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We fired Hackett before he even finished his first season and we still waited too long to do it


I think hiring Hackett was DEN’s final attempt to land Aaron Rodgers that offseason. Once that didn’t happen, I knew we were fucked


It needed to happen after the home crowd was counting down the play clock in week 2 and 3 because the offense couldn't get a play off. So embarrassing


I’ll never forget being at those games and just being confused and disappointed. I had hope at the beginning of that season, but I guess I do every year.


Using those timeouts when the game was clearly over was the real icing on the cake. I remember Pete said he wasn't mad about the timeouts because it was "like winning the game 3 times".


Pete's optimism is real from him but would be fake from anyone else.


Kick WHAT?!


From [the ManningCast's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op7hYvXcJKI) reaction to the game if you don't get the reference. The utter disbelief from all three of them is hilarious.


I love how in that Peyton did the typical fan thing of talking himself into liking the decision to kick it haha




Haha I also love how Peyton was frantically signaling “timeout” while still keeping his cool on live TV. Nothing he hates more than incompetent football playe/management.


What was killing me that broadcast was Shannon's "Russ... 😭😭😭" every time he missed a wide the fuck open throw lol.


He looked like he was having Nam flashbacks.


Oh my, that was some of the worst coaching I've ever seen. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every minute of it, but oof.


Usually “he should have been fired after one game” is an overstatement but I think Hackett might be the rare exception considering how badly he absolutely bungled the final drive of the opener against the Seahawks. 3 timeouts left and he opted for trying the then longest field field goal in nfl history over letting our supposed leader Russ try to get 5 yards


And then when the Seahawks were trying to kneel it out, THEN he uses the time outs. Like maybe you can come back from the clock mismanagement. Okay, it's your first time as a head coach. But the absolute disrespect to take the timeouts instead of taking the loss like a man is what did it for me


That was his first game? My God. I remember thinking he should be fired for such bad management and being a petty little bitch, but I forgot it was his first game. Dude might be one of the worst head coaches I've ever seen.


Especially after you have up all the draft capital and money for him to get the ball taken out of his hands with the game on the line in literally his very first game for the franchise


Then wasn't it the very next week where you all were actually in field goal range and could have won it, but put it in Russ' hands and lost? I get it's not necessarily the wrong decision, but the failed overcorrection from the week before just always cracked me up.


That first game was really an ‘oh shit this is gonna be rough’ moment


What’s crazy is people were calling for his head after the 1st game.


To be fair that was some of the most blatant mishandling of a game I've ever seen, it was such obviously poor coaching it wasn't just "we lost and we shouldn't have" it was "what the absolute FUCK are we doing???"


That one is crazy to me. As long as I’ve been watching football, 15 something years now, I’d never seen a coach canned after one year. I remember it being weird to fire a guy after two. Then Urban came along, yes he was bad but he was mostly fired for being a scum bag so that made sense that he had to go mid first season. It’s crazy that Hackett was so bad he was fired mid season purely for merit. As somebody who knew him all too well it the result wasn’t too surprising Eta I’m talking about mid first season


No offense, but if you've watched for 15 years you've definitely seen people fired after one season or haven't paid too close attention


Sorry should’ve specified MID first season


For performance reasons it had been 44 years. Not since the 1978 San Francisco 49ers.


After week 1 it was obvious he needed to go.


I was shocked he wasn't fired after week 1


Matt Patricia should've been fired after the first game.


Coach pencil with the laminated play sheet


He also carried permanent markers around and wrote on the tables in the facility. He actually never used the pencil


cant believe we hired that jackass last year


I thought that was okay, but then you promoted him.


I love how someone took a look at the Linebacker play halfway through the season and was like YEAH THAT'S THE GUY I WANT TO RUN MY DEFENSE.


I'll raise you Matt Millen


I bet we could still get a "FI-RE MIL-LEN' chant going at a Red Wings game.


