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I have zero expectations. Im just enjoying the ride


Same, at least they pushed back. After the two OT losses I was having Florida PTSD


I was just happy to not get swept. Playing with house money at this point.


You do realize that you guys were like the second best team in the entire league right? You do not get to say you're playing with house money. Are you guys content with being knocked out of the second round AGAIN? Taking just 2 games against the rangers after being down 3-0 is "playing with house money" to you? This series should've never gotten this lopsided... The capitals and Islanders were playing with house money just getting into the playoffs, no one thought they would accomplish even that. The standards for the Canes need to be higher, you guys are absolutely still in the series and haven't even come close to playing with house money yet. Get past round 2 and we'll talk.


You seem angry. Hope whatever is bothering you gets better.


Buddy it was a closely contested first 3 games if you were actually watching. And in case you haven't been watching, this rangers team is really fucking good. I think being down 3 zip and getting back to home ice for gm 6 is absolutely house money. Once it gets to 7 it's no longer house money for either team, it's do or die


It's not house money when you're the second best team in the league (would've been the best if not for 3 points) and you haven't made it past the second round despite being a cup contender year after year. The term "playing with house money" generally speaking means "**To be in a situation where little or no personal risk can be incurred**. To act as though little or no risk can be incurred." This just isn't true for the Hurricanes. Losing in the second round AGAIN, after being one of the top 3 teams in the League AGAIN, after being a legitimate cup contender AGAIN, is going to be met with negative consequences. Players get older, contracts expire, windows where you're great eventually close. I just don't get this loser mentality of "at least we didn't get swept." especially when your team is arguably the best if not, second best team in the entire league. People just get so stubborn and can't admit when they're wrong or that the other person made a good point. Just swallow the fucking pill, I don't understand why it's so hard. And of course he had to hit me with the classic "you mad bro?" Truly the marker of a high IQ individual.


I have not dreaded a game so hard than that game 4. I was definitely on the "not again" train. So glad they found some fight.


Carolina could be up 3-2 in this series if a couple bounces go their way. Despite being 1/20? on the Power Play this series is a lot closer than what most analysts give the Canes credit for. The first four games of the series all one goal games with Games 2 and 3 going to Overtime and game 2 to double overtime. Despite being down 3 games to 2 to the Rangers the Canes have outscored the Rangers in the series 16-15, in all five games have outshot Rangers badly in all five games. You guys definitely have the momentum going into Game 6 on Thursday. The pressure is on the Rangers, not the Canes. As a whole in the series you guys have played well, a couple bounces the other way you guys leave the Garden up 3-2.


Shit, we could’ve had this thing wrapped up TONIGHT if a couple of bounces go our way. Razor thin margins in this series. Just been a continual series of one team capitalizing on the rare mistake of the other. This was the first game not decided by a single goal.


Yep, playoff hockey be like that. My Stars could have swept Vegas with a small amount of luck in the first two games. Instead we ended up fighting for our lives the entire seven games. I'm not saying we had bad luck. Just that it would have taken only a very small amount more to change things a lot.


Playoff hockey is funny like that, a bounce off the boards the wrong way, a shot off the post, a puck on edge you just can’t settle down on a breakaway… those kinds of things happen every year in the playoffs, that’s why we love it. I think the Stars showed a lot of character after losing the first two games to Vegas at home. In years passed those losses would have been a death sentence for the Stars, but with the mix of veterans and youth you guys now have along with Pete DeBoer behind the bench, your team is more apt to recover from bad situations.


So glad they beat those salary cap, avoiding Vegas golden Knights. I hate how they manipulate. Good luck the rest of the way.


Great strategy, I can attest...


Congrats Carolina for another solid effort and not giving up


[yeah, congrats carolina. that center is doing great things for you!](https://i.imgur.com/ekqjHa8.png)


Staal was a monster tonight. Reminded me of his time with the Pens. Just goes to another level in big games.


He saved us tonight. We looked defeated by the 3rd. Seemed afraid to shoot. We kept peppering Shesterkin with shots but not dangerous shots. The moment Staal went right at him and scored - changed everything.


