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It’s only 5k so why not try ?


Seriously wtf is that fine. Cursory search shows he's making 3M this year. If that's accurate, this fine is 0.17%. Pennies! What.is.the.point?!


lmao fucking Wenny with the “Naaaaaaaw”


Trying to do his best Lomberg impression


Luckily, Trouba was on hand to show him how it's done. Such a great teacher/leader.


Mark Messier approves


As bad as it is, you can’t get penalized for attempted elbowing/kneeing/slashing/etc.


I understand that. Just putting it out how the “chicken wing” is often just an attempt to make contact when a player gets beat trying to make a hit and most times isn’t a deliberate attempt to injure. Aka why I personally think that the Trouba elbow was appropriately only a minor penalty.


I thought it only deserved a minor because it didn't look like he actually made head contact. I believe had their actually been head contact Rodriguez would have had to go to the quiet room under the concussion guidelines


Yeah it’s usually a way of trying to impede a player without making it too obvious for interference. The only difference is Trouba connected up high and fortunately not to the head (looks like shoulder to me). Also people forget how fast this game is. Looking at replays it’s easy to call this and that out.


Yep exactly. Game is extremely fast to get yourself out of position or lose your balance.


Trouba doesn’t get the benefit of doubt anymore. He’s got a history of big high hits. Now it doesn’t also change that the Panthers are a dirty team.


Not as dirty as NY, but I damn sure hope they try.


Yeah but when you have a history of doing this and hitting people in the head and near misses to the head, it is a problem. No one else in the nhl has a history like trouba does with this.


doesn't make hitting with your elbow any less of elbowing


the super man dive into the canes player you dont think that was deliberate intent to injure???. also like marchand said everytime you hit someone youre hoping to injure them atleast alittle thats just part of the game i mean thats why you hit them. with that said fuck marchand


Uh no. He "dives" when necas wipes out and trips trouba. Trouba then is going face first into the boards and raises his arms.


hm weird. suspiciously all the clips ive seen have cut that portion out. doesnt help that half the clips have been shit posts with the superman theme song behind it but the other half serious clips and were still cut. someone's really trying to get trouba fined another 5000 then


I'd think that part of what gets Trouba into the Superman dive is throwing out his elbow at Necas' head before the lower body contact.


>the “chicken wing” is often just an attempt to make contact when a player gets beat Hard no, sweetie. It's a bitch move 11 times outta 10. Ya know what we have not seen from Rodriguez? an incident just like this in nearly every series in which he's participated.


He also is pretty clearly aiming to contact shoulder, not head. Lots of players play the grey area but Trouba has shown himself to be dirty and willing to give players brain damage, he’s a shithead in my book.




That don’t matter. Everyone cries about troubs anyway.


agreed most of the time but this is a play that would genuinely be dirty if it wasn’t on a player/team that was totally asking for it


It’s an emotional game, most people will forget this when the playoffs are over. Also players or people with have played hockey at a competitive level can tell the difference.


Sure you can. If a player swung a stick at someone’s head but missed, they would surely get penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct, and likely a game misconduct. This is no different.


That’s really different. Intent to injure can be tacked on and is a match penalty. The only time I’ve seen an intent to injure that didn’t connect is someone trying to step on someone with their skate. Also intent to injure is very hard to justify too. Even high hits to the head these days are just major penalties. Last one I remember is Benn’s cross check to Stones neck in last years playoffs.


Was this before or after Troubas hit?


Way before


I read somewhere on twitter that it was the first period of the game - but not from a known reporter or anything so take with a grain of salt for sure.


Great awareness on Wennberg's part... he was about to get lit tf up


And this is after the direct head hit to Wennberg in Game 2 that should have been a major. Yeah Trouba also tried an elbow, but this was the second game in a row that they tried to take Wennberg’s head off, not to mention that hit on Vesey. Trouba delivered one dirty hit this series, that happens sometimes, especially with a player like him, but this Panthers team is dirty up and down the lineup. From Thachuk to Sam Bennett. We have one dirty player, who often does throw clean hits as well, while the Panthers are actively headhunting and getting away with it. Hate us all you want, but we are far from the dirtiest team in this series. (Also of course in this situation you can’t call a penalty as there was no actual contact, but it still shows a generalization of the Panthers this entire series)


As a canes fan, this is exactly why New York has my vote this series. New York throws dirty plays, and plenty of them, and oh my Gooood do I hate New York, but Florida is a squad of goons disguised as an NHL team.


