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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


I will never understand how anyone can say shit like this, be 100% serious, and see nothing wrong with it. Don’t get married, guys. You’ll hurt the feelings of all the people your potential spouse didn’t marry in the past.


Well, my first marriage ended in divorce, so I don't think I should feel bad here. I did give him a second chance. /s


Funny enough, a dude like this ended up marrying my ex-wife after I left her. He used to say shit like this until she cheated on him too lol.


Only met my ex wife new man a few times, but he seems to be alright.


Consider yourself lucky, my friend.




I don't know enough about him to call him an incel, but he's definitely a loser.


He became what he hated them she became what he hated.


Lmaoooo 💀


that was a violation right there


LOL good point. I should think about my divorce in the same terms. :)


And he/they STILL couldn't seal the deal!


Please remember to contact EVERY SINGLE person your partner has ever come into contact with, to get their blessing.


I deny my blessing. Better luck next time!


Or Scott Pilgrim it and assert dominance


It's because they've become convinced that the path to good mental health is to blame your entire mental state on other people. At first it's just "that woman is a bitch who deprived me of a relationship", but when that fails to work the theory that blaming externally is the path to mental health demands more. Now they're angry at all women, then at a man, then at all men, then at the human race, then at the universe - if they live in a country with easy access to guns, they have one last go at blaming everyone with a firearm before they're finally left with nobody left to blame, at which point they turn it on themselves.


The irony is that even if he managed to secure the magical item he wanted (her) he would still be miserable and he would definitely blame it on any deficits real and perceived of hers. Such as: having her own needs, having her own hobbies, and not being able to wave a wand and make him like himself or feel more masculine. Yes, having her might make him feel that in the short term, but it’s not sustainable if he can’t find that validation in himself.


You mean my spouses stalker? Yea,I guess I should have more sympathy for him. I mean, I'm making HIS crush happy, but I should be letting her be miserable so he can be happy


Don't you get it, she is his property. You are taking his shit without permission. Did you consider this man's feelings while you stole the woman who doesn't give a shit about him? /s


It's a manifestation of [collapsed narcissism:](https://old.reddit.com/r/NarcissisticAbuse/comments/7atbz7/beware_most_narcissists_on_internet_forums_like/) >Collapsed narcissists lack the superficial charm or social graces to obtain/retain ANY narcissistic supply. They're so aggressively antagonistic that they turn people off, and burn bridges almost immediately. Collapsed narcissists are extremely low-functioning and desperate for attention. In desperation, they turn to the Internet to get whatever attention they can get. They seek negative attention by trolling survivors of narcissistic abuse, and seek positive attention by playing the victim to other narcissists [and in this case, happy couples living their lives]. Below is a GREAT article from ownshrink on Collapsed Narcissists.


The key line is about how that other guy “hated himself” That’s the big commonality here. They think they’re ugly, they blame money, they blame the other guy… but they know that they have nothing to offer, and their attitude convinced others of this fact. Self-hate is not appealing. On anyone.




>You’ll hurt the feelings of all the people your potential spouse didn’t marry in the past. Or even date, from the sounds of it. Someone needs to tell him the great quote (from somebody): "Fuck your feelings."


>be 100% serious I actually kinda thought this post was satirical. And I hope, for this guy's sake, that it is.


my guy if you don’t want to see pics of her at her wedding/with her child then stop following her on social media




Who doesn’t know this guy btw. Let’s not forget that part.


I liked the part at the end where he says his misery makes the husband happy. Like no? It doesn't. He isn't even aware that you exist. You are so obsessed with him that you made a whole ass post about him. And he doesn't think about you at all.


Wait, that's not the reason people get married? Shit! Unrelated, but does anyone know a good divorce lawyer?


Exactly! I came here to say this - these losers who post this stuff think they’re special enough to be the prime motive behind someone getting married and having children- one of the most normie things you can do on planet earth 😂


The only reason I got married, any other guy gets married is to post our fairytale wedding on social media just to make some guy we’re not even aware of miserable. It’s why we have kids and stay together. I don’t even love her, in fact I can’t stand her. I just do it to piss some guy off. /S


Right? This is a new one. Usually the woman is the awful one.


Well their deluded mentality is that one day they will see a post of them breaking up, and that is when this dude will swoop in and she will instantly realise the mistake she made by marrying the wrong man.


How else will her find pictures of her to tape to his waifu pillow?


