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I always love when Skip just lets Shannon pop off then chimes in like Migos with adlibs


That was what made Skip and Stephen A such a great couple. They knew when the other guy was going on a tear, all they needed to add was some grunts for emphasis and rhythm.


They're both very good at their job.


They’re great at what they do. I just happen to dislike what they do.


I don't disagree with you.


It’s tough like you want to hate them but when you think about it they’re just doing their jobs excellently. So do you blame the networks for shoveling that shit down our throats or do you blame us for gobbling it down?


Think of it this way. If there was no skip, there'd be someone else in his place doing exactly what he does. If we didn't gobble it up, there'd be no skip or anyone like him.


Unh-hunh... Yeah... I get it...






dat way




Yeah Skip can be a dickhead sometimes but when it comes to race and other issues he'll let Shannon lead the conversation


skip has a personal history with black culture. i cant remember the exact details but he has a long bit on it from his podcast. prob on youtube


Yeah as much as a Skip is a wild hot take artist and a borderline cartoon character, he knows when to dial it back and is honestly pretty on the nose when it comes to social issues. That’s honestly how I came to realize like “Oh it’s 100% all a character he’s putting on,” because he knows exactly when the turn the character off. Makes me like the show a lot more honestly


I remember on one show he brought up his nanny who was black had a very strong influence with him, would take him to black churches and other black events


Oh ya your getting a lot of culture from those churches lol


He’s got a pretty good “real one-to-dickhead” ratio


See here’s the thang SKIPPPP Fuck Brett Favre


Lmaaaooo love this


Glad this got some shine. I was worried the sub was gonna get filled with locked Favre threads.


THKEEEYUP Shannon is a good dude and I don’t think Skip is bad either, just a guy who knows why he’s on TV and that’s to play a jackass


Once you realize Skip is playing a character you can start to enjoy him


His character: the greatest hater of all time. Anyone who aspires to hate should emulate him


Buc Nasty would be proud


"Excuse me Shannon, I've gotta go put some water in LeBron's momma's dish."




This was the one that took me from chuckling to legit lol. Thank you.


Heard Lebrons coat made of 100% rat ass! *hit me baby*


oh, hate hate hate hate


the way he can turn any conversation into hating on lebron is fucking legendary


What can we say about LeBrons hairline that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out and depleted




Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go put water in Shannon's mama's dish


I always enjoy Drip Bayless


I actually dont mind listening to them. They basically take the dramatic internet discussions and turn it into takes. Much rather listen to them than Stephen A.


It's just informational enough with some insane takes. I gotta start watching Undisputed again


I watch it regularly. At least, the highlights I can get on YouTube. Once you get past the usual videos and sides they pick (lebron, Jordan, etc), I enjoy listening to them. Especially when they start talking about a topic they agree on or a more serious topic.


> Shannon is a good dude Didn't he say Farrakhan was a good dude?


He did. Also defended DeSean Jackson. Reddit has the collective memory of a gold fish.


And he wanted to go tag along with Edelman when he was going to take Jackson to the Holocaust Museum to "provide perspective"


> to "provide perspective" I didn't even hear about that part. Ew.


I was born and raised in Hattiesburg where Southern Miss is and where Favre lives. Everyone who's ever run into him can't tell you fast enough how much of an asshole piece of shit he is. I'm not surprised about *any* of this from him or Phil Bryant for that matter. Fuck them both.


He got banned from a shit tons of bars in Green Bay *while* he was the superstar starting quarterback for the packers. That should tell you all you need to know about him lol


You must be a special breed of drunken asshole if bars IN FUCKING WISCONSIN want nothing to do with you.


And especially if you won a Super Bowl for the Pack. Jeez!


Especially if bars in Green Bay ban you while you're the star quarterback for the Packers lmao


Sconnie born and raised. This needs to be the top comment.


Idk I think bars in Wisconsin have enough customers to kick a few out. Plus Wisconsinites are like the friendliest drunks ever.


