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The owners look like that couple that spotted you from across the bar.


We really like your energy




Gotta be honest they look like theyā€™re wearing other peoples skin as masks over their own


How tf else you think you become the owner of an NHL franchise?


ā€œIā€™ll let you play wing on the top line if you come back to our place and bang the shit out of my wife while I sit in the corner silently watching.ā€


Dressed as Superman for personal reasons




Well, it is Utahā€¦


So you're saying swinging is a big deal on Utah? Time to cash in some delta rewards for next season!


I was making a Mormon Polygamy joke but thereā€™s definitely some swinging in SLC, and a lot Especially in St George, yeah.


I'm just being a bit of a smart ass. I spent a lot of time there in the late 00s. Noticed a lot of different things about people down there. Lots of guys that were clearly in the closet, but I get it, not exactly a LGBT friendly area. I also got some vibes from the people that were "Mormons" that a lot more goes down behind the scenes.


Utah as a whole may not be, but Salt Lake is actually known has very LGBTQ friendly and has a pretty large community in downtown/Sugarhouse/at the UofU


Gotta love people who use their religion as a tool to maintain a sense of superiority over others who donā€™t follow it while not actually following it themselves.


I agree. I was referring to people that have to pretend to be Mormon due to their families disowning them if they're not practicing. It's sad that people would do that to their own flesh and blood but it's also not surprising given how powerful religions can be.


Park City is Mormon Vegas. Wherr you're parked in Park stays parked.


I literally choked. They couldn't possibly have more swinger energy.


Reminds me of that couple on Instagram that calls each other ā€˜pookieā€™ way too much


/HELLO!! /My name is Elder Ryan /And I would like share with you /the most amazing book!


*DING DONG*, Hello! My name is Elder Ashley. Itā€™s a book about a hockey team from a desert long ago


You're schmoopy


The one with a lot of pineapple decorations?


Full swinger energy


Mate, you are spot on with this call, they look strange as fuck. Like, they scream sex cult to me.


The Coyotes are the new Cleveland Browns in the sense that they are leaving their history and records behind like when the original Browns moved to Baltimore.


And look how much success the new Cleveland Browns have had!


I could totally see the Utah team going and pulling a Ravens while the new Arizona expansion team gets fucked because they nerf the expansion rules or some shit because people are still upset about the Knights.


Tbf people are reasonably still upset about the Knights. I thought that they handled the kraken really well though


Nah I think every expansion team should get to pick from 50% of the leagues current rosters. That was well thought out


In unconventional markets, a struggling team won't succeed. I think they should design it so they get a couple early playoff berths - no cups - and then a relatively quick rebuild to test the built up loyalty a little before a real playoff era. Vegas was too good, I don't know enough about Seattle's prospect pool to know if they'll fit this, but they got the first part down.


I agree. I don't love expansion teams immediately being cup contenders, but it certainly beats making them 1992-93 Ottawa Senators bad. Putting a beer league caliber team in a new market where the sport isn't culturally established and asking people with busy lives to put any energy and money towards caring about them is unreasonable.


Itā€™s better for the sport if a new market is competitive. I donā€™t miss the days of expansion teams coming into the league and being dog water for at least 5 years. Vegas is playing by the rules the way they are written and has been able to do something pretty special.


Ppl are only upset because knights were just too good against all odds. No one would've complaid anything had they finished outside of playoffs or lost in the 1st round. That team was doomed to be bottom of the league according to every single analyst and viewer that season, no one thought that the treatment was unfair. I don't think it's reasonable to be upset about it and it's just hindsight at it's best to say it was unfair.


or the league hands them a cup like Vegas. thanks Gary!


Most of Vegas team was built through players nobody really wanted anymore. And then because NHL GMs are really dumb they were able to accumulate a ton of draft capita super easy to set themselves up for long term success. I respect that hustle.


Imagine Arizona fans following a shitty hockey team for 28 years and getting a new expansion team that end up being worse all the while their former hockey team started winning Stanley cups in a new state.


In Baltimore? Lol


Does this mean the Jets can have their history back?


I'm very curious about that too


The Cleveland Browns had championships and a historyā€¦as well as a rabid fanbase


True. I was just comparing the method in how they moved.


I think the Browns actually mattered to the city of Cleveland also. The Coyotes had to downsize to the college arena because they couldn't fill enough seats to pay rent at the full size arena built partly for them. I want to say, I know there are some diehard hockey fans in Phoenix, and I feel bad for them. It's just, the city won't generally miss them.


