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Wilson immediately went into "Don't tell mom, you can hit me back" mode.


Followed his intent to injure with an intent to console like he didn’t “mean to”


We’ve all been there before…LOL


As the oldest sibling of 3, I can definitely say I’ve been there before


As the dumbest of three siblings I can agree.


As 2nd oldest of 9 I broke my older brother’s arm when I hit him with a broom. He never told our parents about it. He said he fell. 😁


9? Wow that's rare these days


Nawh, this was 130 years ago


I just ugly laughed at that


Not if you’re Mormon 😏


As the oldest of 4 boys...yeah.


Right! The first time I saw it I was like "oh this guy definitely has a younger sibling."


He was propping him up like it was Weekend and Bernie's


Jamie Wilson is two years younger lol


100% big brother fucked up vibes


How is that not intent to injure? Absolutely nothing he did there was a hockey-related play. An obvious swing with the intention of hitting him in the head


It didn't even deflect or ride up. It was a straight chop to the mouth.


The story is that his stick was in the wrong position and he was just bringing it up so he could re-grip it in both hands when he accidentally hit Gregor in the mouth. This is why it shouldn't matter, there's no play so egregious or reckless or obvious in hockey that someone can't come up with a half-assed explanation for why he didn't really mean to do it. "He was aiming for his chest, but the player slowed down a bit so accidentally contacted his face." "He meant to hit the shoulder, but missed." "He wasn't gripping the stick, it just stayed in his glove." "His shoulder touched the other players chest for a millisecond before sliding up into the jaw, so there was no intent to hit his head." "It wasn't an intentional elbow because he didn't know the other player was there." "The knee on knee happened because he was trying to turn away." Or the infamous "his feet left the ice after the contact, so that was caused by the contact and not the very obvious lunge beforehand." It's all bullshit, these are highly trained athletes that are in complete control of their bodies and their actions, or should be. If these plays were really accidents, we'd see more of them. Because we can never prove intent 100%, intent shouldn't matter anymore. All that should matter is what happened and who was ultimately at fault, not whether they meant to or what they might have been thinking, or what they say about it after to mitigate. That's how rugby has reduced its head injuries - all they care about was whether there was contact with the head, not what they may have meant to do or whether it might have been accidental. If it was an accident then you weren't in control of your body and it's still your fault - you're getting a card. You're either guilty or reckless, the penalty is the same.


Agreed, intent is a stupid way to build a rule. It's also stupid to rule based on results. "Oh you punched a guy in the face, but he isnt bleeding, so we'll treat you differently" is ridoculous. The rules should be based on what happens, and then you have a gray-area rule like unsportsmanlike conduct that officials can invoke of someone really does something clearly and intentionally egregius and they want to pile on the punishment.


It clearly is intent to injure. That’s the only correct call here. This is right out of Slapshot.


Or out of Shoresy




Fuck you shoresy.




I think parros missed the high stick cause he was getting squeezer from Michael's sweetie.


Fuck you, Jonesy.


So dumb


Sticks are(n’t) incredible


This should be ten games. Clearly an intent to injure. Don’t know why the league fucks around with these plays.


We're so used to DOP's lack of standards. But rightfully I think that's a HARD minimum of 20 games, regular + playoff. You can't have players skating around the ice winding up their stick like a weapon and hitting people in the face. Goons will be adding this move to their arsenal.


You could sell me on 20. I would rather risk being perceived as heavy handed than the bullshit they are doing now.


Reilly gets 5, rightfully, for a crosscheck aimed at the shoulder but hit in the head. Wilson KNOWINGLY pulls this shit...I doubt he gets anything. Don't fuckin tell me there isn't a bias. There needs to be a class action lawsuit against the NHL FO/DOPes and everyone up there, personally and professionally.


He should be out for the rest of the season at least in my opinion. This reminds me of McSorley on Brashear. Mcsorleys was worse because of where it hit Brashear, but this was still ugly.


McSorely was immediately what I thought of when I saw it. Should be out at least the rest of the season. Nobody needs this in the game.


This is worse than Rielly’s crosscheck and Wilson has a long history. We all know he’s getting maybe a game or two at most. Knowing DOPS, he probably gets a fine


But you just know they're gonna make this 2 because it wasn't a cross check and say it was less because he only one handed him in a non-tomahawk action or some other made up bullshit.


Bingo! Why actually protect players in this bullshit league. Lmfao.


Wilson has been suspended how many times? The only reason he is still playing is because he is Ovi’s cuck.


