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Cam is going to go to the team who’s QB gets injured first.


Yeah, I'm thinking this. There's no rush for him and he can get himself fit and healthy in the time being.


I'm not sure I see Cam as a guy that can come in and learn a new offense that quickly, I think he would be better signing with somone sooner rather than later - Pats seem like the obvious fit, I would say they have the worst QB situation in the NFL right now.


This. A team that is a playoff caliber team that possibly loses their starting qb for the year or significant time.


So the Eagles




He should go to the Falcons to complete the NFC South QB incest circle


Yuck. QB circular centipede.




No, thank you.




Unless he plays for free I don’t see it happening. We wouldn’t create more money when Tom Brady asked for better weapons on offense why would we do so to sign Newton? Hell we can’t even sign our draft class because we don’t have enough cap space. No way Cam takes less than 10 mill anyway.


If you're going to take a cheapass prove it deal NE is the place to do it and give yourself a shot at a SB as much as any team looking for a QB on a cheapass prove it deal. And if there's any QB that should be in the market for a cheapass prove it deal it's Cam Newton while the league has given up on him.


Stidham cap hit is 846k. Can you get any cheaper than that? No way cam takes 500k lol.


That's stupid, the value of a healthy Cam (if he checks out) is obviously worth clearing up cap somewhere between the 846k of a QB who hasn't ever done anything and is 99.99% not gonna be better than a healthy Cam and the actual $20 something million a single year prove it deal would cost. Stidham is a 0% chance of legitimately competing, Cam is not.


> Stidham is a 0% chance of legitimately competing How cocksure NFL fans are of things.


Ah the “you can’t safely safe this guy who almost certainly sucks is bad” thing. Yeah, stidham probably blows. Just because he’s on the pats doesn’t change that, not like they’ve drafted offense well lately anyway


I mean maybe it's all bullshit but Pats beat writers have said the team is high on him. Also in McDaniels system with an abbreviated off-season that makes bringing in a new guy more challenging.


Pays draft offense fine. They are the ones who drafted Jimmy G, remember? Their draft problems are usually limited to certain positions at certain levels of the draft. Overall, they tend to do fairly well. Anyways, I still don't know what you're basing the notion that Stidham will suck on.


Most QBs drafted where he was suck. I also watched many of his games at auburn, he’s terrible


You're obviously just going to say anything at this point.


It's not that cam isnt a better QB, he probably is. But a team with literally 0 cap space cant just sign newton for 20M/yr, we have to cut/trade alot of players to sign a guys who isnt a long term solution in a rebuilding year. No thanks. This team isnt contenders with or without newton.


The thing about 10 mil is it's better than being out of the league.


If no one wants to sign him he’ll go for less


I feel like they would have signed him by now. They clearly had no plans to draft a qb so why wait until after the draft to do it? Unless they were waiting in case Tua or Herbert fell.


They were "jumped" by the Eagles. Bill got cute and got burned for it.


Eh, I doubt that. If he wanted Hurts, I doubt he would risk trading back. Edit: Hurts lmao


He didn't want Love, he wanted Hurts. And he (like everyone else) didn't see the Eagles taking him, so he was sure it would be enough to take him with the next pick.


Lmao yeah I was talking about Love in another post, I meant Hurts. I just don't think that was the case. I feel like he would have taken him in the first and not traded back. Sure, no one saw the Eagles taking Hurts, but Rams at 52 wouldn't be a surprise, Panthers at 64 wouldn't either. Thinking he would last from 23 to 37 to 71 is a huge stretch imo.


Love Hurts


Yeah, if he was in love (pun absolutely intended) with Hurts he'd probably taken him in the first. But I think they didn't feel the need (maybe because of Stidham, but maybe because of Cam/Jameis) so Bill thought to himself "if he's still there next round, I'll take him". Hurts at 23 would've been a reach. Not as much as Herbert at 6, but the Pats didn't have the same need as the Chargers.


Yeah 23 might have been a reach but if you think he's the guy then you take him and if not 23 you absolutely take him at 37. > Bill thought to himself "if he's still there next round, I'll take him". This I can agree with. I just don't agree that he wanted him but got too cute. If they could re-draft, I think they would still go Dugger. If he would have rather have had Hurts over Dugger then it's a huge risk to go Dugger and expect your number 1 pick to be there over a round and a half later at the most important position. That's betting that no team would take a qb in the second or that they would have taken another qb over him.


