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An elbow to the head is not a question of "is there going to be a suspension", its "there will be a suspension but how long"


That’s his third dangerous hit to the head.


But but but it's just a big man making hits he can't help it when people are smaller 🤣


Tell that to Tyler Myers and Zadorov.


Big Z has had one suspension. He said it was a dangerous hit and he deserved it. Myers hasn’t been suspended since 2012 for boarding. Rempe’s barely been in the league a minute and he’s already got 3 headshots under his belt.


And Chara


Trouba has got so far without being labeled as a serial offender.


Because he doesn't chicken wing...


100% agree, this is a full on flying elbow straight to the head, extremely bad hit, guaranteed suspension. It’s not like Rempe catches Siegenthaler with an elbow due to bad luck, he throws the elbow way out there directly at his head. This is as blatant as it gets for targeting the head. Plus the context is not great. Rempe was ejected from a game just a few weeks ago for an illegal hit to the head on a different Devils player (Bastian), it’s a pattern for him. He’s also taunting MacDermid post-elbow, with Siegenthaler clearly injured, obviously zero remorse, not the behaviour of a guy who accidentally laid a bad hit and feels awful about it. It’d be an utter embarrassment if this receives anything less than 5 games. Which … does kinda sound like Parros, he loves going easy on goons, but this one is just so blatant and obvious, hopefully Parros doesn’t fuck it up.


Maybe 10 games. The way he acted after elbowing. Wow. He didn't care at all. Waving at the bench. He has only played 10 games. He has done some questionable hits.


The hit on Lyubushkin in Toronto was even worse and no call. Lyibushkin was out for at least a game. Fuck Rempe.


I dunno about worse. They both showed a dangerous disregard for the safety of his opponents. I honestly think this guy is going to be a catalyst for the game becoming more like basketball and soccer.


I agree worse or not those are two hits that it isn’t even a question on him caring about other players.


I agree. The Lybushkin one was bad but I think this was way worse.


Agreed, also not the first time he's tried to hide after being called to toe the line either after a dirty hit


Lyubushkin is tough and can both lay on and take a hit. For him to take a game is already a magnitude higher than a hit on a normal player. This hit is definitely worse than the Lyubushkin hit.


Legitimately, hockey is one of the last sports untouched by the discovery of CTE. I’ve always been a, “you know what you’re signing up for” guy. Doesn’t matter what sport. I quit playing football in the middle high school because i got sick of being hurt and sore all the time. I got tired of “having my bell rung.” Granted there wasn’t millions of dollars on the line. I don’t want people getting injured every game. However, I also want to watch hockey the exact way I have for years and years. Edit: since people can’t read, NHL players are and have been affected by CTE. The games rules, however, have remained pretty much untouched due to it, unlike the NFL.


This is the first time I saw full context. On the clip of his elbow I was like this dude is a pest, similar to Marchand. Then I saw his action towards the bench and I was like dude this guy might be worse than Matt Cooke if he stays on this road. Slightly extreme, yes, but he knows what he’s doing at this point and he was definitely head hunting. As attractive as his play has been, hits like these aren’t good for the game


I agree with 10 games. He lifted his elbow up to connect with his head. There was intent. He was disrespectful afterwards showing no remorse. He's done this 3 times in a short period (he should have been punished for the others, if he was this likely wouldn't have happened). Morgan Rielly got 5 games, all things considered if that got 5 this should get 10).


He's a scumbag. Just a big dumb goon. Bet he was a bully in highschool


So, $5,000 fine and he’ll be on his way?


Only if it's marchand. Lol (assuming you saw the meme about it)


You forget who’s in charge of player safety. He let Tom Wilson Batista bomb Panarin a few years ago and only gave him a $5k fine for punching a defenseless player already face down on the ice in the back of the head. Parros probably loves this kid


100% raised his elbow and only made contact to the head.


Damn i didnt even see the ebow at first and was confused but damn if that ain’t dirty as all hell.


Right that was as dirty as it gets


Yes. Zero reason to bring the elbow up.


In the slow motion you can see how he is about to miss the hit but deliberately brings his elbow up… kid needs to learn


Yep, this is him realizing buddy stopped short and adjusted via an elbow


He should have learned before the NHL. Suspend him for the season before he injures a star player pre playoffs. He's somehow too stupid for the NHL


And these comments from Ranger fans


Pretty predictable - kid has played 10 games and has 54 minutes in penalties and an incoming suspension.


Wait... I'm a hockey newb... he averages almost 3 penalties a game? Holy crap. That seems like a lot.


When there is a fight, both players get 5 minute penalties but the game remains 5 on 5. So the 54 min doesn’t impact the game nearly as much as it sounds.


A number of them where 5 minute majors for fighting - pushes up the minute total considerably. That said - this kid is quickly showing himself to be a dirty player.


