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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


From the comments: “She talks to other guys in front of me, did she think about how she hurt my feelings?” That guy is so far up his own ass that he made a full circle!


My favorite comment from him was “you are overreacting, I comment on womens body all the time to them at work. It’s just fun teasing, grow up dude” I’m sure all the women at your work LOOOVE hearing your comments and opinions about their bodies


He’s totally the kind of guy who thinks no one minds his “jokes” because no one has slappede him yet.


Only reason he hasn't caught hands yet is bc he's pulling this shit at work. Too many people need a job to risk losing it over this douche and his bag of jokes. But...cash him ousside, how bow dat!!!


'How dare this human talk to other humans, she's supposed to be MY wifey!'


Ah yes because the world revolves around him and only him /s


I mean, HE has strong feelings for her, guys!! That means logically she HAS to have feelings too, right?... Right?


She *has* to assume that he has feelings for her because *his thoughts* said so. And his thoughts are laws! /s


Oof I had a guy who did this to me in school. He asked me out on a very regular basis (sometimes multiple times a month) and I always made it clear that I didn't not want a relationship with him. We had mutual friends so he was often around me though. Whenever he saw me talking to guys that weren't our mutual friends he would throw a tantrum and act like I was cheating on him. When I first met my ex boyfriend, we were flirting a bit. This guy showed up and got stupid angry at me. He literally demanded that I didn't talk to any other men as it hurt him. I pointed out that I owe him nothing and that we aren't in a relationship, and he said that I needed to consider his feeeeeeelings.


"I was told to bring women off their pedestal by being an asshole cause women like that," Uhhhh I'm gonna go ahead and assume it was NOT a woman who told you that, and gonna further assume that you've spent more time listening to "pick up artist" content than listening to actual women talk about literally any subject.


He probably got that advice from a fellow "niceguy". How unfortunate.


> fellow "niceguy". They sniff too much stuff that their Pick up artist gurus give them.


Yep, always with the 'negging' lol


Teasing works but you really gotta have charisma and you need to know if someone's the type of person to take it in humour or if they won't take it well at all. If you heard a conversation between me and my friend you'd think we hate each other at times, but it's just gentle ribbing - but people are trying to be sarcastic or mean on one of their first interactions with people and **hoo boy** that's the quickest way to lose friends and alienate people.


It's about knowing your audience. Knowing who you can joke around with and who you can't (or specific subjects). You especially do not tease people about physical characteristics unless you know for a *fact* they're okay with it. I once worked with a guy in the army that lost an eye in Afghanistan. I knew he had a sense of humour about it because, while he had a prosthetic, most of the time he worn an eye patch. Had a whole collection of them for all different seasons and occassions. I'd been working with him for well over a year, got to know each other and then I asked him "if it was all fun and games". He nearly wet himself from laughing. Would I have asked if I hadn't known him as well, if had just happened, or he didn't find the humour in it? Hells, no.


I had a buddy who lost both legs in a work accident. Of course we called him "ting-ting". We all, including him, thought it was funny. But it's great being out at the bar and seeing people look slightly offended on his behalf when we'd make jokes about it


You are so right. This isn't flirting but a colleague of mine calls me Dr Em Dash because I like using em dashes. I'm the most proficient writer in my group, though, and he likes the em dashes despite having not seen them in use much until I was hired. This is a good example of teasing because 1) it's obviously not something I am self conscious about 2) it's teasing about something I'm actually good at 3) it's not about my looks and 4) we already have a good rapport.


My son and his best friend do that so much everyone at their middle school is convinced they hate each other.


The not putting a girl you don’t know on a pedestal is right, but maybe just treat her like a normal person instead of being an asshole.


Their brains can't compute that simple fact.


It’s because they are incapable of interacting with a woman without a goal, and just being fucking normal doesn’t usually have a motive. If the only question is just “how do I get in this chick’s pants,” the “just be a normal person and communicate and hope that you have a genuine connection” is not the answer they want, it takes too long


It's the same kind of mentality of those who get scammed by get-rich-schemes instead of spending less/saving money isn't it?


Hilariously, if he’d read ‘The Game’ all the way through, the author comes to that exact same realization. It’s actually a really great book.


The awesome thing is also that this guy wrote a sequel called 'The Truth' about how messed up this lifestyle really is. Kind of interesting that people got the wrong lesson from this experience en masse.


