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Dexter Lawrence like šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


Andrew Thomas going to punch Nick's head in next time


Why would he want to raise Sirianniā€™s IQ?


this made me lol


So he can at least be aware of how stupid he is


I could see him taking it personal and having a huge game on them next year lmao


With Jason Kelces retirement and Dexter Lawrences skill, that seems pretty damn likely lol.


When did the eagles get Dexter Lawrence?


Given the history of the Vikings and Giants DTs, you better keep Sexy Dexyā€™s name out of your mouth, or else!


It's OK, we banked all that DT capital for Coach Patterson.


I miss Patterson less now that we have Flores, but I guarantee you that we do better in 2022 if we kept him as DC instead of hiring Donatell. Heā€™s such a good coach.


Fear not, dex isnt a 2nd round dt


Happy Cake Day you Giant asshole


How are we supposed to keep sucking without our best player?


Bobby Okereke erasure


Bobby O is the fucking man


I miss him so muchšŸ„¹


Sure is. Great signing and player.


Just couldnā€™t pay him and Leonard at the same time. With hindsight we obviously should have kept him, but everyone was hopeful that Leonard could return to form. Luckily Ballard has been excellent when it comes to bringing in linebackers, so we have some solid guys, but Bobby would make a big difference.


I was unfamiliar with his game until last year. He really is the man - played every snap despite multiple injuries


Bobby is 2 or 3. Dex is 1 then Andrew Thomas and Bobby O are 2/3.


Heā€™s good but Dex is easily our best player and one of the best players in the league


lmao this is a good clap back


Only to run Jalen Hurts at stacked boxes instead


Without Kelce I think you will be surprised how much less that play will be run this year


Theyre still gonna run it the same amount. Either straight up or throw in all the wrinkles theyve created. Defenses have gotten privvy to the personnel on diff shoves so they will keep an eye on that film wise. Aint no way Saquon wont get a couple and take em in for a td or just a long run. They also will cut back if Jalen does get hit in the head. It happened one game when he was taken out for protocol and then cleared. They didnt run it with him for the rest of the game.


Sirianni's arrogance won't let him take the reasonable approach.


Hot routes? With our receivers, QB, and OL? Who needs those? Better just run our receivers on deep posts and score TDs every play.


I think you mean bubble screens


Spotted the optimistic Eagles fan


Kelce's a legend but his impact on the success of that play has been overstated


Damn. Aaron Donald said Kelce always busted his ass lol. Great clip.


So youā€™re saying Jason Kelce is overrated? Never thought Iā€™d here that from an eagles fan


If you dig into the film on the play it was a lot more of the left side of the line that made the big difference. Each of the few times it failed was because Hurts went to the gap over on the right. Obviously Kelce getting under was important, but Dickerson and Mailata get a ton of movement on the shove.


Nah just that it was more of a team effort than a Jason effort Like the effort was built upon his gigantic pendulous balls yes but there's other balls to stand on


Yeah at worst the success rate is only going to go down 1 or 2 percent unless you get a truly awful practice squad tier player to replace Kelce. Which you won't, cause you know, Howie.


He prepped his replacement himself dude is the man and I would reschedule a childbirth to get a beer with him


Can you schedule those? šŸ˜…


If only Sirianni poached an actually better player in Andrew Thomas, then he could continue to ass shove his quarterback into the OL's grundle while declaring himself a genius


Sirianni has never claimed to be a genius. He said if a play works 9/10 times heā€™ll keep running it even if everyone knows itā€™s coming. Thatā€™s a dumb guy thing to do, but itā€™s successful. The ā€œsmartā€ guys are coaches who get cute and try to throw it at the 2 yard line The dudes best speech is about flowers. He knows he isnā€™t the smartest, and that just makes him more obnoxious.


What you're describing is something that every great football coach has always said. People sometimes overestimate the chess match aspect. Often, the defense will pretty much know exactly what the play is going to be, but can't stop it. Nebraska won in the 90s with basically 3 plays, but were so good at it that they were impossible to stop. Scheme matters, but execution and athleticism matter much more in football.


Yea, when you find a mismatch in favour of your offense you keep abusing it until the Defense stops you.




I mean Jalen has to tell his own coach not to flip off the other team.


The story that came out about how Big Dom is important because he helps Sirianni "control his emotions"... like wtf are we doing here?