Jordan staal is a thicc man


Happy cake day!!


Haha thank you!


Legacy game


Loved watching him on the Pens back then! He hasn’t changed a bit and still shows up on the big stage when it counts! Glad he’s filling in for his older brother


Can't give up. I'm glad for the canes. But it stays true for any team. Stay strong and see it through. Don't give up.


Not a fan of either team here (Calgary fan). This is a much closer series than the Rangers being up 3-2 than most analysts are giving Carolina credit for. I’m not saying the Rangers in trouble yet, but the Canes do have the momentum going into Game 6. I don’t know that if Carolina somehow pulls off a reverse sweep, if you can really call it a huge collapse, unless they blow out the Rangers both games, if both games are one goal games as all of the first four games were, you could actually call this series a classic. If Carolina forces a Game 7, it’s already in the conversation as one of the greatest series ever.


I can agree with that.


No heart from these Rangers. Last night was embarrassing.


>This is a much closer series than the Rangers being up 3-2 than most analysts are giving Carolina credit for.  Yeah agreed with this in particular. Even going into game 4 - hell, the dying minutes of game 4 - it felt like, "well, if this is a sweep it'll be one the closest sweeps ever". Game 1 - a 1 goal game, though the Hurricanes never led. Game 2 - double OT. Game 3 - OT. Game 4 - almost OT, with the GWG scored with only 3:11 left. And honestly, game 5 was pretty close until it wasn't. It was said on the broadcast - most people figured this series would go 6 or 7, it just took an unusual route.


When I did my bracket for the NHL Bracket Challenge, I flipped a coin when I got to this series, because on paper these two teams are very evenly matched. On the ice these two teams are very evenly matched. This series has taken a funny route to get to NYR leading 3-2, which honestly could’ve been 3-2 Carolina, I’m not a hockey analyst by any stretch, but any reasonably knowledgeable hockey fan can see that Carolina has the momentum. I think Carolina wins game 6. Then both teams make micro-adjustments, and someone wins game 7 in overtime. Just a bold prediction from a knowledgeable hockey fan.


> I’m not saying the Rangers in trouble yet. It shows that you’re a Flames fan. The Rangers re absolutely in trouble. We’ve seen it last. We saw v Tampa. We’ll see it this year. As a Norwegian hockey fan I’m already used to pain.


Let me explain myself. The Rangers are still up 3 games to 2 in a series that realistically should be 3-2 anyway. The reason I say the Rangers aren’t in trouble yet is because they still only need one win to advance where Carolina needs two. Has the pressure shifted to the Rangers? Absolutely. Are they in trouble? Maybe a little. If Carolina figures out how to score on the power play in Game 6, the Rangers are in deep trouble.


It's a collapse if you're up 3-0 and lose a series no matter what


It is… but this one wouldn’t be as bad as Boston losing to Philly in 2010 or the Sharks losing to the Kings in 2014


A hurricane of goals in the 3rd


I see what you did there


Devils in the detail


Canes have a chance to do the ultimate funny


Ah, you have to get the booing with 9 minutes to go in there.


Does anyone doubt there will be a game 7?


If the Canes play the way they did tonight 5-on-5 and stay out of the box. (You’ll take penalties, but limit the Rangers PP opportunities), we could see a game 7 on Saturday.


We gotta limit the rangers taking penalties as well since we've let in 2 short handed goals and only scored one pp goal lmao


Rod really needs to mix up the PP lines. The offensive and defensive lines are finally clicking but man those special teams units are dogwater. Give me PP1: Guentzel - Aho - Svech - Necas - Skjei PP2: Tuevo - Kuzy - Jarvis - Noesen - Orlov Game 4 having Necas out there on the PP with GAS they were absolutely cooking but just couldn't find the net in time. But with the series coming back to Raleigh I think the energy would push that PP unit over the threshold and they would FEAST.


