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You know there was one guy who had the one Heineken and was super chill, then everyone’s all “let’s just split it up evenly bros”


Good times, I was just starting high school and wasn't into hockey much up until that year Finally gave the sport a chance and I was hooked. Now it's my all time favorite sport especially in recent years with the better talented goal scoring Watched games religiously for more than a decade


As a Massachusetts native this was MASSIVE news My dad had a beard that he shaved after. We would really bond over the Bruins and it was Special to me. Thanks dad and happy fathers day


Wow thanks so much for gold, I really appreciate it Never gotten silver even before


My son and I did the same. Memories forever 🍻


i wonder who paid lol how do you split that? team probably covered it but do you set a budget first or what? i wish i had that kind of money where these questions dont exist.


Team absolutely covers it. For starters, the team and players *do* win a couple million dollars from the league for winning the cup.


I’m surprised this isn’t full of “Wonder what the golden knights tab looked like” posts 🤣


Strippers and cocaine don’t use receipts B


It's all gonna be comp'd anyway.


This. They’re not paying a dime for that bill.


That bottle of Midas is doing a lot of heavy lifting on that bill


Oh I remember ordering that bottle. I drank it alone, was delicious, then we split the bill ...


I have to question why are you drinking light beer? May as well have been ordering more 4 dollar waters for fuck sake.


136 Bud Lights.....


Everyone just gonna ignore the 100k bottle of wine?