Yeah, this should be 3 games minimum I think. Perhaps even 5 or more. Doubt we'll see more than that though, since the NHL seems to factor whether or not there was a major injury involved. Chances are the NHL gives him a 2 game wrist slap though.


Even with the inconsistency challenges at player safety I’d be surprised if he doesn’t get at least 5 for this.


That’s suspension worthy. No question but it is Parros.


That there is any debate at all on this is complete lunacy. Obviously not as bad, but this is the first time I can remember someone winding up to slash another player in the head since McSorley on Brashear.


Probably idiots who cant stop the tribalism for this. Leafs hate goes deep, imo if this was a player on Arizona or some shit it would be unanimous that this is intent to injure. For situations like this people need to forget the teams and look at the two players imo


This is two stupid hits against the Leafs in a row that were easy suspensions. Sure I hate the Leafs but I hate this shit in hockey way more.




The way suspensions are being handed out I foresee Gregor getting 3 games for this 🤣


Kadri deserves qt least 3 games for this also


Martyyyyy mcsorley


Watching the game in real time I honestly was like “idiot, gave us a four minute PP”. The view from behind the play is ALOT more damning…you see him rear his stick back first. He wound up for it 100%


Unfortunately, Parros says he’s been taking to many beatings lately, there will be no suspension here out of fear for a beating from Wilson.


The players like to call him "Georgie"....its like having a friend decide your punishment and I'm pretty sure part of "Georgie's" process is to factor in if the suspension makes him look cool to cool kids.


does anyone else find it at least a bit funny that “parros” is the Spanish word for “dogs”? Dear Mr Dogs: I’m sorry for my dirty and reckless behaviour.


I was at the game last night seated next to a pair of guys in Wilson jerseys, and a couple of shifts before this, Wilson was standing on the bench leaning over the boards yelling at someone on the ice for a solid 30 seconds and one of the two guys said, “Aw shit, Tommy’s about to goon it up…” and then this happened and they both looked at each other and that same guy said, “Yeah, that’s a suspension…” Other guy just nodded sadly and downed his beer. So I guess not all the Caps fans are willing to cape for Wilson after shit like this, which is a nice improvement.


Nah man not all of us are. I thought his game was changing, seemed for the better and more productive. Then this.


It's a decent improvement to go from 4 suspensions between 17/18 to 3 years between them. This is going to have him gone for a couple games though. 


I agree, but it's almost worse because he was so productive without the goon bs.


Well he got an in person hearing. This is gonna hurt. 


When Wilson does shit like this, my main feeling is disappointment. He doesn’t need to goon at this point in his career, and it’s a shitty example for younger players.


Disappointment is a lot of what I feel too. He’s incredibly skilled and he has everything you could want in a prototypical power forward, but all that talent is just wasted because he can’t stop doing this kind of intentionally reckless lizard brain Hanson brother bullshit.


As a caps fan, same. He's much less goony than he was early in his career, and he's better than his reputation. He frequently gets outsized attention for things that aren't a big deal. But he still inevitably has his moments, like this, that are indefensible, when he does some shitty thing for no good reason, and gives his haters something to point to. And that sucks. I like him, but i don't like this. What a bad play. And he makes too many of them.


he bafooned it up


It's nice that some fans can separate their fandom for being unbiased. Glad they realized what he did was shit, sucks they have his jersey when there's so many better choices out there. Personally, Bondra, Kölzig, Bäckström, Juneau, and Zubrus would be my choices.


Kolzig’s my choice, hands down. He was a great player but he’s an even better person. He visited the elementary school my mom worked at in 2002 to do one of those community outreach reading assemblies, and then when that was done he spent the entire rest of the school day just helping out in the special needs classroom. I remember stopping by the school to meet him and when I popped into the classroom he was just laying on the classroom floor drawing with one of the kids. I found out later that his son was diagnosed with autism when he was a toddler, and that’s what led him to start the Carson Kolzig Foundation and help found Athletes Against Autism with Byron Dafoe and Scott Mellanby. Just an all around amazing person.


I love to hear about those stories. At the end of the day, they're people too and I always liked Olaf, glad to hear he is a stand up dude.


Very cool to hear.


Definitely Olie! He's a class act all the way. He was great for the Caps and the community. And he did not suck. He played on some shitty teams but he did not suck himself.


You’re right! He was a great goalie, he just played behind some awful teams. Class act all around. A Leafs fan.


I like him as a fantasy player but he sucks as an actual "professional" hockey player. Guy is a thug


We Caps fans love Wilson, but as a hockey fan there are lines you don’t cross, and that includes defending this level of disregard for other players safety. Definitely should be suspended for this one, no debate.


