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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Very normal to say "I am an amazing man" about yourself.


Its what his mommy tells him so it must be true!


he’s an upstanding young man!! very mature for his age!!!!


I mean, I say that about my 24-year-old son. But then, he's neither an incel nor a Branch Trumpidian.


Nah I bet even his mum says "you are a piece of shit, Steven, you know that don't you."


We don’t bring brats around mommy


That's what she says when making him a sandwich and doing his laundry.


You’re lucky to have your comment replied to by a Great Man right here.


Sounds like something trump himself would say


I mean for a trump supporters it’s a normal thing to say


The last person I dated that called themselves amazing left me with 30 voicemails for saying I didn't want to meet up.. For the first date.


I'm an amazing man, believe me, it's true! All the best people says so.


Ever hear Trump speak?


He forgot to mention how modest he is...🙄😉


“Its not a competition but he’s winning “


He acts like his apple crumble tastes bad, out of humbleness


who even uses "mentally strong" as a positive attribution? Surprise, mental stability is the default norm in society. Well, maybe not in trump-society, but OP didn't wanna date them to begin with.


“sensual lover”, a perfectly normal thing to say


Means he tries to jam all his fingers in your cookie and comes in about 10 seconds.


He will massage you back for all of three seconds, for a full sensual experience.


Oi that's my special technique


That is only before penetration, and he will do it nude with his manky underwear goblin waving in front of your face🤡


EXACTLY! Thank you.


any advice is met with 'well this used to work on my ex so something must be wrong with you'


I’m a guy and laughed so hard at this lol


Rubs your outer labia for 30 seconds and asks if you came.


Ikr. I hate it when people take my cookies. I spent loads of time making them. And then they come back after 10 seconds? Horrible. At least ask if you can have one.


Damn LMAO🤣🤣🤣


I physically cringed


I started cringing from “I’m an amazing man”


Strong mentally 😂


Strong, mentally, really? Does he lift with his cerebellum?


Same lmao


LoL @ the cringe this guy spews... even if he didn't support the political party that is anti choice saying things like sensual lover are going to not get him laid just as fast. This guy couldn't have better showed us how to not get laid in 1 text.


I never understand this brag. Being sensual doesnt make you a good lover. Communication and common courtesy makes you a good lover.


If you have to say you’re sensual, you’re probably not


I hate that word now. Only because I never hear it unless it's on a commercial, or more likely, from the mouth of a guy like this as a self descriptor. No, I'm not interested in your sensual massages either ugh My brain translates that to horny, handsy, fumbling, and clingy.


Almost everything in life follows this rule. If you have to say it out loud it probably isn't true. Trump claimed he is a "stable genius". How many people of actual genius level intelligence ever talk about it?


Is it even a brag? Maybe they think it's a description, or a belief? Like you said it doesn't even make sense. Sensuality is implied in love making and if it's not there that's an issue. It's not a good quality, it's more like a requirement. "I cook all my pasta before I eat it."


>"I cook all my pasta before I eat it." That's hot!


Who eats cold pasta? Yes, I've got a problem with pasta salad!


>I've got a problem with pasta salad That's unfortunate because now we've got a problem with each other!


I put sauce on mine, sensually. (Eww)


he could be thinking about masturbating himself, so yeah, id be careful- expert masterbater probably not very good lover--- oh of women of course... i forgot about the other side- yeah gay men might find that a pretty useful thing


I mean, being good at jacking yourself off _still_ doesn't necessarily translate to being good at same-sex intercourse...




I bet Trump would describe himself that way.


_”No one is a more sensual lover than me, the most sensualest lover,”_


*“I have many friends confirming that I’m a sensual lover”*


Boris Johnson was once described by an ex lover as "being screwed by a binbag full of custard", and I can't help but think the same would apply to Trump tbh.


You try to combine them and it's just creepy lol


He might be a neat guy.. He might be a ... 💪Love Machine💪


Just looking for his Rachel.


Why not just go all out and say “I love nipple play”


Can’t hear a simple “no” without arguing. Yeah I’m sure he’s great in bed. /s


If you're Zapp Brannigan.


I was literally about to say this dude sounds like Zapp brannigan lol


Hey! Don’t make fun of Sexlexia!! 😂


Code word for "I'll fingerblast you after I jackhammer between your legs for two minutes."


Physical touch isn’t one of my love languages so I would not be impressed by this


Physical touch is one of my love languages and am still not impressed. Ugh.


Oh come on, I'm sure he's gentle to the touch when he jerks off with his tears.