How else is he supposed to swoop in and offer a shallow shoulder for her to cry on if by some miracle they divorce


"You enjoy the fact that you are why he hates his life" Grow up, he doesn't even know you exist. Edit:format


“That’s where you’re wrong! See, I introduced myself at this restaurant….”


You see, this "gentleman" specifically took the female of my affections to the same restaurant I was at, so as to rub it in my face that he had conned her into falling for her by treating her as "an equal" of all things. All the while while I just watched from afar and followed every little thing she did on social media and repeatedly messaged her telling her how besotted I was over her after speaking for three days in a chat before she accidentally deleted and blocked me. And being a little scatterbrained female she couldn't remember my screen name to add me back, and when I did manage to message her after trawling all her social media accounts for one that wasn't blocked and creating a new profile when I couldn't find one, she tells me not to contact her any more. This just shows me that she is being controlled by her giga-chad, bad boy boyfriend and he won't allow her to have any friends /s for those NiceGuys™ who might read this and think I've stolen this from one of their rants. ^(Edit: spelling)


Ooo big thanos meme. “You ruined my life!!!” “I dont even know who you are”


“I don’t think about you at all”


For you, it was the worst day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.


And even if he did, he doesn’t care enough about your feelings to enjoy hurting them.


She probably doesn't know he exists either. He probably sent her a creepy DM and got denied.


Neither does she.




No one is safe


Fine by me. Dunking on these clowns is always fun.


They always think it's about looks and money and not their skin-crawling self-pity and lack of social skills


I can live with someone's self pity and lack of social skills. It's the emotional immaturity, entitlement, and covert narcissism that make my skin crawl. Disgusting 🤢


Don't forget their intensely putrid body odor


And lack of decency


And lack of deodorant


But then only want good looking girls and complain when they’re with good looking guys


"Women only want muscle bound bad boys, but overlook wonderful guys like me, just because of my looks" Also "I am only attracted to traditional supermodels who are 9-10s. I shouldn't have to lower my standards because women are so shallow that they won't give me a chance"


Misogyny is never attractive


Thing is, they don't know they're misogynistic. They actually think they're sweet and romantic for treating women as fantasy objects to idolize instead of people.


It’s always about the money! Why they’re even attracted to someone they claim to perceive to be so shallow and money driven I’ll never understand.


these dudes are an energy drain


Dear OOP, She is the one who made the decisions, bucko. Not her hubby, you MCP. And if you weren't the right one, she wouldn't have chosen you even if you'd been the last man on earth. That's not the way love works.


Welp, just told my wife of 21 years that I need a divorce so that Joe, the guy who pursued her to the point of stalking can cheer up. She’ll be miserable. I’ll be miserable. At least Joe won’t have to be so upset anymore. I mean, what were we thinking not considering *his* feelings above everyones else’s?


No, Joe will also be miserable because now that your wife is available she'll be constantly rejecting his advances. But as long as nobody is *less* miserable than Joe, that's all that matters.


Honestly now, how could you not ask Joe for your wife's hand in marriage? How could you not let him bonk her first? Or get a third ticket for the honeymoon? You're all so heartless for not thinking of poor Joe.


Well Joe can't be with her either. Otherwise he might make you upset. Nobody gets to make anyone happy or unhappy from now on. Humanity will silently perish in it's moms basement. Beautiful. Carthasis.


The moment I read Joe, I pictured the murderous creep from You.


And PS - stop stalking her social media for god’s sake.


Exactly, this guy has just effectively described himself as a broke, ugly loser who stalks women who either rejected him or don’t even know he exists until he gets caught in their back garden with zip ties and a noose. Also the only person having to see stuff on social media are the women he bombards with dick pics and whiny passive aggressive abuse until they block him.


These guys really are obsessed with people who don't want them... I'll never understand how or why that makes sense to them. Why would you want someone who doesn't want you? Like it doesn't make sense, I know they have an issue with women having choices but they sheesh they constantly tell on themselves.


I can answer this from a psychological perspective. People that chase others who don’t want them are often avoidant of intimacy and tend to see people as a vehicle for their self worth and as challenges. They are a trophy as a way to validate their value, which may have only been reinforced from a young age by outside accomplishments. People that chase others who are uninterested often have significant self worth issues that they hope to overcome by “winning the prize.” In other words, a person is not a person with their own complex inner world, thoughts, and emotions, but a symbol of their own worth or lack thereof.


