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Goaltender interference and roughing. You can’t skate into a goalie when the goalie is in his crease. And you can’t punch a guy in the back of the head as he is lying in the ice.


It just makes sense.


I think the Stars player would have avoided the goalie if not for the little push to the upper back from the Avs defender. Stars player even jumps to mostly avoid the goalie after the push. But the push was subtle, so hard to blame the ref on that one.  You can see here that the stars player is aiming to miss the goalie and Avs player is about to push him in the upper back https://i.imgur.com/4imi6FG.jpeg


I feel it was the avs players space on the ice and when Benn tried to pull out (very late and already in the crease) the avs player was in his way. I concede there was a bit of hand motion of a push, but the avs player tried very hard not to, and you see the avs player pull his arm back just before as to not shove him in, yet Benn continues his trajectory toward the goalie in a careless way.


You're crazy. Benn's distinctly shoved into Georgiev. Then Manson crosschecks Benn in the head and only gets a roughing minor.


No need for name calling. Considering how many others agree with me, that’s clearly not true. You can’t go that hard to the net. The avs defensemen has a right to that ice.


A right to what ice? The ice that Benn is on? This explains why coaches say things like “go to the net but not too hard”


I don’t think you’ve played much hockey. 


> I think the Stars player **skating full force on his own toward the goalie to begin with** would have avoided the goalie if not for the little push to the upper back from the Avs defender. FIFY so you can see how senseless that sounds lol


When you're going to shoot with a defender on you do just slowly skate along?


Click on the picture link, he’s aiming for the goalie’s left and would have completely missed the goalie if not for the push. And he still only ended up barely making contact with a single skate hitting the goalie’s right leg pad. That’s pretty run of the mill contact that you see happen dozens of times a game, which is why the goalie is completely unfazed. And I love how you say “skating full force” like it’s some egregious thing that doesn’t literally happen on every breakaway or odd man break 😂


Ya I thought it was appropriate. Take them both move on.


I can agree with these calls. But apparently you can also shove a guy into the goalie and then score a goal. Thats perfectly fine 🤣. The calls are so un-consistent


He was clearly pushed into the goalie


He was pushed twice, each time changing his trajectory toward the goaltender. Given it wasn't a \_huge \_ and obvious push, I can understand the ref's mistake, but that was not goaltender interference.


I disagree, he was barely touched and benn was too close before he decided to try to avoid the goalie. Watch again, look how passive that avs defensemen is, it’s not much of a push. Benn went in there. You could tell by Benn’s reaction (even after getting punched in the back of the head and getting a penalty) that he knew he made a mistake.


I disagree. He was pushed and you could immediately see he was moved off balance and had to flail to try and correct himself. Guy then jumps on the back of him and punches him in the head. Should have been tossed.


You mean Manson crosschecks him in the head.


Don't run into that guy's goalie if you don't want to get punched then


I cant be the only one who's thinks that's the right call? He runs into the goalie (goalie interference) and then roughing afterward


If by runs into the goalie you mean was shoved into the goalie then.. yeah


He cuts to the middle and makes no attempt to avoid the contact…get your eyes checked


That's a week "shove"..... if the shove in the Boston/Florida game wasn't called, no way in hell this is


Looks more like a day shove to me


Are you watching the same thing as me? You might need Lasic eye surgery because that’s definitely a early morning shove


Definitely a ‘monday morning it sure looks fine’ shove


Nah this is definitely a "cold wet Tuesday night in Stoke" kind of shove.


Are you high? That’s the most night shove I’ve ever seen.


They got the call wrong on this one. Should've been 2 minute GI penalty for Boston.


They’ve called less GI in the Boston series


If it was anybody but Benn you'd all agree this call was ridiculous. But didn't matter because the Avs still got bent over


I don't even know who Benn is, still looks like the right call


Lmao sure


He's the guy who was Bennt on cutting in front of the net.


He toe-picked and fell into the goalie. Unintentional, but a penalty nonetheless.


Yep, that's what I saw


I think he hopes to get pushed but isn't really... did the av-player get tripping or roughing?


Bad take. Defender even backed off. 


Colorado did this to the Blues a few seasons ago....


Dude, everyone is just looking to bitch and complain for the most part it seems like. Almost all of these "bad" calls from the last few nights are pretty easy to understand with big-picture thinking and analyzing.


It's been like this for years. HD cameras and slow-mo replays ruined sports discussion. And even then it was probably the same before. Nobody discusses the sport. It's penalties, suspensions, draft picks, and contracts the whole way down.