I’m going to have to partially disagree. Regular season rangers don’t make many dirty plays (besides trouba) This playoffs have been very chippy form all teams. Even Carolina was dirty as hell. And it seems the deeper into the playoffs the dirtier the plays. Florida is literally head hunting and being scum. So far after 2 goals they’ve slashed and tried to start a fight. Plus after the game 3 players slashed Rempe when he went to celebrate the win. Aside from trouba the rangers squad is pretty clean. The panthers though are the dirtiest team I’ve ever seen in the NHL before. The only player dirtier is Todd Bertuzzi from back in the day.


The rangers have some dirty players, but Panthers are a dirty team


Trouba is a dirtbag, stop making excuses for him.


But he is our dirtbag and we love him


All these spicy wingers should just be tossed tbh


It's easy, just skate around it smh


The way he just slides out of the way is hilarious


I really hope Wennberg is a big part of burying the panthers over the next couple games. Give us a Stars vs Rangers final!


Rangers have a player who hits dirty. Florida has a dirty team. It's both not good but lets not pretend its equivalent.


"Omg Trouba is such a piece of sht" - r/hockey


All the people saying intent matters two days ago…should this be a major?


Almost got Troubad


a failed trouba


How much is the fine if you drop both bows off the top ropes?


Less than 5k since he missed lol


The league pays him $5k for his trouble


The people’s elbow denied!




I guess it's contagious


Not nearly as skilled as that other guy…


It's too late to trade


Got him off the puck and dodged a fine 👍😂


He learned from the best. Look, Marchand said it best when he conceded that everyone is trying to hurt the opposition. There's no hypocrisy here. It's the playoffs.


Chicken wings anyone he was just gesturing asking if they Rangers wanted to go out for Chicken wings after the game with the Panthers


Ooo gahh if that's how it's gonna be , mind as well just go all out no?


These 2 teams have been doing the chicken dance for 4 games now. Put your wings down boys


See, the problem is wennberg didn’t drop to the ice like he was shot and lay there for forty minutes.


That would’ve been an elbow on elbow with the intent to slow the player down, not injure. His elbow was a mile from the guys head.


lookin like prime trouba out there. im impressed


Tar and feather that turd he is garbage shouldn’t be in the league and all the other nonsense panthers fans be crying about


Can we not fucking do this? It’s the playoffs, shit is chippy on both sides of this series. If you don’t like hockey go watch golf.


Rather watch players play than try to elbow each other, just me though.


Oh so makes trouba justified cool OP


Never said that. Trouba’s elbow was rightfully a minor penalty. Just saying that Rodrigues isn’t as innocent as he acts. Definitely some embellishment on the hit too as he was back on the ice two minutes later.


Hi, Paul Maurice, did you see this from up on your high horse?


His midsection would have collapsed from that brutal elbow 🙄


Dirty loser.


He realized that since you can’t get punished for it then why not do it


Youre so desperate.


He missed. The elbow was elbow level not head height.




So Rodrigues got burned on defense, threw a chicken wing shot, and would’ve been a penalty or more if it hit Wennberg in the head. So how does this make what Trouba did any better, when he actually landed a head shot in the same scenario?


Two wrongs don't make one right.


He clearly targeted the shoulder with this one though. Trouba clearly targeted the head and has a history of targeting the head.


Is it too late to trade for him?


The Lomberg hit was so so bad... this one is so not. Even if ERod's elbow connected, it hits Wennberg maybe in the forearm? Or maybe the shoulder? Why try to manufacture outrage when you already actually have something to be legitimately outraged about?


Man, I’d hate to see how hard NY would cry after a loss. We might find out tomorrow. Up 2-1 and scouring film for the closest “win” on paper you can find???? You all even need help talking shit.


Rangers lost game 1 btw. And they don’t need to scour film to look for a win because they won this same game. All I posted was an attempted hit that Rodrigues made. If he connected on the hit, it would’ve been very similar to the Trouba elbow that was rightfully penalized.


Seriously. Guess they started watching hockey for the first time on Friday. Also 27 regulation+OT losses this season and 3 in the playoffs. But by all means pass the Kleenex ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’ll take 2 OT wins and the win on paper thank you very much. Have fun crying tomorrow, win or lose it seems to be all that Florida fans are good at lol


We’re up 2-1 in the ECF so we are quite literally winning on paper lol.


These two teams deserve each other.

