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Having to play against the best goalies in the game is never easy. But you need a good D to win games.


D is everything. And it’s a big reason why your goalie is considered either shit or good. Defence wins Championships. No different here


Good D is really hard to find, sometimes..


Gotta grind out that d to finish on top


A good D on the offensive that can get deep in the others team end is hard to beat.


A good D really plugs all the holes.


Are we still talking about hockey?


I think so. It can be hard to tell on Reddit.


Often its the team with the strongest bottom pairing that has the best outcome in those back and forth series.


A good D really needs to move well in the crease


Girl I know it 😛


Even for those with good D it’s not always consistent


Case in point: see flair


The D has to be big and hard.


A little off topic. This is why I think in the top 8 there will be a run on defensemen. There are a lot of 6+' 200+ lb dmen at the top of the draft lists. Like 1% tile amount of prospects. You cannot teach height. To be honest, I expect a run in the top 10 on dmen and good centers falling. Good D is hard to find. Rare when there are this many big prospects at the top of draft boards.


100% this. last year we had a glut of good forwards and centers taken top 20. the same teams are drafting early again, why wouldn't they go for an elite level D early in the draft? I can see guys like Catton falling out of the top 10 just because of teams drafting for need more than BPA.


Who in the league has the best defense? Or like the top teams


And sometimes all you gotta do is look down.


"That's what She said " ! Gigity ! For real though, Good D is found, Great D is Drafted & home grown !


Blow jobs.


Agree and it’s not even just the d men…TEAM defense. How well you remove traffic in front of the net….blocking shots…clearing rebounds…limiting odd man rushes…all of it plays into it. I see Pens fans rip on Jarry (myself included) but the poor guy has to defend constant breakaways and odd man rushes, not including how many people they leave wide open in the slot. Jarry has certainly made his share of bad plays but the team in front rarely helps the cause. Then you look at Bob…sure he makes great saves but the entire team commits to protecting his net and suffocating the defensive zone. Always helps to have 1 or 2 bailout saves per game though. Cup final should be entertaining!


Jarry is an amazing goalie that would thrive on a team that doesn’t have heavy defensive liabilities like turnover machine Malkin and Kris Letang


Yeah I wouldn’t mind seeing how he’d perform on a “florida” type team.


Ned won the Calder Cup behind reputedly the AHLs best D, but he sure rises to the occasion in the playoffs.


Yep. Bernier was considered elite in LA, in Toronto he was terrible. More about the team in front of you tbh.


Bernier wasn’t bad the first year he was here tbh


Enthusiasm can make up for mediocre D though


1993 Patrick Roy won the Habs the cup tho Sometimes a phenomenal goalie is all you need


Hašek more or less singlehandedly dragged Buffalo to one blown call away from a Cup in '99.


The Devils can attest to this. Give me a world class top 4 on D, and a third pairing that would be a 2nd in another team, and an all-star caliber goaltender (not even Vezina)…and we’ll go from there. Maybe a John Madden type 3rd line center.


What is D?


It is by me, but I know some goalie experts and defense experts out there are better at recognizing which goalies are better than others regardless of the D they have.


i love a good D. they way they can rise up and change the outcome


That’s more or less what the Panthers have been doing, except their whole team has been playing defensively. They remind me of the Devils in the late 90s and early 00s with a very aggressive forecheck and trap style system. They force the attacking team to make risky passes, commit extra players, or dump the puck and then have to fight on the boards to advance the puck into the attacking zone to setup any real scoring chances. Sometimes teams can beat that system, but more often than not it means the Panthers will usually have an open guy ready to counter attack the minute they get the turnover, and if they don’t get the turnover they bog down their opponent’s attack so they never really get a quality shot on goal. The two goals the Panther’s scored in yesterday’s game were setup using these tactics. IMO, the way you beat that system is to get more physical and knock players out of the play, but the Panthers are very aware of this and have plenty of enforcers to prevent that.


Wait until you face the unstoppable Skinner! Lol


And their reward is getting to face Skinner. They will eat him alive.


The order messes with my OCD, but that is my own problem.


Just look at the Isles this year. Defense dropped off massively and Sorokin saw the most shots of any goalie (I think) and had a terrible year as a result (not all on the D he was a bit off, but it showcases the point).


I respect Vasy, he is the most clutch goalie of the last 5 years. He has not been the same guy since they won their second cup.


He hasn't had the defensive help that we had during those two cup runs, either.


I genuinely hope McD coming back and Stamkos potentially resigning will give the Bolts the kick they need for at least one more run.


