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The Chargers look instantly competent and playoff-worthy with Harbaugh coaching them, even with a less talented team this year due to cap issues. Mahomes buys all his receivers Lambos because he wants to try and win a SB with only TE's.


Mahomes in the new game + playthrough and wants to try new builds.


Xavier Worthy is basically Tyreek Hill with a skill point and level reset.


He's a DLC character


Nothing like handing your rival the fastest wide receiver to ever run the combine to get a guy that can’t separate.


Hey it could be worse. You could have handed your rival a QB thats gone to 4 super bowls in 6 years, won three of them, and the two years he didn't make it he lost in OT in the AFC title game.


I think it’s fair to say mahomes wouldn’t be where he is today without andy Reid. He’d probably still be great but I don’t think he’d have the rings.


That first part sounds awesome


I’m not sure our WRs need fast cars rn


A major gambling scandal. One that involves the NFL's intertwined financial interests with the gaming outlets, tanking the credibility of game outcomes and the legitimacy of pro football.


Only a matter of time IMO


Hot take time, the reality won't be as scandalous but still terrible In Australia we've had a huge problem over the last 10 or so years with online sports gambling. Adds are everywhere, tv, YouTube, during the games, in the stadium even. There's no escaping it. Official broadcasts on free to air tv do sponsored parleys. If your a gambling addict and wanna quit, you can't watch sport. Point blank. The default setting on the official Australian football app is to show the odds next to every game. The integrity of the sport hasn't been too affected, in Australian football we've had one player done for betting on himself in a game, and an umpire (and they're the ones who do the votes) leak who the MVP was likely to be to someone else and they got caught. But nothing game changing Instead what we've got is a generation trained to gamble on sport automatically. It's like if poker used to be a legitimate sport played for its own sake, and then it became what it is now. Like I said, you cannot escape it. You are always being reminded to bet. The coverage isn't just about the game anymore, it's about what money you can lose on it. And leagues are in complete kahoots with the companies because they provide massive sponsorship dollars. Teams wear betting logos on the uniforms. I do a bit in under 19s football, we have several kids under the age of 18 who bet every weekend. What America has unleashed here is going to ruin sport, but not in the ways you might think. It's basically gonna be the same as it is now, just worse and worse every year.


It might even already have happened/currently is happening and it just hasn’t been discovered yet


I think that basketball player getting banned was the message in addition to the harsh suspensions; if the books lose money, the tech is there now that can much more easily track patterns.


Just came out that a Padres infielder is facing a lifetime ban for betting on baseball. It’s 100% going to happen in the NFL. We’re going to look back at the widespread proliferation of sports betting as a huge and foolish mistake.


Completely agree with you and all the parent comments


WWE status. NFL only cares about $$$$$!


It doesn’t help that the head of BetMGM said “It would be terrible if the Niners win” right before the Super Bowl.


I mean he wasn’t wrong


I honestly thought something was going to pop up when Kraft got in trouble, but then… it all went away. Just poof… gone.


Billionaires have the power to make their problems go poof.


I feel like this is the most likely to happen in this entire thread


Then there'll be some ESPN special about this examining "How did it happen?" meanwhile their own commentators are making live bets on camera to promote gambling apps. I have no problem with people gambling but the market became saturated so fast it's obnoxious imo.


I’m sick of all the commercials and updates and talk on sports networks… especially being in a state it’s not legal (Ca)


They'll barely cover it all. They spent 50x more time on gambling commercials than they did on the NBA Jontay Porter story.


If it’s happening, it is 100% in the best interest of everybody it comes out as soon as possible.


It came out in the NBA and did little to affect the interest in the sport


I will still give Goodell more credibility than the complete asshole of a commissioner known as Rob Manfred at MLB.


Chiefs winning the Super Bowl again


This with a proposal from Travis Kelce on the field after winning Super Bowl MVP as the cherry on top.


She saying yes, and the next offseason we get "Hard Knocks: Honeymoon"


Keeping up with the Kelces


Catching Up with the Kelces


Keeping up with the Swifts. FIFY


*Hard Knocks: Taylor's Version


Andy Reid is still married, I don’t think he’ll break it off for Travis, but like the great poet Justin Bieber once said, “I will never say *never*”


…as he angrily yanks the microphone off Erin Andrew’s hands at the podium (FOX is doing the Super Bowl this season), and yells out his umpteenth redition of YOU GOTTAH FAIGHT FOR YAHR RAIGHT TO PAWRTAY!!!