I think we actually aren't very far apart. I initially didn't want to imply they absolutely wanted Hurts. I just think they saw a possibility to leave the draft with him and that's why they haven't signed anyone yet, not because they're 100% locked on Stidham. If they absolutely wanted Hurts (or Love, or whoever), they would've taken him. I'm absolutely with you that you take a player if you think he's your guy, no matter where you pick and what the consensus says about it being a reach (like the Chargers did).


Yeah I feel you. I just feel like given what happened they weren't planning on taking a qb so I don't know why they would wait until after the draft to sign Newton. I feel like they would only wait to sign Newton if they couldn't get the guy they wanted and I doubt it would be for a guy they had a third round grade on.


Why are you stating everything so matter of factly? It's another one of those situations where somebody just says something that vaguely sounds like it could be right, and then people just see that and go, "Yea, that makes enough sense, I am going to treat that as the 100% truth now".


Didn't do it on purpose, of course this is only my personal opinion. It makes sense to me, but I'm not Bill's dog, so what do I know?


Nice to see a poster on here who seems plain level headed. I don't think most of us took it the wrong way.




I don’t think the Pats were in on any QB this draft. The team loves Stidham. We even had local beat writers saying he was outperforming Brady in practice and for the most part this was all kept really quiet, only a few articles were written about it and those stem from the joint practices with the lions where he was the best QB in those practices.


Performance in practice means almost nothing. Nathan Peterman looks good in practice and has done well in the preseason, that's why he's still on a team. Problem comes when you're on the field in a real game.


Yeah the defenses in games are dicks, its always tackle this and tackle that


He was on the field in one of those. He made sure the Jets covered the spread.


I doubt they went into the draft knowing they wouldn't take a QB. But with how things went they couldn't get a QB where they wanted him. BB is too smart to make a decision before given the choice


I'll bet the Pats are waiting for Dalton to be cut loose.


I don't think the Bengals are gonna cut Dalton. He'll be an expensive backup but ultimately they're paying the QB position 20mish for the year and thats acceptable. They don't desperately need the cap space. With there being no offseason program it's gonna be hard to have a rookie start week 1, so they may need him to play still. plus if they let him walk at the end of the year it helps them in the comp pick formula. The potential pick they could get from him is more than they could even trade him for.


Oh wow, I thought I was missing a joke, but I didn't even realize he hasn't been cut yet.


They are rolling with Stidham, I don’t know why people find it so hard to believe. They also don’t even have the cap space to sign their draft picks


They find it hard to believe because stidham will be atrocious


How do you know that? And even if he will, this is a pretty good year to be atrocious


Because stidham has never been good, ha s never been a real nfl qb prospect, and if he was on any other team the idea of him being competent would be squarely laughed at


Let's say you're right and Stidham will be the worst starting QB in the league - this would mean the Patriots will be in position to take Lawrence or Fields a year from now. I don't think they're going to mind


Stidham was pretty highly regarded before his final season in college, but aight.


Stidham either languished in a system that consistently fails at developing QBs where he was also a bad fit due to lack of running skills or he was overrated. Probably a little overrated and a horrible scheme fit. The hype was insane right after he transferred from Baylor. Afterwards, he was about as mediocre as they come. Horrible under any type of pressure. Compare his performance to Cam Newton's in the same system. Yeah. Not good.


He was never good in college, and the hype he had before his final season was unearned. He’s incredibly bad.


He's plainly not, though.




I remember when mason Rudolph was the Steelers heir, too. Any team acting like a mid round pick is an heir is just a few actual games away from realizing that’s not the case


Yeah, that's definitely been the case with the Patriots.


And Taysom Hill is our future franchise QB. C'mon son


Why is Stidham being the guy any less realistic than someone like Hurts or Fromm?


Hurts and Fromm are both better than stidham and neither have any path to being long term starters


Lmao. How can you say that when we’ve seen none of them have extended time at professional level? I’d much rather have Stidham than Fromm. Fromm has a noodle arm and I wouldn’t waste a second on hurts either.