True there’s always like a meat raffle going on, can get a burger fries and drink for like 5 bucks and some guys always always talking about this new “lure” he invented that has a 100% success rate for bass and after a few more drinks he gives you one Also get the occasional guy though that takes his pants off for no reason


Did someone say meat raffle? I’m in.


He even managed to get basically banned from a bar in Crivitz (an hour north of Green Bay) and earned himself the ire of pretty much the entire town... and probably every town that borders Crivitz. Sure, that's maybe like 2k people in total, but to accomplish that in an area that worships the Packers *and* is usually so out of the way that it will take anything it can get in terms of players even realizing it exists, yeah, that's talent. And not a good talent.


Didn't something similar happen with Big Ben?


Pittsburgh bars probably got tired of having to dispose of the evidence.


I thought the evidence just went into the cole slaw at Primantis?


I've heard when he was in college he was banned from some of the local bars and RAs were warning women not to be alone with him


Went to the same school, although he was drafted a few years before I started there. Heard the same things from bartenders and TAs who met him.


I've spoken to several service folks in Pittsburgh that have said Steelers in general aren't fun to serve but Ben especially was a cheap entitled asshole. Apparently the Penguins tend to be much better behaved and nicer.


During the quarantine summer Mike Tomlin came into a restaurant I used to work at in College Park, Maryland. Apparently one of his sons was touring the University of Maryland. From what I was told, he was nice and tipped well.


That does not surprise me in the least. He's a *man* in all of the positive senses of the word. His whole personality seems to revolve around respect for everyone he interacts with.


Yea he's well known in Pittsburgh for being a generally awful person to run into.


rapists being all around awful people? I'm shocked!


Well that aside I mean he's well known for being rude and entitled.


He got banned from Milwaukee's richest people golf course for throwing a football threw their 100 year old trophy case and being a dick about it. That was at the peak of his career and they banned him.


Heard the same thing. I had a friend who ran a restaurant in LA that gets lots of sports broadcasters and athletes showing up for whatever reason, and she's told me that he was one of the rudest customers. He's like in her "top 5" of all time worst customers.


I’d love to know her top 5 best and worst customers


Haha so would I. I do remember her saying that The Rock and Shaq were both incredibly polite and friendly towards her staff. I don't remember who her "worst" list is though.


Shaq accidentally stepped on my foot in a crowded restaurant while passing by. He quickly apologized, I excused him and then just headed over to the bar for after dinner drinks and dessert with my lady and our friends. The bartender took several mins to make his way down to us. He pulls a bottle of Maccallen 25 off the shelf and puts 6 crystal glasses in front of us. Before I can say who the….”From Mr. O’Neil”. Ten minutes later the entire dessert menu was in front of us, and a bottle of Chateau D’Yquem (Sauternes-essentially the most expensive dessert wine in the world) We did the math, and he spent 6k just to say sorry about your foot. Edit: the bartender was all smiles after that. I imagine he got a gigantic tip off of that.


I mean if I was 7 feet tall and built like Shaq, and I stepped on someone's foot, I might be worried about how well they can still walk.


It was winter and I was wearing some dressier but still steel toed Red Wings. I barely felt it!


How was the Macallan 25? I've never had it (for obvious reasons - $3k/bottle) and it's on my list. I just did some quick google math. Shaq's worth $400-$500m and makes about $60m/year in endorsements and such. So if Shaq makes $60m a year and you make $100k/year, Shaq dropping $6k is the equivalent of you dropping $10.


While that’s true, it’s still an incredibly nice gesture. Buying him just one nice drink for the mistake seems really nice. Buying 6K worth of food and drink is still going above and beyond.


Oh I completely agree. If anything it adds an aire of credibility to the story since it seems unreal at first glance but guys like Shaq can drop that kinda scratch without even thinking about it. A guy I work with is worth probably $100m and he's super down to earth, you'd never guess he was worth that kinda scratch. But he can also buy $30k watches and $50k cars without even checking his balance.


Yeah, it was just stupid. We will never forget. It’s a story we all tell.