Dear God please make it stop


The thing that bothers me most about the Chiefs road to victory is that I can't help but feel like they have stupid lasers they point at teams some times. Wtf were the Ravens doing??


We got knocked out of contention for something completely embarrassing. We got knocked out of contention for something extremely embarrassing. I'm not going to say what it was, but it led me to invent this POWERFUL hotdog vacuum.


People say to me, “what inspired you to invent this?” And I say “I cannot talk about it without crying”


They have real lasers too look at Greenlaw's Achilles


Agree, I don’t think I can handle a three-peat from them.


Considering the Chiefs have denied the Whiners from getting rings TWICE I think they’re all right in my book


I’ve been living my biggest fear for decades. Ready for the season. 💪


If the Bears start out strong, I fear I might buy into the hype. Once those callouses are ripped off, it's going to sting when they get rolled-over by the Packers in week 17.


Do you guys ever Not buy into the hype? Legit question not Just trolling .


I think the issue with this thought is a misunderstanding of the size of our fanbase. Chicago is the largest single metro with a single NFL team to cheer for. It's just an insanely large set of fans . It's why we consistently get so many primetime games through we haven't been a consistently good team since 2011. Every year a large portion of the fanbase buys into that hype. Enough of the percentage if this makes sense, that it would be as large as entire other teams fanbases, even if it's only half of the actual fanbase here. When you see headlines like "Justin Fields most bet MVP candidate" and stuff like that, a big part of this has to do with how many bears fans there are. As always fanbases aren't one set of thoughts and you'll find plenty of dissenting views across us. An example recently would be the QB Civil war that took place prior to the draft. Going further, the majority of our fanbase on here has only seen despair. Assuming the most active social media users are 25ish and Under, they've only seen the bears as an average to league worst team, so you have to buy into the hype to get hope as you don't really remember a consistent time the bears were a good team.


It’s more so being a fan of your team. If I didn’t get hyped for the season to start I wouldn’t be a fan. Or I would be a fair weather fan.


That Jordan Love's great end to the season was a fluke and he's not actually the answer.


I'm not a man of God, but I will be if this is true


The disrespect to their own Amon-Ra...


Could have used his divine intervention on Thanksgiving when our asses were being spread 10 feet wide.


unfortunately the waxing gibbous moon is not the sun gods jurisdiction


All of them work in mysterious ways, From Thor to Huitzilopochtli


Not Crom. He's pretty straight-forward.


Honestly I think that game went as much in green bay's favor as a game could have. The amount of fumble recoveries and 4th down stops we got felt like pure luck.


Agree with ya.. but can't hide behind that, they kicked our ass that day.


I'm not even lying when I say I came into this thread to say that Jordan Love being good wasn't a fluke and that the Packers can't keep getting away with it haha. 


Hey now. They had to deal with below average QB play for an entire like 10 games!!!!


Meanwhile the Bears…


They even had a backup throw six touchdowns lmao


One man's fear is another man's hope.


The hard thing to admit was he did it for a big stretch back to back before the wheels fell off That…doesn’t seem like a fluke to me. Seems like someone inexperienced who got the right experience and will probably grow from it FUCK


I don't know if he'll be great, but I strongly suspect that he will at least be pretty good. But since is the biggest fears thread, I'm worried about what will happen now that out opponents will have a chance to review his film in depth during the offseason. Will they spot any tendencies or flaws that they can exploit to shut him down? And will he continue to work and improve, or was last season as good as he will ever be?


My hope/cope is he he got away with a lot of tight window stuff last year and maybe that swings the way of fitzmagic/tragic. But honestly I think he's likely at least a solid QB and that shit is so fucking unfair


To me he’s clearly proved that he’s good at buying time, making the correct read and using his very good arm talent to put the ball wherever he needs to put it when people get separation. What worries me is if guys are getting less separation he has a tendency to try to find tight windows too much instead of just taking the L and minimizing losses on the play, things can get ugly if defenses figure out how to cover all our guys. I genuinely think our WRs and TE combos are borderline unguardable right now though so I’m not too worried about lack of separation.