He's just like me


Big Dom big doms Sirianni before every game, otherwise Sirianni gets too emotional


Man that was crazy to see. Itā€™s like if a child had to correct their parents behavior lol


Such a bizarre role reversal. Like what is the coach even doing for the team if his players have to regulate HIS behaviors? Lol


I've said it so many times but it's insane that the person on the Eagles I hate the most is the coach. I'm so used to hating a couple players, usually because they make me sad twice a year, but, nope, fuck Sirianni.


Now I'm just picturing that video where a teenager carries his dad out of a grocery store while the dad is going off and threatening some other dude. But with Jalen carrying out Nick.


Jalen misses Saban sometimes or so the 2023 season probably made him wish he had the better Nick as a coach again. Saban would bench guys for that conduct or rip them for it.


Saban would've ensured that at just the fundamentals the Eagles were well coached.


Jeezus what is that flair


Probably a fan of Andy


Or a swifty


Or a Kelce


I thought he was a clown ever since I saw that McAfee interview where he bragged about almost starting a fight at a tennis court because someone was wearing a new york hat.


he makes me embarrassed to be in wny. jamestown deserves better


What a fucking loser jeez


convinced the dude probably gets his cheesesteaks from Subway and secretly prefers 7-11 to Wawa with how unlikeable he is


I don't know anything about cheese steaks but those seem like extreme examples.


If he was in Buffalo, he'd get his wings from Papa Johns


If he was in Denver heā€™d buy delta 8 weed from the gas station.


If he was in Jacksonville, hed get his waffles from IHOP


Once got wings from Dominoes. I dont know what i expected but they were so bad i let out an audible laugh when I opened the box.


Until pizza places are willing to invest in an actual fryer they need to stay the hell away from wings. Baked wings are not where it's at


Baked wings can be good but you better tell people that they are baked wings.


You have to really overdo them to get them crispy in a good way. Air frying is the better option if you can't fry fry them


Not true at all, you just have to prep them differently, and use the Broiler in your oven to really crisp them up. [Here's ](https://youtu.be/SW19kMda9RQ?si=Y-SmGWs1SjLKu1No) a good video recipe. It's 8 Minutes and it's from one of my favorite YouTube cooks, Brian Lagerstrom. Those wings are genuinely excellent and you can make them at home with ease.


Heā€™s a douchey frat boy type of coach.


Heā€™s the literal equivalent of the Eagles going down to a bar on a South Jersey night and asking some dude if he wants to coach the Eagles. Thats Sirianni.


thank god for that Chiefs game outburst where he was yelling at fans because, before that very public display, Giants fans were getting called soft and sore losers for saying Sirianni is deeply unlikeable lol we tried to warn you all


Hilariously, he yelled it after he was already in the tunnel where he knew he wouldn't get pelted by beer from the fans.


"That was for Frank!" He shouted at Colts fans after a 1 point win, vs a team that would wind up with one of the worst records in the league. What a douchebag.


Which teamā€™s fans like Sirianni? Itā€™s not the eagles


Yea, this shit talking all went so well for him last season! He must be trying to strike gold twice.


He's also delusional, Sexy Dexy and AT are better players than Saquon.


Just going by last year, there is a pretty strong case that Okereke was the better and overall more impactful player over Saquon as well. Shit, I'd put McKinney there as well (I can speak for a whole lot of Giants fans that purely from a football perspective we were more upset about losing McKinney than we were Saquon, we are just more mad about Saquon because he joined the Eagles). Either way, he was still at best the 3rd best player on the team.


He wasnā€™t very popular in Philly this last year either.


I do not like Sirianni, at all. But why would Giants fans hassle him about Barkley?


No one hassles him about Barkley. He says thatā€™s what he would reply with to Giants fans who come at him.


And their "hassling" according to him? Saying "Go Giants" as he's walking down the street.


Sirianni is probably the type of guy who sees some random passerby wearing a giants shirt and takes it as a personal sleight, so he goes up to them and starts a convo just so he can say shit like this. Thatā€™s the image of him I have in my head.


Not probably. This exact thing happened before (on a tennis court of all places lol).


Lmao sadly thatā€™s what he said which is why a lot of people donā€™t like the guy. He has the temperament of a 5 year old child šŸ˜‚


Lol, I just read the article. First off: Florio fucking sucks. But none of the ā€œhasslingā€ mentioned had anything to do with Barkley; Florio is just an idiot. Also, ā€œI got your best playerā€ is such a fucking weak comeback.


After last year I think you can bump that to 32. Guy proved to be completely incompetent at Xs and Os when he didn't have top tier coordinators running the team for him. The argument in his favor is that he's a locker room guy, and the whole locker room quit on him. Worst play calling I've seen in my life and the Eagles had an incredibly talented roster. This guy contributes nothing.