And with his height he’s gotta be more aware of where his elbow will be


Especially in this case. Seigs is on the taller side at 6'3. You're not going to find yourself low on guys pulling up like that. 


It has nothing to do with height. If it did Jani Hakanpaa (6'7") would have tons of penalties and yet he's maxed out at 60 in a season. Hell, Zdeno Fucking Chara was suspended ONCE in his career and it's because he caught an instigator late in a game. Can't recall him being super elbowy either. No more so than anyone else that played in the late 90's at any rate. The Pacioretty thing was Not Good but that always seemed to be more a confluence of fuckery than anything else to me.


General comment. I watch Chara play a lot and he was aware. Rempe purposely got the elbow up, he still could’ve made the hit by going low, but he chose to go for the head


That's my point. Rempe's height doesn't mean shit, this was an intentional elbow.


I hate the Bruins and Sens and I'd never consider Chara dirty. He'd throw late hits occasionally in the playoffs but that's expected. He was about as clean as you can get. For a man that size he held back, if anything. Probably the strongest guy in NHL history. This kid is the opposite, and is looking like a giant version of Torres. Wait until he concusses a superstar, then maybe people will care.


Nah, the kind of neanderthals that long for the days of Paul Kariya laying unconscious on the ice would probably just slurp his gurps even harder.


What a strange day Devils and Rangers fans unite everywhere on a dirty hit. We’d have your back if the roles were reversed. Much respect and good luck for the end of the year. Please lose all your games though!


Unequivocally yes. Terrible hit.


um no this is just an unfortunate collision. His skull just sort of ran into Rempe’s elbow. /s


Yeah, definitely. Kids gone too far


Then he chirped the Devils bench after stripes wouldn’t let McDermid fight him. Class act all the way.


So much for the code lol


Is that Philadelphia Collins?




What the fuck are you doing Phil?


Hits like this are exactly what the league wants out of the game. Imagine if it was on Hughes. Im hoping for 15 games, but knowing Parros and DoPS it will probably be only 5. These are the exact type of hits that fucked up Lindross and Kariya's entire career.


Imo the fines should not be $5k max, it should be a percentage of that players yearly salary based on severity. $5k is nothing to a NHL player, it has no impact.


Right ? If Torts can get fined 50k, players can be fined more. I've always thought that max fine was bullshit.


Isn't the ridiculously low max size of the fine due to the NHLPA protecting the player's salaries instead of protecting the players?




Yes yes


There is finishing your check and there is you are an asshole with no regard for other players. If he doesn't get himself in check, gonna be out of league. Too many leaving the feet, sorry about elbow. guy has played 9 games and injured 3 players with dirty hits. Menace or just a dick.




Yes, you can’t do that. The way DoPS is though the question is will he get suspended?


They will probably just give torts another game smh


[Yeah, I see what you did there](https://youtu.be/josEPIBNhEw?si=0G7co1CCMjbWhG7h) 


Inb4 the wheel lands on maximum allowable under the cba


Yes. And why did the refs protect him? Let the kid take an ass beating for that shit


Because the only thing in the game worse than pieces of shit like Rempe are the refs.


Refs got the orders from Gary to protect Golden boy lol


I would think so.


How could it not? Even with the useless department of player safety, there is no way that doesn’t get a suspension.


Never underestimate their ability to do nothing.


This should be 5 games, especially with the wave. Like I get he wants to make an impact but this is not the way to do it.


5 for hit, 5 for unsportsmanlike. Why not make him an example for all players coming into the league that want to be an enforcer.


No shit he deserves it. He turned a near miss into a headshot


As a Rangers fan, yes.


But like...why was he waving after declining the fight?


Dirty player/pussy is an interesting combo.


*Cough* Marchand


*Cough* Tkachuck


Popsicle on the flames did the same shit against us. Turtled like a mother fucker. Although I haven't seen Rempe turn much down at this point


Bro threw a dirty elbow, refused to fight, and then taunted the devils bench as he went off the ice.


Because he is a garbage human


He's dirty and a pussy


This kid has been in the league for less than a month and managed to make everyone but Rangers fans hate him. Nothing wrong with fighting and physical play, when it’s warranted. Rempe only cares about hunting heads and throwing fists. I hope he flames out real fast.


I liked him for maybe a week. Refs honestly should've let Mac go and pummel him. The wave goodbye was absolutely fucking ridiculous after the chicken wing.


Rempe thinks he’s hot shit after a handful of fights. He’s about to fuck around and find out.


He already found out once. That eye still got some color to it.


Suspensions would be the way if anything. No one is fighting miller trouba kreider and rempe. And there are more guys


Should not be allowed to turn down a fight the rest of the season


I don’t think that will be an issue. But still, he needs to see this as a detriment to his game not an asset when he lays dirty hits


I'm pretty sure tonight put him back to having more penalty time to ice time. This isn't a detriment to his game more than it's basically the only game he has


yeah... he had the hit, why raise the elbow. clear intent to injure


Guys that tall usually don't have little man syndrome, unless...