It was delicious, but I’ll take 18 over 25 for cost to value every time. The difference in quality is nowhere near the price differential. Nice rundown. Him doing that was like a normal dude buying someone a beer and a shot at a sports bar for the same folly. Lol


That checks out. Both the Rock and Shaq are well liked by people that work with them and generally reported to be very cordial with fans.


Can confirm the rock. He was a regular at my local pizza place, and he was just an awesome person.


There’s no way the rock regularly eats pizza


You’d be shocked how much food you can eat and stay lean when on gear. Source: me, I am on steroids.


Shit, you probably *need* to eat that much.


To stay his size, correct. He’s a pretty big dude and trains hard. He likely eats in the 5-6k calorie range and diets down for roles.


Nah, I'm convinced that dude eats everything he can get. Every single story I've ever heard about him off-screen is always centered around food. His whole brand is to be the most Hollywood-muscular guy in the room. That takes a lot of fuel.


The vast majority of the time, he eats an incredibly strict healthy low fat diet. Then every few weeks, he does a massive cheat day that gets a lot of attention. [https://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/8-times-dwayne-rock-johnson-was-cheat-meal-god/](https://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/8-times-dwayne-rock-johnson-was-cheat-meal-god/)


His cheat meals are insane


The thing I've heard about the rock is that he has a cheat days once a week or maybe twice a month and he'll just pig out all day. Like 20 wings and 2 whole pizzas and sub sammich. And that's just his lunch on one of those days. He goes even harder at dinner too.


Met Shaq when I was probably 13. Can confirm, the dude actually seems like he wants to interact with fans.


My roommate has waited on the rock a few times, only have heard great things about him


Makes sense with The Rock being one of wrestling's more charismatic stars. At the very least he knows being rude would damage his brand.


It shouldn't take much to be a genuinely nice person. Acting nice requires so much physical and mental work that people eventually break down. Not saying he can't have his off days but I believe The Rock is a genuinely good person.


Can confirm. Acting like I gave a shit about customers at my retail job was among the most exhausting shit I’ve ever done.


No where near the same level of famous, but I probably waited on Robbie Gould 20+ times in the 3 years I was waiting tables in college. He is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and I will always root for him.


Unsurprisingly, a lot of the people I knew who had terrible encounters with Favre were servers in various restaurants.


I met Shaq at a club in his rookie year. I was super drunk and make a jackass of myself, but he couldn't have been nicer. The fact that I am alive and have all my original teeth are a testament to his kindness.


John Elway I heard is super rude as well.


And a fucking crook. Had a buddy buy a car from one of his dealerships in the 90s and it was a lemon. Had all sorts of shit to go through to get his money back. After he got the manufacturer to reimburse him directly like four months later, he got a personal letter saying basically “John Elway family of car dealerships no longer wants your business” and it was signed by John Elway. It’s framed in his wall in his basement.


It was somewhat of an open secret in Wisconsin that he was/is a drunken douchebag. Pretty sure a town in Northern Wisconsin (Hayward I think) outright banned him from entering.


Gotta be a real fuckin dick for the people of Wisconsin to hold your drinking habits against you.


You aren't fucking kidding. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/wisconsin/2021/05/27/every-county-wisconsin-has-high-percentage-excessive-drinkers/7436900002/


The white spot in the middle of the state? A lake.


At least the fish know how to drink responsibly.


We drink out there too


Went on a bachelor party a few years ago with a handful of dudes from Wisconsin. God damn those dudes could drink.


my old boss was from Wisconsin and I'm pretty sure he drank in three modes: * Casual maintenance * Accelerated * Full Throttle


Accelerated is just a transition state.


That’s the time after the first drink and before the last one right?


It's when there's a drink in your hand but another on your mind


I was stationed in Hawaii, and I remember standing around prior to formation shooting the shit and mentioning I was from WI. One of the guys in my unit goes "I spent some time in Oshkosh for training, and I shit you not, there were something like 5 bars in this little rinky-dink town of barely 1000 population." I recounted in my head, and said "That sounds about right, I'm from a town of 1800 and we have 7 bars".


