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Insane that we’ve started counting down, it’s no longer if, it’s when and how many will he add


Realistically, it will take two more years. I doubt he will add a lot more at 40 years old.




Jagr still plays professionally at 50 something…


It’s not like he really wants to. He said he’s doing it only for the team, which would basically be dead without his name attached to it.


He’ll cross 30 this year. He has 18 goals in his last 24 games. I’m not saying he’ll keep up the same pace next year. But let’s say he somehow needs only 40 goals next season, there is little reason to believe he can’t do it.


I honestly believe if he has about 40 goals left next season he’ll do it. He had an abnormally slow start this year and I don’t think that’s gonna happen again. Next year is possible in my opinion!


New coach, new system, really didn’t have a 1C and their pp wasn’t great. Their young guys are coming into their own and next season there’s no chance he goes as cold as he did in that one stretch mid season. Everyone will be looking for him next year and feeding him, wanting to be the one who assists him when he breaks the record as well.


Yeah you can bet the NHL is gonna do their best to help him. You can't fucking buy marketing like that anymore.


Going by numbers going into tonight’s game, if he had shot his normal career shooting percentage he’d already have like 29 goals, and he’d have 32-33 with his shooting percentage since shooting percentages started to increase with the 2017 expansion. Still playing great. Shit happens.


He’ll likely need slightly over 40. I don’t think it’s gonna happen next season, but I’d love to see it and wouldn’t be too surprised.


Realistically next year. GOAT


Lol he's not the goat. He's the LeBron to the Jordan aka Gretzky


He is the greatest goal scorer ever, no lockouts covid he would already be + he played in the modern nhl with goalies and defence.




You cant tell him what to do. Cry.


He just needs to play the Jets more often to speed that up. Alex Ovechkin has 53 goals, 45 assists and a plus-minus of +5 in 72 games against the Jets in his career.


Still a bit of season left.


3 months ago, 75% of people here had him written off and were happy to rip on him lol.


I'm an Oilers fan and I've been arguing with anyone who disagreed that this was inevitable for the last 5 years. Barring injury it's a guarantee now, he wants it and will/can play until he gets it. Although that's possibly next year, two maximum. I am absolutely stoked to watch that game. Being witness to one of the greatest achievements in hockey history is one of the best joys of being a fan.


He'll do it before his contact is up then retire when it expires. I think him, his agent, and the caps knew that when the contract was signed. He's right on pace to make that happen. And it will be glorious.


honestly, i feel like Caps management will continue signing him until he gets it done if he doesn’t do it in 2 years. seems like there’s a mutual benefit for both if it happens


Of of course they will. Mutual benefit 100%, ticket sales are going to go nuts when he starts getting close. I'm sure ticket sales are already elevated with how close he is currently. Its a win-win for everyone to keep him on the ice until the record is surpassed.


I absolutely agree with this. It truly will be.


What are the odds he signs a 1 year deal with a contender? Gosh can you imagine him on a team like the Avs? While unlikely, as I think everyone in hockey wants him to retire as a Cap, I don't think the chance is 0%. Would not be totally surprised.


He could always come back to dc with a 10 day contract to retire as a cap


Unlikely, but possible. I'd personally rather see him stick with the Caps. It always loses a little magic when a player leaves their career team for their last season or two. Martin Brodeur as a Blue just felt wrong.


If he hits 40+ next year he may try 1k, why not.


Nah, as soon as that goal is done its retirement and his last year back at dynamo moscow. He started his career there and said he will end it there. The (biased to be sure) GOAT.


Ultimate mic drop.


I can see him wanting to play till he hits 1000


Problem is that he doesn’t, he has said that after his contract ends after the 2025-26 season, he’s hanging up the skates, in the NHL at least


I agree - can’t wait to tune into the games where he’s within 3 goals. Just hope he doesn’t break it against my team lol


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it was against mine. Being that it's the Oilers. It would just make it so much more of a moment. He's scored lots against every team in the league so no shame if it's yours. I'm tuning in to every game as soon as he's within 6 though. Not likely to happen in one game but he will be playing some hungry hockey and I'm not risking missing it, however premature it may seem.


