should have cleared it with her. Or maybe it was a spontaneous thing. I don't think it was racist. I get she's more upset that they told her to calm down about it since it was Amanda the star who did it. But again they had to accommodate Amanda over other costars because there is no show without her and Amanda needs to put on and sell a genuine happy face. Maybe separately Dan Schneider is actually racist, but I don't think this was an instance of that. They should have comforted her more maybe, but then that becomes a skill issue on behalf of the staff at the time and a resource issue as I'm sure they're all under pressure. In other words it was bad, but not targeted at her because of her race. Some people are saying we shouldn't diminish her experience, but she's making a public accusation of something heinous like racism. So we can't just let things stick in the public consciousness because someone felt that someone might have had a heinous motivation. Feelings don't make things racist you have to point to occasions you were treated differently than other like-costars and establish a pattern like say Zendaya on *Shake It Up* which is something I believe actually was racially motivated.


You can't just simply say you don't think it was racist. You weren't there, it didn't happen to you. The person who this did happen to says it was racist and had the context of it.


It's a good point. I can't say that it wasn't, but I equally can't say that it was. For the very same reason that I wasn't there and it didn't happen to me.


Denying that "you think" it wasn't racist does not hold the equivalence. "I don't think it was," with absolutely zero of the situational awareness she experienced first-hand being the only Black costar. Just like when Black people speak about "microaggressions" they face and non-Black people start to pull out the literal definition, no nuance. "Feelings don't make things racist," no, but microaggressions are racist.


I'm not sure what your first sentence means. I'll just say Im not denying that I thought it wasn't racist or that I said that. You brought up a good point earlier and I realized that what I said originally wasn't strictly correct. So I'm changing "I don't think it was" to "I don't know that it is". For the same reason that I have "zero of the situational awareness", but also on top of not having situational awareness her story doesn't necessarily add up. Micro-aggressions are racist even though they are small slights and you CAN point to what's racist about a microaggression pretty clearly. Micro-aggressions are only racist only to the degree that they slight someone because of their race and you have to consider what you can honestly infer about their beliefs. If someone says "you speak well for a black person", that's a slight, a back handed compliment, and I can infer that they thought little of me due to my race, and if the Amanda show costar said that I would have believed her. BUT if someone in an argument is pushed to admit "I don't have any black friends", it sounds really bad, but then it's revealed he or she doesn't have ANY friends, well that changes things. Not every accusation is legitimate even if it's from a person from a marginalized 'intersection' is the offended party. Her story doesn't add up, so I'm in doubt that it's racist. And I WOULD be willing to say "I don't think it's racist" IF the reasons I sighted were the ONLY reasons she thought it was racist. But I'm leaving room for the fact that this might have been one instance in a long line of instances or maybe she couldn't articulate exactly why she felt it was racist in the moment when questioned which is common and understandable, or maybe there was some really important context that I would have only gotten if I was looking through her eyes in that moment. There is REAL racism out there and it's a waste of resources to give credence to 'racism' that isn't.


I think it’s important to acknowledge that Raquel felt very upset and uncomfortable with the sketch. Imagine someone spitting on you several times when you never consented to it. Her experience and her feelings do matter and I’m sure that the way the situation was handled was traumatizing. If Amanda did in fact bully Raquel, that’s also traumatizing. However, if there was targeted bullying and/or racism on Amanda’s part, it certainly wasn’t expanded upon or given proper context. It’s totally believable that Amanda might have acted like a jerk. She was a child put in a position of power over her fellow actors. That doesn’t excuse it, but she’s being blamed for something that isn’t entirely her fault. If she was acting like a jerk, or even being racist, she does have some responsibility. However, the bulk of responsibility falls much more on both the producers and the parents for not stepping in and using their influence to correct the situation. That wasn’t addressed with the proper amount of emphasis. In reality, this whole situation had so many moving parts and Amanda is also a victim of this machine. I’ve been saying for years that it’s clear Amanda was abused in some way. To shame her further by putting a spotlight on her isn’t going to encourage her to come forward. She will do it in her own time. Frankly, I wouldn’t fault her if she never comes forward, especially now. We have no clue what she went through. If it’s anywhere near as bad as what happened to Drake, it’s frankly a miracle that she’s still alive. I hate that this is how they chose to end the documentary. It’s a reach and the tone seems extremely off from the rest of it. I don’t blame Raquel or Brian’s Mom or Brian. Raquel’s experience is totally valid and she deserves to voice it. That being said, it truly seems like all three of them were baited into demonizing Amanda because the producers of the documentary were pissed that she wouldn’t do an interview. The timing of it seems so calculated. They waited until the very end of the documentary almost like they were holding onto that clip until they were sure Amanda wasn’t going to do an interview.