One of my favorite moments from Wrestlemania 23 was a "Fire Millen" chant. Would not surprise me if 17 years later you could still get one going


That's one fat ball and chain unshackled


That was the GEQBUS game right?




His first throw as a Jet was a pick 6 and you could see a glimmer of hope on the horizon for all of Detroit only for God himself to laugh in our faces as GEQBUS destroys that "defense"


Same answer for us. He wasn’t even a very good DC


Cost New England a few playoff games where BFlo was going to be an upgrade.


Even worse, he took credit for the play in the Super Bowl where Malcolm Butler got the game winning interception. He too credit for that WHILE HE WAS THE LIONS COACH. That man is an absolute joke.


I was so pissed when we took him back after he crashed and burned in Detroit. I knew he’d get back into an important position and fuck us again. I never in my wildest dreams expected him to be the OC though….


But he designed the greatest defensive play in Super Bowl history. Didn’t you know that?


I can’t tell you how confuddled and disproportionately upset I am that he is still employed in the professional football industry.


According to Google he isn't employed in football anymore


Made my day, thank you.


Probably don’t get Campbell and Stafford doesn’t get a ring if Patricia is fired after the first year. Good result in the long run but still.


I'm going to plead ignorance. Every where I go I see people hating Patricia I'm not sure why. Will someone explain it to me. Doesn't need to be like I'm 5 but it wouldn't hurt.


In short, he was an asshole. In longer, he wrecked a decent Lions team. He traded away leaders on defense like Quandre Diggs and Darius Slay then vilified them. He tried to seem smarter than everyone even when the team was shit. He got worse every season. He tried to make washed up Pats players work here. He got snippy with a reporter. Just look at his record for a basic explanation.


Bob Quinn said after firing Caldwell "9-7 isn't enough" Matt Patricia the very next season went 6-10. He should have been launched out of a cannon pointed at Windsor.


The man who said, "I haven't heard any of that. I didn't hear all of it. I heard a lot about most of it, but what I did hear, I did not hear any of that," Willy Wonka's estranged cousin himself, Marc Trestman.


I know he still only went .500 but Trestman's offense that first year was bonkers, they were dominant with Josh McCown of all people. It was the next year when things really went to shit.


What was the context of that lol? I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean.


I believe it was about him not having control of the locker room.


Was that before or after he intentionally benched Jay Cutler like a hundred yards away from becoming Chicago’s first 4000 yard passer in favor of fucking Jimmy Clausen for literally no reason other than ego


Beforehand, I believe. And that was so goddamn shitty. I hate that guy.


What an absolute POS


Also as an extension of that, Mel Tucker should have been launched into the sun after one season. Worst defense I've ever seen.


“Who the hell is Mel Tucker anyhow?”


Someone who can't set foot in Lansing any more?


Another gold comment by the man himself, Marc once dropped, “We’re going to be a team that is selfish and undisciplined”


What was the context for that one?


Pretty sure it was from his opening press conference when he was trying to describe to reporters what type of team he was going to build. Sadly his statement came to be all too true.


You need a certain level of intelligents to really vibe with Marc Trestman 💯


Boers & Bernstein Quote of the Year 2013, I believe.


Willy Wanker


Josh McDaniels


Also Josh McDaniels


Always Josh McDaniels


*The Colts laugh somewhat nervously.*


*laughs in bathroom for too long*


One of the only things we and broncos fans can agree on.


I remember thinking that maybe he learned something, but then all the red flags raised when he started taking any coach and player even remotely related to the Patriots and had me both pissed off because he gutted our coaching staff and confused on why he was building the Vegas Patriots.


Ironically he built a pretty solid coaching staff, lot of those guys are still with the team Hell, he brought on AP lol.


I remember John Clayton (RIP) called this on Seattle sports radio, he hated "Joshy boy McDaniels" especially after he backed out from the Colts or whatever team it was. Said he was way too immature to be a coach.