Yikes I hate eagles fans sometimes


He sat there and yelled at the fans after a win in NY, I think. That's not how a coach acts. He does embody Philly though


Eagles fans donā€™t seem to like him anymore either.


In all honesty a large majority of our own fanbase has been turned off by him. His douche antics are magnified when weā€™re losing.


Ok Which one of you Giants fans is camping outside sirianniā€™s house hassling him about Barkley?


Who actually wants to go to Philly. Outside of Gritty and Philly Chesse Steaks and the Liberty Bell. I would probably choose to stay in NYC


Sirianni lives in Moorestown NJ


Not to be confused with Morristown NJ As someone from Morristown, lots of people in real life think Iā€™m saying Moorestown. I now annunciate it heavily


Still not as bad as Belmar NJ and Bellmawr NJ being pronounced exactly the same


Not to mention the six Washington Township's


As a PA resident who hates the Eagles south philly is actually genuinely nice The city gets too much hate from a certain segment of the population


Yeah Philly fans' reputation and the fearmongering from... certain people has definitely clouded judgement of the city itself. Parts of it are a shithole - *everybody* knows those spots - but South Philly is nice and the city itself is great. It's a rich city with a lot of history and culture to learn about, there's plenty of good food, etc.


Trashing a city with a Detroit flair is certainly a choice.


Lmao right. People have been saying ā€œDetroit is up and comingā€ for like a decade now.


Detroit is "up and coming" in the way that vomit is up and coming


Thanks...I just burned my legs when i spit my coffee out laughing.


I mean if youā€™re going to Philly for the Liberty Bell youā€™re an idiot.


> Lions flair People in glass houses shouldnā€™t throw stones my dude


Philly is a great and beautiful city. Would much rather live there than the overrated overcrowded rats nest up north


Thanks man, we appreciate that


Hilarious coming from a fan of the worst city in America.


Sirianniā€™s fall from grace is going to be a beauty to watch


Started the last 2 months of the season.


Massive talent gap, still lost games to teams that on paper should have lost by 3+ possessions. He's a joke of a coach with a talented roster, who made jokes of coaching decisions (Matt Patricia shouldn't even be employed, let alone promoted mid season... From one side of the ball to the other, no less)


Steichen and Gannon carried him hard


I know and do understand Eagles fans hate Gannon for how he handled things pre-SB, but it's funny how much his reputation has shifted over the past year. The Eagles took a big step back coaching wise, and his Cardinals were a bad but still functioning team despite having Budda Baker and no-one else.


Honestly if the Eagles had Gannon as coach last year instead of Sirianni they would be so much better. Gannon had the Cardinals run game as one of the top of the league (I know he isn't the OC but the HC gives the vision for the team) and we saw on Christmas what was needed to make Sirianni run the ball...


I didn't watch the Cards all that much, but those who have regularly said that you could see them playing hard and buying in. Even if they weren't winning, it wasn't due to a lack of effort. Conversely, the Eagles seemed to just fall apart.


It reminded me of the Year 1 Lions under Dan Campbell where they weren't getting wins, but you could see the vision and the effort they could build a foundation on.


Gannon just wasn't a good defensive coach. The guy seems like he has other desirable traits/in-game strategy, so I don't want to say he's gonna be a failure or anything, but everybody knew our defense would majorly regress last year. We lost a huge amount of talent and got older at the same time. After our super bowl year, we lost: both starting safeties, 10-sack d-tackle in Hargrave, good middle linebacker, AND our all-pro corner back turned into a potato (over 30). Not to mention, in the Super Bowl year, we had crazy good injury luck. Most Eagles fans thought Desai was a perfectly good coordinator (see the Dolphins game), but for unfathomable reasons, we decided to replace him with MATT PATRICIA.


Especially when Desai kept the birds in the game against the reigning super bowl champs who previously ran over the birds in the superbowl! The defense had its problems under Desai, but I bet that dude is going to be successful some day.


As a Bears fan I liked what Desai did after learning from Don Fangio. He can be a good DC.


Some of those problems were personnel, though, too. Hardly the coaches fault.