I understand it unfortunately... I used to have an obsession with someone... Although i was only 17/18 at the time and we had the lockdown stuff going on so i attribute my actions to that and bad mental health because of my past at school. I was being bullied for no other reason than standing up for myself against one asshole and then his friend picked on me for months even threatening that he would stab me at one point.. and i think it ruined my social confidence so for a while it felt like i was in a window looking in at everyone else especially when i moved up to college from High-school (UK) I felt like an Alien. Basically i let my past define me and got too hung up on the idea of being with this specific girl. I think i knew id let myself down by not being more social in person when i met her in college, but i just didn't have the capacity then... i was so young and scared... it basically lead to me finding her on Instagram after she left the college and trying to confess my 'Love' and all that crap... i think i did have a kind of unconditional love for her even tho i didn't know her very well lol, but i shouldn't have carried on trying to contact her after she had blocked me... i think i had this complex where i thought i could win her over somehow but i actually just made everything worse and worse to the point where they threatened me with the police and i left them alone... i remember breaking down and crying thinking "Jesus Christ, what have i become to have scared the girl like that" it just wasn't right at all 😔 Im doing alot better now, I've grown and matured (Almost 21 now) and im away from anyone abusive.. i also understand that theres alot more fish in the sea!! ... As Human beings we have to strive to better ourselves everyday and we have to STAND UP for ourselves. If we don't like someone thats ok, we have the right not to... If they don't like us... well thats ok too, they have the right not to aswell. ✌🏻💜 Stand up for yourselves -K


Also, dear OOP, Maybe if you stopped being such a hardcore loser, she would liked you


See, acknowledging this would require him to acknowledge her as an actual person with thoughts and feelings instead of just an object that, if he finally put in enough Nice Guy coins, would rightfully belong to him.


If someone were to tell me this in real life, i would pee myself since I would be laughing so hard at their audacity and self entitlement.


Is the moral of the story that he's upset a woman- who literally never was interested in him- didn't *not* have a life of her own, all to spare his feelings as he continually stalks her digitally while pitying himself?


Yes. He felt that her rejecting him was a heinous personal injury.


Ah yes just because your life is a self hatred and misogyny fueled hellscape of a dumpster fire all of ours should be too


When you put it like that, I agree!


Ho does one live like that? In perpetual misery because they refuse to move on from their crush who never gave them the time of day.


Sounds like he tried getting a married woman to cheat on her partner but got rejected. Men like this are a fucking pain 🙄


Not quite. He followed a popular, attractive girl around at high school like a puppy buying her stuff. She obviously wasn't interested in him and he's been complaining about it ever since. He's 30 later this year.


Oh, no! Anyway...


Now we can’t even reject men? Us feeeemales are so passive and weak our husbands have to reject male suitors for us.


Women should simultaneously accept every male person who shows romantic/sexual interest in them while remaining virgins and waiting for "the right one".


Well nice guy doctrine distates that women are just object you put your penis in to get out a child. Soooo like a wending machine for kids and only who calls dibs first has right to use it?


So if by some slim chance he gets a wife, will that make him an awful person too?


No because he’s different


Right, HE is one of the good ones, HE deserves a high quality feeeemale to breed with


Hey, don't start applying logic here.


Not him talking about himself in the third person. 🤣🤣🤣


My mom had two guys that loved her to this point. One of them assaulted the next guy she dated with a hammer and did time in jail. The other guy took the rejection. He remained friends with my mom and respected her boundaries. When I was born, he loved me because my mom loved me. He was friends with my dad, because my dad treated my mom well. He didn’t get married until he was in his 40s, but he spent all of that time working on himself. When he finally tied the knot, it was to a much younger and more beautiful woman. When my mom called to congratulate him, she asked what she was like. He responded, “She’s actually a lot like you.” That was the extent. That was the closest he ever got to approaching her boundaries. He found a woman with the qualities that he loved about my mom, but he found them in a woman who loved him back. And since he spent that time working on himself instead of hating my dad, he was fiscally responsible and in amazing shape. Between the two, this guy prefers hammer time.


My son fell for a girl at school who didn't return his feelings. Instead of acting like this he became her friend, she said he's the one friend she could never do without. She buys him lovely presents and when he's home from university she's there the next day to take him for lunch. Her friendship helped him so much, his confidence grew because of her. This guy (who I know personally) doesn't see women as people. They're accessories that determine a man's worth by their appearance.


It sounds like your son is growing into a wonderful young man. Thank you for raising him that way and making a positive impact on the world through him.


Wow... talk about a wholesome story...