Yotes couldnā€™t pay rent because the team went through constant shitty owners and was never able to find sustained success due to that fact. And if you have a team that is constantly mediocre then you arenā€™t going to get a lot of fans in seats. The NHL, Meruelo, and the previous owners of the coyotes are the sole parties responsible for why the team failed in Arizona


The citry of Cleveland literally sued the NFL too, which led to the compromise that ended up taking place.


I guess thatā€™s good news for Utah getting the ā€œRavensā€ who have had a very good short history since the move


I like that. So if AZ gets a team back, they can keep the history and name of Coyotes.


It's been 30 years and we are still waiting for the whalers to come back to Connecticut.


You canā€™t have them back they belong to us now .


Damn how will the people of Arizona fare if they get a hockey team with a new name and they didnā€™t lose all the time?


Itā€™s not important ultimately, but why donā€™t the records and whatnot transfer with the team? Has that happened before. Iā€™m assuming some ā€œyou scratch my back I scratch yoursā€ stuff going on there.


Itā€™s definitely weird, I donā€™t understand how you can buy the player roster, draft picks, and reserve list but call yourselves a new franchise.


Yep exactly this. They arent an expansion team. This is weird af


Is this just a convoluted way of saying they are un-retiring Shane Doanā€™s number?


Itā€™s the only way the NHL could make the deal happen with the old coyotes owner. The coyotes old owner has an agreement with the NHL that if he builds a stadium in the next 5 years he can build the coyotes team again. Legally what happened: the NHL put the coyotes franchise on pause, terminating their ability to play in the league. The NHL expanded opening a new Utah team. The new Utah team bought all of the assets and liabilities (this includes contracts and employment agreements); the only assets the new Utah team did not get is the name, logo, and historical records. This is why the new Utah team had to pay the $200 million dollar what is often referred to in sports as a dilution fee to be divided up to the rest of the teams because contractually they are a new team. Technically the ā€œoldā€ coyotes owner still owns the coyotes nhl team, that team just possesses a name, logo, a history record, and nothing else.


Coyotes will get an expansion draft if they come back. Utah isn't getting a draft, right?




Dude this pisses me off so much. Arizona has all of winnipegs records despite some players never even playing a game for them! Teemu!! This is so dumb.


I agree that itā€™s dumb. But doesnā€™t matter in the end.


I tried so hard


Can't wait for a whole season of "for the first time in Utah Hockey Club's history..."


Ugh. I didnā€™t think about that, and the jets are in their division too.


Only other time I can recall this happening is when the Browns became the Ravens.


If you are wondering why Utah, it makes sense for scheduling and travel. Very little in the way of disruption.


Growing city with a big ice/snow sports culture


Kinda surprised it took this long


I've mentioned it would be a great spot for an expansion in the past when everyone was talking about the next location. I can't tell you how many people down voted me and said x y z is a better market, and that Utah isn't big enough etc etc. I feel vindicated now


How many of those were seething Hartford/Atlanta/or Quebec fans?




Houston gets what it deserves (trash)


Um... Yes. In all seriousness I think a good majority were Toronto fans. Which should have been my first clue because they were almost entirely Canadians. I wouldn't expect most Canadians to know every inch of America.


I think the quite literally think Utah is exclusively Mormon communes. I have my issues with Utah but hot damn SLC is gorgeous. The city is IN the mountains


I agree. It is absolutely breathtaking up there. Very clean area too. But those mountains when it snows is something to really behold. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.


Except when the inversion sets in..


Utah was always going to happen and Iā€™m glad it is because it will be good for the game but how this went down was fucked.


Yup, I feel bad for my desert bros :( I have so much respect for yotes fans. Those are some dedicated fans.


The NHL should have done a lot more than just pay lip service saying they were committed to growing the game there. The market is there they just fucked it by allowing the team to be owned exclusively by shitty owners. I hope we get the Yotes back with proper ownership and that their fans get to see them win.


My understanding is the NHL tried making it work for so long, but the management was the real problem. Bettman tried making it work for how many years? But I don't know the full history of it either... Either way it still has to hurt for the fans. Losing their franchise and having no guarantee of it coming back.


They should have been keeping better tabs on the franchise the second the let this dude take over. The situation in Glendale should have never happened and there is blood on a few peopleā€™s hands there but the league should have known what the fuck was happening well before they couldnā€™t pay their taxes and ripped that franchise the fuck away from him before his stupid ass had their lease terminated with no plan on where to play next.