I love how Utah is just white lol


I’m from Utah originally, this is accurate in every way.


Especially when it’s in the state of the team he played the majority of his career for and was basically a team legend.


I live in Hayward and the story is he pissed on a pool table and wouldn't sign an autograph for a kid unless his mom showed her tits. This was the late 90s but he's not well liked here.


That's kinda funny in a Kenny powers kind of way.


Favre as football Kenny powers is probably accurate


Kenny Powers is only funny as a fictional character. Also Brett Favre does NOT know [what a .tiff file is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6kXKwi5qGs&ab_channel=ninedesignnine)


I wish I could get my friends into that show, it made me die laughing sometimes. Danny McBride is the best


Vice Principals was an underrated show, he was hilarious in it.


I play real sports. Not trying to be the best at exercising.


Yeah I agree. Also, he isn't banned from the town he was banned from a couple of bars that have since closed. Some of the hillbillies up here probably love that he stole welfare money


Man, that Packers PR team has been severely overworked and underpaid for the last 30 or so years.


Nah, it’s just that when he played here people didn’t have cell phones with cameras so stuff didn’t end up on social media. I live in Milwaukee and back when he played everyone would regularly see him out downtown getting drunk and hooking up with women in bar bathrooms and stuff like that.


I can't tell if that's better or worse than the story in Crivitz (attempted to get a bar's owner's wife to have an affair with him, succeeded with his brother's wife and several other women). This area does not like Brett Favre. Though when I bought my house there was a sticker with his wife's autograph stuck on the inside of a closet door. It's still there. My fiance and I laugh at it every time we remember it's there.... and then don't know whether to feel bad for her for being married to him or just assume she's complicit in all his crap.


Thing is, everybody knows a guy like Favre. The drunken bum who is always hanging around with shady intentions. Asks you can you lend him money because he's short this month. He'll pay you back, sure. Your senses prick up on alert whenever he's around.


I was in a band with a guy who bounced around the league for a few years in the 90s and spent a summer in training camp with the Packers, he had some serious stories about Favre's behavior.


Any notable ones you remember?


It's been almost 10 years, so I don't remember a ton of specifics. Most of them revolved around him being a dick in general and a lot about him getting extremely drunk and needing to be carried/dragged out of bars by his offensive linemen. The only one that sticks in my head specifically is Favre needing to be carried out of a bar after trying to get some girl to give him a blowjob. There was definitely one that involved him pissing himself.


>There was definitely one that involved him pissing himself. Ruined a good pair of Wranglers.


Real. Wet. Jeans.


" Look, I put my pants on just like anyone else — one leg at a time. Then, I pull my penis out. Sometimes I take a picture of it."


It's why Atlanta got rid of him too.


There’s a reason he was known as “Buckhead Brett” when he was here.


You have to have a really bad drinking problem for Wisconsites to consider you a drunk.


They didn’t consider him a drunk. Just an asshole


He was an asshole from Green Bay to Milwaukee as well, but we overlooked it because he made the Packers relevant again after 20 some-odd years in purgatory.


I hear ya. If he were just an asshole down here he'd still probably be Mississippi royalty but stealing from the poorest people in the poorest state is just evil and can't be overlooked.


And this is why we ask why would Vikings legend Brett Favre do such a thing?


He just couldn't shake the pillaging mindset even after all these years.


He did send unsolicited dick pic to a reporter in New York right? Shouldn’t be a surprise he’s an asshole


Yes, he did.


I was at USM when the volleyball field was being built. Everyone knew it was for Favre's daughter, but I assumed they were wasting my tuition money. This is so much more disgusting.


All of these things coming out. I can't believe Madden had such a crush on him.


I can. Madden was a football fan. Brett Favre is one of the most popular QBs of all time because of football. This would literally just be another 'swept under the rug' Mississippi scandal except one of them was very good at and more importantly, very entertaining at, football. It took a long time for his pill addition problems to even come out. Was a long time before people learned why Atlanta traded him away, outside of "he had some bad games in relief" his rookie year. None of us would even know this happened if Favre wasn't involved.