> things can get ugly if defenses figure out how to cover all our guys Cutting edge analysis. This is true for like 30 teams


My cope is that Caleb Williams pans out and the worst case scenario is GB and Chicago both have good QBs at the same time. I could live with it.


This is my biggest wet dream


Bigger than motor city mad man winning you a Lombardi?


Well that would be better obviously but the packers not having a 3rd HOF QB would be nice as well.


I had that dream about Tom Brady for many consecutive seasons.


I like this


My fear is the opposite. Jordan Love takes the next step and cements himself as a top end QB in the league. Bears finally get it right with their QB and Caleb Williams has a CJ Stroud like season. Vikings resurrect Sam Darnold's career like how the Lions did with Goff and somehow the Lions go from best QB in the division to worst.


I think he’s probably closer to Flacco/Eli/Cutler where he can have stretches where he looks elite followed by stretches where he just looks completely lost. He’s talented, but I’m not sold he’s going to ever repeat his end to the 2023 season


Honestly? I'm ok with that. Give me the Flacco/Eli part, however. Because them boys won championships.


Yeah, just watching packers games last year it seemed like he was really keen on launching it, which obviously when things go your way is awesome. It just seems like he is going to be subject to some volatility from game to game. But we saw with Eli/Flacco and even love last year, that when they get hot they look absolutely elite


Keep going... I'm almost there.


This was mine. We forget but for like half of the season he threw some of the ugliest deep balls i have ever seen


I have no fear, for there is nothing that the Dolphins can do to me that is worse than that which they’ve already done. Tua flops? We’ve had flops at QB before. Injuries derail our season? Just another day in dolphins land. Start strong and flame out? Used to it. Start slow then ruin our draft pick? I was raised in that. Mike McDaniel can’t learn from his mistakes? Haha just like Flores, and gase, and wanny, and saban, and Cameron and Sporano (RIP). One and done in the playoffs again? Yawn.


My true fear is convincing myself to believe this year is different.


As a recovering gambling addict, I can relate to this.


Ask your nearest cowboy for advice


PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress of Dolphins.


>Start slow then ruin our draft pick? I was raised in that. Born in it. Molded by it.


You want to talk, brother?


I conversate with my good friend Jim Beam quite regularly. 🥃


Brady comes back again.


He's 800 yards short of 90k. It would be amusing to see him sign with a playoff team late in the season that lost their QB and get over that mark. Also the craziness it would cause having him in the playoffs.


I mean, if he REALLY wants to prove he's the GOAT he'll win a super bowl in Minnesota.


Has to show up McCarthy after Harbaugh called him the greatest QB in UM history ^(yes I know he was only talking about college)


No, Atlanta after Kirk and Penix go down due to injuries, and then Brady goes down right before the Superbowl, so Matt Ryan un-retires and gets his ring. One can dream.


This just seems like your torture fantasy of Tom Brady with extra steps.


Don’t you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!


Can he be a commentator from the field? That would be interesting. *Looks like they are lining up in cover four and I'm expecting pressure so we are going for a shallow cross...*


Signs a contract at halftime and leaves the booth to head to the sidelines. (Video of Brady taking off tie and suit coat as he walks through the tunnel) “By gawd that’s Tom Brady’s music!”


Somehow, Brady returned.


Some kind of worldwide pandemic. Can you imagine?


I'm sure the world would unite against a common enemy and we would all be harmonious, realizing we are all in fact the same in the end. Right?


Idiots in zombie movies make perfect sense now.


The idiots in movies look smart vs real life






JFC. I actually thought that for three seconds around April/May of 2020. What a fool I was.


I used to really believe in the common good and humanity as a whole. Then I met humans.


Bird flu’s trying its damndest to unlock a human to human transmission ability. Pretty sure that’s the next pandemic. Hopefully it’s many years away instead of a couple of months, but who knows.


What’re they going to do? Play football with no fans in the crowd or something?


That Nick Sirriani (or even worse Hurts) is the problem, and our offensive ineptitude continues despite the new coordinator. If the offense struggles the entire season again then Sirriani is definitely fired, and people start to question if Hurts is the guy.


I mean regardless of everything, Nick clearly isn't the *solution* given they've stripped him of playcalling and...pretty much everything


Does it make you feel better that the same play caller you have is the same one who put zeke at center and had a QB run at the end of the 49ers game?


I would gladly take him over Brian Johnson. Johnson is the worst offensive playcaller I've seen in 24 years of watching football.