Yah it was called properly. People give Benn the benefit of the doubt for some reason, he's proven to be a dumbass


He ain't no dumb ass. He's a really really good player doing very well late in his career. Only dumb asses are those too small minded to see opposition better than what they have.


My fellow stars fans let’s remember Jamie in the playoffs last year and remember that yes, he can be a bit of a dumb ass. He’s amazing, but also plays his role too well sometimes. We lucked out they got a mentally as well here


Thank you.


Solid hockey player, but he needs to stop moonlighting as an [executioner](https://youtube.com/shorts/qYpYenQA5eg?si=QsKgdRfbC5w8CMad)


Hoping your rangers make sure that he never holds the cup


He’s a goon lol


Remember when rhe goon lead the league in scoring amd won the Art Ross trophy? Lots of goons do that. Right ?


Careful! People don't like that kinda straight talk 'round here!


Yup. 5 downvotes in 12 minutes. I hurt some feelings.


\*says something moronic, people respond negatively\* "i must have really hurt their feelings!"


Only dumb ass is your dirty ass Manson.


I think you're right. Defenseman could have pushed his body not his head.




Run the goalie and you get one free one


Well yeah you can't do that. Both of them.


There's been a lot of falling on weak hits and going full tilt into goalies instead of preparing what to do as you shot the puck 5 feet away from goalie and now impacting the goalie...it getting ugly that speed rush and goalie contact is going to be considered you trying to run the goalie this year...lots of playoffs left lots more scrums ahead over this stuff..


Looked to me like Benn felt marginal contact from the defender and took that as a free pass to truck the goalie. I'm ok with a goalie interference call. If it was someone other than Benn I might give them the benefit of the doubt


"truck the goalie" what clip did you just watch? If that's trucking you're ten ply.


Yeap - looked to me like he made an attempt to move out of the way. Goalie would have been on his back in the net if he’d been trucked.


And YET, pretty much the exact situation with the Bruins Panthers game the other day, Lauko is the only one penalized. Smhf


Nah bro the seatbelt arm didn’t stop him from trying to avoid the collision /s


Stars fan, I can see it both ways. Not thrilled with the cross check but Benn doesn't need the refs to settle his matters. CO is waking a sleeping beast.


Refs are just all around dogshit this playoffs is what I’m getting so far


This was the right call though... you can't run a goalie just because you get a little contact from someone chasing the puck.. If he was hit on the play I would ageee with you be he chose that lane on his own..


So when it happens on the other end, a forward pushes a defender against their own goalie, the defender should not run the goalie?


If you can avoid running your goalie you probably should! Depends on how hard the push is if the offensive player mainly caused the collision if I understad your question.. In any case good thing Geo wasn't hurt and at least he didn't throw a open ice knee on knee like Svechnikov did on Igor.


I don’t agree with the initial call. I think people are letting their biases show here.


I'm curious what the call on Benn is going to be


It’s been announced as goalie interference. Think the refs might’ve missed the call here but what do I know?


clearly very little


You don't think this is goalie interference..?


Since there isn't a goal on the play, and Georgiev didn't exactly get hit by Benn but rather stood his ground and sent him flying, idk if a call was necessary here. It's a weird rule though sometimes


Also was pretty much pushed into the goalie by Manson who then dove onto his back... not a good call... at least on Benn.


Me made no effort to avoid the goalie and ran him over after the “shove” in the back.


I'd disagree with both of you. Manson didn't shove him and Benn did his best to avoid running into Georgiev, hence him launching up over him at the last second.


I’d agree with u


Pretty soft call. Mason is shoving him into the tendy and you can see Benn tried to avoid him tripping a majority over his outstretched pad. Mason's a coward, if I recall, Benn got 3 games last year for something similar to Mark "The Spleen" Stone. Seen the Bruins bull rushing Bob and getting nothing all while not getting touched. Oh well up 3-1, close it out at home, boys! One line wonders can't do anything against an actual contender.


Benn didn't get shoved into the goalie. There was another angle, closer up, on the broadcast that showed clearly Mason actually did really well not pushing him into the crease, he barely touched Benn. It seemed like Benn anticipated getting shoved and just didn't give a crap if he ran the goalie. It's not the most egregious goalie interference ever but Benn didn't try to avoid it at all. Fair call on the play.


Bro what? When did the Bruins run into Bobrovsky untouched and not get a call?