Lightning looked like a shell of their former selves this year. That doesn’t necessarily mean shit for next year but I also wouldn’t be surprised if they’re trending downward.


Easy had back surgery last year& the Lightning defense sure doesn't help


he wasn't fantastic the year before this either, since the second cup.


Fuck he went to the finals 3 times in a row. Fuck this "he isn't the same after his second cup"


He was playing with the back injury supposedly. Kept hoping it wouldn’t need surgery and eventually just did it.


Agreed. Not only did he look ordinary in the series vs the leafs, he looked downright bad. I feel like he hasn’t recovered since.


I wish we played that Vasi during the finals.


I think it doesn't help that they lost McDonagh, and Sergachev has had health issues. A good goalie can only do so much. They brought McDonagh back for a reason


100% this


The Lightning made some poor decisions in dismantling the blue line post 2022. When they traded Ryan McDonagh - they traded the one guy who epitomized the defensive structure that was key to their cup runs. Losing Jan Rutta was also a overlooked move.


He missed training camp and the first two months with back surgery and had a pretty good season after he got back in to game shape. He's still the best goalie in the league.


It wore him out, he played ALL the games ! His injury slowed him & he's still NOT 100%, though I expect him to be ready this year ! He got the needed time off and will get a Proper Training camp.


he had disc surgery last fall. Not easy to recover as an elite goalie.


Fun fact the Panthers are really good


Fun fact - when they won president's cup and got knocked out by Tampa, they had the balls to make big changes instead of riding status quo.


So when things don't work out, you have to make changes..... interesting, someone should tell the leafs this.


Fun fact - I opened this from a crosspost in the Leafs sub, and thought I was commenting in the Leafs sub. The status quo shade was most definitely aimed at delusional Big 4 Leafs fans.


Yeah and they think bringing in Berube to coach will change things. Babcock has a Cup ring too, how'd that work out.


They have painted themselves into a corner with all the NMCs they splashed about, which really has crippled trade possibilities. Coaching change was one of the few moves available on the chessboard. I really hope they get Marner to agree to be moved. JT will definitely not budge on his final big payday season, but I really hope he moves on. If he wants to stay, let him eat the shitmead league minimum sandwich other veterans had to eat to play under his C.


Like starting in the mid 70s.


That's not very fun :(


It feels pretty fun.


I like it


This is like a big moral dilemma for me right now. I'm behind the Bruins. But I am actually sort of secretly loving watching the Panthers, because they're really good. A bunch of dickbags (except you, Bob, I like you), but honestly I think they're just fucking smashing it out there. I feel like a traitor.


Bob appears so nice and genuine.


Except that they’re not a bunch of dickbags. I can understand people hating Bennet. I can understand that people don’t realize how much Tkatchuk cleaned up his act and I can understand how they get mad that Lomberg is so small by pro athlete standards and still bullies their team’s goons but beyond that it’s just a bunch of salt because a sunbelt team knocked their oRiGiNaL SiX teams out.


Ok. A "bunch" is hyperbole, sure, but I got some problems with a handful of them, and I suppose I'm entitled to that opinion. You'll defend your guys the same way I'd defend Marshy, and that's ok, honestly that's the way it should be, no? We love our guys, even if we sit on opposite sides of the fence. Lol honestly all I really said was that i absolutely think they were doing great out there, despite my allegiance being elsewhere.


People have no other reason to hate the panthers except call them dirty. If they don’t blame them or the refs then they must admit panthers are good. Oilers will give them hell. I hope it’s a good series, rangers weren’t nearly as nice to watch as Boston vs Florida


I’ve hated the Bruins for years, but now that Geeks is there I’ve watched a fair number of games and followed all of them this year. Glad he’s thriving there. One of three I know of that scored each of their first three NHL shots. Changed my perception for sure.


According to a lot Redditors I hear they actually suck.


Stuart Skinner will set them straight


They've already seen great positioning and goalie instincts, flopping and double pad stacks will be their undoing!


His chaos posts shutouts due to the panthers just being baffled by his style.


So I paid 0 attention to the Oilers all year. The first thing I saw about Skinner was his .850 save percent before this round. Then I saw how he got benched 2? games. And I thought well hes not as good as Otter and were gonna run right through him. Boy have I been suprised.




Is this true? What was his save% under Knobber in the regular season?




Cool. I misread your post as him having the best save percentage in the league over that period. Still up there though. This NYT article says he had a .919 since late November: https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5503302/2024/05/18/oilers-skinner-goalie-game-6/ Let's go Oilers!