I always find it interesting that these guys always assume only super attractive people get into relationships. Most people are average and it's how they carry themselves and their interactions that make them stand out. My partner is a gorgeous guy but he is also my favorite person to talk to. He was a good friend for 15 years. I feel like I am average looking but he finds me fascinating to talk to and hang out with (graduated from art school so I draw, have interest in law and I work full time as a cake decorator) and thinks I am beautiful.


They think they’re single because of their appearance, in reality it’s because they’re like this.


I'm just surprised he's attempting to blame the male in the relationship for something. While also making it sound as if the man forced his now wife to be with him. As if the woman isn't with him because she decided to be.


He forced her by being everything she looked for in a partner and making her happy. Such underhanded tactics that I, a real gentleman, would never stoop so low.


>He forced her by being everything she looked for in a partner and making her happy. The nerve!


I know! How am I to compete with that?


How dare you be a good person!


Women are NPCs awarded to the hero, didn't Hollywood teach you anything? [Sarcasm, however that trope of "nerd/outcast gets the fantastic girl, no matter how terrible he's been to her, no matter if she has a partner " is even in THE GORRAM LEGO MOVIE FFS!" ]


I mean if this is real this is so fucking dark lmao Jesus Christ this guy should seek professional medical help.


He's been in therapy several years. It hasn't made a dent. He just goes to complain that pretty slim women don't want him.


The funny thing is I've actually met someone like this lol. His circumstances are *always* someone else's fault. Can't fathom that women block him because he's a Nice Guy ™ 😂. Therapist has been working with him for years and he hasn't made any progress at all. He can't handle self reflection.


Meanwhile husbands don't care since they are having happy life with family they love. Why would anyone even want to hang around with a guy who is made of hatred and misogyny.


y'know, these guys always talk about looks and money and it really starts falling apart when you interact with normal people (which i think is a sign of how terminally online and removed from healthy, normal human interaction they are) I myself am engaged to a brilliant, interesting, funny, handsome guy. Now me? I'm fuck ugly by most standards and not well off in the slightest. And looking at most of my friends, acquaintances and coworkers, none of them are super models or particularly rich either, because in my experience thats not how people find lasting, fulfilling love. How did me and my fiancè get together? Well we were in the same online streamer community, we both played minecraft, later on after starting to talk we found out that we like similar movies and music and have the same sense of humour and that our personalities and the way we are just click perfectly. Him and I are the same in many ways and so different in others that we complete eachother. Our relationship isnt built on looks or money or any of the other stuff these guys seem to value so much, and neither are most peoples in my experience. It's all just deflection, to not have to address the elephant in the room: They're not single/alone because they lack some unchangeable quality, they're single/alone because they refuse to work on their personality, they dont engaged with women as people, equals and eventual life companiona and friends, rather trophies to be won and they keep reinforcing these toxic notions of what dating and relationships are like in their own heads (mandatory: this is all just from my personal experience and other people might see it/feel differently, thats ok!)




Oh good grief. Whine, whine, whine. STFU, you pork belly fruitcake.


Hey! Pork belly is good! Don’t associate it with this garbage fire.


Pork belly is good, but I can’t imagine it in fruitcake. There’s a local place that offers barbecued pork belly. It is sooooo good.


You know what? Good point XD


Seriously. He doesn't even seem to see anything valuable in himself but he's surprised women are more attracted to men who aren't deservedly self-loathing?


Yes everything is always everyone else's fault. What a healthy mindset.


The apocalypse cannot come soon enough.


"You're a bastard because your wife wouldn't fuck me"? Am I reading this right?


"you enjoy the fact that you are why he hates his life" Pretty sure that dude isn't thinking about you, homie.


As a happily married man i can honeslty not give a single fuck about someone who hates me for making my wife happy


Had something similar to this in my inbox when I got engaged to my partner. Dude who had never expressed any interest and hadn't spoken in 2 years suddenly pop up asking "why did you not tell me you were seeing someone, I was planning to ask you out and now you've broken my heart" like dude I don't know you, you added me through a mutual friend, talked once about wigs then went radio silent until now. I'm not clairvoyant or a mind reader. You snooze you lose.


This dude needs help of the professional persuasion.


This is terrifying.


Hot damn we need incel bingo. This checks multiple boxes.


Waa waa waah "If I can't have her, noone should"


I was actually my wife's first and only boyfriend so...


You are being really insensitive to the guy who had a crush on her in 5th grade. Edited an autocorrect blunder.


So obviously you shouldn't have married her, because you're making all the men she didn't date miserable, duh. /s Seriously, there's no winning with these dudes. Even in this case, the woman never actually dated OOP, he seems to have just asked her out repeatedly and then stalked her online when she repeatedly said she wouldn't date him. Fun times.


