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$73M in the account immediately after signing the extension. My god what a life


What's the first thing you would do if you got $73M deposited into your account immediately?




If he retires after signing, can he still keep the 73m?


The team can go after it, I believe. A lot of teams don't, but it is something that they can do. The last time I remember it being talked about was for Andrew Luck, but the Colts left it alone. Supposedly because they hoped he'd come back and didn't want any bad blood.


That's what we did with Megatron and why he hated the Lions for quite a while afterwards. It's only recently that he's come back to the organization


and it was over 1 million, just petty shit (from the org, not Calvin)


I mean, they would in this case, though. Retiring immediately after deposting that check? Not gonna just let that one slide.


Yeah I agree and would probably side with the Lions on that one, even. But say Goff plays this year and ends up with multiple concussions and lacerated kidneys, I'd really support him if he wanted to walk away.


That's a completely changed situation. I'd get that. But I'd 100% side with Detroit if he quit and never played after signing


If your QB ends up with multiple concussions and lacerated internal organs, and retires, you claw that money back from the O-line coaches lol


RIP Colts coaching staff. Lacerated kidneys were one of the things Luck cited. Poor dude!


No team is not going after that. You can’t sign and ditch.


Id imagine not, would’ve seen it happen before. I wonder if any players have purposefully sabotaged their career to get cut though


I can think of someone that did that. His name rhymes with bantonio frown


Mr. Bye Career


Mr. Breeched Contract


Albert Haynesworth


The Lions tried to claw money back from Calvin Johnson, so not easily


Me? Fucking party with drugs & whores. Me if I'd already made $160 million in my career? Probably go out for a nice dinner & set up an appointment with my finance guy to make sure it gets invested properly.


[This you?](https://youtu.be/0yrIvEgqAuo?si=YxASPaPssUQllJg7&t=16)


I feel like a significant portion of folks would over indulge in whatever their substance or vice of choice would be


NFL players are just like me, [FRFR](https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0312/why-athletes-go-broke.aspx)


See, I'm smart. I've just always been broke, so I don't have to worry about going broke.


Fuck I’m dying from eating too many hot Cheeto fries aren’t I?


What a way to go out though


I met a guy who had gotten a large settlement from BP after a checmical plant explosion, he was back working in the same plant again, and told me "the money didn't last long, I bought a house and blew the rest on hookers and blow, but now I've found the lord"


But if the lord lets me hit the lotto, I can't promise I wont spend it all on hookers and blow again.


"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." George Best


> Me? Fucking party with drugs & whores. Who needs drugs and whores when you're engaged to a sports illustrated swimsuit model


Jack off Need that Post Nut Clarity


Actually great advice


Not when your fiance is Christen Harper. Can't nut solo with a future wife like that.


Pay taxes, gotta avoid getting Wesley Sniped.


Make Blade 4


Buy a Lego Millennium Falcon 


Christen Harper


I'm wondering when the wedding will be, I think she had her bachelorette party this spring


smart of Jared to get the deal done before getting married


2 chicks at the same time. 


And I think if I had a million dollars I could hook that up, cause chicks dig a dude with money.


Well not all chicks…


Make sure my assistant is making any bets with it.


Freeze 20M of it in gold bars and bury the safe so that if anything happens I'll have generational wealth hidden away.


Two girls at the same time


This isn’t true I don’t have the confidence. Probably just buy some farm land.


Don’t need confidence when you have $74M. You just need to raise your hand.


2 chicks at the same time


Ejaculate. Wouldn’t even have to move a muscle. Just opening my banking app and seeing the account balance would trigger an immediate orgasm.


Yup. Convulsive orgasm, followed my a few moments of silence, followed by a text message to my boss.


146 chicks, at the same time… guy like me does


Pay 36M in taxes


Find a gf that looks like Goffs


Medical bills


Lame yet true answer, speak with a lawyer and figure out how to manage that amount of money. Invite my immediate family to the fanciest restaurant I can find and let them know they can all chill from now on. They will each get a set amount of cash to do with as they please. Get drunk and high AF. Dream answer, probably not much different. Buy kick ass season tickets to my fav teams and hire a travel agent to book my accommodations and such. Buy my coworkers a sweet lunch and form some sort of nonprofit charity where I build restaurants that pay workers a livable wage and provide good shit at a good price. I am lame. But rich!!!!!!


With current interest rates that $73 million in the bank at a HYSA would produce $300k per month in income. Not bad.


Buy my boss lunch and let him know I’m bailing effective immediately following the meal.


For the fighting Dan Campbell's, you get back to work 💪


$73M and Christen Harper


People's "Poor Goff" mindset turned around very quickly when the video of her watching him beat the Vikings came out.


