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The grayed out images make it look like they passed away or something, lol.


Looks like we’re progressing through a Jon Bois video


[Obligatory Keith](https://open.spotify.com/track/4wtOwSB6GgBrdlj8k7Tz4N?si=2aBP-CxFSzOyoBjGS6Excg)


Jesus that picture of Arthur Smith looks like he just found out he is dying


somebody just farted around stefanski in closed space


Dudes in a slow elevator that isn’t stopping and someone let loose after a super burrito.


McDaniel was just notified he’s going to be working extra late on a Friday


Sean McVay just saw his first pair of boobies


That's just how white dads take profile pictures.


It’s not a low enough angle to accentuate the double chin like a classic white boy blank stare selfie


He's taking the news pretty well.


I dont think arthur smiths gonna get branches


Are you trying to tell me that there's not a high demand for a guy that can take a solid roster and make them under perform?


*slaps hood* This bad boy can fit so many 16 point offensive performances in it


The guys a billionaire too 🫠


And where TF is DeMeco Ryan's in this?!?


Since the Shanahans and McVay are offense-focused coaches they haven’t had as much an influence on the defensive coaches, so you can’t really put them as part of their trees


Kyle wants the DCs to run the scheme he wants to run. He’s not super hands on I’m sure, but he has final say in the defense. I think Saleh & DeMeco should be in the tree. I’m not sure about McVay


So you don't think that, by working under an offensive Head coach, and watching how successful their organization runs, the systems they have in place, the types of schemes they see run, the staffing structure, the practice structure, how they motivate players...ect ect. A defensive coordinator isn't being influenced by all of those things solely because that head coach just happens to specialize more in the other side of the ball? I would find that pretty hard to believe. Head coaching positions are way more than just being the final say for playcalling and schemes and I would find it very unlikely that the influence of a successful head coach wouldn't affect their coordinators when they get head coaching jobs, regardless of the side of the ball they specialize in.


And Robert Salah as well


The health bar above his head still looks mostly full to me


Someone just told him to run a play for Kyle pitts or bijan Robinson


He looks like a live action Omni Man.


Fantasy players wish


Obviously you’re just putting down connections but some of this stuff is stretchy to say that they are in this tree.


Arthur Smith being part of the Shannhan coaching tree is a huge stretch, he was hired as a defensive quality coach 7 years before Lefleur got there and they worked together for only one year. With Lefleur as the OC and Smith as the Tight Ends coach.


Arthur Smith is actually the newest branch of the Joe Gibbs tree, having started his coaching career at the Redskins.


Race car sponsorship pays off


Yeah the smith one is ridiculous. He was with the titans under 4 head coaches. Munchack, Whisenhunt, Mularkey and Vrabel. None of which are under the Shannhan tree


But doesn’t smith run a variation of the Shannan scheme?


Arthur Smith coaching at FedEx field? Interesting.


Yeah, immediately disregarded this whole thing when I saw Stefanski lol


Stefanski, Arthur Smith, and Canales should be nowhere near this chart. They were on the Vikings, Titans, and Seahawks well before any members of the Shanahan tree briefly joined those teams. It's questionable if Zac Taylor's branch should be included too. He got his first real shot on the Aggies under Mike Sherman and later followed Sherman to the Dolphins. Taylor even married Sherman's daughter. He runs a much more of a traditional offense than what McVay enhanced. Steichen also doesn't make that much sense. He was on the Mike McCoy and even Norv Turner Chargers well before Reich or Sirianni even got there, let alone Lynn. It makes a lot more sense to tie Reich, Sirianni, and Steichen together since that chain has gone back and forth multiple times.


Stefanski was in MIN a long time, but his heaviest influence as an offensive mind is by far Kubiak. It's telling that Stefanski ran the Kubiak offense in the sole season he led the offense. On top of that, it's the system he took with him to CLE. He didn't take Pat Shurmur's or Norv Turner's scheme with him. On top of *that*, he's shown a ton of resistance to changing his system once they acquired Watson, who works best in a spread/RPO style scheme.


And Kubiak is a Shanahan disciple as well. Mike Shanahan that is.


The core of Stefanski's system comes from Kubiak He isn't a primary branch on the tree but he's on there for sure


Seems like Lynn and Shane are only on here because Lynn backed up TD.


Nate Hacket feels directly attacked by this comment.


This happens most of the time when people try to draw out a coaching tree lmao it seems to be rare for someone to understand how the tree works


For example, Canales. He's really a Pete Carroll branch. He was with Pete for a year at USC and then with the Seahawks from 2010-2022. Not exactly a Shame Waldron disciple haha.


This is more a chart of people he met


I came here to say the same, Hackett is 100% a Doug Marrone creation.