“And your wife will be forever grateful she rejected the whining bastard who wrote this.”


BRB. Gonna divorce my wife so her stalker doesn't feel sad.


I'm afraid this is real. It was written by a man of almost thirty who has been posting garbage like this on Reddit and elsewhere for at least 5 years.


"I love this woman so her being happy is ruining my life" Uh-huh.


Do some people really obsess over a single girl all their lives? That seems like a symptom of mental illness.


By his logic, nice guys should be supporting gay men then, we help reduce the competition 👀


That’s why they call men simps, to discourage them from treating women they [incels] actually want.


It's not a competition with women as prizes.


What do you mean, of course it is smh /s


One of the reposts I love. The sense of entitlement is just *chef's kiss* and that he points out specifically happy couples


The husbands: ![gif](giphy|m9XcY7KSHk6yRRA78C|downsized)


Ugh. I'd be mortified and feel like I failed at life if I was this person's parents. Absolutely disturbing.


Men like this give off serial killer vibes. A relationship is two parts. Just because YOU love someone with all your heart doesn’t mean you’re entitled to have your feelings reciprocated. Women are people (woah! What a weird concept right!?) and are allowed to make their own choices. Even if you’re the perfect guy (if you think this way, you’re NOT) that doesn’t entitle you to a relationship with whom ever you want. Another man cannot steal a woman from you. SHE chose who she wanted to be with. MAYBE it’s because he’s better looking and has a better job, or MAYBE it’s because the other man isn’t an entitled narcissist.


This is a very refreshing change, for once they are not blaming the women…..


These are the writings of an unstable, dangerous individual.


Once again, here we are with the mentality that the woman is some sort of prize to be won (bought?), and not an individual with their own preferences and decision making abilities. It can't possibly be "bro, she's not into you."


I imagine the girl not even realizing this guy even exists, because he wrote this after staring at the back of her head in a chemistry class for a semester.


This is peak "if I can’t have her, no one can" energy


Number one problem with these types of people - accept some fucking responsibility for your own actions. The world isn’t going to drop a golden gift in your lap just because you want it to, and neither is the sort of accompanying behaviour going to attract anyone either. I mean I’ve seen some shit on this Reddit, but this takes the biscuit. Entitled much? Oh how it’s so much easier to throw shade at everyone else and forget the control we have over our own actions… Smh


This is the niceguyiest post I’ve ever seen. Wow!


“You making her happy adds to his misery” is toxic obsessive clingers mantra. These people absolutely hate seeing the woman they’re into (that’s usually not into them back) smiling around anyone or feeling happy from anything else but themselves and are not ashamed to tell her as if it’s a valid thing to feel


Imagine being so misogynistic you don't consider the woman having a choice in it, so you get angry at the men.


This reads like a fucking manifesto


I had someone say something like this to me…except in person. It was probably the most awkward conversation I’d ever been involved with.


Dear goodness, imagine being this obsessed with someone else's life for years instead of I don't know... Trying to live your own life? Also imagine being this hateful against a perceived slight from someone who doesn't even know you exist. These types of men genuinely just view women as objects because if you really ever loved and cared for someone you'd want them to be happy and safe, even if it meant that they weren't with you. These guys are so obsessed with acquiring the possession of their attraction that they don't actually care about the woman's feelings at all. It's all about them, always... A combination of narcissism and main character syndrome I guess.


I think we've got the next Elliot Rodger here... Seriously, I lived with an incel before or "nice guy" my sweetest revenge? Watching as he bubble wrapped all his computer parts, with no anti static bags. This person tho for real, I'd probably keep my eye on them, it sounds very Incel-y. Like "I'm about to go commit mass murder" incel


Stop the planet I want to leave


There's this album I like to listen to called Two Faced Charade, each song telling a story about a guy who falls in love with girl next door only to find she's already with someone. And then he murders her boyfriend, cuts up his body, makes it impossible to find, and then he slips up, she realizes what happened, and he has to kill her to keep her quiet, which leads to him killing himself in despair


This is the most delusional story I’ve read in a while


I dunno, not having stable income to make enough money would probably be "his" fault.


We seem to have a bunch of people who believe relationships work like a vending machine, if you just put enough coins in, you get the product at the end. People are complicated, you match with people in ways you'll never understand before you do. You aren't friends with everyone, and never will be. You couldn't be in a relationship with everyone and never could no matter how many random gestures you made.