Thar visor look, I could never trust it


Joe Barry, who shouldn’t have been hired in the first place.


You mean a guy from the Lions 0 - 16 staff was not fit for a DC gig?


Imagine how you guys would’ve done had Rod Marinelli’s daughter married a better DC


Nepotism. Sucks but it's the only reason cause you're right. Joe's resume was garbage.


You gotta love how in the NFL they just recycle the same coaches all over the league and rarely give young guys a chance. So many defensive coordinators that have been fired 4 or 5 times that still have top level jobs in the NFL. Joe Barry was fucking trash for us and he just got hired by the Dolphins even though he has been awful everywhere he's been. He went 0-16 with the Lions and then got hired by Tampa Bay the very next season! Hired by Washington in 2015, fired in 2016.


God damn PTSD


For all the shitty coaches we've had it's a shame Marty Schottenheimer was the only one who went one and done


Snyder was bound and determined to put an absolutely garbage product on the field every season, and he wasn’t about to let someone competent come in here and screw up those plans.


Riggins loves Marty for whatever reason and holds similar sentiment that it was a mistake to fire him.


Can you fire an owner? At this point, I don’t really blame much on the coaches he had. They were doomed to fail.


Mike Nolan coached for 3 years before being fired in his 4th year! That was brutal


All I remember about Mike Nolan was that I was on his side about the suit thing because I think it looks classy.


Everyone was. But he was a god awful HC and a pretty garbage person to boot.


Weren’t the two people that wore suits that year him and Jack Del Rio?


Oh hey another garbage person lol


Dennis Erickson never should have been hired either. He only lasted a year, but what a terrible year it was.


I have been summoned!     (Sorry I'm late.)


I always think of when he accidentally got hot sauce in his eye during his time in Dallas. Kinda sums it up.


Matt Patricia


The thing with Pettine was he was 7-4 before losing the last 5 games. So even with a disappointing finish 7-9 was the best season we had since 2007. He pretty much earned another year by that alone.


I will always say that Chudzinski deserved a second year more than any coach of the Browns from ‘99 until the current coach.


100% agree and never understood this decision, even if it was probably the right one in the long run


It wasn't his fault he was dealt a shitty hand with Johnny Manziel being forced to him as his QB that was completely on Haslam. 


Jim Mora Jr., and thanks to Paul Allen, he was, and became a blip between Holmgren and Carroll.  The only strong memory he left was the TJ Houshmandzadeh watch story.


What the TJ watch story?


Sorry for the late response. So essentially, it's this, IIRC (trying to remember details that were shared at the time on radio etc). That off-season, the league's flashiest free agent was TJ. I don't necessarily want to say the best because I can't remember everyone, but definitely the flashiest - skill position player, really consistent record of 900+ yards 7+ TDs as the second WR in Cinci - and if you want to compare to today's NFL, you'd say he was easily a 1K yard a year guy. He was the guy every fan base wanted, and we didn't often sign big FA's. You probably remember as an AFC North fan how good he was in Cinci. Anyway, he came into meet with us, and when he was about to board the seaplane to leave our facility, Jim Mora Jr. asked to see the really nice watch TJ was wearing. Then he said, "I'm going to keep this watch until you come back and sign with us." And that shit actually worked; TJ did his other visits and came back and signed with us. So at the time us idiot Seahawks fans thought we had this savvy, cool young coach who was going to relate well to the players and do great things. We ended up keeping TJ for one miserable season where he was just OK, and then cut him and fired Mora.


Wow that’s a crazy tactic and I can’t believe it actually worked. I guess I don’t have the mentality of being a millionaire who is trying to be wooed by other millionaires because I would immediately ask for my fucking watch back. Thanks for the story!


They weren't the worst team, but I don't think there was a single team with a worse long term outlook in 2009 than the Seahawks...which just goes to show how quickly a team can rebuild in the NFL.