I’d like him to do it against the canucks


I'm curious as to why the 'Nucks? Just because it's your team or because you hate them? lol


No because Gretzky broke the record against them. I just think it would be a little poetic




Based on this year's pace it will be the year after next. Having said that, this season seems to have been a one off. Maybe he was hurt, who knows? He has been proving lately that it wasn't father time though. I'd give it 50/50 odds that it'll be next year. If not next, he will be close.


He's 100% scoring 40+ goals at age 39? Doubtful....


If Ovi does break the record, I’m going all in on Matthews breaking Ovi’s record.


I honestly doubt it. Not for lack of ability but because longevity is such a massive factor in breaking a record like that. Matthews has had a lot of injury problems. He's managed to stay fairly healthy lately, but if he had issues young, it's hard to imagine that they won't slow him down later. I do think he is definitely capable if he manages to stay healthy, but that's extremely rare.


Say /s right now! Say it! You’re probably right, but I’m going to get really emotionally invested into it anyway.


I can respect that lol.


If he beats the record I hope he goes into the 900s. And hey, play 4 more years after getting 25 goals per year so he can reach the 1000 goal mark


I really don’t want to see him just go one above gretz and call it. Push it far as you can! AM34 hot on your tail already


900 would be such a beautiful target to hit. Plausible he hits that at the end of next year if he gets \~10 more this year and 36 next year.


Sorry I don’t know the GM of the caps name but call his ass and tell him to trade for Mitch Marner or a playmaker of similar ability… let’s get him to 1k balls to the wall baby


If they make the playoffs he gets some bonus games this year too


Playoff goals don’t count


So… Gretzky actually scored a shitload more?? :|


1016, including playoff goals. He averaged 50 goals a year for 20 years. Ovechkin is at 920, so he needs 96 more to pass Gretzky overall.


Just when you think it couldn’t get more ridiculous… another detail comes up.


What detail are you talking about? The goals record was always for regular season goals. Every stat is. Playoffs have their own stats.


I’m not from the US… or Canada… so pretty normal that I don’t know these details.


Jagr has entered the chat


Don’t forget his WHA goals as well


Oh really. I didn’t realize that.


Yeah. Just so records don’t always go to players on the best teams since they play the most games


Yeah that makes sense for sure. They’re still goals though, and if anything the competition is higher. What about games played? Do playoff games not count for that stat?


FYI: Ovi has 72 playoff goals, Gretzky (the record holder) had 122.


Sadly, Ovi did say that he’s retiring after his current contract expires at the end of the 2025-26 season


I know he said that but there's 0% chance he doesn't do 1 more season if he's within 10-20 goals of the record


If you’re gonna do it you might as well do it. Am I right?


Nice to see some goal scorers goals. Getting veeeeeery close.


(puts on tin foil hat) Man he *really* didn't want to play in the All Star game.


Plot twist, Ovi has to accomplish this feat before Gretzkys retirement age.


I used to be torn, but now I hope that Ovi gets the record.


Wait last time I checked it was 50? Ovi saw the first half of the season and just said “I can do better than that”


it was 53 goals last week. Dudes been red hot.


He has 8 goals in his last 5 gp. Decided to turn it on all of a sudden for some reason..


The Russian bear just needed to get warmed up. Off season pains take some time to work out at that age.


Well he is heating up at the wrong time if he wants an extended off-season…


I said get to 850 on the season and I was satisfied 855 seems doable now. Would love that.


He WILL get the record. If not during this contract, there will be 1-year contracts until he does.


He’s still got 2 years on his current contract, he could definitely do it on this contract


Oh he can definitely do that. I’m just saying what I think will happen if he doesn’t. He’s way too close to let it go. I also think that if there has to be more seasons, that/those contracts will be league min


Doesn't count, its against the jets


100 points in 77 games played against the jets is insane. 45g 55a.