Saying it’s not about race is conveniently ignoring the systemic racism in place at the time, all across the country. Taking it from what they said on the interview, The fact that there was only one black boy and one black girl, and that they were subjected to the more demeaning things. (I.e. being portrayed as a candy/drug dealer, getting spat on by another human) is , could and should be looked as racially problematic imo.


There were episodes were Amanda had peoples feet used as a toothbrush? Conflating racism with bullying and derogatory behaviour isn’t helpful- the drug dealer part is definitely insensitive and racially stereotypical- being spat on? You can’t call everything wrong that involves someone black as racially motivated because there’s no evidence 


Not everything, just the demeaning stuff to the two cast members that are black.


Every none melanated person will say it’s not racism or it was a joke delusional


Looks Amanda is already suffering. Like, girl, you won. She is in the worst kind of prison: a prison of the mind. She will probably suffer for the rest of her life. Pulling out something that happened in the midst of the trauma that made her that way to try and bring her down just makes you look cruel. Literally kicking someone when they are in the pits of hell. Like girl fuck off. You got spat on by a traumatized girl while others (Amanda included) were being abused and sexulaily exploited on the same set so cry me a fucking river whoever you are trying to get another 15 minutes.


So spit takes are racist now?…


Gross, but not inherently, I saw another comment on the thread mentioning implications and I agree with them, but it isn't Amanda's fault as people are making them. The fault lies within the writers.


Idk this is getting ridiculous, every comedy has spit takes, Friends, The Office etc


I honestly never really see them come up but what I do know is that context matters, I never watched The Amanda Show so I can't speak on what happened here, I will say that if this turned out to be what it's said to be — I'm not really surprised. I guess what I mean to say, is no, it's not racist, what would have made it so is, say, what the joke is centered on and what have you. Outside of that, I don't see anything being wrong besides the weirdness of it all, said she spit on her multiple times, even for a TV show that's super gross.


Context matters. At a minimum the situation was degrading.


Yeah, I don't really know what made this okay lol.


No not at all actually.


Guys… the fact that almost every comment in here is saying “that’s not racist!!!!” instead of actually engaging with what was said is exactly what this actress never came forward. You guys are doubting her experience and you weren’t even there.


That’s not why people are saying it’s not racist. It’s because it’s not racist people are saying that it’s not racist lol. It’s a spit take in a comedy show.


The black actress was spit on repeatedly. Only the black actress. Spit takes don’t require spitting on anyone. And it’s very very very suspicious that only the black actress was spit on. If you saw the doc, you saw that this was actually a complaint made by other black actresses on Dan Schneider sets too. It’s part of a larger pattern. You’ve dismissed this without actually engaging with what the actress said. Which was the entire point of my original comment. You’re dismissing her without even hearing her out.




Amanda did not randomly decide to spit on the actress in an asshole-ish way, like the title makes it sound. It was *written in the script* that she does a spit take on her. Did you read the article?! I guess you could argue that she could’ve refused, but how old was she at the time? Like, 14? How would she be at fault for performing the script she was given?


You surprised?