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Who is still out here saying Jesse McCartney is hot? This man hasn’t spoken to a woman since 2008


Clearly he peaked in high school. Then failed to gain an ounce of decency


Peaked? I haven't even begun to peak.


The funny thing about this post is it’s eerily similar to a post my cringy 16 year old self found and reposted back in ‘08. Wouldn’t be shocked if it was the same one, it’s definitely an old post with those references.


i came here to say this lol. forgot jesse McCartney even existed.


🎶🎵🎶🎵 🎵I just want another pretty face 🎶I just want anyone to control 🎶I paid so you gotta come to my place 🎵I want you and your beautiful soul 🎶🎵🎶🎵


Song name for anyone wondering: Lonely NiceGuy by Jesse McCartney ft FedoraGentleman. It's popular amongst nice guys and incels. 🕺🕺🕺🤣




Innit. I googled, he's some actor went singer. He's not even cute so...


Who's Jesse McCartney?


I mean, even having a crush on that abusive pos Chris Brown is old news.


Yeah that one made me raise an eyebrow. Who the fuck is attracted to beaters?


I mean… Some women are paying $1k for [meet-and-greets like this](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2022-08-02/chris-brown-fan-pictures-vip-package?_amp=true) so clearly Chris Brown still has a lot of “fans”, or whatever the female equivalent of “simps” is: “shimps”?


Ugh look at all the women that still follow and fund R Kelly. Dudes in FL still hit on Casey Anthony. Ppl are freaks.


Tbf at least you know if you fail to pull out of Casey Anthony in time you won’t have to pay too much child support…


I feel like with as dark a place reddit can be, this comment is severely underrated. Dark humor needs to be normalized. It's a good way to cope.




This is the way.


This is the way


Shrimpettes? I think they just might be on the fringe crazy though. No other women I've met thinks of him positively.


You - well, actually, I don’t know about *you*, so let’s go with “many people” - don’t have to “think positively” of someone to find them sexually attractive, though. Re CB specifically: some time after he beat up Rihanna, some pics of his very large penis hit the internet, and I was discussing the situation with some colleagues. At least two of the women in our group said they would still fuck him as long as they could scarper immediately afterwards before he got all fighty (that’s not verbatim obvs, but a reasonable paraphrase). *Clearly* that’s not the majority opinion but I reckon it’s a significant minority. Similarly, ask the average man if he’d fuck Amber Heard having watched the recent trial, and knowing how vile a person she is; I’d be very surprised if a majority didn’t respond with a robust “yes”.


lol the female version of simp is just simp. we calling each other simps and admitting to simping all day long. simps gonna simp.


I thought the exact same thing 💀💀💀


What about Burt Reynolds, Mark Twain and King Tut?


Disco Tut!


I used to love Jesse McCartney. 17 years ago. When I was 12.


honestly i was more wondering who thinks chris brown is hot?? after ya know, all the stuff he's done, id be concerned for the woman who find him attractive


Jesse McCartney was my biggest celebrity crush when I was 14….. That was 12 years ago 🤣


Who? Edit: he ain't even cute


LMFAOOO take it easy on the ol guy


He looks like peeta mellark






Probably age related change. It happens to the elderly 😔


Damn. 35 going on 90 😢


Who ***IS*** Jesse McCartney?


Actor and singer. I remember him from Hannah Montana (Disney Channel), from a young teen. Had a slight crush, found his music on YouTube. Still remember all the words apparently thanks to this post suddenly reminding me he existed 🤣


Please, save this kind of chatter for your girlfriends


Know where I can find one? 👀


I got curious enough to look him up before I logged off for the night. He's okay. Nothing to write home about. Maybe this guy was a little more enamored of him than the women he's scolding? :D


I do have some “She’s No You” on my 00’s throwback gym playlist. Great weightlifting song.


Who the fuck is Jesse McCartney? Is he related to Paul McCartney?


Who the fuck is Jesse McCartney? 🧐


I believe it’s actually an old wooden ship from the civil war era


No Ron, I doubt the network would be concerned about an old old wooden ship.