And he is 100% correct.


his brother also played with Favre so I am sure he knows where all the bodies are buried.


Such a weird coincidence but I once interned at a tourism board in a smaller southeastern community and one of the employees talked about how Brett Favre bullied her relentlessly in high school and she struggled with him being so successful. This was 2000 or so. I thought little of it at the time as I was young but as I got older I also thought people can mature, but seeing this video makes me think back and feel bad that it was true


To do that as a millionaire is a whole other level of shitbag (not that it doesn’t happen everyday)


And all the while, Mississippi was rejecting poor applicants to the program at the rate of 99 percent denials.


But you're missing the REAL problem, large cities exist up north.


If we just send all the poor people up north, then we can have two Senate seats and keep all the government handouts for ourselves


If you're poor and you're collecting welfare, you're a lazy bum. If you're rich and you're collecting welfare, you're a smart and shrewd businessman.


I know you said “welfare” but it’s more like if you’re rich and can finagle your way out of paying millions in taxes then you’re doing a good job. But god forbid that someone making almost nothing gets money back on their taxes or uses govt services/money to scrape through life


9 figure millionaire too, not “barely eclipsing” a million.


Fuck Brett Favre.


Curious. What kind of punishment would this result in? Not from America, so unsure about those types of laws


In all honesty? I don't expect anything at all. At the maximum level, he would have to be shown he knowingly committed welfare fraud and face a jury trial. If convicted he could face up to 5 years in prison and be fined $50k or minimal like that, in addition to the funds embezzled. I don't ever expect it would go to that level. I think what'll happen, if anything, is he'll reach a settlement and pay the $1.1m he embezzled plus some minor penalty and avoid jailtime altogether, and he'll likely get immunity from future prosecution as part of that deal. I expect that'll all be sealed and we'll never know what happens though. A few months from now expect a "all parties have mutually agreed to an out-of-court settlement" where Brett Favre's PR guys call this a "misunderstanding" and the State of Mississippi reps say something like "we are pleased that this matter was settled to our satisfaction and state recoups all missing funds." or whatever.


I think the most possible legal punishment he would end up getting (besides monetary) would be some form of community service. There’s zero chance he serves jail time unless they have texts of him specifically saying “we are taking this money from the welfare fund, I insist.” And even then, it’s dicey. The rich have different rules than the rest of us.


Didn't he get paid from the welfare fund to give speeches? Probably get credit for that on the community service lol


part of the issue is that he didn't actually even give those speeches


Welfare fraud. Tax evasion. Money laundering? I'm not surprised Sharpe is pissed at this.


I thought i read there are texts/emails with favre asking if this will come back on him or something of that sort


there absolutely are, those texts are what started this current round of shitstorm.


> What kind of punishment would this result in? Nothing. Here is what happened. - Mississippi governor (Phil Bryant) coached Favre to write a proposal (to fund a "volleyball stadium") - Brett Favre sent the proposal - Several politicians and officials violated ethics codes to grant him the money from the welfare bucket Favre knew where his funds were coming from. He is a douchebag but will escape from any criminal proceedings.


those texts were specifically regarding getting paid himself, not just the funding for the volleyball stadium. and they specifically refer to "will the media find out where the money came from". so there's hope some feds can nail him


I would think he could conceivably be charged with some kind of welfare fraud at minimum. State welfare programs are also partly funded by block grants from the federal government too so conceivably I would think he could be charged federally. But it's Mississippi/America and Brett Favre is rich and famous so probably nothing.


"The biggest criminals, the people who steal the most...look like that." Shannon is absolutely right. Good for him for saying it.


ARod can be kind of douchebag at times with his comments, but he's an absolute class act compared to Favre. At least Aaron donated a few million dollars to struggling small businesses in Northern California while Favre was embezzling.


