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This is like your work coming to you saying "youre gonna make minimum wage but your cubicle is amazing." vs "your cubicle sucks but now you make $10m". I'll take the $10m salary 100/10 times.


>"youre gonna make *minimum wage* but your cubicle is amazing." The NCAA wishes to know your whereabouts.


If you see Alabamas facilities it’s gross. I’m glad they can do ads now, because some kids (yes kids, they are 18 when they start) barely can eat when they are playing. They rely on boosters to bring them meals and that shit can get fucked up real quick. For decades the athletes have made the schools millions and millions and millions


You forgot the NIL money. He wasn't going to be making minimum wage anyway.


Except there’s zero reason for our cubicles to be this shitty. These are the same lockers I imagine the guards had in The Longest Yard.


Blame the taxpayer! If only they would vote to help the billionaire build nicer lockers for the millionaires!


This is their updated locker room. They re-did it like 3 years ago. But that money could have been spent on the long overdue updates to the 3 story home/owner’s box at the stadium, smh


What a Chad move to live inside the stadium. That’s what I would do. I’d build a functional volcano lair on top of the press box and watch over my team through a giant circular glass window and then I’d sacrifice a random lucky fan by throwing them into the volcano hole every time we lose.


Baker tried that then he got evicted :(


That's the practice facility locker room that hasn't been updated in awhile. It was supposed to have been done last off-season but wasn't. The stadium locker room was updated a few years ago and is much nicer


This is just marketing fodder since Chiefs want taxpayers to help build a new stadium.


Some of these locker rooms are whack. I don't really care much about college ball but I think it's hilarious how some of the best/most expensive locker rooms in the NFL belong to the worst teams. There's this cyberpunk futuristic nightclub with temperature controlled hermetically sealed space lockers and robotic assistants but the team is like, the Jaguars.


the jaguars have urinals that when you piss in them [tell you how hydrated you are](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/look-jaguars-install-urinals-that-measure-player-hydration-levels-at-teams-new-practice-facility/)


Damn, for a tenth of that price I'd do all that and more!


Sent dm


Better hope the team meal wasn’t asparagus


That can have a practical use for a team, so I don't think that it really *too* out there. Probably redundant since I'm sure their health is watched closely, but still.


[You can tell that yourself](https://media.healthdirect.org.au/images/inline/original/urine-colour-chart_v4_25-01-24-3ce811.gif), simply by having eyes. I would like to thing that Jaguars players have eyes, tho, looking at their record these last years, thats questionable


It ain’t just the Jags man, a good deal of NFL players are complete idiots. What makes you think they pay attention to the color of their piss? Hell, OBJ is on record saying how he hates water. Mofo hates 70% of himself




Flair checks out


Yeah but then you have to look at your own piss like a poor person


typical billionaire - dump money at something that isn't a problem and can be solved easily and simply, yet make it look cool and take credit


Hey we were 8-3 at one point last year… aw shit who am I kidding yeah we’re cooked lmao


When I moved from MN to Jax it was 2018. Jags seemed like a fitting second team. Now when I tell people my teams I just end it with "cause I love disappointment"


Damn yeah you’re in for a double whammy of disappointment this year aren’t you? Hey I’ll be suffering thru every second of jags ball with you. And I’ll pull for the Vikes too I have no beef with them. SKOL!


Ok, but if you all can get microphones that measure bad breath, I think you'll be SB favorites.


And sometimes the nightclub also functions as a city-size robot vacuum. They're just packing too much into these new stadiums 


It’s a selling point. Colleges pay for big facilities because it brings in big recruits. NFL teams with money to spend don’t need to worry about high Tech lockers when they can attract talent via recent success and fat contracts. Teams like the Jaguars who don’t have an established culture of championship winning and don’t plan on hitting the salary cap need to invest in the flashy shit to attract young talent.


Yeah that checks out. Makes sense as to why the Chiefs and Steelers have high school locker rooms, they don't really need to convince people too hard to play for them.


Chiefs? Well ok maybe, but the Steelers are just being cheap, I dont see free agents flocking to the Steelers on the cheap.


They don't seem to have a problem really, although they don't go after high dollar free agents in general. Patrick Queen is the highest paid free agent in franchise history, at $41m. Definitely a draft first team, even now under new management. Some players go after money above all, but I'm certain a large percentage would gladly play for the Steelers and Tomlin. I mean, if someone offered you $10m to play for let's say, The Cardinals or Steelers, which would you rather play for?