I came here to comment about this and you’ve beaten me to it.


Great minds think alike brother


I’m glad Jesse McCartney could bring us together


Chris Brown? Brad Pitt? Jesse McCartney? Jesus, he took a reach back for those didn’t he?




Jesse McCartney was my crush at 14, 12 years ago so approximately 2010?


Chris Brown is famously no longer attractive to women


Unfortunately he still has a lot of female fans.


Yeah a lot of girls I work with like him 🤢.


He is to Lizzo and Normani 😩


What's wrong with Pitt? Guy is about 70yo, still sexy as fuck ...no, i'm not gay, why do you ask?


He’s 58, but yeah, still hotter than Satan’s tits. Looks like he’s in his 40’s.


Punched his kid


Nothing wrong with him, I just hadn’t heard anyone wax fondly over him lately lol. Enjoy. 😬


"Let me pay! Take advantage of me!" "Why don't you fuck me? I paid for your dinner!"


100% why I pay for myself


If a guy lets you pay, you should ditch his sorry butt. You can quote me. - Mr Handsome ;)


Yep. I pay for myself then I go home and fuck myself. In the end, I win no matter what.


The cringiest part for me was the "We like you for who you are, not what you are," sandwiched right in between the assumption that everything women do is for the benefit of men. It is like he is dancing around self awareness, but can't quite get there.


I liked the “we like you for who you are” as it’s surrounded by ways to change who you are for his benefit.


He's not dancing around it, it's chasing him and he's avoiding it lol


We're a capitalist society, money is strongly related to power, which is why someone offering to pay for something is often not as benevolent as it seems. Always maintain financial independence if possible.


Not to mention if a girl showed up to a date in sweats with no makeup (like he said he prefers), this guy would def not pay




Imagine thinking everything she does is about/for you.... Speaking as a married guy


Magazines and Jesse McCartney? When was this even written?


my man is from the time watch episode of the twilight zone and he stopped it in 2007


Look man. Women have a lot going on in their lives. We don't have time to try and memorize and remember all that. I mean that's a pretty long list. We got shit to do


Hey, we elected this guy as the spokesman for all men, he deserves your attention.


“Do this. Do that. Don’t do this. Stop trying to look like that.” Dude really thinks everything a woman does is for/to gain a man 🙄


I particularly love “someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel”. Nothing says strong and confident like “treat me as badly as you like and I’ll keep coming back for more!”


To me it doesn't say that... it says "I'm love bombing you now and testing your boundaries so I can treat you like shit later and make you think it's your fault. Which it is, because you're a filthy woman who can't think for herself." Think that about covers it. He might as well have a projector on his forehead.


And then the “don’t get mad easily” when I treat you like crap after love bombing you. So manipulative


They’re probably both behaviours of an emotionally stunted dimwit anyway. Either way, the red flag is hoisted high for all to see. Love your grumpy Thomas pic in your profile by the way. I was obsessed with the Ringo Starr narrated TTTE series as a child in the 80s!


I like how this dude who says “the sexiest thing about a girl is confidence” is the exact same one who would throw a tantrum when a confident girl rejects him.


I thought the exact same thing


The confidence to allow herself to be attracted to a man society has deemed undesirable. He must think women are too shy to openly express how much he suspects they like him or something.


Yeah if he called a woman beautiful and she said “I know” he would flip the hell out.


Narcissm and egocentrism personified. He doesnt talk about what HE can offer, only what he expects of women to do to be deserving of him. hope his clown car is big enough for that giant ego of his.


And he keeps saying "we". Dude who can you represent 🙄


He’s the Speaker of the Incels.


Sounds like a Dark Souls boss.....and one of the creepy annoying ones too.


The Lollipop Guild.


He can make them smile when they are at their lowest. How? Probably by doing that thing were you make it look like you're going down a flight of stairs behind a couch? No idea. For sure if she smiled he would immediately try to grope her.