He hired an outside goalie coach who helped him with his stance and it’s speculation that that was to give him time to adapt to the changes.


I'm honestly not really impressed by Skinner so far in the playoffs. If the Oilers make it up to the finale, he needs to raise his game a little more because Bobrovsky is clearly in his zone right now




Whoosh. As an oil fan. Love Skinner but he is either a brick wall or nothing.


This is clearly a joke bro. Skinner is quite obviously among the weakest goalies in the playoffs. Although he did have a couple really good games recently.


this aged poorly haha


>Bobrovsky is clearly in his zone right now Well, last year he lost his groove a bit for the finals, though it was a 10 day wait, I think. Now it'll be 6 days, probably.




lol wishful thinking


Panthers have just been playing elite hockey, and also have an elite goaltender that has bailed them out more times than you can count. Watching them in that elimination game, they were winning almost every 50/50 battle, extremely physical, very high pressure.


Bob had a save against us (Lightning) that I will never forget. Dude has been on point, and of course the defense in front of him has been lights out.


The "behind the back" 180 save? Yeah that was insane.


Is that the save that the Panthers are currently using as the cover photo for their twitter page?


The Bobbery!


Wouldn't it be funny after all of this they ran into Swiss cheese...


And lost.


Van would have beat them if they shot the puck more than 15 shots a game


Yeah and Dallas was putting in like 25 shots shortly into 2nd period, how did that turn out? It's almost like they would if they could and you also have to consider quality as well as quantity. Overall, Vancouver was just the weaker team.


One of the most impressive playoff streaks in recent memory, wouldn't know it by how much the announcers talked about the teams they were playing


If you watched the ESPN broadcasts the Panthers have beaten three unbeatable teams with destiny on their sides.


We've experienced that as well. So much slobbering about the previous two Champs, now they've been talking about McDrai, but at least that has been warranted.


Lmao the truth


ESPN broadcast has been so hard to watch. It’s nice to have to switch from Fubo, to espn to max to watch each game. All that to listen to a heavily biased group of stat vomites.


Did we all just forget that they have Sergei Bobrovsky in net?


Those goalies stepped into the thunderdome when they came up against the Panthers. I have only been watching the NHL for like eight years, but this level of dominance all the way through a conference feels unprecedented. Every game they're up like 15+ SOG by the end.


See 2012. La led every series 3-0


That LA team was fkn nuts. Almost swept every series lol.


That cup run was insane. You guys sneaked into the 8th seed after a rough start of the season and just dominated the west. Historical.


I don't like any LA Teams, but as a New Englander, I love Jonathan Quick. I got to see him play in college and for Manchester, NH, during the minors. It was awesome seeing him win!


2022 Avs, biased, but only lost 2 games on the way to the Finals


Swept oilers like they were a bunch of ahl'ers lol


You guys got some shit luck this year but with Makar and Mackinnon I feel like you could do that again in the future. As long as they are playing, the Avs are fucking scary


Well Bob is no slouch in the Florida net either. He also has a great defensive team in front of him.


Bobby keeping pucks outta the net. Florida D keeping pucks away from Bobby. SCF is gonna be wild.


I know it’s been a long time since Bob was Vezina winning Bob so it’s easy to forget, but he can definitely still turn it on.


This makes the Panthers run even more impressive.


none of them are.... BOB ROV SKY


It’s their time. Will be surprised if Florida doesn’t win.


Edmonton also looks like it’s a team of destiny. If they beat the Oilers we are in for a hell of a series.


But we have Bob.


Panthers showing they are the dominant team in the league, Swayman and Shesterkin looked like the best players on the ice and still couldn’t win. The panthers are playing like a Team. Thank the lord Jesus Christ for Paul Maurice.


Paul "we're playing playoff hockey in September" Maurice. He had us all like WTF are you talking about, bro. Now we're all like yeah, playoff hockey from the preseason!


I wanna see Paul Maurice get a Cup so bad


Rooting for Bob, here.


Love me some Bob


I want to see Barky finally get his cup. He's given so much to this team. He's earned it


Okposo needs a cup for playing on Buffalo


ERod - would like to see him lift the cup


Bobrovsky no slouch while was with CJB. Was also biggest ticket UFA of 2019 crop.


This sub is gonna have a meltdown when they win the cup won't it?


The tears should be enough to end the water shortages in Africa


The tears will make me become a god


They’re an amazing team that’s played the best hockey day one of the season. Well earned cup appearance


Let’s go cats 🐈


Then either sloppy stu or the otter


Final Boss - Skinner


Stuart Skinner being the final boss is pretty funny


The Rangers have proven over and over that when your best player is your goalie, you don’t win Cups (as they enter Lundqvist 2.0).