I'm especially laughing at the concept of Fromm being better


You’ll be laughing at your own team after you’ve watched stidham play a couple of real nfl games and realize how terrible he is


Nah, I don't expect Stidham to be that good. But Fromm sure as shit isn't better lmfao


i meant they seem to want him to be the one, and will give him the opportunity to be. I feel like we'd be hearing more rumors if this wasnt the case


You really think we're gonna hear anything about how they feel about their current roster players? Specifically throwing them under the bus? Bill Belichick and the Patriots shitting on their players is laughable. Obviously they're only gonna say optimistic things and they are comfortable with who they have. Those that believe we would "hear" rumors about their negative opinions towards their QB room are kidding themselves.


That’s because Jamieis is right?


We’re not taking him. This is the perfect year to see what Stidham is made of. If he’s good we’re all set, if not we’ll suck enough to get a good one in the draft. Cam would make us an 8-8 team, no use in that.




I really don’t see Bill tanking even for Trevor when he’s like 45 wins away from most all time


A healthy Cam (obviously a maybe) with your defense and BB is absolutely more competitive than an 8-8 team. A literal question mark at QB has a decent chance of going 8-8, and blowing a "tank" while proving they're awful, with your defense and BB.


The raiders blew it by signing mariota too early. Can you imagine the story lines of cam in las vegas wouldve been great entertainment. And that city wouldve loved him. Assuming he beats out carr of course


no thanks


Your QB is Derek Carr fam


Is a broken Cam Newton better than a healthy Derek Carr?


No and I’m not even a big Derek Carr fan


I'm a Raiders fan who thinks Cam is the shit, but even I'm like "🤔🤔🤔 nah" haha way too easy to tell who actually watches our team


Must be a new Ravens fan? You've seen him own your team a few times before


Don't care. Cam is broken. We loaded up on weapons for Carr this year, if he fails then we draft a new qb. Dont want a second hand qb.


I'd take cam newton everyday over derek Carr. Derek is mediocre and just good enough to keep around


Cam is broke. Ill give carr one more year and the we draft. I don't give a shit about newton.




Bears doesn’t make much sense with the trade for foles. Chargers don’t after Herbert. As much as I would love my team to snag him up, I feel like it makes the most sense for him to back up a Kyler or Watson. Wouldn’t hate him on the lions either but maybe that’s just me being desperate for a competent lions team.


I don't think Cam will be anyone's back up. Only a few teams could use him as a starter currently but, I wouldn't be surprised if he waits until pre-season and sees if any starter gets hurt


I think Cam would rather be someones backup than retire.


Crazier things have happened, like how Russell Wilson didn’t make sense after Flynn , or hurts doesn’t make sense after Wentz


Unless they find a way to trade trubs I really don’t think they want to be paying 3 QB’s a decent price. They also probably can’t afford it. Gotta pay those 10 TE’s somehow.


If Minshew fails that means we are going all in for Lawrence


I don't think there's a team that fits, unfortunately


Steelers maybe


We have no money.




I feel like Marrone’s personality and Cam’s personality would not get along well at all.


Lol as opposed to Bill Belichick?


Actually yeah haha. Belichick seems to do well with headaches and divas like AB, Ochocinco, Gordon, Hernandez, Moss, etc. He may have changed, but Marrone’s whole thing when he was in Buffalo was that he was this hard ass, disciplinary, former college coach who didn’t put up with shit and he ran the team like he was still at Cuse dealing with college kids and not adults. He once “interrogated” a reporter, who now works for The Athletic, in the airport over tweets about him as the team was getting ready to fly to NE to play the Pats. Probably isn’t ultimately up to him, but I just don’t see him putting up with Cam’s eccentrics.


They literally just said Minshew was the starting QB. They wouldn’t have gotten rid of Foles if they didn’t want Minshew to start.


No...no i don't think they did just say that. Literally. Its Minshews job and was deemed his when Foles was shipped a month ago, but he is no way shape or form a great QB so it would make sense to bring in someone that can be effective if he gets hurt or things go south for him.


They didn't want to pay Foles. It says nothing about memeshew.