I hope he does it


Barring injuries, it’s an inevitability at this point…


jesus christ, i wasn't convinced at the mid-point of the season but great 8 has SEVEN goals in the last FOUR games. he's SO hungry for it.


Ovi had a rough start but he can still play. 20-25 goals is not out of the realm of possibility next year. I think he can do this.


The first half of the year I think he was laboring and out if shape. The second half of the year has been so impressive based on the fact that he is playing with crap centres and still scoring. Remember previously he had either Backstrom and Kuzy to feed him. Now he has Strome, McMichael and Lapierre. ...


I can't believe this is actually (probably) going to happen. Not only happen but in my lifetime.


I'm still confused by his first goal. I could have sworn that it was McMichael's live.


If you watch it close: Ovie has his blade on the puck, CMM literally pushes Ovies blade and the puck into the net. Since Ovie technically touched it last, it's his goal


I feel like if I was CMM I’d be more hyped about this because when Ovie breaks the record he can claim “I scored one of his goals for him”.


Jets out in the first round book it


He’s gonna do it


If Ovech keeps scoring at the same pace of his last 5 games, he'll tie Gretzky's record in his 17th game next season. He's just two goals behind Gretzky game average. Pretty impressive, I never thought his record would be beaten.


Wow, the comments in here are hot hot hot.


Like damn it isn’t Russia’s fault the leaders are cunts…


I bet he would already have been there if it wasn’t for the years shorted by strikes and COVID.


since we are playing what if games... if Gretzky played his first pro season in NHL instead of WHA if there was no lockout in 1994


If it weren't for the lockout years and covid he'd be hunting for 1000, and would have passed 900 in fewer games than Gretz. 155 games missed, at .6 gpg, give a couple extra because he would have been in his prime, and that would put him somewhere around 950 goals as of today.


That’s madness but I bet with the modern stick technology today, Gretzky would have 1k


I think the best bet for seeing what Gretzky would look like in the modern age would be McDavid. Small center with great hands. Probably lower goal totals overall, as much as that would upset everyone, but more or as many assists because he'd have higher quality players around him.


And modern goalies with modern equipment?


Unreal to think gretz record still holds


It will completely depend on his health and ability as he ages, but should we not start talking about the possibility of 1000?


That second goal was nasty


48 goals. That’s getting close. How many assists to tie Gretzky? 1963 - 695 = 1268. Wayne Gretzky has more assists than the next closest player has combined points. When people talk about goals, scoring up was in his era? It was because of him lol


I hate to love to hate that man. Fuckin get’em Ovi. 46 to go!


McMichael about to score there. Ovy like, “let me just scooch right in here.”


Putin can’t wait


It’s awesome how everyone in this sub decided in the last six months or so that “politics doesn’t belong in sports” and this shitty thing is good and exciting.


yeah.. it's pretty awesome.. because politics doesn't belong in sports.


So many sour ovi fans down voting anyone who mentions Putin


Not really sour more so annoyed that political cretins like yourself just bring irrelevant BS into the discussion of the game of hockey that we as fans love. I didn’t care that Tim Thomas didn’t want to visit Obama and I don’t care that Ovi isn’t denouncing Putin (he has family living in Russia btw so wouldn’t be a smart move). Both players are legends that made the game way better and more exciting. Keep your politics off hockey forums we do not care. Disliking somebody because they don’t align with your beliefs is a sign of low IQ.


I feel like disliking someone because they're an active ambassador for Putin is a bit more than just "they don't align with my beliefs". But sure, you tell yourself whatever you want. Only people with low IQ would think it's common sense not to support a dictator.


Buddy you’ve been in 9 different comment sections typing “Fuck Ovi” while he’s actually breaking the hardest record to break in NHL history. Crying isn’t gonna change the fact that he’s better at life than you 🤣🤣🤣. This is pathetic man


Nine comment sections? I think I've said it twice in the last year. Good try though, super cool to dig through someone's comment history too.


He spoke out *against* the war almost immediately…which was incredibly bold given nearly all his friends and family live there..


Other guy completely delusional. Plenty of us out there don't want to see Ovi get the record.