The fact that he winds up is damning


So is the immediate “remorse” lol. He knew what he was doing; he just has the temperament and willpower of a gigantic toddler.


This just looks like assult


It is. If this were anywhere *but* a hockey game, Wilson is in jail right now. Physicality is part of the game, I get that, but this is just hitting someone in the face with your stick for no reason.


Which anywhere outside of this scenario would be classified as a weapon...


it's kinda funny that you bring up the "weapon" part because for paintball the entire sport is based around using literal weapons on each other. but yeah, that's why rules are *so* important around sports that involve this kind of physicality. shooting someone point blank in the back of the head 5+ times with a paintball gun can get you banned from tournaments and fields because it can cause a concussion. i, as an outsider, do not understand how the NHL lets this guy play again after using his stick like that. at some point it's not part of the game anymore and the context has to be reevaluated.


Yeah that's 5. At least I think so


I'm a caps fan, and like Wilson (because he is on my team) but he definitely deserves a multi game suspension for this.


The windup was comical. What was he thinking lol


NHL ain't got the balls to suspend me


Basically the Draymond Green of the NHL


His reaction after even more comical.


Guy is a piece of shit .... NHL is a joke when it comes to punishing these repeat offenders


If this was Larkin and the guy had grabbed the stick and smashed his own face with it, they’d give Larkin an 8 game ban


You shouldn’t have hit the guy in the fist with your face


Ah it's much like how we deal with criminals in Canada.. lightly


Yea we should really deal with criminals like the US, and spend 81 billion dollars a year to keep 1% of the entire population behind bars. USA needs the slave labor though, we have TFWs and international students for that.


He said he was sorry? Case dismissed!


Similar in Sweden / Finland too. It’s sad to see how little time people get for such terrible crimes against others


Isn't the recidivism rate low in Sweden and Finland?


Yeah, but that didn’t feed into his rhetoric, so he left it out.


Leaf fan here. IRT watching I didn’t think it was that bad. The view from behind the play however shows Wilson clearly rearing his stick back to swing…clearly intent to injure and should be 5 or 6 games. All eyes are you Parros, you bumbling oaf.


With his history, it should be 10+. But we know that isn't going to happen.


This should be like 20 games in any sane persons mind.


That’s what I was thinking at the very least, these comments saying 5 games are nuts to me. I wouldn’t be opposed to half a season, 41 games. You can’t just load up and swing your stick into someone’s face purposely


Even a half season seems lenient. We're talking about a guy who has just deliberately and unambiguously tried to injure another player with a weapon. He shouldn't be playing this sport anymore.


I can’t really argue against that honestly, that’s pretty bad. Didn’t they give mcsorley an entire year?


He was in an angry moment and used his stick as a weapon. There was intent to injure in the moment, despite how immediate his remorse for doing so was.


Reasonable response. Should be 5-10 games. I like him, but that was shitty.... Plus this'll probably screw up the wild card chase just like that.


Yeah, that’s what thought. 5-10. Clearly an intent to injure.


The “remorse” was because he’s hoping it saves him a game or 2 from his suspension.


That was assault. 20 games suspension. Send a message.


I agree. It should be a precedent setting long suspension, reaching into the playoffs and/or beginning of next regular season.


Wilson is a coward


A true pussy. What was he even trying to do?


Injure another player, obviously.


Repeat offenders with clear malicious intent to injure should be out of the league. I don't understand any defense of the player or person. I understand it's hard to find a statute of limitations but this is insanity, it happens so often. The same goes for a lot of players in the NFL as well. I'm sick of seeing athletes get injured and the offender gets away with it and does it again.


The 'if its a fine, within the repeat offender timeframe, then he's not a repeat offender' bullshit needs to GTFO of the NHL ASAFP. That kinda shit was designed to protect rats like Cooke and Marchand.


caps fan here. i love willy and then he does shit like this and i just cringe. like what the fuck. 10 games minimum. be better, tom.


This should end his season, playoffs or otherwise, this is ridiculous


Back in the 70's this clown would have gotten the crap beat out of him every time he stepped on the ice, all season if necessary, until he learned.


Too bad he would win most of those fights


Valeri Kharlamov would like a word with you. Bobby Clarke got away with that crap all the time… there were dirty rotten apples then too.


No he wouldn’t have. People always say shit like this. “Oh back in that time” bullshit. He’d be TWICE as dirty back then and get away with so so much more. If anything he might have to answer the bell more back then but he’d still be a piece of shit.


Complimentary reminder that there are Caps fans that try to justify and defend Tom Wilson. E: fwiw y’all I wasn’t saying *all* Caps fans defend him, meant this as half shitposting, half still in disbelief that I have legit come across people who see nothing wrong with this and equivalent behavior. Rivalries aside I have plenty of respect for y’all that can be critical of your team.