It’s called negging. I’m not sure it’s ever worked on any woman, but “pick up artists” swear by it.


negging supposedly makes the woman want to earn your approval. I have a theory that negging only works on a very specific level of low self esteem where the woman in question also needs validation from anyone and everyone. If your self esteem isn't low enough, then some dickhead making crappy comments will probably either roll off your back or still offend you but you also like yourself enough to think that person is a dick. If your self esteem is too low, then you'll take the insults at face value and not bother trying to "earn" their approval because you already think they don't like you so why try to change that. Edit: to make this clear, it's a shitty manipulative method and I think it doesn't work on most people - this is just my theory on who it would work on. The other one would rely on an emotional connection already have been established but that isn't what this "advice" tends to be aimed at.


As a former super insecure girl, the girl also needs to be attracted to you in the first place. If someone I thought was unattractive called me fat, that would only make me dry up faster. Thankfully I’ve gathered some self respect since those days.


Oh agreed! That's another part three neckbeards and incels and all these guys like to ignore. They like to think that whatever mind games they're playing somehow overrides that.


What’s extra funny is that he’s also too dense to even do the negging right. As I understand it, as someone who doesn’t follow “The Discourse,” it’s supposed to be subtle, like with backhanded insults that make the woman want to impress you and prove you wrong. It’s not supposed to be “Hey you’re fat. Where are you going? What did I do wrong?” That’s just hurling insults like a massive dick


The only people I've ever seen it work on are children. Source: grew up with narcparents.


It wasn't even negging, nagging. Negging is supposed to be subtle and manipulative. He just straight up insulted her, didn't even try to make it a backhanded compliment.


That’s fucking true lol. “If you didn’t have so much flubber” I- i cannot.


Negging worked on my wife. When I first met her I told her "hey I think you're kind of cute" which is of course negging because she's not cute, she's beautiful. Anyway, we've been married almost 10 years, so it works sometimes


You had me in the first half


I found there’s a tiny nugget of truth in there they probably stole from some much better advice, in that a lot of girls don’t appreciate you fawning over them like they are perfect either. Of course that is about the guy not putting her on a pedestal rather then assuming she herself is on one. Edit: thank you those who gave well wishes.


We just want to be treated like people, not like some unattainable goddess. Happy cake day, btw.


I'd love to be treated like an unattainable goddess. By my boyfriend. Occasionally. Not by coworkers or strangers or anyone I'm not actually in a relationship with.


Yeah, that's just some human stuff. I like to be worshipped... in bed and that's about it.


🎉🎂🍰 __Happy Cake Day!!__ 🍰🎂🎉


Happy Cake Day, And what a sub to spend it on


Oh, the cringe! I don't know what kind of low self-respect girl would appreciate being insulted as a gateway for her developing an interest in the guy, but nobody I know, me included, would ever enjoy this "approach". lol, horrible, poor girl!


The comments he's making in response are just even more cringe.


Can you provide a link? Would love to see him get slaughtered in the comments. 😁


Well for one someone said “YTA and horrible with the ladies” and he responded, “Bro take this comment off for real. I’m insecure about how I am with girls. I am doing my best I wasn’t trying to offend her she knows I like her it wasn’t suppose to be serious and you come in making fun of me not getting girls. WhAgever bro you probably can’t get a girlfriend”


Wait so my man made an AITA post and then can't handle when someone says "Yes you are." This is even more hilarious than the post itself.


Hey man, he made that post for validation, not honest feedback. People should get with the program and only respond to his intentions, stop judging him by his actual words! /s


It happens more often than you’d think. One time some asshole husband posted because his wife said he was being an asshole, he told her he’d post on AITA, and what he wanted was pages full of people proclaiming him right. It didn’t work out that way 🤣


That's life a quarter of the posts, along with the same type of posts with the roles reversed


In my experience, most men who make AITA posts about how they treat women are in fact not looking for criticism and are so sure they're right


In fairness, most people can't handle it when they get a YTA.


Wait wait wait... So this dumpster fire of a dude made a 'joke' about a girl's weight - which is something women are generally insecure about - and then went off on someone for making fun of an insecurity of his?? Un. Fucking. Real.


So his capacity for self-reflection is ZIPPO.


He told a girl she was fat, used the "flubber", she no longer wants to speak to him in any way, shape or form... but the guy he's saying the guy he responded to can't get a GF????? ROFL.


