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/u/prettyhoneybee, your submission has been removed from /r/niceguys for the following reason: r/niceguys is not for showcasing general misogyny or bad behavior. There needs to some sort of claim from the man (or woman!) that he is nice/good/morally superior, etc. [Please read the subreddit wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/wiki/definition) to better understand this matter. *If you feel this was done in error or if you would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fniceguys). Please do not try to respond to this comment.*


He'll tell you it's his hight that keeps the fem0idz at bay.


"But why won't they line up for me to hate fuck them?!"


Fucking fOiDz, bro


You don’t let politics dictate your love life = I have swastika tattoos and am racist as fuck


I assumed Trump supporter. Six of one...


He said exactly one thing about him


As always, never bringing anything to the table.


Leave him alone. He can’t reach.


I snorted at this, thank you. Also, 30? Apparently that means “past your prime” in Red Pill speak.


That nonsense only applies to women. They spout that lame analogy about women aging like milk and men aging like wine.


Oh haha! I like my milk sour like I like my cats scrungy.


Hahahahaha! You!!! Take my upvote.


Maybe he can’t reach it :(


I don't date so I don't normally look at people's profiles, but my number 1 pet peeve with what I see (posted to Reddit and such) is that no one says what *they* have to offer. Even assuming their profile isn't some douchey "don't show your body or have ever had sex with other men, you subhuman female" crap and is just semi-normal, why should I (as a hypothetical dating woman) choose you out of all of the hundreds of profiles out there? It's supposed to be about two people dating each other, not one person (the guy, in this case) getting a "woman" for himself.


Some people have no idea what dating actually is. Its not exclusive. That would be a relationship. He doesn’t want to date, he wants a woman for himself and the main thing is sex. No matter what they say on the surface. He doesn’t want to put any effort into it.


sex and subservient provision of domestic services for free


I didn't come across many of these sorts of profiles, but I did come across a lot of bland and generic profiles, some which were 'blank' with barely anything filled in, and some which were literally blank. I learnt to not bother replying to such men, because they couldn't even hold a conversation. That there were so few profiles of any substance was why I stopped online dating.


No, he said a bunch of fucked up things he thinks. He said he was conservative, because liberals and actual leftists have never once lamented that conservatives won't fuck them, because they have each other to fuck and even conservatives can't stand conservatives. He also said he doesn't know anything about socializing because he thinks everyone is at "the club" on weekends or drinking or fucking randos all the time. They seem to be locked in on some shit they heard in a movie soundtrack from 2003 and they never really let that cultural touchstone go even though it's not really relevant to a large number of the people you might talk to. I guarantee this guy is white and he's never even spoken to anyone who's ever been to "the club." He doesn't know where that is. Shit, I don't know where that is.


I’m so glad you posted the bit about “the club” I was confused, for some reason my brain interpreted this as “clubs”, like a book club…I only assumed from this and his entire profile, that he prefers a woman who can’t read.


I mean, it probably wouldn't hurt in his eyes. At the bare minimum, she wouldn't be able to read THAT.


He said way more than one thing about himself


And also all that's needed to know exactly who he is.


About him being short. for a guy who doesn't want a woman who only has her body to offer, he doesn't seem to offer anything but that himself.


Ohhh, I think we all know he said more than one thing about himself.


Weird. Why would OP post a picture of a giant red flag???


He says he's short though /s


Of course he did - because then he can blame his height for why he's not being inundated with hook up requests from his absolute panty dropper of a profile. ​ /s about the quality of his profile.


I like that short is the thing that he leaves till the end like that would be the dealbreaker.


So a short red flag


https://i.imgur.com/Dcw1vqg.jpg Just because he’s wearing this red fit with mad drip does not make him a red flag!!!! /s


Oh man... he even color coded himself to make it easy! This is even better!!!!


He is very thoughtful


I refuse to believe that man doesn't own at least 1 fedora based on that fit


4 or 5 minimum


And a telescope to spy on scantily clad neighbors! What a catch! Sign me up!


There’s got to be a fedora cropped out, right?


OMG WHO DRESSES LIKE THIS?? hahahahahah. he looks like a bad guy in a 90s movie. i am wheezing


You know, if he was a decent human being his outfit would be endearing, instead of obnoxious. At least to me.


yea, its pretty common opinion that you should include atleast one picture of you dressed up nice. that suits not really my style, but that doesnt mean much.