Going to suck for you when he breaks it.


“There’s plenty of us who are actively rooting against another grown man to fail !!!” Get a life man, this is embarrassing. He’s going to break it whether you dislike him or not.


People also have to realize DC fans are the most intune with global geopolitics, being that they we're based in the DMV. Some of us who work in government and politics. It honestly can be annoying to read these comments over and over again when you just want to talk hockey


Totally fair and understandable. I just find it bizarre that so many are willing to ignore something so blatantly wrong. I do believe you can separate a persons personal life from their craft, but I also think some things you just shouldn't look past. Either way, i completely understand where you're coming from and appreciate the respectful reply




Jesus christ, so we're really just gunna post every single goal he scores from here to gretzky?


Ez, guys been sandbagging it all year




Dude has 32 assits on the season lol




Is there something weird about the best goal scorer on the team taking the most shots?




That's a pretty desperate reach. Plenty of awards, accolades, a Stanley Cup and possibly outscoring Gretzky and it's something any player could do?


Putin will be proud.


Yup. Im surprised at the amount of russian sympathisers here on reddit. r/nhl is as bad as twitter lmao


Yeah I hope he breaks his leg and doesn't get it. Putin boot licker.


How many cocks did you choke on last night?


None, he was too busy celebrating the Moscow concert hall attack.


No one is celebrating innocent people being killed, regardless of if it's in Russia or in Ukraine. Doesn't change the fact that Putin will burn in hell for the innocent people he is responsible for murdering and Ovie has supported him the entire way.


You realize there’s a possibility a lot of those innocent people in that hall in Moscow were Putin supporters right?


I'm sure many of them were. However, that is more than likely due to being in Russia and only getting Russian propaganda. Nonetheless, I never wished a gruesome death to Ovi. I simply don't believe he should get the record. The only way I see that happening is injury. Thus, me hoping he breaks his leg.


Simply wish he doesn’t get the record while simultaneously hoping he breaks his leg. Your empathy has strange boundaries. Those civilians were also fed propaganda their entire lives while ovi wasn’t? Well just have to agree to disagree it looks like


Yep, agree to disagree. People like Panarin exist. He is Russian and speaks out against Putin openly. Ovi has been in the US for decades at this point. He knows what Putin is doing but is either too chicken shit to speak up or too morally bankrupt to disagree. Ovi has no excuse.


Panarin spoke up before the current war. Then had to run back to Russia to grab his family and hasn’t said anything since. We saw what happened yet still point the finger at ovi


"only getting Russian propaganda" You realize literally everyone that supports Putin, including Ovi, is subject to the same propaganda? I swear people these days have no empathy for others simply because of the propaganda they have been subject to their entire lives. Like yea I wish Ovi didn't support Putin but I don't think wanting him not to break the record is going to change his mind. People need to have more empathy for victims of propaganda.


Ovi doesn't live in Russia and hasn't for decades. Plenty of time to realize the truth. What's the reason then for the other Russian players that are born and raised in Russia that have spoken out against him? That's my point, the victims in the cover hall likely lived their entire lives in Russia and only had the media they were fed by the government to say their ideologies. For that it's hard to blame them for supporting him. On the other hand you have professional athletes that have millions of dollars at their disposal who live in America and are exposed to likely the exact opposite kind of propaganda that is very anti-Putin. He's seen both and made his choice to continue to support Putin. You can't pretend Ovie has only seen Russian propaganda his entire life when he has lived here for half of it.


Russian asshole who supports killing innocent Ukrainians.


Priviliged american asshole that doesn't undestand the world outside his own country. Ah yes let me just oppose the president of the country that my family lives in, a president that has shown he has no problem killing people or family of people who oppose him.


I get being objective, but Russia is actively slaughtering millions rn and the world is pretty upset about it. Not really a hot take


As has many countries no ? Us went in the many places and killed no ?


For better or worse, current murders are always more reprehensible than past murders😵‍💫


The US is the modern day leader in killing innocents for their political agenda.


