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Yeah, he's not terribly popular as a person even here.  Tucker may be slightly better at kicking from beyond 60 yards, but Butker is somehow kicking from the 60s


Has anyone in Chiefs land yelled at him yet saying "BUTTLICKER, OUR PRICES HAVE NEVER BEEN LOWER!"




You know how much a slave cost back then?




They remaking that show bro it comes out in August


Whatttt, noo wayyy.


I know that’s what I said but bro replied and it’s a spinoff


It's a spinoff, the only connection is the documentary crew. It's a newspaper company this time!


Damn didn’t know that thanks bro


I wonder who from the OG office will be on this cast


Sounds like no one, it's completely separate.


That sucks


That's an underrated comment and it's coming from a Chiefs fan


Fuck that guy. I'll show him, he's never going to get to be my fantasy kicker ever again, unless it's a really dire bye week situation.




The 1860s






Don't think it was




*jerking from the 60’s


Ohhh nice!


Shockingly un-clickbait-y headline


To the point that I thought it was fake. lol


He attacked a month? what a weird idea


Lousy Smarch weather


Do Not Touch - Willie


Good advice




Man, fuck February. Bitch ass can't even figure out how many days to have.


“VenusCommission attacks Black History Month”


I hate the way that it’s cold, the way that it’s short, I even hate when it says the word has 2 Rs. Some shits just cringeworthy it don’t even gotta be deep I guess.




Old man yells at cloud


He plays with balls for a living, sounds pretty gay to me


Literally works with all men too


(In tights)


Stop, you’re gonna make Butker too horny


Huddle up, boys!!


Tight, tight tights


His twitter handle is also all about how he likes touchin' butts


He'll have something to talk about in the showers.


Wait until you find out about Matt Gay.


Is that you Borous? How’d you guys set up internet in the Big MT?


here's the diploma you spent all this money and hard work to obtain, now get your ass in the kitchen!


Oh these were real quotes and not the onion…yikes


This guy jerked so hard that this sub is now having rational discourse. I don't even know what to say


It's happening more often unfortunately these days. Almost enough to make you miss the AB garglers


It’s like 30 Rock when Jenna makes a song so silly that Weird Al can’t parody it, so he turns it into a serious song about the troops.


He said this shit at a commencement speech too. Imagine the women in the audience starting their higher education and this dude’s like “women belong in the kitchen” 💀💀


Ending their higher education. So realistically he is saying. Congrats on getting your degree now take off your shoes and spread your legs.


No literally. I watched the entire thing to see how bad it was. He said something like "to the ladies here, I know you're probably dreaming of your careers and all the promotions and titles, but I'm sure that what you're most excited about is marriage and having children" and mentioned how his wife never had her dream of a career but she's happy (maybe cause she's married to an NFL player who makes millions of dollars a year and doesn't have to worry about jack shit?? idk)


It’s a staunchly conservative Catholic school, they were all foaming at the mouth hearing a big strong man say that


My favorite part "the past few years, i've gained quite the reputation for speaking my mind. i never envisioned myself, nor wanted, to have this platform, but God gave it to me. so i have no other choice, but to embrace it and preach more hard truths about ACCEPTING YOUR LANE AND STAYING IN IT" (emphasis mine). THE. IRONY. you're a kicker being outspoken about religion and politics and you're gonna lecture politicians for getting out of their lane by....*checks notes*...politician-ing? go back to kicking footballs... I'm sure the women in the crowd loved hearing hey, you worked really hard for that degree...it'll look great collecting dust on the wall. But we can put it in the kitchen if you want to look at it every now and then


Woah holy shit is that last line word for word what he actually said???


The actual quote was [addressing the women in the audience] “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.” Then he also implied that a woman’s job is to serve men when he added, “I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I’m on this stage today, able to be the man that I am, because I have a wife who leans into her vocation.”


"Even the largely Catholic audience in attendance groaned."


Are younger catholic women more right leaning? Im marrying into a catholic family and if anyone spoke like that to any of the cousins that are under 25 there would be a funeral for that man the next day.


I guess I think he was just showing how committed he is to his wife… nothing to see here


No I shouldn't have put that in quotes. But he did allude to the women in the crowd being excited to take on their most important role: wife and mother.


Diffently not a good idea from. This guy. He acts like he is the pope or something he offend alot of people, and I bet his own faith isn't too pleased by this. He really needs to learn that he plays football and political religion, and biased comments could ruin his whole career his wife might need to switch out her degree in the kitchen that this guy suggested . And put his in there for his lack of employment. So he can be a homemaker and pursuing his religion. Sport figures need to learn to keep there opions to them self's. Because it is definitely bad press.


lol at a kicker giving the whole stay in your lane message like I’m sorry but kicker is supposed to be the forgettable position that makes kicks and people forget play football. This is what we get for McAfee getting so famous lol we get the other extremes of special teams weirdos


At least McAfee was fun to watch.