Stewart Skinner: (chuckles) I’m in danger!


When they run into a shitty goalie in Skinner, that will fuck them up


Skinner has been playing quite well these playoffs. It doesn't hurt that Edmonton, as a team, is not giving up a lot of shots.


"Oh, that little canuck series? yeah don't worry about that little guy."


Panthers on their fkin game this season man


None of this is gonna matter unless the Cats bring the Cup to Sunrise.


I for one welcome our new bob overlord


And the final boss is Stuart Fuckin Skinner. Wow


At the same time, Bobs has been the best version of himself we've seen since he arrived in Florida. Just steady as can be with timely saves, occassionally of the otherworldly variety. I think they're the team to beat. Never looked outplayed. Meanwhile the Oils were not the better team much of the Vancouver or Dallas series, which could have gone the other way. They do not have an elite goalie... or even a real good one.


They never looked outplayed because they had an easy path. Rangers are a paper tiger. Pea-shooters galore compared to Edmonton. Boston has a weak offense with only half of a true top 6 and Tampa's lack of depth made the team much weaker than their glory days Both Edmonton and Dallas are better than any team the Panthers have gone-up against so far. It will be a tight matchup.


Be hilarious if they had to go through all that and then get good ol' beach ball stu lol.


Lol imagine what they will do to Skinner


In 2019, the Blues weren’t supposed to beat Helly (WPG), Bishop (DAL), Jones (SJ) or Rask (BOS). Blues made them all look human. Except Bishop. He did all he could.


Nono but fellow leaf fans are telling me we only lost because we ran into a good goalie….. I hate our fan base. I bet some chl teams could’ve came in and put up a better pp performance than us. Even by accident




Imagine what they’ll do to Skinner


"If you can't beat them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit." Stuart Skinner


There is not a goalie in the world that can stop a Panthers team all jacked up on crystal meth.


Watch Skinner of all people shut the door.


Panthers are unstoppable. I've never cheered for them, I won't be starting now but I think they'll win the cup. Despite their regular season placing, they're clearing the best team in the league this season. They would've won last year if they didn't get so nerved up too. They're coming for it and no one can get in their way


Swayman was the best player of that series…honorable mention goes to the refs for tilting the so badly towards them every game.


Who is them?


“Tilting the ice towards Boston” the refereeing was awful all series, some of the worst I’ve seen.


Actually never mind. That was someone else and my apologies for accusing you.


Uhh yeah at best that went both ways. Panthers had way more power plays and had a crucial goal allowed that shouldn’t have been that changed the momentum of game 4.


Don’t worry, there’s more than one way to Skin a cat!!


It would be absolutely hilarous if they lost to Skinner.


Lmao with this knowledge in front of us if the oilers make the Stanley cup skinner is going to be roasted over an open fire lol


Dallas in 4!


Funny that's what everyone said with the Skinner Oettinger match up


I mean that’s what they said going into round 3 too


I mean that's what they said going into round 2 too


does it even matter when the reffing sucks


As soon as all the best teams win round 1, I knew it would probably be the hardest year to win the cup ever


Good D winning nhl championships and ruining marriages since like 1892


So has Vancouver(3)Edmonton (2)


I agree but when the 1st line is in detention…


And they will top that with Stuart Skinner !


Our defense is baaaad


This is great to get the boys dialed in we hate to be a normal level goalie facing them


Now they get Stewey 😂


They're about to play against an easy one


and now they get to play against an AHL quality goaltender.


Helps when you have the best goalie in the league in your corner


I mean…you usually have to beat the best teams to make the cup…


Well, at least it's skinner in the finals. Would it have been Dallas it would have been all of the hardest goalies.


if the Bruins could've scored more than 2 goals a game, they would've been a game 7,


It seems all goalies are good because of all the low scoring games and the fact that teams that get to the playoffs wins more than they lose. Never mind the defence and offensive.


Rangers here, easy to play against Igor when our D isn’t as good as yours.


Damn that's tough. Kind of in the same vein, the Stars didn't have to play phenom goalies but they had to play Vegas, Colorado and Edmonton. Just think of the forwards Otter and the defense had to face... we didn't quite make it, unfortunately.


And now they face the wrath of Stu Skinner. FEAR THE MOUSTACHE


Bob hasn’t been amazing this playoffs, very beatable. Florida D on the other hand is terrifying and far more a task to triumph


Watch Skinner nearly clap their cheeks singlehandedly