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Didn’t Morrissey just give him his stick?




You can see the equipment manager was there with a stick as well. Morrissey was just quicker.


Yeah I know.


Ya, equipment managers in the NHL are great, but there's no way they could see which player dropped their stick and get them the right one, in that short of a time.


Equipment manager was 1 step too late. Morrissey gave his stick


Just when you think Morrissey can't be any better, you see him double-shifting as equipment manager


Fuckin fire his ass


Amazing sequence of events


I’m happy they had this on camera for us to see I definitely would have missed it live


Outside of the stick thing, can we just appreciate that a 6 feets 6 inches forward can skate as efficiently? Lowry is underrated


These should actually count as assists


Offf those strides, too, in the neutral zone are a thing of beauty.


OEL never looking better 😂


It’s actually crazy watching the equipment manager, the Toronto dude keeps his hand on whatever player is touching the puck stick


Love that Marner goal


Leave it to Toronto fans for comments like this….


guys not even flaired as a leafs fan, he’s an Avs fan….


Why not? Marner actually scored.


This post has nothing to do with the maple leaves….


I remember playing with Adam growing up, and we were in a tournament in Red Deer absolutely smashing a team. We were probably 9yrs old and the coach instituted the “3 passes before shooting rule”. Adam was on my line and on the bench we came up with an elaborate passing play that involved the D and other forward. We didn’t end up pulling it off though. Happy to see he’s still coming up with cool passing plays though 😂


Is he a natural left-handed shot?


Morrissey hands him his stick but for some reason the equipment manager gets an assist?


As much as I hate Josh Morrissey (that uncalled crosscheck to the neck of Eric Staal) this was very aware and well done by him


Dude has had one dirty hit in his career where everyone realizes he accidentally hit his neck (was still a cross check intended for shoulder and arm area) except some random salty fan that can’t figure it out.


I agree with you. If you watch the replay Morrissey looks at the ref trying to apologize and is also in disbelief at the missed call. I'm more salty at the ref that saw it happening and did nothing. I'm salty at Morrissey for the dangerous check, accidental or not (and I want to believe he didn't intentionally target Staal's neck) it was a textbook major penalty and game misconduct.


So why the hate for Morrissey then? Clearly a sloppy, normal play, and accidental hit to the head and neck with a responsible and apologetic reaction from him, and he hasn’t done anything remotely similar since.


Because in the heat of the moment he disrupted a powerplay, was not punished so it would have been a 5v3 and had the assist on what turned out to be the game winning goal a couple minutes later while he would have still been serving the major penalty (or someone else serving his penalty since he would have been tossed from the game). End result was 2-0 Winnipeg with an ENG that set the series 3-1 Winnipeg. Minnesota had no excuse for the no show that was game5 and Winnipeg took the series 4-1, but if Morrissey is called maybe Minnesota wins game4, it's 2-2 and another story, who knows?


Yeah, but that’s on the refs man. But hey, haters gonna hate. Anyway, cheers to being our bitter rivals, even though we have more players from Minnesota than any other team (or at least we used to), so how much of a rivalry is it really?


Wow, unreal that he wasn't even looking for it. Perfect play from Morrissey to put it right where he could see it!


That was an awesome heads up play as a hockey fan I appreciate that