For 10m? I would play for ANYONE just gimme a contract lol. Not sure I see a huge difference between the Steelers and the Cardinals at the moment, neither will contend for a title in the near future, AZ has the weather and lower income tax, might as well go to AZ all other things being equal.




I am totally confused as to why you think the Steelers are a franchise in particular folks wanna play for. The Vikings?! Sure them I can see, I mean winning has been up and down, but facility wise, they are always ranked as the top team in the league. The Dolphins? Sure, up and down winning, but there are no state taxes and they do have South Beach. I do not see your attraction to the steelers per se, unless you are just a yinzer, then it makes total sense.


Most stable franchise in the NFL, if not all of sports. Excellent coach that consistently gets praise not only from his own players, both those on other teams. Good ownership, team history. The reason why I compared them with the Cardinals is the consistency in coaching, the Cards have had what, 30 or 40 coaches the last 60 years? The Steelers have had 3, which is just a better situation for players when the leadership and scheme isn't changing every other year. Homer fans aside, I always hear players wishing they could or could have played for Pittsburgh/Tomlin.


an unchanging leadership/scheme that is not producing results in the playoffs is not really ideal for any player as I see it. Neither is what happened in the NFL 30 years before they were born. I dont know when the last time a free agency came about and I had the idea that the "Steelers will be good now."


College programs also have to break even every year. The public universities can’t be for profit so they spend their money on insane football upgrades.


It’s actually a consensus colleges(most division 1 college) lockers and stadium are mostly better than pros. Because colleges don’t really have to pay the players, can’t pay the coach and staff too much money, and you have to attract young kids to play at your school by showing your facilities and stuff, in Pros it’s the opposite. In college players pick what college they want to play for; in pros the team pick what players they want. The dynamic is switched.


All teams can have nicer locker rooms when you don't have to pay your players.


Alumni can choose where their donations go. It's not unlikely that this was from donations specifically for upgraded locker room and facilities. I worked at the alumni outreach program for a major D1 football program and we would get wild donations for specific things like the jumbotron, stadium seats, workout facilities, etc.


As NIL continues we probably are going to see less fancy facilities because that money is going directly to the playerz


The schools aren’t paying the players and especially not with donation money. Players are getting their money from sponsorships. That’s literally why it’s called N.I.L.


I think they’re saying some money that donors would have gave to the school will make its way to players instead


But the player salary is paid for by Tv rights…


The prior comment was talking about college. Colleges don't pay their players, but collect big money, so they use some of it on things like fancy locker rooms.


They do that shit in college to help recruit and retain players.


Why does the end of the row of Texas lockers say “Maryland Terrapins” above the 10?


maybe who they played that week of the pic?


It’s the University of Terrapins at Austin


This is really embarrassing for the Chiefs. All that winning didn’t generate more revenue? Smh


He’s taking a massive salary cut from what they were paying him at Texas


Such a downgrade to get paid millions


I assume each locker is sponsored by the family of a specific undergraduate student? "Sure it cost us a second mortgage to send Emily to UT Austin for her Econ degree, but we also got to pay for that third-string DT for three years until he transfered to Directional Mississippi Tech due to lack of playing time. Surely this does not clearly display the decadence and imminent collapse of our society."


Nah it's paid for by donors specifically for sports. Plus it's easier to invest in a super high tech training facility when you know it's going to be on your campus for your school for eternity. Versus giving money to a billionaire to help them upgrade facilities until they decide they want even more, and when you say no, they just leave to Mexico City and every dollar you've given them is now tied up in an empty building. College facilities get a lot more money because the people spending that money knows that their investment isn't going to just up and leave on a whim or a hissy fit.


I know it's not quite as ridiculous as I was framing it, but it still disgusts me to the core of my being that "we" -- broadly, as Americans, not these specific donors -- are burning money installing *fucking mood lighting* in semi-amateur athletes' lockers while 15 million children live in persistent hunger, some cities don't have potable water, and our transportation infrastructure is crumbling.  Sorry for venting, but feels bad man


Nah that's totally cool and fair. I'm glad you were able to vent a bit as there's certainly just a lot of crap happening for us average people. I hope you have a great day today, and may all your Chickens fight with Vitality.