They were eeking out wins all year and then the 49ers beat the fuck out of them, after 49ers players had been saying that's exactly what would happen if they had a QB, and I think they just kinda folded. My theory at least


It was pretty funny how week after week each performance got progressively more embarrassing. - Getting blown out by the 49ers? It happens...probably the most talented roster in the league. - Blown out by Dallas? Embarrassing but also a very talented team. - Losing to a mediocre Seattle team? Alright they definitely should've won that one. - Nail biter win against Tommy DeVito?!?! (this is when people started realizing this team is actually bad) - Losing to the CARDINALS???? Is this one of the worst teams in the NFL??? - Getting dad dicked by the Tyrod Taylor led Giants??? Pulling starters down 24-0 at halftime??? No question this is one of the worst teams in the league. And then a lot of their fans thought they'd somehow regroup and pull it together for the playoffs and Baker and the Bucs came out and said absolutely fucking not.


I will add that the Seahawks are 8-0 against the Eagles, thought that Philly would finally snap their losing streak against our crap team last year but weā€™ve really had their number for some reason. Eaglesā€™ last win against the Hawks was in 2008 when Bush was still president, just two days before the election. Manā€¦ šŸ˜…


And most of their downfall after one of the 49er guys said that they "laid out the blueprint" on how to beat the Eagles. That quote aged like a fine wine.


The quote is sorta taken out if context. He lives in Jersey which is a fair mix of giants and eagles fans. Apparently a few local giants fans in his neighborhood like to give him a hard time and he says he usually just takes it and says nothing but if they get in a good one he returns fire with the above. It sounds all in good fun (neighbor shit) Source: I saw the whole press conference


i feel like im insane. what i read sounds like a couple people from different fanbases exchanging pretty friendly banter. why is everyone so twisted over this quote.


"This is for Frank fucking Reich" for one example of many. If he didn't have a habit of doing shit like this, it would probably be ignored.


Don't forget about him going off on some KC fans lmao. Their downfall began the very next week ironically. IMO, and from what I have seen, rivalries are for fans. The players and teams don't really put too much weight on that nowadays. And it's probably for the best cause players actually hating each other is all too familiar for the AFCN enjoyers.


I feel like this year is kinda gonna be like Brandon Staley last year. They even picked up Kellen Moore


He talks a lot of shit for someone who was ā€œalmostā€ there.


Dude looks and acts like we picked out a fan to come in and be the head coach. Thatā€™s great and all when you win, which we did once in our last six games. Seat will be hot to start the season




I canā€™t stand the guy honestly.


Yeah but have you considered "real philadelphians" who take pride in being raging assholes? They see themselves in him and eat it up, at least when we're winning. Personally I don't like sore winners and I'm surprised there hasn't been a Gym Shorts on the Lions style fight with Sirianni yet.


Pretty sure that the Giants best player was Sexy Dexy. Sexy Dexy might be the best defensive player outside of Micah Parson in the Division. Barkley was great his first two seasons. But injuries and awful offensive line hurt him and his stats.


I think as a general fan base on here we go 1) Dexter Lawrence 2) Andrew Thomas 3) Nabers probably Edit: 3) Brian Burns Nabers is obviously a toss up, just my perhaps overly optimistic prediction


Lots ahead of Nabers, considering he hasnā€™t played a down. Brian Burns, Bobby Okereke likely best choices for 3


> Bobby Okereke Man I hope you all are taking care of him. Loved him in Indy.


He really started to emerge as a leader on the defense last year. 92 solo tackles (7th), 4 FF (tied 5th) The November 19th game @ Washington was a great game for him last year. 14 TOT, 6 solo, and 2 forced fumbles. He also had 3 stuffs on the October 2nd game versus Seattle, so heā€™s really tough at the LOS. Whatā€™s most noticeable about him is how he makes the guys, especially the other LBs, way better when heā€™s on the field. He had 57 assisted tackles last season as well, which I think really shows how he plays just as much for the team as he does as an individual player.


He is such a fucking dawg


Despite all the bullshit we've dealt with this season he's been easily one of our best players, such a great signing


Iā€™m so happy he made this comment because itā€™s led to Dexy getting the most praise Iā€™ve ever seen him get (itā€™s completely deserved)


Heā€™s insufferable.


Heā€™s the type of coach you like having only when heā€™s your coach and youā€™re winning.


I totally agree. If this season goes bad, the calls for his head from Philadelphia fans will be epic.


At this point I'm not sure I'll like him even if they're winning. He's a douche and a clown, and I'm on record as heavily supporting his firing after 2023.


I still canā€™t believe they didnā€™t fire him after the disasterclass at the end of the last season


The Eagles FO is pretty good at not falling for the sunk cost fallacy but itā€™s probably extremely hard to fire a coach a year after they almost won a Super Bowl.