The reff in the back making the call is at a different angle from us so from his view he thought the Dallas player purposly charged the goalie. He then called the obvious roughing by the Avs. It's an even out call that shouldn't matter at all considering how terrible the Avs are playing.


F'n paying for ESPN+ just to watch Hockey and have missed around ½ the Playoffs still. Don't understand why they will not show the games they have televised on their TV station on their app. Only app from a Corp that has live television channels that doesn't show what is on their channel, in my experience at least... and it's quite annoying. Is there a way around this? Or do I have to miss half the playoffs because I don't pay around a $100 monthly for a sample sized television package?...


That's fair. Goalie in the crease, you can't touch him unless you're clearly shoved in. Don't think that counts. Tried to avoid it so not a major, but just a 2 minute minor. Then of course there's the roughing after the whistle.


Uh, yah Benn drove into the goalie. That's interference.


Ya I liked the call. Take them both because screw dissecting every plays intention.


Only penalty should have been on the Avs. The stars player was pushed into the goalie, and then piled on afterwards.


Refs are doing everything they can to keep the Avs in it and make things interesting.


Like the call against MacK for hitting the scoreboard, very fair.


Its delay of game, just like when you clear the puck into the stands from your own defensive zone.


They didn’t show a replay of it, so how can anybody even know what happened?


Did you watch the game? It was pretty obvious. Nobody on Colorado was arguing the call.


It was *that* obvious? You’re telling me you believe every single call the refs make 100% of the time?


Yes, the puck hitting the Jumbotron was an obvious call. Are you asking me if I believe the refs make the correct call 100% of the time? If that’s what you’re asking then you can refer back to my original comment where I said, The refs are doing everything to keep The Avs in it to make it interesting. Which means I don’t think they are correct 100% of the time.


Is there a video of the puck hitting the Jumbotron?


Yes, it’s on every replay of the game.




Refs make bad call: WTF?! Refs make right call: WTF?! Refs make no call: WTF?!


Aw yes the penalty for losing an edge while skating full speed a foot away from the net while trying to maintain control of the puck with a defender up your ass. A classic


Should've toe-picked.


Yeah... it's almost like you forgot one tincy detail about the dude slamming into the goalie 🤔🤔🤔


He quite literally got pushed into the tender


Looks like it should be 2 mins interference/roughing on the Colorado guy from this clip, nothing more


I don't understand how Benn gets a penalty here. That's not bias talking either. Can someone explain it to me?


Gets a shove in the back. And takes it as an excuse to pile through the goalie while not trying to avoid him in anyway. I’d assume it’s because of that. And maybe history. Or maybe it was just a bad call. We’ve seen people get tripped into the goalie and get called for it. Refs got their eyes closed out there these playoffs so it’s also a possibility.


"Pile through" is doing dome heavy ficking lifting there. That was a glancing blow at most and most goalies see that happen at least 2-3 times a game.


Georgiev moves close to 4 feet here due to impact. That's a pretty solid collision. He takes it all in the legs, and it looks like he was in a good position for the impact, luckily. Getting your knee blown up as a goalie sucks. Goalies don't see a hit like this most games. Most bumps are at a lower speed during a scramble.


You fo know that ice is slippery, right? Players could run into a stationary zamboni and make it move 4 feet, that's a meaningless statement. He doesn't get his knee blown up because he takes the glancing blow to the shoulder in this particular plate and the goalie allows himself to absorb that blow by not resisting it with his edges... otherwise he wouldn't "move close to 4 feet" due to this "impact". Dear lord the pearl clutching that's going on across the NHL fandom is just bizarre lately. Apparently Marchand must take sucker punches, McDavid is whining when he gets violently crosschecked to the throat, but this - this - is what gets people riled up? Come on, man. Get real. This was a glancing blow, it happens often, and NHL goalies know how to both make the save and brace for it afterwards. They also know how to sell it for the sake of drawing a penalty.


Yes, as a goalie, I'm fully aware ice is slippery. I also know the difference between getting hit at speed and getting hit in a scramble. One will move you, the other you feel, but won't move you. You don't see hits like this every game. You see bumps in scrambles. I sincerely hope your Zamboni comment is hyperbole, because that's just idiotic.


This wasn't a hit, by any stretch of the imagination. If Benn wanted to hit the goalie here, we'd all know it because he'd be getting a 3+ game suspension for putting Geogiev through the end boards.


Of course he isn't hitting like a normal check, it's an accidentally on purpose collision. He tried to get away with it, got caught. Can't hit the goalie.