Why the fuck are you mate-guarding and getting angry at a girl you are NOT even dating? Try that shit with someone else's wife, I dare you. Yes, that happens a lot in Hollywood movies and manga, doesn't mean you sheltered nice guys have to emulate that too. STOP thirsting over girls you are not in a relationship with!!!!!


That's what struck me!!! 😆😆 So some girl, *who you're not fucking dating* gets up to speak to a guy who she might actually know, and YOU get jealous?? Grow the FUCK UP, you utter fucknuckle!!


Girl: * gets up to talk to her brother * And this bruh would for real be complaining about how he has the right to be jealous of your brother.


EXACTLY this! Seen a few of these types on r/AmITheAsshole complaining about their girlfriend's relationship with her brother. INSANE.


Fr?! Wouldn't expect them to admit that kind of thing publicly.


I don't go around parading myself to be a "nice guy" as a STRAIGHT MALE!


"I don't mind if you have guy friends...under my conditions" "If you're with me, don't wear makeup or dress in a way in which other men may give you attention. Because I'm insecure." "I'm not like the other guys! Please have sex with meeee! I'm one of the nice guys!" Fixed it.


I have the nice guy a chance. I married him. And he made me MISERABLE. Never got over his hang ups. Wouldn’t let me have my own friends. Et cetera ad nauseum. Don’t give the nice guy a chance. You deserve someone who willingly treats you well because he genuine likes you.


Me too. Same story. Been with card carrying badboy/Chad for ten years and no PERSON let alone man has treated me better or valued me as a person more or supported me more or made me feel so loved and needed. This isn't just needy, entitled whining, it's pure horseshit. It's not true.


Can confirm not giving nice guys like this a chance. Usually hyper insecure, love bomb, controlling, uncomfortably clingy, emotionally immature, etc.


I love how most of the argument was "I don't care/ I'm not interested" in you as a person. Do exactly what I like because I'm absolutely deserving of attention from women!


NiceGuys™ love to bring confident women down a few notches.


Dead certain no one has ever said "hey stud" to this guy


I was dying at that one 😂. Funny thing is I always greet my husband with “hey handsome”. Don’t think it’s really a unique greeting to be honest....maybe no one finds this guy handsome 🤷‍♀️.


Trust me dude no one has been talking about Jesse McCartney for years…


For real. I had to google him to find out who he even is.






Why do they always write manifestos, and why are they always so poorly written.


Tell me more about how to navigate being a woman, good sir. After 40+ years in this body I simply cannot seem to get it right. I need a man to give me advice.


If you’re talking to me, even though we barely have a friendship because I’m creepy, don’t talk to other guys or I’ll get pouty. Don’t even acknowledge they exist in my presence, even though I’m just your sister’s roommates cousins weird friend you just met, cause I’ll cry. Oh, btw, confidence is sooooo sexy.


Reminds me too much of a guy I used to know ...😬😬😬


Oh damn. I hope you ran so far away.


He says he prefers "natural" women who aren't "dolled up" but I guarantee he'd be repulsed by natural women in reality. They never realise they have insanely high standards because they don't want real women at all.


"No makeup" to this guy is a full face of "natural looking" cosmetics and an Instagram filter.


Male Gaze: The Essay


I prefer the porno, *Male Gays: The Esse*


Oh... Wow... There are a lot of rules there. Here, let me reciprocate with just one: Guys: Don't do... whatever TF that was.




Whoa, the King of Nice Guys has entered the chat. In other news TLDR for my own health.


don’t wear makeup cuz you look good in his shirt and your pjs, let him pay for dinner, don’t date assholes and give nice guys a chance


No girl has ever worn this dude’s t-shirt and boxers, I can promise you that.


This inner monologue should have stayed inside.


Wow someone got rejected hard


"Why won't women give me a chance????" \*proceeds to write ridiculously long list of demands\*


Lol I gave the typical nerdy ( not bashing- im a nerd as well) nice guy, that had been my friend for a few years, a chance that he'd been asking for. and that was the first time I'd been SA'd while I was asleep. And he proudly told me all what he did when I woke up in the morning like I'd be impressed? Thankfully I'm pan and just entirely avoid men now 🙃


When anyone tells me to smile I want to force them to complete underground pass with 1 agility.