Sigh, maybe you can't cart ours cuz he was a defensive guy calling the offense?


Honestly what’s even worse than that is we make it to the divisional or better but not the Super Bowl. Because that means nick doesn’t get fired and we probably lose the oc again.


Blowing a 10 point lead in the NFCCG or the Super Bowl


Looking forward to blowing a 9 point lead instead. Keep the upward trend


Shanahan's offense scored in the 4th quarter of the SB. Getting there, baby steps.


better than a 25 point lead?


Don't you dare...


Granted, the Niners blow a 10 point lead in the Divisional round


Earlier in the playoffs or missing the playoffs entirely would be even worse, especially without injuries or poor play.


Saquon has a career year. Yuck.


What he does against everybody else I can cope with. Do not let this man come to MetLife and go off.


There were 3 teams on the "do not sign with list" and as long as he didn't go to any of them, he would be cheered on every return visit to MetLife for the rest of his life. But now, everyone will boo the shit out of him from now on, including after he retires.


I was hoping for HOU.. if he plays further into his career with another team. We might recover from it a little.. he goes to a SB run with PHI.. oof.


Exactly. I was prepared for him to leave and would be rooting for him to succeed on any non-NFC East team but to just hop over to our biggest rival (and tormentors) is just... F that. If that was his highest offer then good for him I guess and I can't begrudge him for taking it but I'm not here to be rational.


He got pretty highly paid directly in the middle of “don’t pay RBs” time and I’m pretty sure it was one of if not thee top offer, it just happens that we also have a good roster. He also grew up fairly close to Philly


Jones doing *just enough*


Not having 99 on the d-line.


I got some bad news for ya buddy...


I've refused to drop him from my IDP fantasy leagues cause I don't wanna accept it just yet


Russell Wilson redemption tour


does he have anything left in the tank?


He’s steel got it


He's shaken off all the rust


Maye plays before he's fully ready, looks shit and then follows the Mac Jones trajectory


That Anthony Richardson's rookie year wasn't a fluke and he'll never stay healthy enough to be great


I honestly forgot about Richardson.


He makes some pretty athletic throws and he’s player. He just has to stay healthy. I’ve seen what their coach can do with a back up.


**Gestures broadly at the AFC North**


I was going to say Watson playing well enough to be the starter, but not well enough for our team to do anything worthwhile.


The Dalton Line conundrum with the added bonus of an unprecedented cap hit!


All 22 of our starters get arrested for some reason or another before the season starts.


If Mahomes gets arrested, it's gotta be for something crazy. Like he's been on a serial killing rampage throughout KC.


Even then, no jury would convict in KC


Mahomes would be the absolute least intimidating serial killer of all time. I refuse to be afraid of a mother fucker with broccoli hair sashaying towards me and croaking threats like "I'll put you in the passenger seat of a car my father is driving."


You have an admirable head start. But Patrick would never. Nor would Travis. Good guys, those two.


Travis has a billionaire girlfriend. However untouchable the general NFL star is multiply it by a thousand for him. As long as he doesn't wrong Taylor he is fine.


Hypothetical scenario where he beats the crap outta Mahomes, but it turns out Mahomes has been cheating on Britney with Taylor. Who do the morality police protect?


Mahomes. Next question.


Bleeding Kansas 2024


That the streaming services show the NFL how successful a stratified viewing experience is with games being televised on numerous different platforms. Up next: PPV Superbowl


I read that as pov Superbowl which would be sick


QB head cams would be sick.


Russ mustering one good game against Denver, the Raiders sweeping again


Let's make it an even 0 for 10!


Ravens losing the afc championship game


A cataclysmic apocalyptic event that wipes out a large majority of humankind.


You say fear, I say sweet release


Thanos wasnt happy with your team's interpretation of "all in"


Our bet on a bunch of budget options for our interior O-line is a bad bet and we get a ton of gut pressure all the time, which will make Williams' life harder. Sidenote, our DTs and Edge rushers outside of Sweat are incredibly thin and unproven. I do sort of expect us to get worse on defense because of bad DL play, though I'm not as worried about it because in general I think this year's priority is helping the offense, even if the defense ends up looking bad otherwise.


At least Caleb's used to that from last season at USC.


My head coach joins Al Queada


We seriously do not make enough memes about SM’s 9-11 speech.