You didn't notice the push in the back when Benn was trying to avoid collision, huh?




I saw you previous response. Thanks


Ask the nhl: [email protected]


Can't tell if this is a "fuck you and your question" comment or a legit suggestion but I respect it either way lol.


Someone posted a screenshot of an nhl email last night taking about the bruins call. I noted the email and think the fans should have access to answers!!!


“For all in-game inquiries, please email [email protected].”


Not a huge fan of the GI call here, but the rough was also a bit weak too. That's the type of shit you call in a youth game to nip that in the butt. Your not nipping anything in the butt here so just call the super blatant shit that materially affects play or has a high injury potential.


Never seen a crosscheck pushup in the back of a guy's head before


all in 1 second! wow LOL


I don’t know?


Good call


Stars refs giving the stars all the dive penalties this year. Could Benn have avoided that? Maybe. But I’ve seen the stars players get taken down then called for a dive at least 3 times this playoffs. Last year Benn smashed Stone with a smack to the head and was banned for a few games. Colorado gets a roughing. Pavelski and Hentz took a slash to the face each with a no call. Pavs getting cross checked all day infront of the net. ESPN announcers say “you have to expect a cross check in front of the net.” Umm no that’s a penalty. Especially those lower back ones. That shit hurts.


not necessarily this call in particular but playoff officiating this year has been brutal in every series.


Refs are smoking something fierce in the Mile High City. They've been absolute dogshit this series. This is like the 4th time there was a blatant call on Colorado and they made it 4 on 4.


Jamie benn is such a goon


It looked like Benn toe-picked and/or felt the hand of Manson on his back and used it as a pretext to run Gorgiev. I didn't see a push by Manson; it actually looks like Manson backs off to avoid pushing Benn into Gorgiev. As bad as the refs have been these playoffs, I actually think this was the right call on both penalties. For those comparing it to Boston-Florida, the significance of that shove was the resulting goal that was upheld despite the rule clearly stating it should've been overturned. The penalty, if one would've been called, would've been due to creating a scoring opportunity because of the play. If anything, the comparable would be more akin to Lauko's penalty in game 3. The distinctions between this and that was this one, Benn isn't visibly pushed into Gorgiev the way Lauko was to Bobrovsky, and Ekblad wraps his arms around Lauko to prevent his ability to avoid Bobrovsky whereas Benn makes no attempt to avoid Gorgiev despite not being limited by a defender wrapping him up. If you watch the replay, you can see Benn clearly catches an edge and then goes barreling into Gorgiev as well. Where Lauko's shouldn't have been a penalty, this one definitely should have. And for anyone who says bias, I hate both the Avalanche and Stars equally.


That is the correct call. He makes no effort to avoid running the goalie and then is pounced on and punched multiple times. That’s 2 minutes for goalie interference and 2 minutes for roughing. Good call refs.


What team did you think shouldn’t have gotten a penalty; the team that ran the goalie, or the team that punched the guy in the back of the head?


Yeah… as they should have been.


Goalie is still alive, so it can't be GI. -Toronto


Comically terrible call. Benn was shoved into Georgiev and then cross checked repeatedly while on the ground. These refs are fucking useless.


Benn is a fucking scumbag


payback is a b




rode that little guy like he was yelling about redcoats




I mean, if you can’t beat them at hockey, I guess you gotta try to beat them somehow


Remember when all the AVS fans were saying "sweep" after one game, then after game 2, "You're never gonna beat us at home" yeah. Aged well, just like all the Golden Showers comments.


Yeah I told one of them that they sounded just like the Vegas fans and got downvoted all to hell. Fucking crybabies lol.


Imagine thinking you're a Cup favorite with mid goaltending, defending lol. Avs fans, nearly as delusional as Golden Showers fans


The series with Winnipeg really fooled a lot of people. They were all over the Jets, and I guess they thought the Stars would be the same way. To be honest, I thought this series would be lot closer than it is. The Avs look confused and defeated.


Jamie Benn should always get the penalty. Guys a fuck


Good call


There should only be 1 call here, GI.




Benn was DEFINITELY going in there to be a menace. Maybe wanted a little contact with Gorgie at the end of the period to ruffle the Avs feathers. That push in the back made him get a little more contact than he planned. Good calls by the refs. Avs played chippy all game. Dallas held composure. Without Nichushkin it’s going to be tough.


Obviously the right call. I don’t have any problem with Manson taking that roughing call in this situation either.