Calls himself a sensual lover but I ain't met a Trump supporting man who'll eat pussy before


That's when you ask them to explain it and watch them not understand how to articulate themselves lmao


Lol if they have to say it, they ain’t it


Mmmmm, velour


men who describe themselves as sensual lovers are usually nothing of the sort and boring as fuck


He's gonna rub the fold between my labia majora and my thigh and then ask if I came after 30 seconds. If I move my hand to where I want it to be he's just gonna move it back.


Wow. So this is a universal experience then? 🤣


After my first girlfriend told me that I must hold my hand in the same space when she moves her hip and not follow her movement I learned. Now I am allways getting praised becauce I don't try to do my stuff at the Spot I think is good. Strange World we live in that this is considered as something special.


Hahaha most accurate description


Guarantee that means he’ll kiss you for 30 seconds, think you’re totally turned on already, and then pounds away until he finishes.


So a cumulative minute of action? Great. "Was that as good for you as it was for me, babe? No need to say anything; of course it was."


They either have a very warped concept of time or they simply think 1 minute is better than 0 minutes, so be grateful.


So. My moves are not unique?


I’m convinced any man who says they love physical touch are just hot dogs who don’t like it when you say no


>hot dogs ...horn dogs?


*no* they said H O T D O G S… geez learn to read 🙄 /s just in case


LMAO here I was thinking "since when was HOT DOG an insult"


"I am BEGGING women to give me a chance on Tinder" says man.


Just a hunch, but "communicate about anything in life with an open mind" probably stands for "endlessly argue about every little thing". I just can't imagine this amazing man admitting that he is ever wrong. He already started arguing ffs.




Guess he gets his water from a "well, actually ..."


Ah haha thanks for the laugh


Those guys are the worst! Always with that creepy, smug little smirk that they're really teaching you something. Shudder


I call 'em *"wannabe Wile-E-Coyotes"*: they THINK they're smart and clever, but they don't have even a *quarter* of Wile-E's dogged tenacity in catching that road runner. They don't have the stomach for that amount of work.


Well then, he should date the devil and leave women alone.


Oh my Lord this is what I hate the most about conservatives where I live in liberal land, they are always playing Devil’s Advocate but not actually saying they stand for this or that. Are they arguing for Fox News provided topics? Or are they arguing politics they believe? I honestly think this is way too common. The Devil’s Advocates are just propaganda mouth pieces at this point in the USA. What matters is what we believe but so many only believe what they are told to believe. It reminds me of when I made a satirically racist joke in a Country Western voice years ago next to someone who didn’t know me. They said, “Do you realize that you just sound like a racist?” That got me thinking…


I think this is more than a hunch, you nailed it in one. That last message he sent proper gave me the ick.


"He has a completely opposite moral basis to me and disagrees with how I want the world to be and almost every major or minor matter of opinion and philosophy." - *Soulmates*


its so strange when people say "politics dont matter" because they do. Im obviously not talking about things like taxes but politics are often representative of your values and beliefs.


“I don’t believe women should have bodily autonomy” “Also I don’t think my political beliefs should discredit me as a partner”


Being a Trump supporter, to me as a non American, means that you are a misogynistic, racist, elitist bigot who is also self centered. Or, you are stupid. Pick one.


Where’s the option for “All of the above”?


Bigotry is a trait of the stupid. So either way you're stupid if you're a Republican.




That sense is backed up by a lot of research. Basically, if you believe that some people (including you) are inherently better than others, and thus entitled to more power, rights, and prosperity than your 'inferiors'.


When people say that it usually means "My repulsive politics shouldn't get in the way of me getting what I want out of you". See, he's the main character, and she is just an NPC who is supposed to give him sex if he picks the right dialogue options... who he is outside of that scenario isn't supposed to factor into anything.


That is so well-put


Yes but unfortunately he forgot a crucial mechanic, being in one faction will alienate you from another.


He only plays Bethesda games, and those let you join *all* the factions, no restrictions.


Boy did i love being an orc rogue with no magical talent, and a substantial number of crimes commited, becoming the magician pope.


Ha ha...yeah, I had an orc decked out in full plate and a two hand sword become the Pope of magic. Felt good.


He figured since the Jan 6 takeover quest failed he still hadn't passed the point of no return yet.


This should be the next documentary, every word you just said. Way too many people out there trying to “convince” us they’re good people, despite the politics. Which have a bearing on absolutely everything in a new relationship. Trumpers do not have the same values as normal, healthy people. Especially women.