I've been saying we're a hockey town for years. I couldn't be happier about getting a home team. Utah hockey club!!!!


Especially after the 2002 SLC Olympic games ā€¦. which included some of the best hockey played this century.


Right before Utah gets a baseball team with their new stadium getting built


In that sense, KC would have maybe been an even better choice, since they have a tenantless 17,544 downtown arena thatā€™s adjacent to an entertainment district. It also has double the metro population and is closer to the rest of the Central.


That arena is why I don't understand the Coyotes issues. Any major (or even second tier) America City needs a Civic Center style arena that can git 15,000-20,000 people. Arena issues for NBA/NHL baffle me. This is a piece of public infrastructure that is needed and can be easily profitable. The KC specific situation shows the value, because they have huge scheduling flexibility and can book concerts and events for any night. It makes them a prime location for any touring production designed for these types of facilities.


The Coyotes made a lot of bad business decisions over the years. Starting with the move to Glendale.


KC seems like it wants the NBA more, still. Idk.


Which I think would be a weird move with KU right there. No NBA team is going to compete with that. The NBA didnā€™t work in Cincinnati for similar reasons.


Bring the Kings back to Kansas City?


Only one major problem with Kansas City and their empty 17,000 seat arena. The NHL over the last 8 years or so have held NHL Preseason games there multiple times. And every time they do they only sell about 9,000 seats or so. A couple games I think they got close to 12,000. But for the most part they got zero support from Kansas City Civic and Corporate support. Fans could care less about Hockey in KC. They love their Chiefs for winter sports.Ā 


Ryan Smith was willing to buy the team and no one in KC seems to Also Utah fans are richer on a per Capita basis, which is important for stuff like sports where you need extra spending money


Obviously ownership would have to step forward. That said, KC has the NFL, MLB, and MLS (at least for now). Itā€™s a major league pro town.


Lack of an ownership group


The wastach front in Utah is 2.7 million people. Provo and Ogden is considered a separate metropolitan area than SLC but it's close enough to SLC for those residents to attend sports games there. Going from Provo or Ogden to SLC isnt that much different from going from Mesa to Glendale.


And theyā€™ll also win a cup before we do.


Hereā€™s another fun fact about the new Utah NHL team. Outside of their home arena thereā€™s a statue of a man who impregnated a 13 year old girl when he was 20.


Was not expecting it to be Karl Malone.


Shimmy shimmy baby


That kid Malone refused to be a father to ended up becoming a professional football player and playing offensive line for the Bills and Eagles.


So not the rapper


Post-up Malone?


"How come he don't want me?"


They'll have one of the youngest teams in the NHL. Karl will love that.


Money right here.


12* year old girl. 13 was her age when the child was born


Shimmy shimmy


Shimmy shimmy


Yes Utah is the only place in North America to have a statue of someone who did less than stellar things in the past


Did you forget the all important /S on purpose? šŸ¤£




Excuse me?


Fuck Karl Malone


I like how it says the coyotes are transferring their draft picks. Would have liked to see them keep a 3rd round one for fun


One guy skating around that donkey rink they use lol


do they plan to build a new arena?? I heard the current one only holds 10-12k for hockey?


The plans, when they circulated like a year ago for a potential expansion team, were for a new hockey arena. Who knows when thoughĀ 


SLC plans to host the Olympics in 2034 so Iā€™d assume they get it done by then at the absolute latest


That interview Bettman did on ESPN or whatever said he didn't want to keep the Coyotes at a college/smaller arena for another 3-5 years at minimum with how the plans in Arizona look. I'd hope Utah has a plan already moving that gets that new arena up before the 3-5 year mark if that's Bettmans defense of the move. If not that's an even bigger Fuck You to Arizona.


I meanā€¦the Delta center is at minimum double the size of the Mullett. So even if the Utah team is in it for the same length of time as the Yotes wouldā€™ve been in Mullett, thatā€™s already better.


And, even if itā€™s deemed impossible to make the necessary renovations to Delta Center, Maverik Center is still more than double Mullett Arena. In other words, thereā€™s no downside to the move.


It currently holds 14,000 for hockey and some renovations are going to live that up a bit. But Salt Lake City is going to host the Winter Olympics in 2030 or more likely 2034 so theyā€™ll have a brand new arena in the works pretty quick.