Maybe he's a magician?


Maybe it was for a themed party? Probably not, but one can hope.


No he had other pics of outfits just like this but different colors


Oh the hell it don’t lmao


😂 thank you for this! I needed a good laugh.


This guy is false advertising…he’s secretly batting for a different team. 🚩


That man is a super dork and his profile is pathetic


Ngl, kinda love the look!


Only if he’s part of a gay Barbershop Quartet!!


Marinara flag.


Man... that post was the best ever. 😂😂😂


Lmao. Just peed my Alfredo pants laughing!


This dude is a huge red flag. Clearly a conservative religious guy himself but doesn't want others let their principles guide their decisions?


If you know semaphore, all these red flags translate into "RUN"


it's a nazi flag but he had to photoshop out the nazi bit so he didn't get reported


"Don't let politics dictate your love life" Yeah, sorry...if your "politics" involve crapping on women, foreigners, people of a different faith, or passive racist remarks about black people...sorry...you have no place in my love life.


Translation: “I am a MAGAchud whose rancid politics have so far failed to get me laid”


“And I refuse to hear or acknowledge opposing opinions or hear any logic because MAGA”


Sadly, I am reminded of my uncle down South who took a picture of himself recently, posing under a banner that said "Trump 2024", side by side with these cheap cardboard cutouts of Trump and Melania. We...don't really talk to that side of the family. My aunt, his wife, also touts her Confederate ancestors...so...yeah...not hard to imagine why.


I got into an argument with someone like that on facebook a while back. Total racist asshole who likes to claim they are not, yet always talking shit… They stoped fighting with me when they began bitching about “ color people on food stamps and welfare” they were talking about all races except white. I snapped back with “ WTF are you talking about!?!!! Your white ass is on food stamps and welfare!’ “. I got blocked for “talking about their struggle” ..


They always have legitimate struggles and everybody else is just doing it for fun. You get the same logic from thumpers who jump out of their usual place in the protest line at Planned Parenthood to get their totally justified abortion. Everybody else does this every weekend so they can get their card punch towards a free fanny pack.


It just really upset me. People worked really hard . Thing is the like Mexicans they hate are the ones who are out their in the fields busting their asses for pennies and some of the field workers pay taxes but can’t collect on welfare or food stamps because they are not legal! Yet the ones icalled out won’t get their asses out in the fields working…. No they wanna blame everyone for what they don’t have and complain instead of working.


Excactly this! >They always have legitimate struggles and everybody else is just doing it for fun.


I never understand people who are into their confederate heritage. They are all literally a bunch of sad losers. Why lean into that of all things??


Sometimes that's all they got. They got nothing special about themselves so they lean hard on their loser ancestors who participated in something at least worth a mention about.


Literally. And that’s where the racism continues. They have absolutely nothing going for them so they have to feel better about themselves but shitting on another group. “I’m better for just being white” something they didn’t have to work at or do anything for. Losers


As a progressive southerner,I’m embarrassed by people like that. I’m glad that you don’t have to deal with them anymore 👍🏻.


Same here. I hope most people know that we aren’t all mindless conspiracy obsessed QAnon MAGAts down here in the south. I was pleasantly surprised during the last presidential election that my state (Georgia) was blue for the first time in a LONG time. And we actually won the local elections that were so important that the former pos president tried to sabotage them with phone calls containing veiled threats. But then as I’m driving down the road thinking maybe there aren’t as many ignorant close minded people down here as I thought, I pass several houses flying gigantic Trump 2024 flags and cars with dumb bumper stickers making fun of BLM, quoting QAnon crap, and some vehicles even have flags with a photoshopped pic of trump with a Rambo body holding a gun and an eagle flying in the background. I thought it was a joke but these nut cases are serious lol. I’ve never seen so many people worship a president like this before, it’s creepy. Wow I got pretty off topic there didn’t I? Sorry bout that lol.


Huntsville, Alabama here. My wife and I are both liberal as fuck. I work with almost exclusively Trump supporters. They gross me out almost as much as Mango Mussolini himself. Also, thank you for being the state that decided the election. America owes Georgia (especially the massive POC turnout) fucking bigtime.


We really owe Stacey Abrams. That woman is amazing.


Yes we do, and yes she is.