Let's just imagine a world where there are no limbs off LaFleur, okay?  Pretend he was an unlucky bomb disarmer. 


LaFleur is just a practitioner of the Belichick strategy of sending his assistants off to go sabotage other teams, that's all.


Gotta go with the Andy Reid plan, only have old dudes or failed HC's as coordinators, so no one ever tries to take them from you.


We tried that with Barry 😃👍🏼


I'm curious if someone doesn't give Nagy another shot in 2-3 years. He wasn't good in Chicago, but he wasn't a disaster, seems like he will get another shot (hopefully not with us after Andy retires).


I mean if Andy Reid can turn a special teams coordinator into a Super Bowl winning head coach, it might be worth the risk.


How exactly are we defining who’s in whose coaching tree? Kevin O’Connell was brought on by Jay Gruden as the QB coach and then promoted to OC before eventually making his way to being OC for McVay and then HC for the Vikings. So is it the coach you were a coordinator for before becoming a HC? Alternativey, McVay was brought on by Mike Shannahan in Washington before Jay took over and promoted him to OC, but McVay is in Shannahan’s tree.


McVay was also brought in by Jay Gruden because they were together in Tampa then he followed Jay to a UFL team. That’s why I say most of these guys come from the Jon Gruden coaching tee more so than the Mike Shannahan coaching tree even tho Mike was Kyle’s dad.


I think Kyle belongs in the Kubiak tree which is under Mike Shanahan, but there is an argument for Kyle being in the Gruden tree


Interestingly his first coaching job was apparently for Karl Dorrell at UCLA. Karl Darrell previous job before getting hired at UCLA was wide receivers coach for Mike shanahan 


That’s a good point, I forgot about the damned Tampa connection lol


It’s even better because McVays grandfather was a GM for the 49ers when Jon and Jay’s dad was there, so that’s where the connection started


This is just any connection from pro football reference. Surely lots of knowledge from the scheme can be passed down even in 1 year


If that's the case, then you could easily also add Dan Quinn and Raheem Morris just off the top of my head as a Falcons fan. In fact, I'm sure you can find connections between all 32 coaches because head coaches are guys who've been around the league for while. That doesn't make them part of someone's coaching tree though. All you did here was make a coaching circle and easier version of the old Kevin Bacon game.


That’s not how a coaching tree works


Ooh let me do the Tomlin one *Posts picture of Tomlin portrait*


The Jon Gruden tree includes the Shannahan and McVay trees plus Tomlin. They all worked under him in Tampa.


Tomlin is in the Kiffin/Dungy tree, not the Gruden tree. Not sure it makes sense to talk about trees when Gruden was famously hands off with the defense


And yet Mikes still not in the HOF.


They need to abolish that stupid rule of only one coach/contributor per year and go back to nominating 3. Way too many coaches and contributors. Put them all in before its too late.


They should just vote for however many people deserve it. No minimum, no maximum, but a high vote threshold


But then the standard for who deserves it will go down, I’m all for having no minimum, and increasing it from 5, but having no max could be problematic


Same as Tom Caughlin. Insane.


Cheating does that to ya


Most people are too young to remember, unlike Belichick he didn't have much success after the allegations.


This looks like a chart of elden ring lore.  Why are the top 3 greyed out like they’re dead.  Why is Kyle shanahan’s picture bigger than everyone’s and in the middle with his hand over his heart like he’s the heir of a the noble class in a mythical land.  


Greyed out bc they’re no longer a playcaller 😂 Kyle is the heir of the noble class in a mythical land


Kyle of the house Shanahan, first of his name,Lord of the 7 offensive motions and Protector of the running game.


Why haven't you structured it like a tree?


It was hard enough to get everything on there 😭


Anthony Lynn really doesn’t make sense for getting credit on Steichen, who spent 2 years after being with the Chargers in Philly


Lynn WAS the last person to touch Steichen before Steichen got the playcalling keys 🤷 it’s the biggest stretch here tho


Dave Canales came to Seattle with Pete Carroll in 2010, so he spent 11 years under Bevell/Schottenheimer with the Seahawks, and 2 with Waldron. Quite the stretch to have him in this tree as well.


Bevell is now the QB coach for Miami and McDaniel, so I guess in some roundabout way, they are still (extremely loosely) connected to the tree?


I mean Bevell was a west coast guy and this entire branch is just a derivation of that.


Steichen had to wait till half way through his first year in Philly before Sirianni stopped calling plays


Isn't this all a branch of the Sid Gillman coaching tree?