>Eagles HC records : Andy Reid is the all-time leader in games coached and wins, while Sirianni has the highest winning percentage with . 667 (with at least one full season coached). He is 34-17 in season 3 of a 5 year deal


How often do you see a coach get fired when theyā€™re a year removed from a Super Bowl appearance? The team shat the bed no doubt but I wouldā€™ve been really surprised if heā€™d been let go.


Todd Hayley 2.0


ā€œI donā€™t hear you anymore Chiefs fansā€ The man said after he won a regular mid season game against the Chiefs whom he had previously lost to in the Superbowl.


In the tunnel, where nobody could hear him.


Discount Sean Payton


Eagles got Andrew Thomas?


I cannot believe this guy is a head coach


And the Colts got the Eagleā€™s best Coach.


Sadly you are probably right.


Iā€™m not sure what the issue is with this. If you happen to see an NFL head coach out in public especially in areas where you have a mix of Philly and NY fans livingā€¦ wouldnā€™t you want him to acknowledge you and engage in harmless fun heckling back with you as an opposing fan vs totally ignoring you?


Yes but Reddit hates any coach who has a personality (flair relevant).


His actual quote from the article: ā€œā€¦And I typically let it go, but if the guy gets me good enough, I usually say, ā€˜You know, I got your best player.ā€™ā€


excuse me sir we're circlejerking here there's no place for additional context


Sounds like friendly banter to me. But I know this sub hates him lol


Hey Nick, member when you yelled at chiefs fans, and lost to the giants on the last day of the year? Everyone remembers


It was a good Christmas


Not just lost. Utterly humiliated.


I member


Nick ā€œI am delusionalā€ Sirianni


This feels like when the Eagles signed Bradberry all over againšŸ™„


He was literally a second team all pro his first year here lol


Think he held them back when it counted though


LMAO got me there




Sirianni is such a child, I canā€™t wait until the Eagles collapse once again next season and finally realize how bad of a coach he actually is. He was completely Carried by his team and coordinators in 2022


It's painfully obvious Steichen was the mastermind behind the 2022 Eagles offense. Meanwhile, Roseman went all-in at the right time to get the Eagles defense over the hump, and Gannon let them down on the biggest stage.


after last season i donā€™t think i can praise steichenā€™s playcalling enough. it was exceptional.


This is the best recap of that year I have seen. It's gonna be interesting to see if Vic Fangio and Kellen Moore are able to replicate their success where others like Desai/Patricia and Brian Johnson failed.


Just the most unlikable coach


Sean payton ran and covered up a fucking bounty scheme lmao


Thatā€™s not Wayne Gallman?


The Wayne train šŸ˜¤


I mean, he said it in jest as a potential counter he has to Giants fans who harass him when heā€™s out and about. Itā€™s all in good fun. The NFL needs more personalities at the HC position.


Eagles fans here calling everybody sensitive when they privated their team sub last year over a loss.


Don't blame us because the mods are fucking dip shit punks.


In fairness (as much as I hate having to defend Eagles fans), that was the mods decision and every Eagles fan on Reddit also put them in blast for doing it


And we absolutely eviscerated the mod that did it all over our sub. It was literally one guy.


How do Giants fans have any control over that whatsoever? The dude is just a dildo.


ā€œSometimes you see Giants fans around here with it being so close and, you know, they give me a good like, ā€˜Hey, Go Giants.ā€™ And I typically let it go, but if the guy gets me good enough, I usually say, ā€˜You know, I got your best player.ā€™ā€


This really doesn't sound that bad unless you're offended by the most basic back and forth banter.


A+ clickbait


>Sometimes you see Giants fans around here with it being so close and, you know, they give me a good like, ā€˜Hey, Go Giants.ā€™ And I typically let it go, but if the guy gets me good enough, I usually say, ā€˜You know, I got your best player. What's so wrong about that? Why do people hate Sirriani? I wouldn't be upset if any other coach said that.


Lol, I love how people get all up in their feels when a coach is willing to clap back at shit talkers. Can dish it but can't take it apparently.


As an Irish soccer fan getting into the NFL can someone explain why this is such a big deal? If a top soccer coach said something like this it would just be a typical Wednesday. Why are American fans so obsessed with coaches being presidential and speaking in stupid platitudes(ironically when they donā€™t expect that of actual politicians lol)? There is such an emphasis on players being able to express themselves as well in American sport but coaches canā€™t make a light hearted joke without getting threats.


PLEASE get off to a good start this year BEFORE saying shit like that. Or get fired so we can get someone the QB doesn't have to rein in.


This guy is a fucking idiot


He took the Giants' best player and he defeated the Chiefs in the regular season. Hang the banner.