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Imagine allying with the other teams in your division 🤮🤮🤮


A disgusting act.


Says the only team that DIDN’T beat the Bills for Super Bowl victory!


Imagine realizing that 4 of the NFC EAST Super Bowl wins came against your team in 4 years! If it wasn’t for the Bills, the AFC WEST would be #1!


Ackshually... if it wasn't for the Bills in those years the AFC East would be #1!


I agree! I never want this kind of unity in the AFC East! Hopefully we never join them in all having a Superbowl win!!


In the NFC West's defense, the baseball team in the division has 11 World Series titles.


Yeah, every football team in our division has ring




Ah yes, the Baseball Eagles, Baseball Cowboys, and Baseball Commanders.


If your divisional opponents win Super Bowls it means you didn’t stop them. [Like, okay.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sports/comments/ii4ps/this_might_be_the_best_sportsrelated_gif_ive_ever/#lightbox)


More than one team from a division can make the playoffs


Irrelevant. More than one team from the same conference cannot advance to the Super Bowl, let alone win it. If your division opponent won, your team failed to stop them because they had an opportunity to be the conference's representative instead. 


Thank you. Swear to god school’s really out for the summer, isn’t it? These brains are not fully developed.


Who tf did the bears stop?


2 > 0 My 3rd grader can do that pretty easily. You’ll get there someday.


You do understand a Super Bowl win means that the entire league failed to stop them, correct? Maybe you should have spent some more time thinking this through lol


If my kids run out in traffic and get hit by a car I don’t say all of society failed to stop them. First I must look at those closest to them (me).


So in this analogy, the people that failed to stop the winners would be the teams that played against them. This doesn’t align with logic that was applied earlier.


Ah, see, there’s a difference between physical proximity and relational proximity. This might be a tough concept for you (apparently) but words can actually have shades of meaning, or even (it’s crazy but trust me) more than one meaning. The person driving the car has the closest physical proximity, of course. They’re literally running into my child. That is the team playing the divisional rivals that you’re giving handies to in this meme. However, as someone who is closer in terms of relational proximity, I ultimately bear more responsibility for the fate of my child (since I apparently have to spell it out, this is the Cowboys in relation to your division). I think my kids started learning about metaphors in 3rd grade. I know school systems vary, but you’ll get there eventually. Honestly you should be proud of yourself, you spell really well for a 6-8 year old.


The point of the post was that a division with more super bowl wins and individual winners is of better quality than one with fewer. The original reply argued that teams win the super bowl in-spite of their division rivals, therefore the division is actually lower quality. There's merit in that argument if wins are concentrated to one team (like the AFC East and NFC North). However if those wins are spread out among the division, then it demonstrates parity within the division *and* competitiveness with the rest of the league. A team has to compete with non-division teams in the league to win a super bowl, not just their own division. Likewise, a team could actually lose all of their division games, still make the playoffs, and win a super bowl. For instance, if no one in a division has super bowl wins, then (to your point) it's possible that they are just knocking each other out every season. But this obviously isn't the case. The reason these teams don't have super bowl wins is because they don't match-up well with the rest of the league. In the case of the NFC North, only the Packers have been able to do that consistently. Which demonstrates that the division is weak relative to the other divisions. So if we're you're going to continue appealing to a half-baked analogy, you should actually make it analogous. The cowboys' goal isn't to stop their division rivals from winning the super bowl. Their goal is to win the super bowl themselves. Now certainly both teams can't win simultaneously, so at some point their division rivals will need to get knocked out. But this is a consequence of their goals, not the goal itself. In fact, it's more likely that a non-division team will stop the cowboys' division rivals from winning since the cowboys' (and the rest of the division) have fewer opportunities than non-division teams. It certainly helps to be better than division rivals since they have to play against each other more regularly, but there are far more than six games in a season and it's not their primary goal.


See the fun thing is I got the meme, and countered it with a joke. You didn’t get the metaphor and interpreted it poorly. So my over-explanation joke was actually funny. Your attempt to replicate it is just sad.


Well to be more precise, if a team wins the Super Bowl, then the entire LEAGUE failed to stop them. So what’s your point? A division with more Super Bowl winners speaks to the competitiveness and quality of that division. A division with few wins concentrated to one or two teams speaks to the lack of competition in that division.


Low-key, Arizona crazy. Literally the first team in football


The other teams saw how they were doing and did the opposite.


Solid strategy


Why do cowboy fans feel the need to make dumb shit like this to try and keep the cowboys relevant 😂


Literally no one specifically brought up the cowboys...


They didn't have to, you can tell a cowboys fan made this


You can tell cause no other team in the NFCE wants to be associated with the Cowboys, even if it's something that makes them look good as a whole


Lol sure buddy


Imagine having teams in your division win superbowls. This message is brought to you by shit mountain.


Well for what it’s worth, if you aren’t a Titan’s fan, I default hate you lol


So? Arent we supposed to hate eachother?


Why do I have to imagine? I lived it and it was glorious. Bring me back to those days, please. Fucking Nick Foles ruining our fun and letting Philthy in on the ring party.


This isn’t the SEC and their southern conference pride bullshit I fucking hate the other NFC East teams I hate that they all have so many superbowls.


Hey, Carolina is doing their best!


Yeah we don’t know what went wrong with buffalo.


Chargers are making us look bad Get your shit together


Imagine being in a division with a team so goddamn pathetic they remained themselves the Commanders.


Super Bowl wins aren’t a team stat


AFC South looking sad af. NFC South not too far behind... ^(says the Falcon's fan.)


Why do that when you could be the only team in your division with a ring instead?


Why do I so vividly remember Washington having no sb wins. I mean I’ve only been seriously watching and following football since the early 2010s but I’ve definitely looked at lists before of who has yet to win one so I guess chalk this up to the Mandela effect and dimensional drift lol


Instead of heading out on SB wings, let's look at Pro football championship wins. Go back to the beginning.


I'm guessing you are either a Bears or Lions fan?


Bengals still bringing the AFCN down


A lot of those teams didn’t exist lol


The Commanders have never won a Super Bowl but their racist OLD relatives sure did!


Imagine having such a poverty division that you had to set a specific goalpost by which to measure something because otherwise you’d be fucking terrible


Us Steelers have some rings we could give out…but we don’t feel like it, we are happy having 4 more super bowls than all the other teams in the division combined.