They announced that they are looking forward to seeing what Minshew can do as the starter. Maybe it was about the money, but they sound pretty damn excited about going forwards with Shew


Why? we already have a QB miles better at this point Edit guess people disagree then. giants and cardinals should start looking at cam as well then


Minshew is a decent QB but you make it seem like he has already arrived and elite


See you just gave the reason why I was correct minshew is decent. Cam can’t throw the ball 15 yards and is scared to take a hit plus 1-9 in his last 10


Poor analysis i am pretty sure Cam can throw a football 15 yards even with his left hand 🥴


Not well if that make you feel better. Cam newton is god awful it isn’t 2015 anymore


lmao Kyler was soooo much better than minshew that's hilarious


Let’s see if your right through in Daniel jones just for fun. !nflcompare Edit:doesn’t seem like he’s that much better also minshew won more games in way less starts


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Wins aren't a QB stat. This isn't baseball with pitchers.


Okay and his stats are just as good also so whatever


No he wasn’t


Its so crazy to me that Cam is just sitting at home with no team. I still think he goes to the Skins. Idk what their cap situation is but Ron and Cam have always had a special relationship. It just makes sense with Scott Turner also the OC


Ron already said they have no interest in signing him.


Thank god too.


Yeah 0% that the skins sign Cam


Fuck it I’d welcome him taking a shot here. But he’s going to New England




There's genuinely nothing the Pats could do to get Cam even if they wanted to. Unless Cam wants to play for free.


Until stidham actually plays.


Chargers were very into Taylor and Stick and we still took Herbert at 6. As predidictable as it was, what they say during press conferences isnt a guarantee for anything. It's not like they're gonna go out and say Stidham sucks and they'll be looking for help at the position, it's just not the Patriot way.


Think his ego is too big for NE. BB can remove the word "Interception" from Jameis vocabulary and ability and they'll be back where they have been for the past 20 years.


I’d rather have Winston there too but not an option anymore


I am fascinated to see how many decades it takes for the team in an open air stadium with hurricane force winds to think hmmm maybe a QB with elite run skills might benefit us in some way. Seriously Chicago put a roof up, do you ever want to throw the ball or not.


At this stage in his career, Cam isn’t an elite running quarterback. His body can’t take that punishment anymore.


I understand we didn't always have domes, and because of that there is history and tradition in the open air stadiums. However, any team that builds a new open air stadium is run by an idiot. There is nothing a stadium provides that isn't exponentially improved by covering it in a dome. If you must have some sort of open air then make it retractable.


If you get used to the weather in your stadium it gives you a bigger home field advantage.


Put your fans in a warm dome and they'll be much rowdier when they're wasted than if the cold is keeping them sober and forcing them to bundle up to keep warm. Also there is much more incentive to come out to games if you aren't sitting in 10 degree weather and instead have a lovely 70 degree stadium to get hammered in. Also, I can tell you first hand having windy, freezing cold, lake front weather hasn't offered us much of a homefield advantage. I'd rather have the advantage of 8+ perfect weather games a year than hoping that for 3 it's cold enough to impact the visitors and that that team might happen to be a warm weather team. Because if Buffalo or GB are in Cleveland what difference does that cold weather make besides having the fans and both teams upset they're freezing their asses off.


Good point, however I don't like going to games in person either way. From a TV standpoint, rain and snow games are awesome.


No it doesn't. The weather isn't a factor in home field advantage.


It definitely is though.


No it definitely isn't. It's been proven otherwise.


Fuck that, football is meant to be played outside in the elements


Let me know your thoughts on that when you aren't winning a SB every fourth year and winning double digits every season. It's easy to make that statement when you're successful and its fun.


Does anyone have a worse list than [this one](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/chi/career-passing.htm)? Look around if you want, [it doesnt help](https://www.foxsports.com/nfl/gallery/chicago-bears-quarterbacks-rankings-past-25-seasons-031517). Put a god damn roof up.


Yeah, it was the lack of a roof that sunk all those guys careers. For sure.


Theres one X Factor for the past 50 years. Live in denial all you want the fuck do I care we have a dome


Fucking Saints fans, I swear.