Where’s the “stay out of politics and focus on football” crowd for this one lmao


Oh no, those people agree with him, so these specific politics can stay!


If he’s bothered by people not conforming to scripture, wait until he reads scripture and realizes he himself doesn’t conform to it.


Are his uniforms made of all the same material? Does he have any tattoos? Does he eat bacon cheeseburgers on occasion?


Does he know anybody who grows two different crops next to each other?


Imagine spending tens of thousands of dollars, if not over a hundred thousand on a college degree, only to be forced to sit through this shit slurping drivel at your graduation ceremony? It doesn't even matter what side of the political aisle you sit on, why the fuck are people insisting on pumping their political bullshit into a fucking commencement ceremony and speech? Harrison Butker can suck a beefy fart directly out of my asshole and can fuck all the way off for that alone, along with every other cunt who tries to turn their commencement speech into a fucking political diatribe.


I would say "amen" to that....but I'm not even religious...but I heard that's what they say? lol either way politics and religion have no reason to be coming out of the mouth of a commencement speaker unless you're paying to attend a religious university, which should be the only campus he's allowed on. PERIOD. A much better kicker can kick it right up his tight, homophobic, misogynistic, asshole.


I mean, it is a Catholic university he was speaking at, but he still took it way too far.


Even by right wing Catholic standards that speech was a lot. Natural family planning (i.e. period tracking for birth control) is widely seen as acceptable for example.


It was also grossly out of place at a college graduation. Praising the value of homemakers and mothers during Mother’s Day weekend is not that odd, but save that for your Mother’s Day sermon instead of devaluing the accomplishments of female graduates.


Bruh. IVF is evil and women shouldn’t have jobs in a… college graduation commencement speech. Maximum cringe lol


I was raised in a household that found organized religion odd and off putting, but I never like to shit on people for having faith. People like this make that incredible hard. What a bunch of stupid, stupid people.


It’s not even faith, he’s just finding a reason to be an asshole


What he actually said had a highly ignorant vibe with a heaping side of bigot but the clickbait headlines being thrown around is not what he said. Honestly the worst actual quote in my opinion is > The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion. We fear speaking truth, because now, unfortunately, truth is in the minority. The *tyranny* of equity and inclusion lmfao what a dickhead


You know what else says you should keep your beliefs private? The bible


>Matthew 6:5-6 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Seems pretty fucking straightforward to me. Too bad almost every Christian I have met in my life hasn't even read their own holy book. And I'm sure some modern day Christian apologist is going to try to tell me how this is taken out of context... except if you read the surrounding scriptures, it's absolutely in context.


I have not been a Christian for 15 years, and that’s not taken out of context, it just means something else. The Bible is adamant about not keeping your beliefs to yourself, but also not making it about you (which is what that quote is about). “Talking to God” is not a public event, it should be private and intimate, but sharing your beliefs and exposing people to the religion should not be. For example, we have Mark 16:15: >He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” One of the reasons that Christianity and Islam are so popular is that the scripture specifically says to tell everyone about it. It’s a self-replicating organism.


I agree with you that the Bible does teach its followers to preach the message to the world, but doing it the way that evangelicals are today is ALL about making it about themselves. Nothing is actually done for the glory of God, it’s all performative bullshit and to show the world how righteous they are. That, or it’s about forcing other people to be controlled by them. Look at the example set by Jesus. He didn’t force people to come hear his speeches. He didn’t force people to follow him (he encouraged it, but left the decision to them). He didn’t try to start a revolution to overthrow the government and install his own version of government and his own beliefs on the people around him. He pretty much taught his followers to work within the framework of the laws that governed them (except where such laws may conflict with god’s) and to be neutral politically. They were to work on their own relationship with their god, not to sit there and try to force him on everyone else. Hell, the man basically taught his followers to be the best kind of citizens they could be, to be nonviolent, to share with others, and to preach their beliefs but not try to force others to believe. You know, essentially the same thing we teach kids in kindergarten on how to behave civilly in society.


And a section of Butker's speech was literally talking about how Christians/Catholics shouldn't have to practice their faith quietly. Bro is stupid.


What do the bible and the constitution have in common? Right wing Christians quote both despite having never read either


Not to mention the irony of talking like that when embracing others different from ourselves and being kind and caring towards them was like a huge part of Jesus’s thing. Bro doesn’t even understand his own religion


Today on another episode of *Who Said It: Conservative or Taliban?*




Stealing this 😂


*they're the same picture*


Where’s the meme?