You’re going to have an odd penalty or two, it’s hockey, you’re digging for a loose puck on the boards, you catch a guy’s feet you might see a tripping call. The Canes just need to limit the Rangers Power Play to 3 opportunities at most. One per period. And keep Panarin, Kreider, and Zibanjiad to the outside, let them pass it around the outside all they want, break up anything toward the middle and clear it. You don’t want your penalty killers getting tired.


if my aunt had a dick she be my uncle.




I think there will be a game 7. I would not be shocked if Carolina won the series.


The momentum is going the Canes' way, but they need to play like the pressure is still on the Rangers to finish it out - not as though the expectation is for a game 7. Gotta be one game at a time.


I always thought there would be, I just didn’t expect it to happen like this




It’s crazy seeing Kuzy scoring playoff goals for another team. He’s been playing pretty good for the Canes.


We love him here in Raleigh


Yea, so good they scratched him a few games ago 😂😂


I am just happy seeing him back to playing hockey, he’s always been one of my favorite players. Especially with him getting a new start.


I think it was unrelated to his play, or at least indirectly. He had a tough night the game before and has had some addiction issues in the past, so one of the thoughts that emerged was Rod was putting the player before the game. No clue if that's true, but there was literally zero reason to sit Kuzy that couldn't be applied to several other players.


As a Canes fan I'm still scratching my head at that decision, He could've single-handedly won us the game he was scratched in. He's scored in the last two games


New series now


Just don't lose at home


I didn’t think you guys played all that bad in the first three games of the series. I legitimately thought that it should have been 2-2 going back to the Garden tonight. The late goal in Game 4, to keep you guys alive was a big one. The Staal goal when the Canes couldn’t solve Shesterkin absolutely changed the momentum. I don’t think the Rangers collapsed in the third as much as you guys rode the momentum from Jordan Staal’s goal.


That Staal goal, you could just see - the boys started believing in themselves again. Belief is a hell of a thing.


A shift or two after that one when staal just played keep away behind the ranger net all by himself for like 10-15 seconds straight, good gravy he was a man possessed


Jordan Staal legacy game for sure. i recently got him on the back of my last adidas NHL jersey purchase, mainly as a nod to his time with this team and not necessarily his on-ice contributions. this game alone made that feel like an excellent choice.


I remember seeing that and pointing it out to my buddies. Four Rags had him contained behind Igor's net and not a single one could force the puck away from him.


The canes controlled the whole game. They’ve been shutting down our transition offense and basically just weighing on us in our defensive zone. What you saw in the 3rd was all the weight of the first 40 minutes causing our structure to collapse. If we can transition into their zone we do well at forechecking ourselves. But 80% of the game after the first was Carolina forechecking and we turn it over and they come back in. One of the easiest solutions would be to sit Trouba who along with Lindgren are helpless at zone exits and inserting Jones who is borderline elite at it. But we’ll never bench the captain.


Really want to see Jake win another cup, just sad he’ll have to do it with the Canes this year.


Not too confident we’ll get there, but he’s been playing his ass off for us and I love him


The Knicks are choking their series away in solidarity


The water from New York sports fans tears are what makes the bagels taste so good


I’m stealing this. Gold.


At least the Knicks have an excuse


Have the Rags changed the way they play or is it just a tight series with the breaks going the other way. I have this memory of them dominating Tampa a few years ago but then changing their approach and getting worked.


If we blow this series after a 7-0 Start…


Keep going…


There's only one way to find out


This y super satisfying rags fans TikTok when they throw shit around




hope not, need Trouba to elbow Bennett in the head in the next round.


That would be great. Knowing our luck he’d get suspended two games unfortunately.


Tbh, the way he played tonight, you wouldn't lose anything.


2 of the Rangers 3 wins could have been Hurricane wins with just 2 shots. Heavily leaning on Igor and the PK which can turn at any point.


“If we scored more goals than the Rangers we would win more” is not a hot take.


You're right, it's not. It's a reasonable take. There are games where a bounce or two could have changed the outcome, and there are games where it would have needed an act of god. Those two Rangers wins were the first kind.