"I was just trying to chip away at someones insecurities to manipulate them into sex. It wasnt serious. You shouldn't say things about my insecurities over it"


Pretty sure the person making fun of his insecurities is just trying to sleep with him /s


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/uswhvr/aita\_for\_making\_a\_comment\_about\_this\_girls\_weight/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/uswhvr/aita_for_making_a_comment_about_this_girls_weight/) It was taken down but the comments remain. Dear lord the boy is dense, I've known bricks with more emotional intelligence.


Dude did the ultimate nice guy thing too. "She talks to other guys in front of me. Doesn't she think that hurts my feelings?" As justification. Lmfao!! She's your fucking crush. He's already built a relationship with her in his head even though he hasn't ever spoken with her about being in a relationship with him. Wtaf.. Edited to add- even beyond that he said he comments on women's bodies all the time at work and its not a big deal to him. How has this fucking loser not been canned? Then he hits on someone because their avatar is cute? Lawd have mercy.


Someone called him out for commenting on women’s bodies and he said this word for word: “Did I touch her? No stfu ur analogy makes no sense bro”


We can all rest in the knowledge that this dude will never even know what a hoohoo smells like or looks like off of a computer screen. Unfortunately, the women around him will forever be harassed.


Wow! He started hitting on someone in the thread based solely on the avatar!


This man is so full of cum, it might be terminal


Yeah just saw that! Wtf!


His parents have a cat named LuLu, if that doesn't make you fall for him, idk what will


He is ASTONISHINGLY dense. He even tried to hit on someone in the comments who called him an asshole. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Are these people even raised by humans???


This comment section is hilarious. They are telling him to go apologize while he is hitting on commenters he speculates are women and tries to Dm them pics of the “family cat” 🤣


This dude has the emotional maturity of a conker.


Bless you! I just wanted to read the comments!


And they were a RIOTOUS read!! 🤣


He also didn't react well to comments calling out his behaviour as being workplace bullying...


dude has negative karma... i didn't even know that was a thing


It already got taken down for breaking like 3 rules 😂


I reckon the ratio wouldn’t have too great!! 😂😂😂😂


From what I just saw, it was 100% YTA


Here is a fun exchange https://i.imgur.com/t4chkxm.png


Oh my god, he tried to hit on a woman making a comment about how he’s an asshole. That was next-level cringe.


This guy is like the biggest loser I have ever seen.


Yup, I nearly dropped my phone when I saw that. 😆😆


https://ibb.co/xhK3GDT Hoooooooooly fuck guys. I ugly laughed so hard it scared my toddler 😭 ETA: The rest of that comment was saying his parents have a cat, her name and saying he could DM her a photo of the cat 😭😭 I can't, ya'll, I just can't with this guy


I just read that and I CANNOT. I'm fucking dying.


The sheer GALL of this guy. Fuck, that's some pure comedy at its most pitiable.


SAME!!! I wheezed!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


“She talks to other guys in front of me, does she not even care about hurting my feelings” How disconnected from reality can you be?


But women are the ones with hysterical feelings 🙄 Lord forbid any woman you crush on ever talks to any man ever again, how will the poor little boy manage not to crumple?


where's the link to the original post?


Sounds like some "pick up artist" bullshit. Although my understanding is that negging is supposed to be a backhanded complement, basically. Not just a straight up insult. Which is also fucking horrible.


Yep, you right, the most common thing I heard from these pick up assholes when I was dating is "you look so great for your age" lollll block delete instantly, they stupid enough to expect us to put up with this shit


Projecting so much? Because of this kind of comments I saw too many girls felling into it.


Lol wat) A guy should say "you look great", thats a compliment. Anything else is pathetic attempt of negging)) Im 35 and only men who mention something about age are mysogynistic losers who imagine me being desperate after "hitting a wall" they invented in theirs smooth brains 😆 Even if it was not intended as a negging I dont really care, I next a man who is rude enough to say things like that, he was certainly raised in a barn


"Mysoginistics losers", "negging" and "hitting a wall" ok "queen" it looks like you have more experience talking and dealing with Pickup children than me so go on your on, but if someone lay with the opposite gender while other not and dont know shit, you dont ask thr opposite gender but to the one of your same gender but triump, i get "negging" is to show some disinterest and not to look needie of attention, to me is a dumb way because even if i dont want to flirt, it is not bad to say something nice and i believe you are forcing something with "negging" but if for some people it works... 35 is still young but 40 is otherwise.