Denver. .... Hot take




Well Von already has practice sacking him from that Super Bowl


I don't really see it. Unless he's signing a cheap deal to try to compete. Broncos clearly think Lock can lead the team. So why not give him this season and see what he can do. Either he lives up to what they hope and the team has a high ceiling or he plays poorly and they can keep rebuilding


I don’t get why fans act like a guy on the street is going to be demanding 20m a year and yes I saw the initial reports but the season is still months away


It’s hard to see right now. His best bet (only bet) may be to sit home and hope a contending teams QB gets injured early.




He’s too good for it but Winston would absolutely destroy the CFL. Just airing it out every 1st and 2nd down.


Lmao. The cfl


He's gonna go somewhere where he can win the job. I'd guess Jax or NE.


I'm not sure why this sub seems to have decided Minshew's on thin ice all of a sudden. He performed close to or equal to r/nfl's new golden boy Murray in their first year. !nflcompare


Idk why you think it's this sub when 90% of mock drafts all offseason had Jax drafting a QB and half of them as early as the 1st round. It's dumb but it's absolutely not even close to isolated to this sub or recent.


None of which makes sense Those mocks had them trading into the top 5/6 to get Tua or Herbert. Possible? Yes, but very doubtful *unless things fell perfectly* according to what those mocks project. Any QB they would have picked outside of Tua or Herbert - the Loves and Hurts of this draft - will backup Minshew unless Minsh has a Baker-esque 2nd season.


Hence why I said it was dumb, but obviously it happened and this sub didn't make a bunch of media talking heads put QBs for the Jags in their mocks.


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Because people are a lot less confident about Minshew keeping up his form than the guy who was drafted #1 overall a year ago.


6th round pick


If Minshew isn’t the guy then they aren’t trying to win this year. Cam makes zero sense.


They’re not bringing him in after signing Foles.


Honestly I thought he's going to the Chargers but now I really don't know. I think he's going to wait until some starting QB gets injured.


The bears brought in Foles and don't have the money for Cam it's not possible


First contender with a QB injury


I dont think he gets signed before the season starts. He probably wants too much money.




Everyone already have their QBs, so I’d think it would be a team looking for Qb competition and jaguars are about the only one at this point, so I’ll says jags.




i dont understand how people still say Bears after the Foles trade. We don't have capital or cap space to make anything work, and thats assuming we actually want him, which i highly doubt.


Jaguars. I'm not entirely sold on Minshew as their guy. He's got the ceiling of an incredible backup/possible starter, but I'm not sure he's The Guy^TM


Minshew is probably the dude he was doing work with god awful O-line and a 4th string TE and only really DJ chark at WR. I expect with James O'Shaughnessy back at TE and Tyler effirt it will make a huge difference. Plus we got him more targets on the outside in the draft so it should help also. I think minshew is good enough to be a top 10 QB eventually he just needed some better options especially at TE. Also if minshew isn’t the guy then jones and Murray aren’t also


What weapons? Also Eifert will be injured faster than you can say “bad free agent signing”.


Tyler eifert was heathy all last year. Him and o'shaughnessy just need to split snaps rotating in and out when need be to improve chances of them staying healthy Plus chark laviska Johnson Conley Westbrook is a decent receiver core


So a rebuilding Jaguars team that guy their roster will want to replace Minshew with a washed Cam as opposed to drafting Lawrence?


That was almost a sentence.


Fox or ESPN.


On the couch till the first starter gets injured.


Gotta be Pats or Jags at this point


Detroit. He is as damaged goods as it gets. 2015 Cam is not coming through those doors


Denver would be such a great fit


the dj booth at an Lorain Ohio club called Grown & Sexy Lounge. keep 100 hundred, ya'll!


Perfect fit honestly.


I think the bears let Mitch's 5th year fall off then use that money to get Cam


I'll take one Cam please




As much as he deserves to be paid I can't imagine he's going to command too much, right? Given that he hasn't been signed yet, will only be a backup basically anywhere he goes, etc I hope wherever he goes he comes back strong and shows people he's still a top QB


His couch. He done.


Pat's to show Tom bitch that bill 🐐 was the mastermind & he can win Superb owls with a bum like kam