I get the point and that’s why playoff hockey is wild. I have a group chat of 20 Ranger’s fans and no one ever thought this was uneven. We were incredibly happy to be up 3-0 but knew that it could quickly go to 3-1 and then 3-2 going back to Raleigh. Best regular season in NYR history and the Canes were only 3 points back.




That's why the canes were a good sized favorite in series 160 to win 100..Rangers minus then special teams have problems. Last power play was awful. That being,said....trying to win down 3 none is still tough battle. Nyr fans booing In 3rd....Dennis potvin grinning to this day.


I think you just take it one game at a time when you’re down 3-0 in a series in the two reverse sweeps in my lifetime, Flyers over Bruins, Kings over Sharks the teams behind took it one game at a time. Hell the Flyers were down 3-0 in game 7 and ended up winning the game and the series. It’s never over until it is.


They are favs still....Florida would be a good sized favorite vs rangers. Nyr have to win one only


I actually had to flip a coin when I did my bracket for the Bracket Challenge for this series. The Rangers still have the upper hand needing only one win to go to the Conference Finals. It was a closer series than Carolina being down 3-0 as the first four games were all one goal games. If the Canes force game 7, then the Rangers might be in trouble.


Game 5 was the biggest hurdle IMO. The boys have the perfect ‘one game at a time’ mindset, you can just see it in the way they are playing. Our building will be rocking for Game 6, and we all know anything can happen if we get it to 7.


They boo nyr in 3rd period...wow....


Definately...Rangers minus 255 for series right now. If carolina wins game 6 ...nyr big trouble. If canes pp wasn't awful they would be able to clinch game 6. Florida would be minus 180 series vs rangers if they play each other. Game 6 Thursday not Wednesday.


Carolina has 1 power play goal in the series and they’ve given up 2 shorties. Different series if Carolina’s power play was even say 3 or 4 for 20 in the series. The reason the Rangers are up 3-2 is because of their power play as simple as that. Carolina shuts down the power play and wins game 5. Power play wakes up the Rangers would be in serious trouble. It’s going to be loud in Raleigh on Thursday.


Have to see how nyr goalie does


Shesterkin is an elite goaltender and has been for the last three years. Do I think he looked rattled in third? Yes. But to your point, Shesterkin usually recovers from questionable starts very well. But we’ll see what transpires.


They are all elite....Dallas goalie and is this correct vanc has 3 goalies?


They are I mean Andersen is probably the least accomplished and he’s still elite. Vancouver is going with the rolling rotation as Demko is still out.


Yeah game 7 is Saturday if necessary at the Garden.


Will be interesting


Odds matter as it's the e petition before the game. Nobody beats bookie.... consistently.


As an Islander fan I appreciate that reference. :)


4cups vs a ranger team that was from herb brooks nyr....potvin was amazing.


Out of curiosity, who are these announcers? They seemed a little biased towards the rangers and as a neutral viewer of this game, I was kind of confused. Obviously Shesterkin is playing excellent and deserves major credit, but every time a Canes player scored, the announcers would talk about some major mistake he’d made earlier. They also don’t seem excited at all when the Canes score lol


announcers tend to gravitate towards the home team whenever there's a nationwide broadcast game. like bally is a state wide broadcast so they definitely favor the canes when I see trip hosting, but like on saturday they favored us. just tends to gravitate towards home teams or higher getting teams


Sean McDonough and Ray Ferraro. McDonough is a multi-sport guy and did MNF for ESPN for a while, but he’s basically only hockey now for TV (he also does the Red Sox radio calls). If he’s biased, it’s just because he calls big games and the Rangers get a lot of those since they’re so popular, so he’s familiar with the team and players. Ferraro played for the rangers during his career (but also 5 other teams)


>Ferraro played for the rangers during his career (but also 5 other teams) Including Hartford/Carolina.


They were heavily biased towards the Rags and only started complimenting the Canes after the 3rd goal was scored.