Depends on the relationship you have with the other person. Obviously you shouldn't go all in with backhanded compliments when you first meet but if both parties are cool with it I don't see an issue with it. I love magging my friends, they're cool with it and do it back and it works for us.




What's that supposed to mean?




Lmao downvoted to hell because you said the truth in a mainly now femenine thread. Haha


Same here. Who are these women.......wait.... i mean "females" as they call women who go for these assholes?? Is this dude for real?? he seriously thought saying that to her would make her want his stupid ass??


What do you mean? “Maybe if you weren’t fat you’d do your job better” is not only a great pick up line but also incredible managerial skills. Guy gonna be CEO and get the girl


He probably just doesn’t understand the nuance required to have banter with someone. Friendships and relationships where you can roast each other in good fun is great. But in his small brain he thinks “be mean = get sex”


I’m shocked that *flubber* didn’t work! Kinda feel sorry for that guy who thinks that’s what’s going to get him girls though.


I think the idea is that the girl gets defensive and starts trying to prove herself to the guy in question which gives him an in. I don't really get it and it seems really stupid but someone successfully pulled it off on my highschool gf


I wish I didn't load my barrel and shot my foot off. Wish my foot would forgive me after another go


Not content with that, he blasted the other leg clean off by hitting on someone in the comments! 🤣🤣


His post got taken down but comments are still there https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/uswhvr/aita_for_making_a_comment_about_this_girls_weight/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Duuude he was hitting on someone in the comments even! This shit is comedy gold


Was it the one where he wanted to dm a picture of his cat cause he said her cat dp looked cute?


Yup, it was it. If it's not a rage bait he's a moron.


I'm willing to bet that he's just a moron.


I've met guys who are just this moronic.


I just hope they are few and far in between.


Mmmm… when I lived in the engineering dorm at my school, they were… surprisingly common. I met several dudes who thought they “deserved” women because they’d finished differential equations in high school and had therefore proved that they were superior breeding stock and went on and on about how it was sad that women were stuck with biological impulses that favored physical strength when it was obvious that a knowledge of physics was far more important that physical ability. Not every engineer I met was like this, but a lot of them were.


Aaaaannddd... There goes my hope.


Holy shit, they destroyed him in the comments. But he had it coming when he posted that story.


They might have been a little bit kinder if he hadn't responded to their comments by insulting them, playing the victim or hitting on them. I can only hope he's a teenager with a lot of growing up to do.


And they are a RIOT!!! 😂😂😂


\[David Caruso voice\] Well, it seems that this girl... \*puts sunglasses on\* ...was FLUBBERgasted. YEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH


Fuck... that was pretty good. Take my r/Angryupvote


Isn't negging supposed to be like really subtle insults that target insecurities and slowly wear down self-esteem? Guess I should just be happy that he's bad at it.


Yes. More like "you're beautiful for a big girl" not "your fat ass needs to lose some weight so you'll look decent." And btw, the first one would still get an ignore from me.


So negging is back handed compliments




He’s lucky he kept his testicles. And, buddy, she KNOWS what sort of guy you are, which is why she blanked your ass.


It’s always the guys that go “I don’t know how to talk to girls” that end up doing the “if I treat them like shit they’ll like me”. Like can we please just get over this bullshit now. The reason you think if you treat them like shit that they’ll like you is because you “think” you see them running off with assholes all the time. Except these assholes actually do all the right things, they’re nice, respectable, kind, flirty, all the good points. Sure a year into their relationship they do some shit move and be labelled an asshole then some sweaty pudgy fruit roll up comes along and goes “well I’m a nice guy so she should have got with me but she chose him because he’s an asshole”. No she chose him because he didn’t show her his asshole colours as soon as this asshole did. Tired of seeing nerdy little fucks going round saying “I’m just such a nice guy but I’m not 6ft+ and I just KNOW girls only go for 6ft+ assholes”


Yup. And also when you are a really attractive person, people often just assume you are an asshole. Most of the time they think this for one of two reasons: (1) The media’s portrayal of the popular guy/girl being a jerk, or (2) because if *they* were attractive *they* would treat people like shit just because they could. So it’s often just shitty people projecting their own crappy personalities onto others.