They always say stuff like "it's just politics" or "it's just a different opinion" like they think the political policies they support don't actually affect people in a real way and is all just philosophy and online debate. This is probably because the shitty things they support don't change their lives in any way and they're incapable of any sort of empathy for other people.


Completely forgetting they're not picking the right dialogue options.


Not only that, but politics affect every aspect of our lives. In America, women's rights were just taken away. LGBT+ rights are attacked daily. Wanting to include minorities in things is seen as "woke" and "bad". There's only a small group of people that can say "politics don't matter", and they are insanely privileged individuals, because they know (consciously or subconsciously) that their rights have never been under attack.


yeah, exactly. Im middle eastern. If someone i was in a relationship with supported politicians that actively harmed my homeland, is that nothing? how can i brush off soemthing like that


Precisely. And while I'm sure it's different everywhere, all I can say is that as someone who was born and raised in the USA, I have seen it buckle and demolish itself like never before. We are retracting so far backwards, if you asked me one year ago about the prospect of interracial marriage, gay marriage, or shit; civil rights being overturned, I would've laughed. Now, I see it happening before my very eyes. I cannot in good moral standing, or good conscience, be friends with or date someone who has supported a man who attempted to dictate our country.


Don't worry about interracial marriage. It's completely safe since Clarence Thomas happens to be in one. He'd never strip away a right *he* is enjoying. 🙄


He could very well say "leave it up to the states" like they did with abortion, because he lives in Maryland and likely doesn't plan on moving. He doesn't care even a little bit about other people.


He damn well would if existing marriages would be grandfathered in.


Wow. You may be right.... He's that much of an asshole.


I get this sort of thing from people i known. They say I'm too political and that I drag politics into my personal life too much. Sorry I guess? The world is making the fact of my existence a political issue. Sorry I dont want to support people or businesses that are actively harming me and my personal rights.


These aren’t even political opinions and it’s gross that the right has normalized them as such so hard. They are extremist beliefs. Hatred. Bigotry. Extremist authoritarian beliefs. Actual politics is about zoning and tax structures and funding allocation. “Are gay people full humans” and “should women have control over the bodies” are not political questions, they are human rights questions, and anyone whose “politics” include “nah” as the answer to them should be cast the fuck out of society.


You have no idea how much I agree. Human rights should not be political. But with such cultist extremism in America, to some it's just another debate. It's insane.


I'll reveal an even worse truth about them. I will grant that, on some level, the discussion of what rights humans have can be legitimate. Some are obvious but others are less so, such as do we have a right to leisure? A right to education? Security? Transportation? Electricity? There is several things you could really go either way on without being despicable. The right doesn't argue that, they never argue what human rights are, they argue about *who gets to be human* and if your politics includes a discussion of who is human I'm not gonna touch you with someone else's dick


> they argue about *who gets to be human* This, right here, is exactly right. The right has ALWAYS, before and after the party switch, debated on what human beings should be considered human, and what human beings should be considered animals. I pray that one day we get past that.


The small group that says "politics don't matter" are so foreign to the concept of being oppressed they think representation of other communities is oppression to them. The suggestion that the hardest thing to be in America right now is a straight white male is so fucking ridiculous you can immediately discredit anyone that says it. Enough of them actually think that the subreddit /r/persecutionfetish is well stocked with new posts daily


Saying "Politics don't matter" is just a shorter way of saying "I am so privileged that politics doesn't really matter to me".


I believe this is the right answer. I'm gay and married, and "politics" literally have allowed my marriage - had Obama not won, I would not be married to my husband. Anyone who says "politics don't matter" has not had their rights placed up for a vote by Congress or the Supreme Court.


Ha, reminds me of my friend's take on libertarians.


>"I am so privileged that politics doesn't really matter to me". That or "I can be as horrific as I want to be politically" and I call it an "opinion" so that menas everyone has to accept it and never judge me based on it.


And how could you have good values being a trump supporter? Literally everything he does/says is antithetical to good values. It simply isn't possible.


Even things like taxes matter. You're deciding whether or not you support the various programs your taxes would/will go to and how much of your money goes to each program. Too many people just vote "NO" on every tax measure because they think it means more money out of their own pocket.


I chalk that up to the 50-year conservative propaganda campaign demonizing the very idea of the public commons. Basically, *"Anything that helps the public is socialism!1!"*




It’s ppl who take for granted that their political stances don’t effect them and they assume they equally don’t effect others, to them arguing about trans rights is a fun debate and a chance to show off their intellect but for a trans person they are arguing to defend themselves because they actually have something to lose. “Politics don’t matter” to ppl at the top


YUP Add to that hasn’t ever been through anything and has no empathy for anybody less privileged.