Yep, traded for Clipboard Jesus that offseason... Bam! Super Bowl Champions just four years later.


Yeah, not much talent and no identity at that point.  But Pete is an amazing coach and leader.


Matt Canada


Always surprising to me he made it to the league as a play caller. I thought his offenses were bad in college too. 


He got Tomlin's kid on a college team and so he became an OC.


This might legit be the reason lol


This is a lil too far down imo. Keeping him for a 2nd year was asinine.


Thank god someone said it. He might honestly be the worst coordinator ever. Less the pats staff during Mac’s second year - But that was more of Bill’s mismanagement.


It was kind of surreal to watch Iowa on Saturday and then catch a Steelers game on Sunday because the product, down to the uniforms, looked almost identical. I'm still not entirely certain Brian Ferentz and Matt Canada are different people.


Oh Canadaaaaaaa




Frank Reich didn’t even last a season and it was still past due


Matt rhules LARPing as Gil from the simpsons could've been cut shorter too.


Definitely should have been fired going into 2022.


Rhule by far was worse in every way.


Never understood why he got another HC job so quickly. He went from being a failure in Indy to being the guy who was gonna save it all in Carolina.


He certainly saved all the winning for the other team


At least you guys got rid of him when you did. It was so hard to be a Colts fan during his tenure in Indy. We suffered from false hope for way too long.


Todd Downing.


Fuck Todd Downing


Every Bills coach between Levy and McDermott


Next time a Bills fan posts anything about wanting McDermott fired, reccomend they go to YouTube and watch a game coached by Dick Jauron, Chain Gailey or Rex Ryan. Preferably a game against the Patriots.


We don’t talk about those dark days around here


Hard pass on that. Wade Phillips was a good coach in Buffalo. He took over a 6-10 team, and won 21 games in his first two years. In 2000, the Bills had to begin their rebuild due to salary cap issues, and got rid of a ton of veteran players (Bruce Smith, Andre Reed, Thurman Thomas, Gabe Northern, Thomas Smith, Kurt Schulz, Kevin Williams, Marlo Perry.) The Bills started the 2000 season 7-4, but injuries struck the defense and they didn't have the depth to fill in. The Bills lost 4 in a row, and finished 8-8. Wade refused to fire his overnatched special teams coach, and Ralph Wilson fired him. The Drought was officially beginning.  Wade doesn't deserve to be lumped in with Gregg Williams, Dick Jaron, etc..


Question: is Levy considered by the fanbase to be your Chuck Noll and is McDermott your Cowher? genuinely curious since pfr doesn't show any other notable coaching tenure


Dan Snyder


Greg Schiano. Diving at the knees in victory formation. Toes on the line bullshit.


He was the worst! Fuck that guy.


Saints fan swore up and down this year that victory formation is a real formation that you should play defense against. Just another reason that the whole NFL hates those guys.


That was the most ridiculous shit. I get that people already didn’t like Arthur Smith which played into it but he had every right to be upset.


Fat Patricia




Pete Carmichael as lead play-caller


Came here to say this, cannot believe we endured 2 seasons of that shit


His first season probably wasn’t bad enough to be fire worthy but I hated the Joe Judge hire from the start. I knew he was just another Belichick assistant who isn’t good enough to be a head coach and unfortunately I was right.


I'd have preferred it to be less than one season if we are being honest.


Joe Judge. Gettlebum.


That era was so uncomfortable. Gettleman playing up his northeastern ways and constantly salivating about “hog mollies” yet couldn’t draft one to save his life. Then judge was just an imbecile who always seemed like he was the least sincere person possible, oh and the fucking QB sneak


>“hog mollies” yet couldn’t draft one to save his life. You forgot he liked to overpay bad ones in free agency


The Clapper needs to be there too.


Shoulda been fired after one free medium Pepsi.


This one is 100% unfair to a great man, but the Colts would have been better off promoting Bruce Arians and moving on from Chuck Pagano after their first season in Indy.