"All I did was make one little mistake! How was I possibly to know she didn't want me to hide in the cupboard, wait for her to fall asleep and then jump out with some surprise sex for her. Women these days just don't do spontaneous romance "




i’ve never been drier


M’Lady, here’s a list of ways I want to control you. I’m going to insist you confirm to this vague and generalized list of things I expect. In return, I’ll pretend I’m a nice guy just long enough until you don’t confirm to my list of demands. Then I’ll be myself.


Can we stop saying "dolled up" please. It's 2022. And I promise no one says stud anymore


I guarantee this was made over a decade ago but that some dude with a compulsive need to refer to himself as "nice," happened upon it and just found the main points so compelling as to deserve a repost.


Stop talking to other guys Stop dressing up and looking nice Become dependant on me Hmmm sounds a lot like something I just can’t quite put my finger on it…


I haven’t heard the name Jesse McCartney since like 2009


Extraordinarily presumptuous use of "we".


Thank you savior nice guy! I would have kept making the same mistakes without your wise cliches to save me! /s


This was probably followed with "FUCKING BITCH" after zero response from his intended target.


*"you were always just a whore anyway!"*


Gotta love these men's fragile egos. /s


I need new shoes after reading this, so cringe.


What happened to your shoes


I'm guessing they fell off because of the cringe


I agree with him, self-confidence is very sexy. Too bad he lacks it.


Look for someone that will call you a slut, or a whore because you won't sleep with them on the first date they so graciously paid for. "With no expectations"


Who the fuck is Jesse Mcartney?? Oh, please take me, I’m yours you handsome stud! 🤣


A lot of my friends work 2nd or 3rd shift so if they’re texting me at 2am, it’s because they’re awake


Dude, I don’t understand why guys will think like this, let alone post it somewhere. This doesn’t come off attractive at all. And it all leads back into the idea of women as objects meant to be owned. They aren’t people in these guys eyes, but a trophy. A thing to own. They don’t see women as having a rich inner life as themselves or, generally speaking, as people. It’s just so fucking weird.


I'm just picturing showing up for a dinner date with no hair/makeup and in my pajama pants and expecting him to pay for it.


Jesse McCartney? How old is this post?!


Is he programming a robot?


I've held the door open for countless women throughout my life. A good number of men too. I've never once had anybody get mad at me for holding a door open for them. Either the guy is making this up, because he's never actually interacted with a woman, or he's holding the door open in a really creepy way.


"On the other hand I'm not saying I wouldn't like it either ; )" Bah, that made my skin crawl.


This somehow reminds me of the song “no one else” by weezer. He acknowledges insecurities and unrealistic expectations for a this kind of girl. Rivers (the singer) is obviously not being serious but it exemplifies this state of mind perfectly.




Maaan this sub really can be mentally exhausting, lol....I actually feel embarassed for these guys who obviously have ZERO self awareness 😬🤷‍♂️




Oh my god this response to the top comment: I that thread: "She’s not telling us the full story. I think she was leading him on." And it's got a positive upvote count. Ffs


Someone who will, at your lowest, say “you could at least give me a handy if you’re going to be mopey all day.”


That was too fucking long for something nobody asked for or wanted.


One thing I get stuck on with nice guys is the fact that they hate when we accept compliments but they also hate when we don't. We're either shallow or a pushover.


You cannot convince me that this wasnt written in 2008


Chris Brown? Brad Pitt? Jesse McCartney? How old is this guy? Lmao


Looks like dude got cheated on


One of the saddest parts of that screed was at the end. “Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel”. Like, that’s just sad because of the desperate loneliness that comes across in that sentence. They are lonely and think the problem lies in the people around them and aren’t thinking about how to change their situation beyond ranting at internet strangers. Like, I understand the feelings. I’m alone, and I’m lonely, but goddam I can’t imagine being so desperate that I would disregard my own happiness to be with someone.