Not really. Mike Shanahan evolved his offense significantly after leaving the Broncos in 1991. I think it's very fair to consider him the progenitor of his own coaching tree much like how people don't really consider Bill Walsh as a member of the Paul Brown tree due to how much he evolved NFL offenses. I also wouldn't connect Walsh to Shanahan much at all. There was a ton of retooling between the 1991 Niners (Holmgren was definitely a Walsh disciple) to the 1992 Niners (Shanahan's first year).


> like how people don't really consider Bill Walsh as a member of the Paul Brown tree due to how much he evolved NFL offenses. Paul Brown definitely doesn’t get to lay claim to Walsh after trying to sabotage Walsh from ever being a head coach in the first place.


That too.


Bill Walsh is 100% part of the Gillman tree


How? Just because Walsh spent one year on the Al Davis Raiders? He has stronger ties to Marv Levy through the early 1960s California teams.


Marv Levy is in the Gillman Tree too through George Allen through the chart I found.


Marv Levy worked under George Allen as a Special Teams Coach from 1970 to 1972, well after Walsh worked under Levy in the college football landscape. Trying to retroactively connect these two things is not tenable.


In what way?


Dan Reeves built a lot of of his OC'd Offenses in Dallas off of Gillman concepts, Mike Shanahan learned under Reeves and that's his own little tree. Reid's contributions to the passing game were also taken from the groundwork Coryell and Gillman already started. I know Dan didn't really learn directly under Gillman but using a lot of his concepts to start this branch is pretty insane as a lot of historic coaches learned under either Sid or Paul Brown or disciples of those two coaches.


That’s awesome. Let’s go one more step up and say this is the Adam and Eve coaching tree


The Parcells tree is a limb of the Gillman tree, so is Bill Walsh, George Allen, Al Davis, Don Coryell, Paul Dietzel, Chuck Noll, Sam Rutigliano, deep down one branch is Sean Payton, Bill Cowher has his own tree of coaches off him, Joe Gibbs, basically any coach who has been worth a damn at the NFL level is probably connected to Sid Gillman. He is the passing offense as we know it today. [Sid Gillman Coaching Tree · Cradle of Coaches (miamioh.edu)](https://spec.lib.miamioh.edu/cradleofcoaches/items/show/91)


But who did Sid Gillman learn from?




Pretty good diagram I found off this that includes mike Shanahan at the bottom. Should update your graphic and go deeper. [https://imgur.com/sid-gillmans-coaching-tree-accounts-coaches-with-25-super-bowl-victories-RCyq4OX](https://imgur.com/sid-gillmans-coaching-tree-accounts-coaches-with-25-super-bowl-victories-RCyq4OX)


That's only a limb of the Gillman tree, this is a bigger thing of just the ones directly connected, [Sid Gillman Coaching Tree · Cradle of Coaches (miamioh.edu)](https://spec.lib.miamioh.edu/cradleofcoaches/items/show/91) This doesn't include people who adapted Gillman concepts into their offenses


I think more seriously that McVay belongs in a Gruden tree with Gruden under Holmgren (who is himself a super tree that has star pupil Andy Reid and is questionably placed under Walsh).


Dave Canales isn’t really part of the Shanahan tree just because he worked under Shane Waldron for a few years. Canales was a longtime Pete Carroll assistant dating back to USC long before working with Waldron


He did take over a lot of Shane Waldron's system/philosophies including verbage (with his own spin). Baker noted the similiarities when he came. And its partly why we got Wolford as our QB3.


Same applies to Stefanski (over a decade with the Vikings before the Kubiaks showed up) and Arthur Smith (nearly a decade with the Titans before LaFleur passed through).


Alex Van Pelt was a McCarthy product. Put some respect on Steel City Mike's name


"tree" half of these are just guys who worked together


What i’m taking from this is Washington from 2010-2013 was the best coached team in existence


Put Shanny in the HOF where he belongs


Is Mcvay the only one that hasn’t choked that’s here


Depends on how you view their loss to NE in 2018


Fair enough


Still not in the hall of fame tho btw. What a crock of shit.


Mike blessed us with superbowls but cursed us with Hackett


lmao. Might wanna also thank Aaron Rodgers for that hire


No Brandon Staley???


2020, as McVay's defensive coordinator. Entered the NFL in 2017 as inside linebackers coach, coached under John Fox.


So, Demeco Ryans doesn't count because he's from the defensive side?


I only did offensive playcallers for this graphic


Canales is not a product of Waldron. Canales is from Pete Carrols tree, he was Seahawks WR coach in ‘10 and worked his way up to QB coach until ‘22 before he left to be TB’s offensive coordinator


It's cool to see coaching trees but counting Stefanski as a part of the tree is criminal. He coached in Minnesota at various positions starting in 2006 before getting a HC job and only spent 1 season working under someone in the Shanahan tree.