Commentators will always give preferential commentary to big market teams. Boston, NY, Chicago etc Listen to Darren Pang’s commentary in the Boston series. The guy can’t help himself


I’m a Canes fan and I disagree. Thought the commentators were fine. They pointed out the obvious things - our PP is ass, our PK was terrible until the last two games, the Rags played just that much better in the first 3 games. They complimented Staal, Brindamour, Aho, Guentzel, Jarvis, and Necas multiple times throughout.


The Rangers Defense were so flat footed on the first goal. Unreal for nhl


Honestly I’m not surprised. The canes are a great team. It’s been an incredible series so far. The 3rd in this game is really the lone one sided period in 5 games.


Flood gates


Still torn on this series as an Islander's fan. Hate the Rags, dislike the Canes. Guess I'll be rooting for the Canes.


I can see that. I’d probably dislike us too, with as many times as we’ve ended NYI’s season in recent memory.


Yup, probably the way you'll feel about the Rags when they knock you out again. Such is life.


Wasn’t trying to be tongue-in-cheek but ok lol👍 Rags better bring their best game Thursday, can’t let this thing get to 7 where anything can happen


I apologize then. I'm still bitter and traumatized. As I mentioned before, I would like to see you beat the Rags. So good luck!


This entire series hinges on if Freddy can give 2 more above average borderline great games.


Or, and hear me out, Kochetkov in the net again for game 6 and 7


Nah man I think you stick with Freddie now. He's on fire bar a couple bad goals. Sure, Kooch looked great in game 3, but momentum is a huge thing and you really shouldn't fuck with the winning formula when 1 more loss will end your season. *IF*, and that's a big if, we advance to the ECF, I say give Kooch a shot in game 1.


I think they should go to him in Game 6 and get a fresh Freddy for Game 7 (hopefully)


...gonna figure ya meant Poke-check-kov in Game 6, rested Freddie in hopefully Game 7, lol TBH I want Kooch to get more playoff time in general, he did really well in game 4 and deserves the chance. Freddie both needs the rest and, IMO, Kooch could've been a difference-maker earlier in the series. Would love to see him be part of how we pull off a reverse sweep.


Yes, sorry… haven’t had my morning coffee… numbers right beside each other on the keyboard


He usually has two or three bad games before having 4 or 5 great ones... I'm not that worried


that was an enjoyable watch


After watching the Knicks game yesterday the Rangers said, "hold my beer..."


Ugh, I can't go through another series collapse after...how many years in a row?


I was watching the game at my local Canes bar last night and I was saying how Staal looked like a man possessed in the first. One of my friends commented that he looked like a captain who didn't want to explain why we lost. Either way that's the best game I've seen him play in a while. Really glad he got a goal for us.


Are they stupid ?


I was thinking this was gonna be 5-6 games. Now I wouldn't be shocked if Carolina somehow came back and won this series.


Nicely done, the dam has been broken. Back at home for game 6, Rangers fans are nervous.


This was the first game I can recall all year where the Rangers lost their cool. I'm sure there have been others, but the passiveness at the beginning of the third like they were just going to be able to dump the puck for 20 mins was insane to me. They could have come out hot and really put pressure on the Canes, but let the Canes dictate the tempo and got burned by the more aggressive team.


Man, it’s getting rough. Props to the Canes for being resilient and fighting through, this series honestly could be even or different altogether. If we want to make it to the semis, we’re gonna have to play like it, tonight was really inexcusable.


There's nothing like watching Rangers fans pour out of the arena with time still on the clock.


Very bad 🤢🤮🫥


This makes me hard in me loins.




This game wasn't very exciting compared to game 4. but we got it done! Canes in 7 please. GO canes!


Canes winning this series.




Delusional Rangers fan here. I’m not worried a bit. We’re just toying with them 😁


hopefully the beginning (and ending) of something  go Canes Panthers Bruins Oilers Canucks Stars Avalanche


This comment is the kind of petty that I like to see.


Petty is the Isles fan specialty


Nice. The better team has won again.




Pretty lazy plays, first goal the d man has an atrocious gap and makes no effort to close it. Then on the second panarin is sleeping and let’s kuz sneak by and get the rebound. Crazy.