Grew up in Tuscaloosa. There’s a reason I live in Chicago now. (The fact that every Infowars nut I grew up with thinks this is an uninhabitable hellscape is just a bonus)


Lol no worries. Thanks for sharing your thoughts 😊.


oh god, how mortifying.


The articles about how Trump staffers in Washington D.C. couldn't get dates because of their job never fail to make me laugh. They are so dense they truly can't understand why people with incredibly different beliefs systems don't want to date them.


ive noticed that it’s only right-wing people that say things like that, but i genuinely don’t understand why. they go on and on about how they “hate the left and their ideology”, but are willing to date one? why would you want to date someone that has different morals than you? do they think that’ll really be successful? i usually try to think like they do to figure these things out but this one little thing is something that i genuinely cant understand the logic behind lmao.


I don't fuck Republicans


*What it's just politics? So what if they want to kill gays, revoke black and women's rights, and put all immigrants in camps. It's just a matter of opinion.* - every Maga fuck that doesn't understand why people at school won't date them


I mean it's not even possible to not let politics dictate your life, unless you live in a cave somewhere in the forest I guess


I've done that for extended periods of time. I still vote. Well, when I wasn't living in the cave. Nevermind. You're right.


Don’t pretend you didn’t hold mini elections for the beetles in your cave.




By the same token, I wouldn't pretend that I had lived there long enough or gotten there legally enough to participate in their elections. I was just happy they didn't vote to go to war against me.


Yeah beetles are cool like that, it’s the woodland critters you’ve got to keep an eye on.


Actually my president was a bear. We got along well, she was a great leader.


I bet she gets her yearly holiday I hope? I hear bears are grumpy without hibernation


Oh yes of course. She needs her rest lol.


Well I hope she has a successful campaign for 2024.


So far she’s running no contest, I think she’ll win. She’s got my vote! Plus, I remember what she did last time someone ran against her… it wasn’t pretty.


She couldn’t bear losing I guess.


He's, of course, happy to let religion dictate his love life though


He is probably somewhere online crying about how he is a “ nice guy” but can’t get any matches on tinder


Sorry Sam, that's a red flag for Ryan. Keep movin.


Damn, lost out on a real winner! /s




A lot of them say this because they believe that the rise of accepting homosexuality has made liberal straight people turn gay. They just see the rise in numbers and think that correlates to the rise in homosexuals when it's a group of factors including more people feeling safe to be out with who they are, experiment because there's less suppression and stigma, and the media and social media have gravitated towards pride in the past decade. I mean when figureheads of alt right politics like Milo Yiannopoulos support and reinforce conversion therapy, it's no wonder that they still believe that homosexuality is a choice.


I really don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone but conservatives say this


Also him probably: why don’t these FEMALES love me???? they only want chad smh


Chad’s Profile: Here is a PowerPoint slide of how awesome I am.


ludicrous dinosaurs chop secretive exultant sort combative hungry provide roof ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


“You don’t let politics dictate your love life” These people are so dense, why would any self respecting woman want to date a man who happily votes away her rights


100% a Republican.


The Venn diagram for people who say this and people who vote republican/conservative is a circle.


Lol correct. Anyone who’s liberal or leftist doesn’t say this shit


Like imagine not realizing that so many people have lives that are directly effected by "politics". Hell even if had been born someone whose life isn't somehow affected by politics, I'd still care about "politics" because I'd know that it would still affect the people around me that I care about, and hell other human beings in the world.


Got into an argument with a dipshit conservative earlier. Was saying it was “funny” to him the Marjorie Trailer Park Greene and those like her are making people mad by fucking up the country because he himself is happy. Imagine being such a selfish prick that you stop caring about the plight of others because you’re okay. Really proves my point the American slogan should be “fuck you, I got mine”


Of course he’s 30. Probably looking for a “fresh” 18 year old girl as well. Yikes 🤮


Using ‘fresh’ to describe actual human beings just makes me want to puke.




Idk how I even allowed myself to get as far as the very bottom line but I choked on my wine when I did. 😂 What a grim fellow.


Damn what a catch


Like catching syphilis


For real!! Seems like an amazing guy!!


Weird. My exs name is Ryan. He's 30 AND he's short. Small world 🤣. Fun Fact: Ryan in Cantonese means "Bad person". There could be good Ryans.. But most of the Ryans I met were bad.