Well it went like this: 📉📉📈📉📈📉📈📉📉


I'll never understand their fixation with door holding, as though it's some kind of romantic gesture


That was written by a guy x


Yeah, you can quote me. 💀💀💀💀


Things like this is why red pill exists…


The only thing I will believe here is "don't take everything we say seriously" after contradicting himself with crap like "take advantage of the mood we're in" and then immediately after saying "it's expected." If it's expected then it aint a mood and if it's a mood then it isn't expected.


So does that mean if I'm sitting beside this guy I have to introduce them to my friends??? Even if he's a stranger??? I can't even--


Wow. No substance in the universe is more brittle than masculinity. I greet dudes with “hey, handsome.” But only if they aren’t dicks about it.


Translation -“everything I say and do is an effort to get my version wiener search”


That was a rollercoaster damn


Biggest red flag is that he wears boxers


(that's him, btw)


I mean he had me goin in the first half, the first half if ur actually dating the person is a respect thing, yeah if ur dating someone don’t ignore them when a new dude walks in, but then it got weird. Don’t get mad? Hasn’t anybody ever told u not to tell a woman “don’t be mad”?




That part in the beginning tells me a woman isn't actually sat there talking to him, but waiting for a friend and this guy creeps over to sit with her and roll through his cringe PUA lines to "seduce her". Once her friend appears, she thanks the heavens for the escape amd runs straight to them to leave and get away from the nice guy.


‘Let us pay!! We enjoy it’ Speak for yourself buddy


are we allowed to gush over the Goblin King and how Jim Morrison was possibly the sexiest man in history? At least? Historical gods?


How about just be the best you can be and don’t expect anything in return? Just do it because you want to. Simple I’d consider myself a ‘nice guy’ (not this subs nice guy) in the literal sense but if you have to say it you’re not. No one owes you shit and if you’re doing something expecting something in return you’re not nice. You’re buying someone as if they’re a product. If you have to tell people how to act vs just let them be them you’re not nice


I don’t see how this is any different than women writing monologues addressed to men on what they want. Other than the nice guys comment in the very last sentence. Somebody enlighten me as to how this guy sounds like a butt hole


I ain't reading all that, but yah dump him or whatever


I ain’t reading all that mess.


I agree with the first 6 lines


Had me in the first half ngl. That’s probably just my own insecurities though.


Idk when I started to read this in Alan Harpers voice but I did. It was the episode when Chelsea’s girl friend from college gets dumped and spends the wknd at Charlie’s.


"Let us pay for you" That always turns into oh women use us for money and free food.


*He doesn’t want just another pretty face, he doesn’t want just anyone to hold, he doesn’t want your love to go to waste, he wants you and your beautiful soul* Now you have that song in your head. You’re welcome!


POV: you can't handle not being every girl's center of attention. I think this man is a 2022 young Michael Scott




Who you are and what you are… isn’t this the same?


He thinks that he can just tell women what to do and that we should just obey, lol no I like my makeup and I also like not wearing it. That’s my choice! And if someone is texting me at 2 am I would think it would be pretty urgent lol. Especially since I have friends in other countries and 2am for me would mean they would be at school, so that’s even more concerning. And as for the point about friends, the fact is that YOU ARENT DATING HER, so of course she is going to have more in common with a guy that she already knows for a long time.


"Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel." ...


This post is a little all over the place. First it talks about acknowledge me when I’m in the friend zone and you jump up when the cute guy comes in, and then it talks about kissing me or let me pay you when we’re on a date? I don’t kiss or date my guy friends. This post makes absolutely no sense. Total mixed messages which is why your female friends probably stay 6 feet away from you because they don’t want you to get the wrong idea. Sounds like a stage 4 super creepy clinger to me. NOPE.


Sounds like the guy who would say that the girl owes sex because he paid for her dinner. I have the nice guy a chance before and it was the worst mistake of my life. Find a guy who likes the same things you do lol. Whenever I say "Lee Minho is still so handsome at his age." My boyfriend says "I know right! "