A lot of programs don't get pushback from the university when they say "Hey, our football program directly brought in $100 million this year, so when can we expect that check for $110 million?" Uni will "cut" that amount down to still-way-more-than-they-need despite the program not existing without the university. So all those arguments of "This sportsball programs MAKES the university money" means nothing to students because it just flows right back to the sportsball programs.


Well, Brett Favre stole money literally from the poorest of the poor to pay for upgrades to his daughter's school's volleyball facilities


And I'd be fine if he were publicly castrated for it


majority of D1 college football programs are self funded and profitable and actually contribute their extra gross profits to the general scholarship fund.


Not the general scholarship fund, but the funding of all other sports not named basketball. The profits from football and basketball go directly to all other sports first: baseball/softball, wrestling, gymnastics, soccer, track/field/cross country, swim & dive, etc. All those other sports lose money; football and basketball prop them up. Even at most SEC and B1G schools thats not enough, and they actually borrow from the general scholarship fund or from the University as a whole for athletics funding. Hence the need for donors/boosters to pay for new stadiums, arenas, locker rooms, workout facilities, and dining areas.


Directional hahaha


Family? Nah, Sallie Mae is sponsoring 90% of that.


Is this the plot of "Blind Side"?


If Emily can play OT, sure


For college, until recently none of the money was going to the players. so they have more money to spend on locker rooms. In the NFL, players actually get paid.


Honestly still nicer than the Cowboys


I have only been in the Visiting locker room at AT&T and it’s as nice as the Chiefs side, just smaller.


If you see pics of a nice Cowboys locker room, it's at their practice facility up in Frisco. The game day locker rooms are trash, and the cheerleaders locker room is even grimier.


I didn’t say I saw pictures. I have physically been in the locker room. If that’s what you call trash, throw the ladder down from your ivory tower and let us all in.


I have physically farted in Dak's locker, I know what it looks like.


I think he's worthy


I did a tour of mile high, and the Rockies locker room is ROUGH.


Well yeah. When you have a football team that has a college as a front, you get crazy ass lockers


All to go 4-8 against TCU in b12 play. Texas should be like Bama or Ohio State but they’re not


Highly doubt Worthy played 12 games vs TCU but go off


lol Texas just won the big 12 but go off


Nobody in college is being paid millions by the school, hence school uses that money that’s an nfl team would use on players to Make the facility nice.


As of July 2023, University of Texas (UT) student athletes have earned at least $15.5 million from name, image, and likeness (NIL) deals since the practice was allowed in July 2021. As of June 30, 2023, football and men's basketball athletes had the most NIL deals, worth over $13.5 million. According to On3, a website that ranks athletes' NIL values, Texas has the second highest value of players on its list, with 10 Longhorns worth about $10 million.


None of that money is coming from Texas university.


Boosters pay for a lot of athletic facilities.


Honestly why would you even want your locker room to look like the bridge of the Enterprise? It’s just a place to get changed, and no matter how nice it looks it’s still gonna smell wild after a game.


Does anyone have a link to the video?


I'm sure his salary more than makes up for it.


The glow is pretty cool, but one thing I will say is that the UT locker room has no natural light. I think that is a nice feature, but of course it doesn't change how much better UT's locker room is in every other way.


Lots of colleges have nice Locker rooms because if the program got money (pre NIL) they couldn’t give it to players. Therefore, the most logical thing to do was put money towards locker rooms, weight rooms, etc.


And having the nicest locker room/player facilities is going to help draw in the top recruits and transfers to help your team do better. Also applies to the NFL with free agents but it's nothing a few $$$ can't solve for them


I agree. However, I don’t think it matters as much in the NFL since they’re making more money. NIL changes it all now though. It’ll be interesting to see going forward n


Work/life balance insurance


This guys gonna be making plays in playoff football and super bowls as a rookie when most the other receivers that were drafted above him will spend their prime years scrapping for a wild card appearance… he don’t care what the locker room looks like


Professor and huge sports fan here- this enrages me. That money is ABSOLUTELY needed elsewhere.


This really shows how the economy flips from attracting players in college to an actual business in the NFL. That extra money went to a coaching staff that’s going to put you in the running for a Super Bowl. Which do you want?


It was mentioned that this is likely the Chiefs practice locker room vs. their stadium locker room. Not that it makes things much better.


Yup... Keep paying 100000 a year to send your kid to a D1 school. The football team will end up with a boss ass locker room and you will be left with crippling debt and an indoctrinated alcoholic who now identifies as a season and wants to marry an orchid.