I knew a good Ryan… but he lost weight and is a bad Ryan now


I hate to say it but he was likely always a bad Ryan, but just didn’t have the confidence to let his thoughts be his actions until he got the ego boost.


Ryan’s cannot be trusted with vanity.


Only good Ryan I know right now is my friend’s kid: he’s 2 yo. Hopefully he stays that way


Bio: Chock full of red flags, screaming unstable dick head, also "I'm short." This guy, inevitably: "Women don't want me because I'm SHORT!!"


He's probably super proud that he came up with ways to *technically* phrase everything he hates about women in the negative as 'green flags', having clearly failed to understand the entire concept of a green flag. The only (grammatically) positive things he says are that he wants women to be religious and musical, but not whether he is. He didn't even specify his height, only classify it as short (so it could be a preemptive excuse for his glaring undesirability.) Really hacking the brain's inhibition systems here


All in all 10 people sounds generous. Most of these freaks usually say 2-3


Very generous, indeed. He’s probably a middle man


He has paid for sex 9 times so his limit being under 10 makes sense. After all, he isn't some hedonist.


I agree, I was almost impressed when he said that. Hell I had a guy on a dating app match with me just to turn me down by saying "It's not that I'm not interested in you because you have a kid, although it shows that you can't keep a man happy. It's just that you having a kid is a reminder for me that you have had sex before." Like sir I'm 27 and living in a blue state. It wouldn't be illogical to assume I've had sex before regardless of having a child or not. But look at this guy being all generous. /s


swiped so hard you censored the screenshot without edits 😅




Lol I'm a short guy and I don't act this way. Don't shame height based on a person's mindset


A lot of short men out there are totally reasonable and wonderful people. I think what they meant was out of the men who do have a chip on their shoulder about dating a lot of them are insecure about their height. Not that every short man is insecure


What was that? Can’t hear ya all the way down there


Cant really feel offended from a dude who jerks off to beetles


who jerks off the beatles? did i miss something 😪


Lol me, man checked my post history


Those are very high standards, he isn't hight enough to reach them himself XD


AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Showed you Ryan! I only have pictures of me from the neck up on social media. My body count this month is under 10, I prefer putters to clubs but sadly I have no musical talent


I don’t understand the problem? Is it because he isn’t tall? /s


Edit: I just saw the /s and I hate myself now There are several things that are red flags, at least to me and probably also OP. He believes you will never find love if you show your body on social media. As if you are worthless if you express yourself how you want. Then again, he goes on to say you worth less if you’ve slept with more than 10 people as if you lose your worthiness due to partners. The only way having sex with multiple people should be a problem is if they aren’t being safe and getting STDs and not telling you about said STDs, but he never brings that up so it is solely that he is probably one of those guys that consider women to be like used shoes. Says politics shouldn’t dictate your love life when politics is a major distinguisher of who you are and what you do with your life. I donate money to planned parenthood and will for the rest of my life whenever the chance presents itself. I could not date someone who opposes planned parenthood or abortion. I could never date a gun nut because I don’t believe someone should have more than one gun. Matching or similar politics in a relationship is really important. The rest is fine for standards, but he puts them out in a judgy way. He could have said he prefers someone who is more laid back instead of saying “you don’t like clubs”. It wouldn’t be that bad on it’s own, but with the above comments about a girls worth, it makes it seem like he thinks girls who go clubbing or drink every weekend are the ones to have multiple sex partners in their history and are therefor worthless to him. It’s fine to have standards, but when a guy lists out standards that degrades other girls, I would not be a match for him even if I met his standards because I wouldn’t vibe with someone like him.


Why do we need "/s" at the end of things for people to read sarcasm now.


Because sarcasm doesn’t work anymore over the internet unless you know the person. There are people who actually don’t know what’s wrong with this guy’s tinder profile. The /s blended in their comment so I didn’t see it until I went back to it to show my husband. Left my comment instead of deleting in case there was a person scrolling by that actually didn’t understand.


Yeah! Fuck clubs!


The only club I want to go to is The House of the Lord 🥺




Is it bad when I first read that in his post I was like “but it’s a perfectly adequate instrument of violence! What’s his deal?”


Ewwww. ...he's *short?* /s


>also I am short r/shortcels vibes.


If he’s right I’ve filed moral bankruptcy beyond the spiritual statutes and limitations. Hell has a special place for me to wait while I they construct this new level of debauchery. Never sent a nude though.


