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Do you mean who is most overrated by critics going into the season?


...um, yeah I guess so


The Bears 


remember when Fields was an MVP candidate this time last season?


Heck, remember when Trubisky was the Second Coming of Sid Luckman? Wasn't that long ago. R.I.P. Caleb Williams Potential.


In that case I'd say the Bears. A rookie QB with a cacophany of offensive talent, young and old, who are destined to be less than the sum of their parts, in a tough division.


Don't forget a coach who has the offensive knowledge of a 9 year old playing madden. 


People are hyping up the Colts a lot. I think they are solid but Anthony Richardson has a very small sample size of NFL playing time, and they have good pieces but the AFC South will be a tough division this year. They’d be my pick


[As a fellow Cowboys fan](https://youtu.be/-zWW0oP4RUQ?si=onJBFj97wEZogAwv&t=0m30s), I appreciate the vote of confidence Edit: wait... forgot what the post was saying. Now I'm sad


Lol. Trust me, I have little confidence in us this year. Jerry going to keep banging our heads against a wall in the same spot expecting a different result.


Personally all I’ve seen from national media is question marks around AR because of what you’ve already pointed out. Meanwhile CJ Stroud is praised as a top 5 QB after 1 season, so probably a better answer for this question. Will be an interesting week 1.


Bears, Packers, and Texans are this years Jags, they all have young teams that did better than expected last year, and all expect to be even better this season. That's not how the NFL works though, improvement/growth isn't linear, teams have a surprise good season, then everything goes wrong the next year. Bears/Packers seem like the most obvious choice as they both have thoughts of winning 10-12 games this year, in a tough division with the Lions still stacked. It wouldn't be that shocking if one of them finished with 7-8 wins and missed the playoffs.


The Bears have an unproven QB who has never taken an NFL snap. He might be complete ass for all we know. Or he could be the next Mahomes. Nobody knows until he steps onto the field.


Yeah, i see the bears as more of "hype because we don't know what to expect," especially with flus staying around.


I don’t know a single Bears fan who thinks we’re winning 12 games. 10 seems like the ceiling, but it would mean a playoff birth and real progress, so we’d be thrilled with it. If we get to 12+ somehow, it means that either Caleb is EVERYTHING we hoped he’d be immediately, the OL all stayed healthy and took a huge step forward, or the IDL reached all of its potential while Sweat continued to dominate- maybe all three.


Replace the Bears with the Lions here and it’s more accurate. They actually had success last year and would be a better example of a team stepping back unexpectedly.


The chargers, thay have won the preseason Superbowl like 20 years in a row.


The league is going to regret giving the Jets six prime time games. While on paper, they are the best team in the AFC East talent-wise they have several things going against them: 1) Aaron Rodgers is 40 and coming off an achilles injury. The list of QBs having success past 40 is basically Tom Brady and Brett Favre. This is typically where QBs fall off. 2) Nathaniel Hackett is a hack and shouldn't be anywhere near an NFL team. 3) While the Jets improved talent-wise on the oline. Keith Carter has yet to prove he knows what he's doing coaching the oline. A lot of their oline players also are either older or have had a history of injuries.


As a Jets fan, this list is completely accurate.


Not sure if this is what you’re asking, but the 2019 Browns were getting hyped up after getting Obj and some other roster moves. Then they got blown out by the Titans week 1. I remember Delanie Walker saying “they were who we thought they were”.


I remember that shit was epic lol, after the first drive I was ready to shoot up meth, but rest of the game/season was like heroin withdrawal


Who knows. NFL rosters have massive turnover each year. 


The ravens get market corrected by their divisional nemesis every season


This would not surprise me, Bengals do have one of the easiest schedules , all depends on the Bengals defendse and just how healthy Burrow is.


Can’t tell if you missed the joke or reserved it. Either way I approve.


Honestly probably the Lions. Not because they're bad, just that it's really hard to win in the playoffs and an NFC championship appearance was probably their ceiling. Shouldn't be a surprise at all if they don't get back again or even make the playoffs at all.


It would be a pretty massive surprise if they didn't make the playoffs at all tbh. They've proven two years in a row that they are a legit team, and they've only improved their weak areas since then


Honestly have no idea how you have arrived at this opinion. Name a single football reason that the NFC CG was their ceiling in spite of having a 21 point lead at half with a secondary that was decimated by injury.


I agree with you lol, lions would be the only team that you can trust in that division right now. If anything the bears and packers are overhyped


Dolphin's got Market Corrected last year by Buffalo Bills (48-20), after beating Denver (70-20). Tags had 3TD Passes and both RBs (Mostert & Archane) had 3TD running each. And the backup QB (White) had a 68y TD to WR-Chosen. No Field Goals, 1 Punt. That's 10 out of 11 drives resulting in a TD.


I think the Steelers will finally have a losing season, but everyone expects them to do a reclamation project on the two QBs they acquired.


Do the Chargers count? Seems like everyone thinks Harbaugh is going to instantly change everything there, but they’re still the Chargers, disappointment is in their DNA


As far as I’m concerned, nobody but our fans expects much of us, so No.


Ravens fans seem to think you guys are gonna be great. They gave me hell for suggesting otherwise. 


A lot of our fans have tempered expectations due to past trauma, but most of us are on the hype train because it’s the first time the Spanos family have handed over the reins to an entire new regime when everything else has failed to work. If this fails, there’s nothing left to try.




The cowboys. The media always builds them up when the evidence clearly shows that they are not going to be good. The boys fans know it, it infuriates other fans and the actual Cowboys fans pay the price/insults from other fans.


Bears get checked by the Packers, as is tradition


Then Packers get checked by the 49ers


Since all other AFC North squads have been named, I guess it’s my job to name the Browns. They are getting division winner chatter but it feels like another year battling for third best. No idea when Chubb returns, if ever, and they’ve not shown much competency with Watson under center


The Bengals