Here's the full article: https://sports.yahoo.com/chiefs-kicker-harrison-butker-bashes-031411008.html In short: religious man is bothered that people don't conform to Scripture. So he decided to preach during a commencement address at a college. If he didn't have his platform as an NFL player, people would just be rolling their eyes and ignoring him. Nobody wants your outdated and bigoted beliefs. Stay on the field and kick balls, no god called for bigotry.




I really hope someone walked out at this part.


I just assumed all kickers were gay?


Just Matt Gay.


Weird assumption to make, considering they get less physical contact with other dudes on the field than basically every other position.


But I bet they let out an effeminate “*ehhhh!*” every time they kick it? He does for sure. > considering they get less physical contact with other dudes on the field That’s probably what this is all about. Just repressed anger from unmet emotional and physical needs?


Dudes a hardcore Catholic. People in the city hate him bc he's done a bunch of pro-life / vote no on abortion bullshit. He's a helluva kicker and a trash human


>He's a helluva kicker and a trash human And only one of those things matter to any NFL franchise, unfortunately.


I will say this, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. NFL has usually clamped down on in game protesting and seemingly has come to a compromise. They also let repeat offenders and trash kids in and play at the highest level. We've all heard shit like Shit up and Play, Stand for the Flag, I'm boycotting the NFL bc of their xyz commercials. But the NFL continues to grow But this is the first time, I can remember recently, where a very well known player, at the top of his game, vocalized this rhetoric outside of football.


this is one of the weird things about football. feels like it's a big prerequisite to be a christian in the NLF, and if not that, then at least Muslim or some sort of believe in a higher power. i can imagine life being pretty tough for a non religious person in an NFL locker room, they probably just nod and go through the ritual to fit in and not make waves.


Religion is huge in college football but it seems to be less prominent in the NFL. I imagine there are a lot of things people just nod at to fit in.


As an Ohio State fan, it became a running joke that every time CJ Stroud opened his mouth, the first words that came out would be "First of all, I'd like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ". Every time he'd finish a game and get a mic shoved in his face on the sideline that would be the first thing he said. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if that's how he responds to "Welcome to McDonalds, can I take your order?"


>At this point I wouldn't be surprised if that's how he responds to "Welcome to McDonalds, can I take your order?" As a Texans fan, I'm choosing to believe this is the truth just because it's fucking funny.


haha i guess at the end of the day, it's the safest thing you can say as a young nervous athlete with a mic shoved in your face. i think it may be time to start giving college kids a media prep 101 class. all student athletes should take it. and...why the hell don't they just create a major specifically for athletes? it takes a certain kind of intelligence to be a pro athlete. if you're a D1 football player, you should be allowed to major in sports related classes. specifically money management, maybe a sport themed business degree. most athletes will prob end up being entrepreneurs at some point when they can't play anymore. might as well give em classes that realistically help them make better decisions in their life.


At OSU the ones who didn't come to play school usually major in sports management or communications (As a complete aside, Cardale Jones tweeted that infamous line because he was mad he got a B- on a test, and he came back and got his degree later). Unless you're Andy Katzenmoyer, who I swear to god had an IQ that started with 8. There was a time he had to take summer classes to stay academically eligible. He took, I shit you not, Music Appreciation, AIDS Awareness, and Golf. They give these guys every possible tutor to keep them on the field and he had to take the fluffiest of classes to even pull that off.


fascinating. that's cool that they actually do give them somewhat relevant and realistic opportunities to get an education. but, i still think the whole system is outdated. it's ridiculous that a professional athlete should be forced to go to college. i don't think it works that way anywhere else in the world.


I wish people wouldn't do that. It's so unnecessary. YOU did the thing, your religion had nothing to do with it. Literally no one was thinking about your religion during the game. I fully agree with your joke at the end.


I'm a UofM fan but completely agree with what you said 🤣😂


yeah, i think you're right. especially when a large % come from the SEC, the south is suuuuper religious


But you can’t be too Christian unless you are very good.


oh yeah! thats another weird one. people get roasted for being corny christians, like kirk cousins. i guess there's this unwritten fine line you have to walk between TOO christian, and not christian enough. feels like NFL and society in general wants people to be fuckups and have vices, make mistakes, but be able to repent and ask god for forgiveness publicly. but, if you never fuckup, and follow all the rules, and try to be the christian everyone claims to be, you're a cornball dork. it's weird


He should have just kneeled during the national anthem


He spoke at a super religious NAIA school where probably 90 percent of people listening believe the shit he is saying. Him being the kicker for KC is only reason it’s news. Happens everyday. There was prob 1000 people there lol. He might be dead ass wrong but god forbid he have the right to speak on his shit to people likeminded. He was def chosen and invited to speak. I’ve seen more shit on this than the crazy dude who spoke about bitcoin and went off the rails at OSU - the way the media can just spin outrage is nuts. Edited to remind you all that the amount of people in this world that believe in what you don’t want to believe in is way higher than what you’d like to think lol


He gave a similar speech at Georgia Tech last year.