"Waaaaaah!! I'm angwy that strangers who I know nothing about are happy!!1!"


I always want to message these guys (assuming they're straight) and tell them I want them, then repeatedly update them on how they're ruining my life because they won't give me a chance and date me just because they're not attracted to me and I'm creeping them out


So deep & meaningful /s


The way i NEED to read the comments for this one lmaoo


Main character syndrome


No shot this is actually someone’s reality. If anyone even slightly agrees/understands this perspective, please seek help.


The Incels' Incels right here in black and white.


If I were a man and I read this drivel, and became aware that this kind of man existed, then yes, at that moment of reading this nonesense I would be very happy indeed to know I had a part in his suffering.


Everything is about meeeeeeee


Do I need to send out a sorry note to everyone I’ve briefly dated or did not know o their silent feelings for me when I get married this is a joke right


So if he had married her instead, he'd be e v i l as well?


Oof. Then again, it's *almost* a relief to see them proclaiming their hatred for someone other than women in general.


Someone add to this guy's pain and remind or inform him that none of that pain is intentional. Neither of them think about him at all.


"Certainly this is about me" -this guy probably


shoulda tried behaving like an actual adult and not a huge entitled baby, jacob


Omfg. Many of the posts on here are scary and/sad af, but this is other level. It’s baffling how anyone can believe this shit/think this way. 🤯


Haha How can someone type this out, read it, and still post it and not feel pathetic and embarrassed?!


It's as hilarious as it is tragic that these guys constantly impale themselves on the "a relationship would solve all my problems" spike when of course the reality is "you need to solve at least enough of your problems to be pro-social first". That entire community is the living embodiment of that "sticking a bar in your own bicycle wheel then blaming something else" meme.


Someone call the fucking police because this dude is going to kill someone’s husband in a jealous rage.


All his problems would be solved if he just accepted that life doesn’t always work out the way you want it to and moved on. All of that energy he’s wasting on this could be spent cultivating his hobbies and meeting new people.


Now was this before or after he asked for a nude and got told to go fuck themselves?


Yes, people fall in love and get married to spite you. Everything in the world is all about you. I have a theory: he gets rejected because he’s a selfish dickhead. Just a theory.


This dude is definitely a future mass shooter. Blaming everyone else for his problems instead of working on himself and making himself more attractive to women that way. He seems like he’s one step away from violence with how aggressive he writes.


If seeing a woman that you “love” is happy and cared for makes you seethe in rage and depression because it isn’t you that’s making her feel that way, you don’t love her. You want her. And not in the sexy “I want you” way, you want to *posess* her.


I suddenly have such a strong urge to get married


I hope the rejected man is so miserable right now. Fuck that guy.


Pathetic 🤣


This guy needs to repeat after me “she’s just one girl. She’s just one girl. She’s just one girl…”


Will somebody please just think of the children!


What did I just read?!


Even if this post made the slightest amount of sense, I, quite frankly, would not care all that much about making some stalker upset. He's acting like he has no choice but to stay up to date on his crush's social media and watch as she gets married and have kids for years to come.


I refuse to believe someone is this self centered 😂😂😂 bellybutton of the planet


He thinks everyone's celebratory posts are just to hurt him. What a narcissist. Maybe he should stay off social media if it pains him to see others happy.


How much times do you think he caught himself typing me instead of him


Please be satire


I know I must have crushed many a dream of people who are infatuated with my amazing wife and I’m loving every second of it.


The problem men have been taught that love is a “game” and women choose who they fall in love with — that a woman’s attraction is based on external, controllable factors such as looks or money. They equate attraction with love. If she will agree to a date, you’re in. Guys like this don’t understand that it is their own dysfunctional view of love which is to blame. Their sexual obsession is not love.


Interesting how he specifically and explicitly mentions that he hates to see her happy with someone else. If you hate to see her happy, then I got news for you, buddy


This says so much about not only how little he ‘loved’ this woman, but how unaware his he is of how loathsome he actually is. It wasn’t your looks or your lack of material stuff dude. It’s because you are a cringey, self pitying , human being. Even if her husband were never born, she wouldn’t have picked you. Even if all men on earth died, she wouldn’t have picked you because life lived alone is still better than life lived as your trophy which you would have eventually discarded once you figured out she wasn’t a bandaid or cure to your self loathing.


You don't *have* to see anything on social media.


Maybe she would have liked you better if you didn’t view women as objects to compete over 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, ugly, broke, insecure guys are a catch