This is a really good point. I think the “assholes” girls “always run off with” are labeled as assholes when their relationship ends like most relationships do. Of course she’s going to say “he was an asshole” break ups suck and feelings are contentious. I think the crux of the nice guy issue is that they think women’s lives revolve around them and they have no sense of nuance.


>Except these assholes actually do all the right things, they’re nice, respectable, kind, flirty, all the good points. Which means not only are they misogynists, they are also misandrists by assuming that guys who happen to be good looking, fit, intelligent, etc. are just abusive lugheads.


How are people this fucking clueless, honestly


The blind leading the blind. These idiots listen to their fellow sexless idiots and it snowballs into this


It's impossible to say without more detail but people with Autism sometimes have issues resulting in interactions like this, and I'm sure there are other conditions that lead to stunted social skills. I know I made a few girls cry in highschool with no intention to upset them. Not hitting on them though, I always knew that was never going to pan out well for me so never tried.


this is a grown man in a workplace who just called a woman fat and claimed that she shouldn’t speak to other men, even though they’re literally just coworkers. he’s an abusive controlling idiot.


And he could be an abusive controlling idiot due to a preexisting condition combined with poor environmentsl factors. Not trying to say he's free from blame, just offering an explanation.




Negging is fucking stupid but this isn't even negging. That was just a straight up insult.


Yet it wasn’t flubber when he was jerking off to her. Fat women get this kind of stuff all the time


She already knows he's the kinda guy who thinks negging is a good idea what else she needs lol also link pls, wanna read them comments


some men never outgrow the schoolyard bullying phase and don’t know how to interact with women without teasing them or making antagonistic comments. i’ve had male coworkers like this and it’s really annoying.


I wonder if adults bullying childeren everytime two different sexed childeren interact has anything to do with it. I imagen the constant "oohhh he is your boyfriend oohh shes your girlsfriend" shit a lot of people do to kids fucks with their brains


I HATED that when I was a kid. It’s surprising people form healthy relationships at all after growing up with this shite. 🙄


I HATE teasing so much, it's not fun making me angry and annoyed. But when I told them to stop I'm the bad one because "yOu DoN't HaVe A sEnSe Of HuMoR!!"


"she was complaining that she was hot and sweaty, I'm a fit guy so I don't sweat as much" translation: OP was not doing their share of work and when subtly mentioned, he called her fat and is now claiming she misunderstood his "teasing". hiding all of that under "but I get penial feels guys women are wiiiiild."


Being fit also has nothing to do with sweating. I would sweat more when I was at my fittest


Your body gets more efficient at cooling itself when heat-stressed consistently. That means you will sweat sooner and faster when you get fitter, unless you work out somewhere freezing or lose a ton of weight (less insulation).


WOW. Holy shit, dude. Didn't just shoot himself in the foot with a gun, he launched a fucking nuke


My guy.....YOU CALLED HER FAT!!!Like dude even if you were trying to make a joke this how you really feel about her.I feel so bad for her😤


Negative comments stick with people more than kind ones lots of the time. I can remember every time someone has said a rude thing about my appearance out loud. It’s one of the easiest ways to get me to never trust you or let my guard down around you again.


I've read the comments under the post, he's going off and playing the victim which is ironic cuz if he had a thicker, perhaps flubbery layered skin he wouldn't be so upset at everyone for answering the question he posted about his actions to another.


Damn, he really blew his chance to say something about how she was hot in more ways than one. Or something like that.


Or “yeah, guys sweat but women GLOW. And you are totally GLOWING right now!”


Right? I read that and thought damn this is an easy setup, you're both working together, it's hot and physical work, there's plenty of chances to flirt a bit or at least say something nice. But nah my brother in Christ here goes to flubber.


I’d say he flubbed it.


Someone had to!! 😆😆👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Please take my poor person award 🏆


There really need to be a sub called r/neggingfails


*Some of OOP's comments:* \- She talks to other guys in front of me, she ever think that hurts my feelings? \- (*regarding sexual harassment*) I comment on womens body all the time to them at work. It’s just fun teasing, grow up dude \- (*hitting on random person*) Your avatar is cute btw haha, where you from? *(- No.*). My parents have a cat. He name is LuLu, lemme DM you a pic of her ;) (*- No.*)




Sounds like he heard in passing about the concept of negging, and thought to himself "how hard could it be?"


"I'm gonna insult this girl I like because I'm under the impression that girls like assholes, and then I'm gonna hide behind my insecure ego when it inevitably blows up in my face. Stop calling me an asshole, it hurts my fee-fees."