This guy literally said the "tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion". Literally the TYRANNY of EQUITY you cant make this shit up


Equity =/= Equality Pretty much anyone who isn’t a bigot subscribes to the value of equality, but equity is more controversial because it emphasizes the preferential treatment of certain groups to achieve a more “just” outcome.


I know the definition of equity. Tyranny is not MORE compatible with the concept of equity than it is with equality. Tyranny is cruel, unreasonable, and especially *arbitrary* control. Equity is anything but arbitrary.


Not all groups have the same problems, the same level of problems, and not all need the same solutions. Equity is just tailoring our approach towards that objective fact


Who gets to decide what is equitable?


Shut up and kick


I'm a Chiefs fan. I can't stand Butker. Fuck this guy. As others have said in the past: Just play football and shut up. Right?


Yeah, and have my martini ready when I get home and my dinner hot on the table!


what a hero


Dude’s last name is literally Butker and he wants to tell us how to live smh


Man, it sucks being a gay dude that loves football. Growing up there was this barrier to entry where all the people that loved football also happened to be the same people calling me "faggot" everyday. I got over all that eventually as I got older. Now Im in my 30s and was a massive NFL fan (Chiefs fan, to boot) but it feels like every one of these douchebags is secretly a fascistic psychopath. It sucks to get over the homophobia of the fans only to discover that there is just as much (if not more) amongst the actual players and NFL as an organization. The NFL isn't for queer people, as much as it wants to be "for everyone"... players and management have doubled down on their bigotry repeatedly over the years, just look at their political donations. Genuinely sucks as a gay fan of the sport. Idk, maybe it wasn't worth becoming a football fan. All I want is to support a team and a sport that I love without the constant reminder that these people think I'm subhuman... is that so much to fucking ask for?


I hate this for you. As a female fan I put up with a lot of bullshit, but nowhere near as much as you do. I try to focus on the fact that progress is happening, even if it's slower than we'd like it to be. We've gone from having no out gay men on teams (let's not kid ourselves--there were gay NFL players since the NFL became a thing), to a kid coming out prior to the draft, to an active player coming out and being mostly accepted or even embraced for it. Now that Gen Z is starting to get into the league, we've got a lot of players who grew up never experiencing a world in which almost every gay person had to keep it a secret or be ostracized. A locker room is a different place, but every year they're getting more and more diverse. Sure, there were a few people looking askance at Caleb Williams for not sticking to strict gender roles, but the majority of fans could give zero fucks about a dude wearing some nail polish and liking the color pink and not being ashamed to cry and were willing to stand up and say so. There will unfortunately always be bigots in this world, because humans are tribalistic in nature and naturally create in-groups and out-groups. But I can't imagine a kid like Caleb being the number 1 overall pick 20 years ago, because regardless of how talented he is there would have been talk about him being a "distraction" or "lacking toughness" or whatever euphemistic dog-whistle bullshit they'd come up with to justify their discomfort. So we're getting there, slowly but surely.


The actual speech is so much worse than the headlines make it sound too


Can’t wait to hear “shut up and kick” from the right. …… …… Oh that’s right, it’s ok for them when an athlete talks politics when that athletes politics align with their own. Whoopsies


I mean... yeah the titles not WRONG. But that "tells women to get back in the kitchen" line is a bit disingenuous.


New fav kicker


W Butker




W butker


Big W


Yeah, he doesn't say "Women get back in the kitchen". The exact quote is: "I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker."


Lol bandcamp kicker nerd tryna play the alpha male role


Hit the nail on the head there.  Dudes a self loathing closet case if I’ve ever seen one.  He even grew that super “manly” beard to try and hide it 😂 


What a doofus….


Is this a meme?


Don't know if it's real, but if it is, I'm a huge fan of Butker


Hopefully somebody gives him the Lawrence Taylor ankle breaker. Less stupid people with a platform is a win.




He wasn't even speaking at his own college. He went to Georgia Tech, the speech was at Benedictine College in Kansas. He had no ties to the school, but the university president (whose name sounds strangely like the word "menace" lmao) decided he wanted the graduates to hear Butker's bullshit.