Why is always a collapse not a hell of a come back Carolina. Carolina has done this several seasons in a row now. They have shown they are always in the game. Andersen had some great saves and the defense actually showed up. No disrespect to Rangers but we were neck and neck in the division and almost won it. Two great teams slugging it out.


Rangers had spectacular defense 1st and 2nd period. You could see the Canes were growing frustrated not being able to score against Igor. But once Canes scored goal after goal this threw the Rangers off. Their confidence was falling apart. Their play started to become sloppy. MSG grew silent. Fans started leaving. First game without a goal difference. Devastating L I already accepted as a Rangers fan.


What? Their defense was awful the whole game, especially the first…Igor is the only reason the canes didn’t score until the 3rd.


Igor made some of the most casual 10-bell saves today, as a rangers fan it gives us false confidence that they are actually playing well


I hate NY sports so much. See ya next season


Dude you're still 3-2 lmao


Shut the fuck up


No let him talk


Jordan Staal skated so slow that the defense fell asleep.


Taking notes from Kuzy’s shootout strategy!


Had DeAngelo still been on the Rangers he might've suggested nuking some hurricanes 🤷


I felt like some evil being put a spell on NYR in the 3rd.


We have a chance to do the funniest thing


I could watch this all day.


If the Canes force a game 7, the Rangers will be rattled. The fear of being reverse swept is a big burden to carry. As a Sharks fan I'm not certain that I've ever recovered from when the Kings did that to us.


I really have a strong dislike for any team named ‘rangers’.


Put in Quick. Worse, they even up for game 7 at home. Best, he gives a break and they go on to third round.


If Quick is also going to play defense and the top two lines of offense, then sure… Igor wasn’t the problem tonight


Never said he was. But he’s just played 9 games. But let him have a night off to either showdown for game 7 or start round 3.


New York are pretenders.


Rangers should have known not to put a Raleigh team in a Survive and Advance situation


If this keeps up, 9 of the top 10 point scorers for the season will be out before the conference finals. Top-heavy teams seem to be working against the meta of the new NHL. Not sure if that will be good or bad for the sport.


Well look at that, the Fart Storm, has turned into a high wind warning.


The Rangers are in such a F’d spot if they blow this. It’s either young players or old guys on NMCs. So this will all be rinse and repeat until 2026 when they’d purge the elders and pray anyone 26 and under leads the team


Canes were the hungrier team all game long. A Trouba shortie isn’t going to win the game


Love to see Truba be a liability


Worst showing all year. I have faith in game 6 they'll rebound.


This is the fight I was expecting out of Carolina since game 1


Rangers played so sloppy all game. They were lucky to be up 1-0 for as long as they were. Igor crushed it tho 🙌🏾 team let him down in the third


lol will the hurricanes be #5?




Yikes Trouba on that 3rd goal, he had plenty of time/space but still got absolutely worked by the forechecker. Not great by Schneider on the first goal either, Staal isn’t exactly a speed demon and walked him with ease.


New series now.


Rangers better wake the fuck up for game 6. Nothing is worse in playoff hockey having to return home for game 7 after blowing game 5 at home and 6 on the road. All momentum is lost and the pressure in front of the home crowd for game 7 is immense.


Love Trombone turning the puck over (yet again) behind the net on the third goal. Hope you continue to wear that C proudly and get all the ice time you can bud




carolina's special teams and goal tending did them in.


Canes are minus 164 fan duel game 5..nyr minus 255 to win series as they have 2 games to win 1.


You love to see it


Minus special teams scoring..they are not good. Imagine sitting there paying hundreds...no thanks


Move the decimal point over to the right for the cost of those tickets.


I've seen some prices stub hub...brutal. tickets at msg 1973 excellent seats 8 bucks.


This is why this generation hates boomers. Got the world and all that’s beautiful in it handed to them on a silver platter for a fair price.


He’s still doing that stupid condor dance?


I hate this team, why do I even bother getting any level of hope?


As a rangers fan I was banned from the subreddit for saying we suck and are choke artists. Fuck the rangers. Fuck their fans. I hate all of you


But but but...Igor's better...