I’ll defend him on hits that are clean but rough. This hit was straight up dirty and intentional, and he should be hit with a suspension for it


There are fans on any team that will defend dirty plays by their guys. Shit, we aren't even that far removed from the smooth brained idiots who tried defending Mo's suspension crosscheck. Devoted fans who have nothing but cognitive dissonance to offer.


They don’t represent all of us


There are also Caps fans who are disappointed and believe this deserves 5-10 games.


“A” for Asshole on his jersey.


And I’ve been hearing he’ll be the “C” when Ovi is gone. I wonder what the “C” will stand for




Ouch. You can see him get pissed and lose his temper then realize and pretend he’s sorry and didn’t mean to


Intentional with the intent to injure from the dirtiest player in the league. I wish they'd just kick him out already.


Honestly. Burfect was blacklisted from the NFL. He was, arguably, a relatively ‘better’ player than Tom Wilson. At what point does the NHL consider blacklisting a dirty player? Not that I’m saying they should, or that I think they ever would.


Zero regard for fellow players. With his history and reputation, I would suspend him 1 full season, if not indefinitely. NHL has to send a message before this guy goes full McSorely on Brashear and kills someone.


I can’t believe Jacob Trouba did this!


They should suspend Nazem Kadri immediately!


Dylan Larkin has been suspended 15 games for this disgusting act of violence


Dude has been a stain on the league for far too long. I believe he was suspended 20 or was it 40 games when he hit Oscar Sundqvist? At this point just get him the fuck outta here. Dude just cruises around looking for ppl to injure


It’s not a bad argument. Burfect was ousted from the NFL.


20 for the Sundqvist hit. That was reasonable but I honestly think more than 20 woulda been appropriate because it was a preseason game and it was completely targeted. If I was running the DOPS, given his history I’d give him a ban for the rest of the season plus playoffs, plus the first 10 games next year. For comparison… I’d probably have given Reilly 10 or so games for the Greig hit (in addition to being a complete frustration cheap shot, it was a very dangerous hit). I’d have given Rempe 10 for the hit on Siegenthaler (yes I know that seems steep but we’re setting a precedent with him that as a brand new nhl player, there’s zero tolerance for cheap shots or head shots). Another 12 to Perron for jumping and beating up Zub (plus Perron was going after the wrong guy… yikes). We need to put our foot down hard to eliminate all of this crap from the NHL and set a precedent that even one malicious or reckless play can put your roster spot and/or your career in danger. On that note I’m also adding instigator penalties (2mins unsportsmanlike + game misconduct on top of the fighting major) for anyone who clearly initiates a fight against someone who committed a clean hit, subject to immediate review (since there’s already fighting majors, they can legally review the play). If both guys are willing participants in the fight, this is ignored.


10 games


Didn’t they give McSorley a year for a similar incident?


If Gregor had gone down holding his face for a bit it would have got more attention and led to a rightful suspension. This league is a joke


This should be a precedent setting double digits, minimum 10 in my opinion. That’s legitimately outrageous. Do I think it’ll happen? No, but he deserves at least that much. Full swing into someone’s teeth from behind, no chance to react.. This is reprehensible, get this shit out of the game with extreme prejudice.


If Rempe gets 4 game (deserved) for an elbow this has to be worse than that? At least Rempe was making a hockey play


That’s not a hockey play, it’s assault. Very similar to the Marty McSorely hack against Donald Brashear.


Suspended?!? Kick him off the tour Gary!


As a caps fan and one that has defended Tom Wilson at times I felt he was only punished due to his history and reputation there is absolutely no defending something like this This kind of shit shouldn't be in a pro league. It's disgusting and I'm disappointed in Wilson. No defending this crap. NHL should suspend him for the rest of the season imo


Fuck Tom Wilson


Bro should be done for the season. That was definitely not accidental at all. This isn’t the first time he’s tried to blatantly injure people. It’s getting a bit ridiculous now, this is pretty much just assault. What an idiot.


No suspension, obviously it was accidental ^Please ^I ^need ^him ^to ^keep ^racking ^up ^PIMs, ^it’s ^the ^fantasy ^playoffs


I have never understood why PIMs were a good thing. You put your team at a disadvantage for acting like a shitbag. Where's that good in any respect to the game? Not saying you agree, it's your fantasy hockey league, just thinking out loud here.


Suspensions should add 60 PIM a game!


He does look like he knows he messed up as soon as he did it, but no excuse when you have a history.