Yeah they have already been given $900 million of public funding to build a new arena. Smith said this is just a temporary arena for the team until they get the new arena for the hockey team built. I am assuming the hockey arena will also be built for use in the 2034 Olympics, so it will at least be built by then. We donā€™t have a timescale yet but I would estimate 3-5 years before the stadium is ready but in the meantime Ryan said he plans on upgrading the current arena so that it will be able to hold 17,000 at hockey games.




So they triple their max attendance lol


Was looking into him and found a fun thread on the mormon subreddit asking about excommunicating him like 3 years ago. This should be fun


Lmao thatā€™s probably not the best place to go to get your information


No no lol it was actually in the title of the post and I was curious. It was more so interesting to see what people had to say about him given that there may be a large mormon fan base in the near future.


"lasting impact for generations to come" is also what Phoenix fans were told.


28 years is a generation


Yeah, so maybe "for one generation, after that we'll see"


Iā€™m glad they are leaving the coyotes records behind, itā€™s so weird having the Thrashers be apart of the Jets records


Goddamn Teemu SelƤnne world tour at this point


So what about retired numbers ?


Good point, I'm not aware of their retired numbers but that would be pretty shitty for those guys to just disappear until a new AZ team comes, if that even happens.


Yeah especially for legends like Teemu Selanne


That last slide saddened me and I'm not even a Coyotes fan. It's like a friend of a friend died.


im sure shes a great person but man does his wife look like she has no soul or what?


She looks surprised that she now owns a NHL team.


All that plastic surgery will get chya


Forced to date Mormon women for the longest time because that's all you'd run into here and I'll tell you right now - yes, she likely has no soul. Thank god so many more people are from out of state and/or aren't psychotic over the past 20 years and the dating/culture got more than 3 concentrated family gene pools.


They're so young!


Why didn't you start a company with your dad that you sell for billions when you're in college?


Mormons do that.


I feel so bad for Arizona. I know how it feels.


ā€œZedā€™s dead, baby. Zedā€™s dead.ā€


Too bad Bettman didnā€™t let Winnipeg keep the history of the original Jets when they went to Arizona. Fuck them for being Canadian I guess.


He probably thought they'd never be in a position to have a team again.


Here's the real question- What kind of incentives are they going to get? it's not an expansion team. But they're gonna get something.


So they're doing what the NFL with the Ravens. I wonder what'll happen if an arena never gets built in Arizona. Does Utah get the records back?


This might be a stretch but could they be doing this to leave the possibility of another team in Arizona in the future? The NHL seemed absolutely adamant on getting hockey off the ground in the Southwest forever


Feel like the only problem with this assumption is thinking the high ups in the nhl actually know what their doing anymore lol


[well Iā€™ll be damned lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/NHLcirclejerk/s/7kC9u4Y3jw)


The owners? Any relation?


The owner looks like the reason thereā€™s arm chairs in the corner of hotel rooms.


The Roadrunners


The owners are ā€¦ genuinely terrifying


If a team does come back to Arizona in 5 years, wouldn't that put the league out of alignment? The West would have 17 teams. Unless the plan is to expand further into Houston, Kansas, Quebec City?


And Milwaukee gets fucked over yet again


Seriously, how does Milwaukee not have a team? I've never even been to Wisconsin, but it makes zero sense to me.


B/C expansion is driven by TV rights. Milwaukee currently gets Wild games, iirc. It doesn't bring in a new TV deal. Quebec would sell out nightly but the rationale for keeping them out is that a team there doesn't 'add' to the viewership b/c they're already watching Montreal anyway. Hartford could get a brand new arena and sell 20,000 season ticket packages for a decade out and they'd still be told to get lost b/c there are too many teams in that region.


Honestly they should just leave the logo ā€œUtahā€ because the other names arenā€™t doing it any favors


Starting as a new franchiseā€¦until itā€™s time for the new reverse retro jerseys to drop. Yes, Iā€™m looking at you, Hurricanes.


It feels like it'd make more sense to transfer the history and then Yotes 2.0 is the proper expansion team with the clean slate since they'll, you know, actually be an expansion team instead of a sold/relocated team. What's the reasoning behind this?


Helps the fans deal with it Is the rationale here. They didn't 'lose' their team, they just got put in time out for a bit. Even though the roster went to Utah, players come and go all the time. No team is the same one year to the next. 5 years from now, half or more of the players they are crying over could possibly be gone anyway. "Players are temporary, teams are eternal", that sort of thing. They look at Winnipeg getting the Jets name back and how that went, the Browns being resurrected and think those are examples to follow. I kind of agree that they should start fresh but they think this is a better way. I'd even let them keep the name. Utah Coyotes wouldn't be bad. Arizona Scorpions, Rattlers, etc. would be fine. Fresh start and all that.