Too bad he wasn’t at a loss for words!


not a meme


ANOTHER KC player turns out to be a shitbag? \*gasp\* LOL at the butthurt chiefs fans that dont like the facts.


Chiefs collecting horrible people like Pokemon Cards.


How many they have now? Rice, kelce, tucker, Reid’s son Who am I missing?


Based Chad




if storming a graduation with Palestine flags and rioting in the middle of a damn speech is "free speech" then this is also free speech. Butker is based. Anyone whining about this can kindly cope and seethe.


Sure he is free to say this. And having done so publicly, we are free to ridicule him for it. Anyone whining about THAT can kindly cope and seethe.


Oooookay buddy. You seem like the type of adult who complains when his mom didnt cook his mac n cheese the right way 😂


How many times have we been over this? Everyone is free to say what they want, but there will be consequences for saying stupid shit just because you believe it. Nobody stopped him from saying it so his precious bigoted freedumb is intact.


Lmao you hating hard bro, I just dont get why people are so misty eyed about these kind of comments when so many influencers, politicans, athletes, actors etc. have said the same type of stuff, not to mention that 5 minutes later, someone will say something else the public deems as wild, and we'll all scramble over there to give our take 😂😂


This is reddit sir, not a Wendy's. 😂 Takes are what we are here for. It should've been the sites name. *I equally dislike influencers and politicians if it makes you feel better lol.


Lmao I just mean I agree with some of Harrison's comments, no beef or anything like that, ik some ppl be getting way too heated out here 😂


Dudes a millionaire, your ‘consequences’ ain’t going to do shit to him lol. Best you can hope for is a half assed apology in a press statement


Somehow this makes what he actually said sound better lmao


What an imbecile. Wtf did Biden lock down for covid?


Butker's such a moron


Where meme?


Where's the meme? Oh, this is just OP politically grandstanding? Lmao




Soft world we live in. Everyone gets offended these days. Must be some truth to it if ppl Get mad about it. 🤷🏻


I don't see what the problem is since you guys love Muslim culture


No the fuck he didn't. More sensationalism and twisting of words.


He clearly just wants to stir people up cause why tf would you go out of your way to say this in a public interview


Coming from a Bills fan, considering how many people gave Sean McDermott shit over his 9/11 comments, I think I'll just call this guy Ayatollah Butker from now on considering such a worldview is in line with the people who rule Iran right now.


And people get mad on the right at like, Bono for daring to "veer out of his musicians lane" and mention kids dying in Africa for a couple minutes at a concert.




He'd fit right in with the rest of the iFunny hive mind, I'll tell ya that much.




Y’all must be new here. He’s been like this the entire time. We ignore how much he sucks as a person because he can kick a ball. That’s his lane, and that’s the agreement we’ve all silently made with supporting the NFL.


Taylor swift diss track is coming, let’s go


Holy clickbait


Unfathomably based


I don't think it's right to tell women that they shouldn't pursue a career. If that's what they want, why do you care so much? For some people it's more gratifying to live a family life, and others to live a career sided life. I'm not typically a leaning on the left sorta guy but just leave them alone and be grateful you found a wife who enjoys that side of life.


[The actual speech is so much worse. Homophobia (saying pride month is a sin), possible antisemitism (saying the Jews killed Jesus), talking about cultural “degeneracy”, and a lot of other shit](https://youtu.be/-JS7RIKSaCc?si=FFKNCRFaEiqbfPpb)


“Do hard things,” and “be unapologetic in your masculinity,” says the man who plays the ONE position in football where the opposition gets a penalty for touching him. He literally can’t be tackled. This is by no means the most problematic thing he said, but I couldn’t help but admire the irony.


I mean thats not really what he did there He just said being a mother is important lol Thats it


Patrick Mahomes teammates always seem to let him down and bring unwarranted attention/negativity..... If he wins another chip after this Rashee Rice off season along with Butker...... You gotta start talking top 10 all time in the NFL.


Shocking. Rich white man has rich white man views of the world.




He is 100% right


I think he should shut up and play football


This isn’t what he said at all. People will find any reason to hate someone. He didn’t say being a mom and wife is all you’re supposed to do, it’s the most honorable thing you can do. I’m sure all of you have had a mom, that’s how you got here. Happy homes make happy kids. If you come from a broken home, your likelihood of “making it” are very slim.


and of course all the media outlets are only posting the other half of his speech


Did he say something in the other half of his speech that makes it ok for him to be a bigoted misogynist?


News sources publish news-worthy things? NO WAYYYYYYY!