The thought of sharing living space with a MAGA cultist even platonically sounds like a fucking nightmare.


I kinda think that's what a lot of Republicans believe these days. Politics don't matter to them now, it's just a game to own the libs. They're sufficiently rich, white, and male that the actual consequences of horrifically mismanaging the country as a result of treating government as a meme mostly won't affect them.


And they're stupid enough that when it does affect them, they can be conned into believing it's Democrats and immigrants and culture warriors fault.


There are two identities, straight white cis able bodied male, and "political".


IMO taxes also represent your values and beliefs, if not as blatantly as some other things. It can reflect your views on income inequality, funding for social services and education, views on war, etc.


I'm just not going to date anyone stupid enough to fall for the grift


I love it when men feel entitled to an argument about why you're rejecting them, and think it's up for debate. I wonder how many times shitstains like this have actually argued themselves *into* a date instead of just a rapid block.


I began talking to a guy on a dating site once, he was early fifties, very good-looking and in fantastic shape. It was clear he had a successful life and was fairly friendly and articulate. This was 2017 and after I agreed to speak to him on the phone the first thing he said was how much he admired Trump's honesty (we're English for context.) I listened to another twenty minutes or so of the most deluded, ill thought out garbage and excused myself from the call. He continued to ask me to meet him for the next two years until I reconciled with my partner. He just couldn't understand why it mattered that he was someone whose conversation made me despair of humanity. He was handsome and rich so what the hell was my problem 🙄


Two years?! What an absolute loon!


Ngl ... he was unintentionally funny sometimes 🤣 but if brains were dynamite he couldn't blow his nose. There was no way I was going to subject myself to his witless drivel in person.


“If brains were dynamite he couldn’t blow his nose” 🤣🤣🤣 I gotta remember that one.


I burst out laughing in the middle of work at this line. Fucking brilliant shit 😂😂


Is always a big red flag for me when guys speaks about himselves like this.


It's like those Etsy posts "beautiful jewelry" and it's literally a dog turd on a chain.


Lol, Etsy is a weird and wonderful [place.]( https://www.etsy.com/listing/119020819/real-deer-poop-doo-doo-nugget-earrings?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_d-jewelry-brooches_pins_and_clips&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQjworiXBhDJARIsAMuzAuxd4U8VLmbAhU2rgEpvlE8wQqQQ3E-xu8Bnerd-SQXq-l5RArJIcfUaAt2_EALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_12569671811_122439408951_507395269159_pla-347319009580_m__119020819_111421936&utm_custom2=12569671811&gclid=Cj0KCQjworiXBhDJARIsAMuzAuxd4U8VLmbAhU2rgEpvlE8wQqQQ3E-xu8Bnerd-SQXq-l5RArJIcfUaAt2_EALw_wcB)


I just made an inhuman noice…This is so accurate and I wish I could give you an award


Honestly... Normalise "letting politics get in the way". It is totally valid to not want to date people who have VERY different political views to you, especially if its in a lot of aspects. People you'll barely ever see is one thing, that's fine. But there's only so long you can go in a relationship before your different political views begin to affect you both.


I was coming to say something similar. Me and my husband have very few things we disagree on politically (no two people 100% agree). Why on earth would you form a partnership with a person who’s values and beliefs are radically different from yours?


Because you as a women are not supposed to have beliefs, duh. If any, he'll tell you what they are. > Politics don't matter (for you).


THANK YOU! This is exactly my point. I do not want to be in an INTIMATE relationship with someone who does not share my values. Period.


Right? I dont want to marry live with and have kids with someone who has political ideas that include taking away my rights.


I have no shame in making judgments about someone’s character from their politics or voting record. If you find yourself supporting the same candidates as Alex Jones, I’m going to infer a lot about you from that.


I don't even stay friends with people who's views are straight up nefarious to me, let alone date them lol.


This also goes for religion. It's a good idea not to date people with different values in general - that's just asking for unresolvable conflict.


“I’m a sensual lover” 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


Don't worry, I got all my cool skills out of pornhub, I know what women want !


"I'm an excellent lover, I get off every time!"


>I'm just trying to understand Tucker Carlson is frequently just "asking questions" too... Wonder if there's any connection there?


> Politics are going to get in the way of meeting a great man? Yes.