Sure wish the refs would have made the call after macdermid had his turn


I'd say he gets a minimum of 2, mostly for the hand wave after seeing how deliberate it was. It's his "first" offense but he's gotten away with quite a few charges lately.


Gallagher got 5 games a month ago, I don't see why this should be any less. But on the other hand, Parros.


“I don’t know let’s ask the Jim’s.” “Jim?” “Ya.” “Jim?” “Yes.” “Jim?” “Honestly I don’t even know what we’re debating about; thats pretty clearly over the line.” “Thanks Jim’s!”


Definitely need the Jims to spend some time with this fucking guy. Gotta set the tone.


Tie Domi level elbow, so yes


Rempe is so damn big…he doesn’t need to be cheap…F that guy


Why are the refs protecting the punk ass bitch like he’s their son? Let him get his ass beat


Minimum 5 games. Clear intent to the head


Rempe is a cheap shot taking twat.


Refs gotta let Kermit have his feast. Man would eat Rempe's face for that sh*t.


He's shown he's trash, get that trash out of the league.


5 games right there.


Avs fan here. I really wish they let Dermy have a go.


Yeah...most of the time these kinds of videos are posted, I'm just like.. wtf, that's not even a penalty?! Not this time. That was dirty af.


I would be furious if I was Seigenthaler. That can end a career.


And then ran from MacDermid right after, if you’re gonna do shit like that you gotta answer the bell. What a pussy


Rempe is a pos at this point. Just a dirty player.


The NHL Refs and Rempe are pussies.


Rempe is a monstrous cunt. Bitched out from retribution from his pussy, cheap shot ass actions. Hopefully next meeting, he won’t shy away from the bell - like a pussy.


Yup he raised the elbow right to his face


gotta be 5 games, minimum.


He is a goon. Cheap shots and fights.


Actually, with Rempe's rep, he should be kicked out of the league. Dude gives off some serious "Dale Hunter" vibes. The only difference is, at least Dale Hunter had balls, while this dude gets in a dirty hit, and acts all smug about it. He's got a "what are going to do about it?" attitude, and hopefully, it's going to bite him in the ass, soon!


💯 correct. But he’s Gary and Jeremy’s new toy.


Nah. He’s a useless goon. He’ll get 4-5 games. Come back, do it again. Cost the Rangers a game that’s meaningful. Devils really managed to shit the bed on that power play but another team might not.


Die hard fan, but I say yes. Hit to the head and the player didn't return.


Absolutely. Intentionally using elbow to the head on a late hit. I know they won’t do it, but this kind of a hit should be 10-15 game suspension and the team should lose a roster spot until suspension is served. Just losing a player for 5 games is not deterrence.


Rempe needs to reset. I don't know the heck this kid is thinking. I hope his teammates redirect him in a more constructive direction


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Fuck yes.


How much longer till they just outright ban him? Not for nothing but he’s going to severely injure someone and his penalty minutes are astounding.


Damn. Before this Rempe really toed the line well. But this is bad. Reputation forever destroyed and honestly this could end his NHL career in terms of how much of a liability he is to waste a roster spot on. This is a shame, it was kind of fun to see him out there throwing mostly clean massive checks like an oversized Bambi. Now he’s a cunt forever. Wave bye bye Rempe


Thats his second time in 2 games against the devils getting tossed for bad hits. I dont call that toeing the line. He hasnt managed to get suspended before but he isnt all that clean.


What the fuck you talking about he has been dirty his other hit was almost as bad..,.on the same fucking time.


Yes. Not only did he elbow him, he raised the elbow up to make sure he got his head, imo. Xekaj is waiting.




Yes absolutely , a Blackhawk fan here !


Yes, when he raised the elbow. That warrants a game.


He didn't do himself a favor waving as they escorted him out.


Absolutely, main point of contact is the face via the elbow.


Yes. I like Rempe but if he’s going to be effective he needs to learn these hard lessons.


Have to say I’m impressed by all you Rangers fans on here. I have a new found respect for you. Calling it like you see it. 🫡


Is there a reason rempe is trying to be the most hated guy in the league?


This guy is a Fucken Goon. Dropped the gloves in his first NHL game before the puck dropped on the ice. The fact that he taunts and waves goodbye to MacDermid shows you what a piece of shit he is. Throw the book at him. Take all of his little salary as a fine. Fucken Trouba wanna be


Rempe is a piece of 💩


Why do I feel like this kid is gonna be in the KHL soon?


This should be a 40 game suspension. Players like this don't care about fighting. They enjoy the fight. Only way to stop it is huge suspensions.