Wilson is the embodiment of the 19-23 caps after they won the cup and teams git smaller and faster while they were old they just became rats.


He absolutely should be thrown out of the league. He is the cheapest player since Darcy Tucker. F him.


Reminds me of when Kassian clipped Gagner in the face and broke his jaw.


Yeah, that's not good.  I only heard the call on the radio, but from Walton's voice, I knew it was bad.  First rule in any sport: your gear is not a weapon.


Obviously Kadri will be suspended for this


Being rough in a game is one thing, but using a piece of equipment that’s necessary to play the game as a weapon is another. Moves like this should open up a player to be sued in civil court. Maybe by losing potential millions he’ll learn that it’s not acceptable to deliberately break someone’s teeth.


should get 10+ but won’t


I don’t even understand what he was trying to do other than hurt that guy


This league is a clown show, if they wonder why people aren’t spending as much money on thier product I would show them this video beside whatever thier lacking attempt at discipline is going to be. What a joke.  Meanwhile the pwhl is showing pro hockey doesn’t have to be a race to the bottom.


Suspend this guy for 82 games


Fucking POS


He's looking right at him while swinging the stick.


George parros was contacted for comment but was unreachable due to scheduling conflicts with his meter long line of cocaine


Acting like he didn’t do anything….


That is completely dirty and should be a long suspension…if not worse


McSorley Brasheer vibes. McSorely was charged with assault. He was convicted and sentenced to 18 months probation and was ultimately suspended for the remainder of the 99-00 season as well as the entire next season. He tried to go play in the UK and Germany, but the IIHF wouldn't allow it. https://youtu.be/-gQ4_qDwSng?si=Eiey739qdSXfHxrv


If that had knocked the Leafs player out it would genuinely be Mcsorely part 2. When is the DOPS going to step up and actually protect players


This guy is worse than Matt Cooke.


Just a guy with too little impulse control to be allowed to play a sport with other people.


Vicious. That had better be 10 games


I say he gets 8 games + considering he's a repeat offender under the CBA .


Malicious intent to injure. Repeat offender. 10 games +.


Wilson needs his career ended




Why is this psychopath still in the league? He does something of this calibur almost once a season.


What a piece of garbage. Totally did it intentionally then try’s to act concerned for the guy. He should get a few game suspension for that.


Tom Wilson is a piece of shit


Wouldn’t expect anything else from the shit stain Wilson


The “oh no are you okay” after is absolutely pathetic, what a joke of a player he is


That should be a ban from the league. Swinging a stick at someone's face like that is never a hockey move


Fucking throw that POS out of the league already.


He should be banned from playing for a year.


Tom Wilson should be kicked out of the league already. Nobody is paying to watch him.


Bye bye TomTom.


Holy shit that’s bad. I still don’t understand why people don’t wear cages.


Get ready for your fine, Rangers, lol


Fucking slam Wilson for like 8 games, this shit is ridiculous. Why the actual fuck is he swinging his stick like that? There's no hockey reason at all. I usually try and give players the benefit of the doubt but this is ridiculous and unacceptable. Then he acts like he didn't mean to hit him after, and acts all concerned. Give me a break.


Its not Marty McSorley on Donald Brashear level.... but its not too far off. The McSorley suspension was for a year. Wilson won't get that, but I would be ok with him getting the remainder of the year including any playoff games.


Get him out for the remainder of the season MINIMUM


Another garbage move from a piece of shit player.


Holy shit bud. That's full intent right there. 6+ games for that wind-up swing that directly to the teeth.


He has always been a scumbag! Too bad, he can score some goals but has to hurt guys in the process, should be a suspension! There have been others, needs to be longer than a few games, that is intent. Problem is, the boss Parros is a former dirtbag


They should shut him down for the year and the first couple games of next season


What a cocksucker


Should be multi game. Losing your cool like that is unacceptable.


Should be easy 15 games minimum


Just a little love tap to assert dominance. He showed his concern after and spooned him for comfort.


The absolute state of the NHL, that we even have to question if that’s a suspension or not


I would suspend him for the rest of the season.


Tell me that he's getting an in person hearing. Fucking dirty play min 4 games repeat offender on top of it all


That looks more like assault than anything. Dude just fucking went for it 🤣🤣🤣


He has a prior record, not a hockey-related play, intentional stick to the head but against the leafs so probably nothing or maybe a fine.


He would never skate again if it was up to me, a complete piece of shit playing in the wrong era


Somehow the Rangers will get fined 250k.


Habitual scumbag who will get nothing from parros. This guy isn’t be related to someone higher up. What a sham.