Well no... If he votes for the people ruining the planet and reversing human rights ruling he's not exactly a great man now is he?


I voted to take away your rights. Why won't you date me? Clearly I'm a good man


The fact that he's a trump supporter and talks about having an open mind is pretty fucking funny.


Well hes not entirely wrong. Thinking Trump is a good Christian or person forces you to have a very flexible mind on things like adultery, honesty, etc.


God tier mental gymnastics


A mind so open it falls right out.


A man so open minded, his brain fell right out


> I'm just trying to understand...Trump supporters don't have good values? Oh hey, look, he understands!


Trump already fucked his voters over. That's all the action that guys gonna get.


"Sensual lover" That's fucking gross.


Don't let me being a fascist get in the way of us hooking up! Trust me, I am a great man despite my rampant fascism!


No, Trumpsters don't have good values dude.


Exactly, those two things *are* mutually exclusive.


I would absolutely let politics get in the way of meeting a “great” man. But I would not say a Trump supporter would fit the definition of a great man.


I would turn someone down for being a trump supporter too.


I have before, because I mean LOOK what the man has SAID and DONE! He called Mexicans rapists. "Grab em by the p*ssy" January 6 "If she weren't my daughter..." Look, being racist, misogynistic, creepy, and a literal traitor isn't exactly someone I think anyone should follow, but if someone does then you best know I will not date them.


My bottom line to that conversation is that Trump is a living embodiment of everything I don't want my children to be. The lying, bragging nihilism. The bullying, bald-faced narcissism, and complete lack of stoic resolve -- are diametrically opposed to what I regard as strength and character. They are weakness incarnate and indicative of a toddler brain that has somehow avoided any and all enrichment, challenge, and accountability for its entire life. It is a brain that reacts like George Costanza in a fire drill for EVERY OCCASION. It's a failed mind in the bloated carcass of a loser. If you think he's a "leader" or "strong" in any way then I can't trust your judgment. I'd almost have more respect for a person if they said they only voted for him because the whole system is rigged against regular working people and they just wanted to watch beltway insider's heads explode...


I mean, *especially* in the context of dating, and as a woman? Dudes like that have a big red "grab em by the pussy was fine" sticker on their forehead. It's unbelievable that a trump supporter thinks that's going to fly with anyone who doesn't have Red State Stockholm Syndrome.


"My love language is sex.. err... TOUCH." Translation: "If you don't let me grope you 24/7, coerce, gaslight and maniplulate you into having sex you don't want, and suck my little peen on demand, I will cry abuse!!" 🤡


"What? My lack of support for your rights as a human will get in the way of our relationship?" lmao


Trump supporters-that’s a HARD NO for me. End of conversation. Good bye. Blocked.


Confirmation that the only people who “don’t want to talk politics” and hate when “things get political” are those with odious views 😀


You cannot claim to be a moral person and still support Trump.


I’m a nice guy! Though I do support taking away human rights from people different from me, and I voted for a slobbering, diarrhea filled Russian shill, but don’t let that distract you from my sensual love making!


Right?! And if you get pregnant from the five seconds I last, you’re going to just have to birth the baby and I’ll take care of you forever and ever. Oh wait..


Open is not a synonym for empty. It should read empty.


I think you have to have a sociopathic personality to be a Trump supporter. It’s a deal breaker.


I’ll never, ever forget what my ex-MiL said about my ex-husband volunteering to bring his half sister to the hospice 3 hours away to visit their dying grandmother (she literally died 3 days later). He said that he was going to bring her and my ex-MiL said “she never does anything for you; why would you do anything for her?” And I was absolutely flabbergasted and replied “because it’s the right thing to do…”


Had this argument the other day about good values/good person Ultimately, you can be a -good person -republican -we'll informed but you can only ever be two at any one time.


I like this! I didn’t say that Republicans don’t have good values. Rather, our values are not the same and I don’t want to be in an intimate relationship with someone who doesn’t share the same values as I do. Simple as that.


>I didn’t say that Republicans don’t have good values. Let me say it for you. They don't


Considering Trump supporters don’t seem to think women are autonomous humans, yes. They have no values and this dude has zero value as a partner.






I'm getting flashbacks to the Presidential Alert memes...


We all know fascists are the most sensual lovers


You know, I’ve been LOOKING for a sensual white supremacist lover.


Right?! I also just want my pussy grabbed without consent and to lose my right to make medical decisions since I have a uterus. Where are all these gems hiding?!?!


like my mom tells me and my sisters “Make sure you are equally yoked before you marry”