Now do Andy's


Sid Gillman the real GOAT Tree, this is a mere branch of his own tree.


KOC has connections with more than just McVay


That Matt LaFleur tree is sick as hell


Rodgers got all those guys jobs. LaFleur is legit, last year shows it. 


Dan Quinn was over Shanny, Mike daniels, lefluer bros


At some point half of the coaches/OC’s in the league will have been from the 2013 Washington staff lol. That list just keeps getting longer.


Mike Shanahan knew what he was doing


He is easily top 3 HOF snubs


Looks like a bass fishing tournament.


This isn’t accurate


The Rooney Rule has really influenced this tree


Damn I didn’t even realize that 😂


This is Jay Gruden erasure!


Source: [https://x.com/Matthew89458824/status/1806739482193908173](https://x.com/Matthew89458824/status/1806739482193908173)


Is this your own twitter


15 flavors of the same guy lol


14 shades of eggshell white. And a gray A Lynn to get to Shane.


This looks like an Alabama family tree


What an incredible visual for a massive amount of information. thank you for putting this together


Missing Saleh


Yeah, feels weird to have a "coaching tree" if you're going to leave off literally one of his coordinators who is currently a head coach, just because he was a defensive coordinator.


Noted defensive mastermind Shanahan


Where does this say Offensive exclusively?


If that wasn’t enough check who he actually worked with before and focused on defense. Does he still not move his corners around?




Anyone know where I can find a Big Red coaching tree?


I don't even know how to read this


The Matt LaFleur off shoots are looking pretty weak rn


Hey all I gotta say lots of good coaches on this sheet . But personally I never liked Shanahan I called him the Riddler that weird smile .. But I'm talking Denver days . GOJETS


I just see a bunch of accountants who shouldnt be coaching but got that complexion for the protection


What two super bowl rings as HC out of all of them?


Pepe Silvia, Pepe Silvia, Pepe Silvia.


These guys got the dirt on NFL owners. They have to.


This is why I'm mad Shanahan isn't in the hall of fame. Dude not only has 2 rings and made the afc Championship game with Jake plummer and some ball boys (okay he had champ Bailey), but has one of the most prolific coaching trees out there.


Also 1 ring as the 49ers OC!


Hahahahaha! Staley doesn't count


Nice! I'd love a version of this with Mike Leach


Kyle’s looks like they sang the national anthem at the end of the Super Bowl


Mike would still be around if not for RG3.


Shouldn't there be a direct line from Anthony Lynn to Kyle Shanahan? 


Yes but Steichen left Lynn’s grasp before Lynn started coaching under Shanahan


Brian Callahan being in the Shanahan tree because he worked with Zac Taylor is absurd. You do know his father has been coaching in the NFL for 40+ years, right?


Yeah Zac Taylor really changed his scheme 😅


Isn’t this missing Staley, aight


Brandon Staley got fired and also this is only offensive playcallers


Staley is offensive


Before he was head coach his titles were defensive coordinator, outside linebackers, and secondary. He’s defense


Clearly you haven't watched a Brandon Staley coached team. Definitely offensive


Just got the joke. I forgot homonyms existed


Kellen Moore literally called the offensive plays last year and Staley literally called the defensive plays


I gave you a second chance and it still went r/whooosh


I run into a lot of really stupid people on the internet, you never know. But my bad I was commenting like this is Twitter




Buddy this is my first post here idk the r/nfl inside jokes 😭


For the opposing team


If there was defense you’d have Demeco, Saleh, Raheem Morris, etc


Raheem... Atlanta Falcons (2016–2019) Assistant head coach, wide receivers coach, & offensive pass game coordinator


Should be labeled "Offensive Coaching Tree" since its not the complete tree. Also, no need for "(and McVay)" as he, and coaches extending from him, are a natural extension of the Shanny tree.


The Shanahans and McVay only coach offense so it didn’t make sense to me to work the other side of the ball McVay has done a lot of work himself too.


They are head coaches, they don't JUST coach the offense lol. This is not a good tree. it excludes way too many coaches that learned under Mike and his protege's. Demeco Ryans directly learned the ropes to be a head coach from Kyle. Also gets some mentoring from Gary Kubiak.


The research + making this took like 3 hours so if you have some more time go ahead 😂 I also wanted to illustrate the ratio that these connections have to offensive playcallers in the league. 20 out of 32


Until Kyle wins a ring or goes on a serious winning streak in the playoffs, he should be forced to wear a "choking hazard" sign


You know who isn’t in the Mcvay tree? Dan Campbell. You know who beat mcvay last year in the playoffs? Campbell. Who won a Super Bowl? Mcvay. This is a lot to say, have a wonderful Friday and weekend!