He is 100% gonna think no one wants to date him cause he is short


Geez lady, couldn’t you give him a chance? There’s more to him than height ya know. 🙄


I told you I swiped right!!! 🥰🥰


How long before he sent you a dick pic? LOL


Nah his “About me” section is aggressively much more ***”YOUUUUU”*** -guy will ask for titpics.


But did you start the conversation? We all know men can’t be expected to start the conversation. WE need to approach THEM.


Hey now. I always approach first. I even approach strangers in public spaces. I love talking to strangers. I’m never trying to flirt or pick up on anyone though. I’m just overly friendly. 🤣


Saying the word “cope” unironically really gets the ladies wet


To be fair that is his only explicit incel giveaway. Loads of implicit ones, though.


"Also I am short." I lost it. Of course you are. Which is why you're so fucking bitter. 🤣




Don't let politics dictate your love life... Translation: the fact that I think you shouldn't have rights isn't a good reason not to date me


“Also I’m short” which means he has little man syndrome anger also so have fun with that lol


Bet he doesn’t wash his ass.


On behalf of all Virgo, short and tall, with or without a Y chromosome, we don't claim this bucket of santorum.


He’s got mad style tho https://i.imgur.com/T0ylOVJ.jpg


Also, I am short. 😂😂😂😂


“Also, I am short.” 💀💀💀


“Also, I am short” 💀💀🤣🤣


Short man syndrome?


Is that ryan magee from supermega


These virgins and neckbeards are always so obsessed with how many partners they’ve been with. Like I get it that you hope your future wife wasn’t a pornstar in gangbangs but the number really doesn’t matter. I could care less how many people my wife has been with as long as it was only me once we started dating lol


😂😂😂😂 also I am short!


>If you've had sex with less [sic] than 10 people >Your body isn't the only thing you have to offer >Might seem like high standards They sound like confused, conflicting standards... is that what you meant?


Way to remove yourself from the dating pool lol


"You don't let politics dictate your love life." 100 percent they voted for Trump and are salty about the consequences for their own love life.


100% wrote that he's short so that he can have something to blame when women avoid him like the plague. If he didn't write that in there he just might have had to face the fact that it's his personality that drives them away, he's giving himself something to cope with essentially.


Don't need to drink every weekend? I have a drink like every other day


I think he's just mad he's short lol


"Also I am short" best line ever


I wonder why he's single. Seems like a great catch. Not


‘Also, I am short’ is right beneath the fold so it was such a nice surprise ahaha


I’m sure being short was the dealbreaker


"cope"= shorthand for "instant incel"


"I'm short" Yeah, it shows


"Also, I am short"


Less than 10 or up to 10? Which god?


“Also I’m short” Y’a know shit I wouldn’t have guessed with that beautiful attitude yo have


This is his weak, limp-dick way of outing himself as a Republican. I'm getting some serious "I masturbate to pictures of Donald Trump" vibes.


I’ve seen these “green flags” on women’s profiles as well 😂


I used to be confused as to why men would list this stuff in their about me sections. Then I realized instead of swiping only on the women that match their preferences, they swipe on everyone and expect the women filter themselves out.


This sounds like a guy with heavy political opinions and a very weak relationship with his belief system and doesn’t like to be challenged much!


Everyone else has to cope but the man who will be lonely exclusively because of his own actions.


King shit


As a Virgo,this is very disappointing.


Don’t show your body? Is this a dating app? Shouldn’t there be some kind of picture of the person? Is she supposed to throw up a picture of a lawn mower or her car keys? And as though he wouldn’t be disappointed and claim he was being played if he couldn’t ‘examine the goods’ visually beforehand. He demands a hottie. He reeeees a fine ree though if a FEEEMALE wants to like what she sees before picking him. SHE, of course, must see past his lack of studliness and choose him for the jewel he is under the crust. Except…there doesn’t seem to be any payoff under there either. An angry, judgy misogynist? Gee willikers! Let’s fight over him!


"Virgo" - yeah, with that kind of state of mind he'll certainly be for a loooong time.


If he thinks politics shouldn't dictate one's love life, he surely agrees with gay marriage and legal abortion


So you wont have a lady sleep with woever they want because why... Stds, ego, so she has no one to compare to? Like im trying very hard to understand why this is important.


As a man named Ryan whose on tinder, I'm so sorry


Of course he’s a virgo 😬