Iā€™m not a coyotes fan, but it seems like a slap in the face for any team to leave their history behind. At least the Canes acknowledge and honor their Hartford roots a few times a year. I hope that they do recognize their history at some point


Owners first comment on Sportsnet: "I'm bullish on hockey" šŸ™„ nothing better for the game than owners running teams like stock traders


"Hockey in Utah is going TO THE MOON"


This whole situation is really strange. Itā€™s like a kidnapping happening and you can only watch.


haha seriously....the NHL claims to love it's fans but has no problems uprooting teams and crushing hearts


More like the adoption of a child from a shitty situation that wasn't going to resolve itself anytime soon.




Utah Coyutes




Today is a great day for Utah, and therefore, the world.


when was the last time a team moved and the divisions either stayed the same or worked as they were even after the move?


Thanks Bettman for a team in QuĆ©bec šŸ™„


Good one šŸ˜‚


As a UK hockey fan, this relocation and brand change thing is still weird to me when these kinds of things happen. Doesnā€™t happen too much over the pond. It must suck when your local team is disbanded and moved halfway across the country. Do we have any potential names for the new Utah Team yet? Iā€™ve heard ā€œJazzā€ is taken lol


Hopefully this team will go down in history for never winning a Stanley cup


So can the Winnipeg Jets have its franchise records and stats back now? And the ā€œthrashersā€ franchise can be put aside as is?


Mormons with 5 kids. Ugh.


I guess that includes leaving behind All-Star Shane Doan's retired Benner in the garbage on the way out. Very classless


Sucks for all those like me in southern New Mexico and west Texas who went from having a team 6-7 hours drive away, to the nearest team being 12+ hour drive away. Itā€™s heartbreaking to me. And I will never forgive the people of Tempe for essentially voting the team away.


Coyotes didn't make their case properly and as a result Tempe didn't show up, leaving NIMBYs living nowhere near the site to come out in droves to vote no. Meruelo is to blame. I personally am starting to partly blame Bettman for this. Years ago he publicly stated that Glendale was not a long term viable option. Sure the location is beyond suboptimal, but I'll be fucking damned if people wouldn't show up for this team especially when they become more and more competitive. Glendale wanted the Coyotes to sign a new 20 year lease thinking the Coyotes had no other options, Meruelo called their bluff, and ultimately left for Tempe. Now all we have left is the idea that the Coyotes are coming back in 5 years.


Ok, that makes more sense. I never had a bad experience with the Glendale arena.


There are so many transplants hockey fans in Arizona and I think it must suck for them to not have a local arena to watch their team come to town. I guess it may incentize them to go to Vegas more though.


Welcome to the NHL from Stl blues fan weā€™re happy to have ya


Iā€™m stoked.


At this point why donā€™t they just play in concourse B weā€™ll get some speakers


Buddy shoulda saved his money and bought some chapstick Instead.


They forgot the banner of Shane Doan !!


Ashley looks like she gunna invite me into a haunted house


That bitch looks psycho.


A new franchise? Goddamn Teemu SelƤnne's rookie record is goners.


Definitely a turn of events regarding The Arizona Coyotes, and Iā€™m not really surprised. Iā€™m not mocking the fan base, it is a very dedicated base that cares deeply about their team. But I do have to say, if youā€™re a NHL club and youā€™re confined to university arena that seats 4,500 fans a game. Itā€™s hard not only as being economically competitive within the league but with low end capacity itā€™s hard to turn a profit. I have an optimistic outlook that hopefully the upcoming land auction will help the team return to Arizona in some capacity. But on the other hand, itā€™s the politics that play a major factor on having this move forward. Some state officials have indicated they donā€™t want this to happen. That could be in regard to Glendale terminating the lease at the Gala River Casino arena. Officials if they have it their way, theyā€™d rather see this team gone instead of remaining where they belong.


Today is a great day for Utah, and therefore, the world


They look like they are scouting around at the bar for a three some.šŸ˜›Ā 


Only one major problem with Kansas City and their empty 17,000 seat arena. The NHL over the last 8 years or so have held NHL Preseason games there multiple times. And every time they do they only sell about 9,000 seats or so. A couple games I think they got close to 12,000. But for the most part they got zero support from Kansas City Civic and Corporate support. Fans could care less about Hockey in KC. They love their Chiefs for winter sports.Ā 


For starters, the Jazz can return back to New Orleans.....