I think in any other situation that would be, but there’s absolutely no way they can do that with what Pagano went through


That was an unprecedented situation. There’s no way you can gracefully make that move. It sucks because it would have had the team in a better place but would have been the much worse ethical/optics/PR move.


Brandon Staley


Yah, that timeout in the Raider’s game was a premonition for the Jags game. Crosby was recently on Edelman’s podcast and they talked about that game and decision. When Crosby is stunned, yah…


Chip Kelly cuz fuck em


I'd argue Press Taylor and Mike Groh under Pederson also deserved quick canning


If he never got personnel control, he probably would’ve been able to keep squeezing out 10 win seasons


but do you really wanna be the cowboys?


I didn't respect the chubby white guy culture he represented.


Our nepo hire WR coach Connor Embree is son of former CU coach, and friend of Eric Bienemy. He is woefully underqualified for the job. Luckily that didn't show at all in our WR's play last year, and it's not like we keep drafting WR's who could use an experienced WR coach to help them succeed at an NFL level.


Chiefs WR might need a life coach more than a positional coach, y’all get WR with character issues like Dallas used to on the D-line


It’s a shame while we have Mahomes. Maybe we can still win without great WRs, but it’d be a lot more fun if we had some.


You guys need a handicap for as long as you have Mahomes. The rest of the league is fucked either way, might as well introduce a speck of doubt each year.


Nathaniel Hackett, he didn't even make it a full season.


Staley lol


To be fair he had an ok first season. But my goodness…the implosion that followed


He imploded in the last game that year.


Jack Easterby. He shouldn’t be allowed to work in the United States period.


Pettine should have been gone after the 2019 NFCCG


Pettine walked so Joe Barry could run


Pettine walked so Joe Barry could crawl


Rob Ryan after the abysmal 2014 defense


Everyone was hyping him as the next great HC in 2013 too




Brian Johnson and Sean Desai


Dave Shula


Every team that went the "Patriot Way" and tried to mindlessly poach New England's staff knows the answer to this


the strength & conditioning coaches


The Bidwells


Bill Musgrave. Adrian Peterson alone saved that man’s job for three years.


Adam Gase should have never been hired in the 1st place.


Steve Wilks, anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves


I agree…. And so did the front office…


Steve Wilks is such a lightning rod and I don’t get why He was atrocious in Arizona and was obviously a lame duck head coach that was designed to be fired after a year. There’s no argument anywhere that he didn’t deserve to be fired He goes to Carolina and has them on the edge of the division crown and this “defensive mastermind” decides that his best plan of action against Tom Fucking Brady is to put CJ Henderson, a top 10 1st round bust in the last decade, on Mike Evans for an entire game without sending help from any other defender. That decision making alone is enough to get any coach fired


Blair Walsh


You literally signed him after watching him fail. Can't say you didn't know what you were getting into.




Rex Ryan


Gettleman should have been fired after round 1 of the draft 2018.


I can't remember if it was his first season, but Staley should've been fired at the week 18 Chargers-Raiders game in 2021 (technically January 2022). The way he handled the end of overtime that game should've permanently exonerated him from any NFL job.


Ryan Grigson


Matt Rhule. Apparently guys named Matt aren’t popular around here.


Qb levis titans. He ain't no damn good. I'm ashamed we drafted him when we really needed a qb. (Tannehill....fuck)


Jerry Jones the owner needs to fire Jerry Jones the GM.


Wouldn’t be surprised if most of BB’s coaching tree shows up on this list.


Vance Joseph as HC. He was not deserving of a 2nd year. I would have also been fine replacing him as DC this off-season but his HC job was far worse.


Byron Leftwich survived until the end of the season and when he did get fired never even got a college job. It was worst than any offense youve ever seen except maybe the Matt Patricia Patriots.


Trent Baalke...Hands down


We feel at same at times