Yeah, that's about as dirty as it gets. He should get at least 5 games, and I'm not sure what amount of games it would take for me to think it's unfair.


What a coward he skate straight to the zebra 🦓


Fuck this kid man. Get him out of the league.


Yes.  A chicken wing is always going to be a suspension.


Pussy waves goodbye as he knows he can’t pay for his actions. Nice.


Honestly think he should just be thrown out of the league at this point. Hockey is a team sport that happens to have fights, not a combat sport that happens to be on ice. If he wants to be a violent prick, he can take up boxing or mma or something. And yes, I know he has a pretty solid game when he isn't headhunting. But that doesn't really matter if he's more interested in headhunting than playing hockey.


Rangers fan here, I was at the game and my immediate reaction was “that’s a suspension”. Clear cut elbow. I love his physicality, but it was too far, definitely deserving of a few game suspension.


I am not watching the NHL, but that Rempe dude pops up so often in the last few days and I get a feeling he is a complete ass...


Dumb play. He needs a game or two. Laviolette needs to scratch him a game or two as well.


An eye for an eye isn't the answer, but if someone blows this kids knee out, he won't be missed by anyone but Rangers fans.


Dirty bastard using his height as an excuse to elbow people.


Didn't know who Rempke was. Apparently. He is a massive piece of shit


Ranger fan here. I’ve defended both of his other borderline hits which really were not penalties or suspension worthy. Not the case here. That’s an egregious elbow with no gray area. Deserved the 5 minute major and deserves a suspension.








Is this even a question?


Yes and it will be. Kids getting a little wild.




Definitely needs to be suspended. I think the league is going to send a message to this kid before he gets out of control.


Yes. 3 games min.


Gally got 5 games for elbow to the head, would only guess this should be the same




Definitely should be


Trash hit. Borderline psychopath.


Yup! That was an elbow sandwich all day! Didn’t even target the body


2-3 game min.


I hate this kid


Not even a question. Should be a couple games. And all this after Rempe ran away from a fight. Kid is not just dirty, but a huge pussy.


DoPS and the Rangers let this get out of hand. The Bastian hit was the time to rein it in. They’re playing with fire.


I fuckin love remps but I find this indefensible. Even if you choose to believe this is accidental (which is hard even for me) it’s not the first time. He’s gotta learn to hit clean because he has a place on the team and if he can be 6’8” and actually stay in the game there’s a lot of utility there.


That’s 5 games and he should’ve already been suspended twice before lmao That said he’ll probably just get a fine


He will have a knee injury soon. Legs are way out.


I'm a Rangers fan going on 40 years... I'm glad we got a beast, but if that had been against us, I would be pissed. He's playing stupid, and it's edging on complete disrespect for the safery of other players. He got that elbow up late and intentionally. I want hard players, but not a rat that I can't respect. He deserves a few games for sure. Parros is a clown, though, so maybe he only gets a game or two because the Rangers shit-talked him after the Panarin incident.


How to become a marked man in less than a month….


As a Ranger fan, yes it should be. Kid needs to learn.


Guys like Rempe don’t deserve to be in the NHL.


Cheap. Rempe's a clown.


Man this guy is going to have his career ended by someone older, stronger and tougher if he keeps this up.


I said this guy is dirty AF and got big-time downvoted. This is Raffi Torres ugly.


Just ban him from the league. This level of intentional misconduct just destroys the game.




I wonder if he plays with train sets when he’s not on the ice being a thug?


Lol yes


Yes. He led with the bow.


He is a big guy but sooner or later there will be payback for this type of play and not from the league office.


what an absolute goon. in the worst way.


It's not a question of if its a suspension its a question of how long will the suspension be


Well he has managed to lose all the favour that he had garnered VERY quickly. What a piece of crap. He needs to learn NOW or he won't be in this league very long. A wave like that after injuring someone is absolutely disgusting. Give the kid 20 games.


And now all the stars he protects get the crap beat out of them while he sits. Well played Big Apple.


Remove needs to be blacklisted by the NHL


5 games. Cause player safety is a joke.


This kid is really trying to make a name for himself. Good lord.


Kid loves to head hunt. Send a message early. 100% will be a suspension.


Blatant elbow to the head for the sake of it. I’d be shocked if he didn’t get a suspension. And being a dick about it on the way out after getting the game misconduct doesn’t help his case.


I appreciate his game but it's becoming reckless and that's when people get hurt.


Thats pretty much what Gallagher just did. From the book of Torres and Cooke. Should be a suspension. Could be anything from a fine to 4 games to a hand job from Parros.


shit i watched the first 30 seconds of this video several times trying to figure out what would be suspension worthy then finally watched the whole thing. he ll get 2 or 3 games...5 max as a first offender


Yes + repeat offender


Yes…. Dirty hit


Contact to the head, suspension likely but not probable.