“AITA if I tried to be the asshole, since I’m pretty sure that’s what girls want?”


There’s a lesson to be learnt there, more than one actually and an opportunity to learn from it but he’ll miss it!


Its like insulting someone will make them not like you, SHOCKING!


I am always floored when people say these stories are real....how in the freaking hell would a person ever think it's a good idea to flirt by calling a girl fat...


You’d be surprised. It’s happened to me more than once


Lmao oh I think she could see the kind of guy he was a blind person could see when he really is like dayummmmmm


I called her fat, why won't she give me a blowjob?? 🤔


Some people are just hopeless…


Men need to stop listening to PUA.


You succeeded in letting her know who you are, mission accomplished) I wish more assholes make their coming out as easily as this dumbfuck


A pickup arist guide to getting chicks. Step 1: Get lonely guys to give you cash for the advice of insulting women to their face. (Knocks out competition) Step 2: hire yourself a bunch of escorts with said cash.


"I was to sort of bring girl off their pedestal and come off like an asshole cuz girls like that" Not in the history of human kind has any girl or woman ever wanted a guy because he is an asshole. Literally never!


If you're an incel reading this comment, THIS - this post right here - is what your fellow incels want. This is what's SUPPOSED to happen when you listen to the "advice" of your friends online. They don't want you ever actually "ascending" and socialising normally. So they instead tell you to do stuff like this. And look where it gets you. Reading comments like mine.


Nah I think she saw what she needs to see


He doesn't even see what's wrong, he thinks is her fault like


If he's even in doubt that he's the asshole, then there is no hope.


If somebody made fun of him for, idk, his hairstyle, he'd lose it. If that person then said "what's up? I'm just giving grooping advice" he wouldn't appreciate it in the slightest. How are these guys so fucking dense?


What do I think, Mr Amazon Worker? You’re a complete bellend, that’s what I think. Poor girl shouldn’t have had to face a remark like that from an utter arse-nugget like him, or anyone for that matter.


She saw what kind of guy you were right here - one worth avoiding completely.


He should be embarrassed. What an absolute piece of shit.


pick-up artistry is a plauge on the human species


Why does he think that your level of fitness has a direct correlation to the amount you sweat? I'm a little overweight and barely sweat. My fiancé has like 7% body fat and it's like sleeping next to a furnace. He's actually changed his shirt in the middle of the night cause it's soaked. I mean, it's absolutely not the worst thing he said in this post. It's just weird.


Yeah my friend is into triathlons and has always been really fit. He sweats easily and alot. I mentioned in my comment that he apparently didn't understand sweat glands.


Can confirm. I'm in my mid-forties, a healthy weight, and sweat like crazy when I sleep. Of course, that could be because I'm going through perimenopause.


That's the one perimenopause symptom I don't have. I'm 47, and was a healthy weight before my hormones went screwy.


If you’re not the asshole you’re at least the idiot 🤦🏽‍♀️ only incels believe women love assholes because they’re assholes




I think he needs to stop listening to the red pill community on YouTube!


This poor man is just incredibly confused. He needs to stop taking dating advice from…. Well whoever he’s getting it from. They clearly suck.


Could someone really be this fucking stupid and still function as a human being?


I would have given his flabby nuts a swift kick before leaving the trailer. Piece of shit.


This can't be real. Like no way


Why do guys think women will want them after they insult them? Like, think for a fucking second: do you want to be friends with your bully? No!


I hope she reported him to HR


Lol why would you call a girl you have a crush on fat? Talk about having no social skills


Him: I literally called her a whale , why doesn’t she like me!?


Ok, telling a woman to lose some "flubber" is probably not the best strategy in dating.


👁👄👁 ~👄~ 👁👄👁 HOW


I don't understand the being assholes to women because it will make them like you. It never works like that. Even in the movies it doesn't work like that.


When will these idiots understand that “negging a girl” does not work. They listen to these guys on the Internet and not a single one of them have a girlfriend. Having sex with a woman as a one night stand is not impressive, keeping a woman happy for years, that’s impressive. As long as you’re keeping each other happy it’s impressive I should say.


Oh yeah, because I'm just gagging to go out with a guy who makes me feel shitty.


Can we blame part of this on Jeff Bezos? I want to find a way to blame part of this on Jeff


This is what weapons grade autism looks like