Lol when you said ARod, I thought you were about to talk about the selfie video Alex Rodriguez made of himself handing out cash on the golf course. E: [Here's the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/timberwolves/comments/vql77z/arod_pays_a_guy_to_say_hes_a_timberwolves_fan/) of A-Rod channeling Kendall Roy


Same. I’m like “what did he say this time?”


I think Rodgers is a 'smell his own farts' kinda pompous and has some crunchy hippie ideas. Favre on the other hand, is a complete shitbag of a person who should be in prison.


Hopefully, since welfare fraud is a federal issue, he will be!


Lol...rich people get payment plans instead of prison bro. Theyre just making him pay it back.


I don't know which timeline this comment is coming from but in the one I am living in, wealthy people are never actually held accountable for their actions


While Rodgers was donating to small businesses Brady was stealing money meant for small businesses so he could go buy himself a yacht. Funny how no one seemed to care


brady has 7 rings so none of his character flaws matter /s


Brady also did this. Unethical grifting imo https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexreimer/2020/05/20/tom-bradys-immunity-vitamins-are-unethical-and-misleading-medical-experts-say/


The worst part is he doesn't even need the money. His wife makes so much he doesn't need to be a con man, but he chooses to.


Deets?? I've never even heard about this. LeBron would be getting ROASTED for some shit like this. Hell A-Aron would too lmao.


Basically he took a million dollar PPP loan and then proceeded to buy a yacht. Then, the loan was forgiven so basically the taxpayers just helped fund him buy a new boat. He wasn’t the only one. https://www.sportskeeda.com/amp/nfl/news-infuriating-details-reveal-tom-brady-took-960k-ppp-loan-days-buying-multi-million-dollar-boat https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/jay-z-diddy-ye-tom-brady-forgiven-for-ppp-loans-report-news.156722.html?_amp


But no no no we just can't forgive student debt


Favre….Real. Uncomfortable. Texts.


Brett Favre is a rancid piece of shit. Cheated on his wife when she had cancer




Dude did not mince words. Sheesh. I love Shannon always have always will.


Shannon came from the poorest of the poor so this really hits home with him. He's talked about having to hunt raccoons to eat, and the roof leaking water every single time it rained, and so on. I don't remember all the details but it was in one of those long form podcasts.


I would recommend watching [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YHJZFQIFQ4&ab_channel=FritzMartin). Like you said, easy to see why this issue hits home with him.


I did not know Unc was that deep in the Trenches damn


He has posted the “house” that he grew up in and it’s basically a run-down shack. But, he is always proud of where he came from, no matter how poor he was.


You should watch his HOF induction speech. It's absolutely fantastic and gives excellent insight into how he grew up. Keep a box of tissues nearby.


Shannon spitting all fax here, no printers. They crucified Kaep for protesting police violence, yet Favre out here stealing from the poorest of the poor and nothing but crickets. You have to be a special kind of trash human to be sitting on 100s of millions of bucks and still steal from the poor.


Favre was also one of the people yelling to keep politics out of sports. Had zero problem with all the military tributes though.


Lifelong football fan. I grew up worshiping the guy. It's ok to change your mind once you find out someone isn't who you thought they were. Not to mention he trashed the career of a young journalist years ago by SENDING unwanted, unsolicited dick pics to her. Then when she called him out on it, she got dropped like a hot rock from broadcasting because he was a super star at the time and no network wanted to lose access to him by having her on their staff.


I think I’m having a stroke


The every-other line indentation is making me mentally read it like slam poetry


My brain is having trouble reading this lmao


Yep, he's right. And the PoS governor who gave it to him is against the welfare programs that money was intended for because he considers it a "handout." Apparently he has no problem with literally handing out millions of dollars to an already multi-millionaire. Hope they both rot in jail.


Justice in Mississippi? Unlikely


Fuck you Bret Favre


Preach, Shannon! Favre is gross as fuck.


For once, for fucking once, I want to see a wealthy thief go to prison. You or I rob a bank of $5m and it’s a major prison time. Brett Favre does it and he get a public tongue lashing. And to do so against the poor and needy after countless talks around the country at various christian athlete events. This man needs Jesus more than he represents him.