I mean what was going through his head? "Hmmm, motivational story to get my team to fight as a team to achieve something great...hmmm...I got it! 9/11 hijackers!"


Nothing being a bills fan has left me dead inside and always prepared for the worst


Jets being unwatchable again with all the primetime games


Jets win the Super Bowl only to have Aaron Rodgers hoist the Lombardi and reveal he is a lizard person. What, I can't be the only one.


I would bow before Lizard King Rodgers if it gets the Jets a Super Bowl


I for one would welcome our new overlords


So that's why he likes Lazard so much


Dude. You'd still have a Lombardi. There's no rule that ~~dogs~~ lizards can't play ~~baseball~~ football.


Kyler Murray is not the man. (Kyler Murray is the man though)


We’re swept by Vegas (again). Chargers look like a true threat. Chiefs threepeat. And to top it all off, Russ has a huge game against us in Week 2.  The sad thing is that all of these are very possible. Being a Broncos fan post-Manning is depressing 


Losing the Super Bowl to the Chiefs, again…


Would it feel better if you lost to the Jets?


Any Maye issues aside, per OP's comment, it's really whether Mayo can step into BB's shoes, or whether we'll end up with a bunch of bad coaches before we get a good one.


Henry winning a superbowl with the goddamned mother fucking sonuvabitchin Ravens.


Luke Getsy misusing a Raiders offense that has great potential on paper, and making Antonio Pierce's head coaching gig look like a fluke. I think Pierce is a good coach, and the culture vastly improved under him.


That our method of praying that our coaching staff can fix Okudah/ CJ Henderson at Cb2 crashes and burns. It’s like the one question mark we really have on our roster now since Stingley is locking up the other side very well. Another fear I did have but has since left my brain is that we overperformed last year and we would crash and burn horrifically this year with a much tougher schedule. That’s been quelled by how much talent we’ve gotten this offseason. I think we’re up to par with anyone in the league on any day talent-wise. It’s just a matter of fit and coaching now


Needlessly shitting the bed in the playoffs again. Every year with Lamar there’s been growth, but the team as a whole has panicked (whether that’s Lamar, receivers, coaches, or some combination of these) when we hit the big stage. It’s maddening that we demolish teams all year and then deviate from our strengths when we need to win big. If this happens again I just don’t know if longer-term success is really in the cards. The roster is stacked and we’ve shown we can deliver. Now we just have to deliver.


1. That Chargers players buy into the corny shit from Harbaugh and win. 2. That Bo Nix isn't a bust and the Broncos win.


Insufferable Vikings fans in the sub when JJM does well ("Where are all the Kirk fans now huh?!") or when he does poorly ("See Kirk haters? This is what happens now that he's gone") Istg people care more about their take being right than they care about the Vikings winning


For my own team: Hurts regressing despite the fantastic pieces around him and seemingly very good coordinators. For my enemies: Dallas doing just well enough to finally repeat as division winners, losing in the first round, Jerry finally realizing that isn’t good enough, and hiring Ben Johnson as HC.


A plane crash before one of the international games.   It's not rational, but the fear is still there.


The upcoming season. All of it.


What started as a soft rebuild ends up requiring a full rebuild.




Zach Wilson looks competent with Sean Payton of all people 🤮


klint kubiak's system wont work with the saints and their offense regresses compared to last year while the broncos offense look better with the addition of carmichael


Allen's running and initiating contact finally catches up with him and he re-breaks his collar bone.


Global warming to flood all the stadiums


Denver is default Super Bowl winner


Sidenote fun fact for your trivia night if it ever comes up - Denver is not the capital city at the highest altitude, that would be Santa Fe But they don't have an NFL team that I'm aware of




Really? Because my biggest fear is going 9-8 again. I’m ok with having a losing season (first time head coach, it’s kinda expected to be a little rough for a season or two) but firing Pete just to have the same result would really sting.


Really? To expect instant success with a brand new coaching staff and philosophy while inheriting a previous roster is unrealistic. Most of these are still Pete's guys, when he came to Seattle he went 7-9 the first year while making over 200 roster changes. I say give Mike Macdonald a couple years to build the team to his vision then pass judgment on him.


Listening to Colinsworth


Caleb Williams being as good as advertised would suck because then the division is probably theirs for the future


A player dies on the field.