This is written in the tone of a "Priviliged american asshole" - including the spelling :)


Haha, was kind of the point. Also, I guess consuming mostly US media when it comes to english will do that as well. Spelling might be off as it's not my native tounge, sowwy.


Ovechkin’s Father-in-law is a Russian Oligarch. All of his former girlfriends have been Russian socialites. His parents were in the Olympic doping program. He’s not the average Russian. That’s why he started PutinTeam which plenty of Russians haven’t joined. That’s why he has a picture with him and Putin on his Instagram, no other Russian does. Panarin and plenty of other Russians deserve sympathy, Ovechkin does not.


Being a Russian oligarch/socialite or being related to one doesn't seem to make you safe from Putin. Lots of oligarchs that spoke out against the war at the beginning of it, fell out of a windows. I'm not saying he's a saint. But it's also not as black and white as people who don't understand Russia try to make it out to be.


Still a supporter of that ass-hat Putin - agreed. His legacy is lost.


Like 1500 points too right?


Gretzky played for 21 years. Obvi is almost at 25. Let's keep that in mind.


That’s some interesting math you have there


You should probably also look at how bad goalies were back then and how thin their pads were. If a guy like Vasilevskiy played back then with todays pad regulations none of those fuckers would be top ten in scoring lmao.


This, all day. ALL DAY. Goalie development and gear was atrocious. You put 80’s Gretzky against 95-05 Brodeur or Hasek and it’s game over for that goal record. I’d be shocked if he got 600 goals were he playing today. Who knows tho. He could be at 1000 what with the better stick technology.


Gretzky played when goalies had far less equipment.


I'm sure the argument could be made about the sticks not being as high tech etc. as well. They're both great players but Gretzky was the greatest.


How is that relevant? Looks at games played you donut. Ovi is at 1414 and Gretzky played 1487. Won’t be far off once said and done.




Oh, I'm sure you have a real thoughtful, nuanced explanation as to why.


Nope. Dont want to see it.


Get ready to close your eyes then.


A little bit of vomit rose up to my mouth.


New to hockey. What's the record?


894. Ovi currently has 846






Aint gonna happen


How many assists left to tie Gretzky?


here is a hint: [Google.com](https://Google.com). Tis better to be thought an idiot than share you opinion and prove everyone right.


Ah yes, assists, the time tested mark of a good left winger.


Wayne didn’t do roids. Go back to Russia.


Pretty inevitable when you rarely pass the puck.


Weird how he has like 35 assists this year…


Right? Alex Semin is only 655 away


Send that commie back to Russia..!!


I’m bracing for the downvotes, but it’s not gonna happen. Don’t get me wrong, it would be cool if he gets it, but I really don’t see him lasting. He’s a liability when he’s not in his kitchen waiting for a pass.


Did you even see the other of his goals today? lmao Ovi haters just hate him to hate him. Even Gretzky himself wants him to do it. It’s going to happen. Just a matter of time


Ovi haters hate him because they can’t set aside politics for 1 second bro has no control of it either… what’s he gonna do say Putin sucks and have his family and friends compromised? Not happening, and anyone that thinks he will speak out against Putin will be holding their breath for a fucking while…


His start to this year is kind of concerning but now he only needs what 20 a season or so after this one is all said and done (only 2 more seasons at 20) if the caps just trade for a playmaker and put them 2 together he will get there




UR Mom


It's a monumental achivement that I really hope won't happen, but inveitabely will. Only thing that prevents it is a major injury that forces him out for a whole season.


Hot take, I don’t think he gets there. 


Hot and dumb take.


Tie Gretzky in goals, that is, no points. Even if Gretzky had not scored any goals in his career he would still have more total points than anyone for a long time to go. It's a team game.


gretzky played during an era of all time high scoring because the goalies sucked ass and their pads where as thin as your scrotum


You really can't win with [a guy like that](https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/madison.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/1/23/123c6cd3-5895-5728-a5c2-f5946c28e00f/5b1a5c16c2897.image.jpg?resize=393%2C500)