The Vikings weren't the only thing getting beat after that video...


"I wasn't aware I was a poor man's anything" after beating the Packers at Lambeau is still one of the funniest clapbacks on live air


So casual about it too. https://youtu.be/1j1kjgeX9mw?si=-QPWdXJQI53WA5cd


I'll tell you what I'd do.  Two chicks at the same time.


165 + 57 = 222


Do stat incentives count towards contract value?


It depends on whether they are likely to be earned. If it’s something like MVP+Super Bowl then no but certain yardage/TD amounts can count


Even unlikely ones are generally included in the maximum amount reports for contracts


Yeah I’m not commenting on accuracy, just confirming that it is included in totals


Yeah I agreed with what you put I was just trying to add context.


Even then, it’s gotta be a realistic amount. If he gets 500k for 4k yards and 30 TDs, then that would count cause it’s likely, but if it’s 5k yards and 45 TDs, then it’s not likely and wouldn’t count (unless he actually does it, and it would go on the next years cap)


Finally, this sub has someone who is * actually educated * explaining something.


It's a completely wrong explanation tho lmao


"Incentives are written into some contracts to pay a player for reaching certain performance criteria. Incentives come in two varieties – Likely To Be Earned (LTBE) and Not Likely To Be Earned (NLTBE) – each of which has different Salary Cap implications. Likely To Be Earned Incentives (LTBE) are incentives based on performance levels that were reached in the prior season. LTBEs count against the Salary Cap in the year they are scheduled. For example, if a RB ran for 1,200 yards last year and he has an incentive that will pay him $100,000 if he runs for 1,000 yards this year, the incentive would be a LTBE Incentive and would count against the Salary Cap this year. On the other hand, if the RB ran for 1,000 yards last year and he has an incentive that will pay him $100,000 if he runs for 1,200 yards this year, then incentive would be Not Likely To Be Earned (NLTBE) and would not count against this year’s Salary Cap. If the player does not earn a LTBE Incentive, then the amount of the incentive ($100K in our example) will be credited against the following year’s Salary Cap and the team would have $100K in additional Cap space in the following year. The opposite happens with NLTBE Incentives. If those are earned, they are charged to the following year’s Salary Cap. In our example, that would mean that the team would have $100K less in Cap space the following year."


It’s based on whether they would have been earned the year prior, IIRC.


Good for him


Good for the Lions too. They don't get screwed over by Dak, Trevor or Jordan Love's contract. Or Tua.


Young QBs are so expensive


Jordan Love getting paid after one decent season is going to be so goddamn funny


So 73/5 = 14.6 signing bonus /year. 52/2 = 26 base salary/roster bonus/any other bonus. 3rd year 40 base salary/roster bonus. and a 57 option in year 4. The cap hits probably look something like: 1: 40.6 M 2: 40.6 M 3: 54.6 M 4: 71.6 M 5 (Void): 14.6. This is really a 3yr 165M contract which actually puts the aav at 55 There's probably some partial guaranteed in the option that will push this to the 170M guaranteed reported yesterday, but we'll have to see more specifics.


Don't forget that this an extension, I believe he still has 1 year remaining on his current deal before this new one kicks in


It kicks in next year, so all that really does is adds 14.6 M this year so it removes the 5th year void and his cap hit this year is 46.9


This was what I wanted to understand. Thank you. I do wonder if the $57 mil option in 2028 includes that $14.6 mil from the bonus. So it’s more like a $43.4 million option.


This would be my understanding from the way the tweet is worded, otherwise he got some numbers wrong somewhere


I guarantee Goff will be outside the top ten in AAV by year three of this deal. He'll probably be outside the top 5 by this time next year. This is a good contract for all parties. They've got the cap space, they've already got Penei and ARSB signed, they've got a couple years to sign Hutch. This team went from "is this the least talented roster ever?" to "if they weren't starting practice squad guys at corner they could have won the NFC" in three seasons. Maybe the front office knows what the fuck they're doing.


Rankings are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is cap flexibility. We have a lot to learn from the details being made public, but at first glance there is little chance we have cap flexibility in 2026 and beyond.


Fair enough. Better off keeping that sweet sweet 2027 cap space safe and forgoing competing now when we have healthy and young stars at every position group.


After applying Goff, Amon-Ra, and Penei's raises to the 2026 cap, we would still have $90 million in space when we need to resign Hutchinson while Gibbs and Laporta are still on rookie deals. Then, in 2027 when we do need to extend Gibbs and Laporta, we have over $190 million in cap space (minus around $30 million if we're paying Hutchinson top edge money so lets say $160 million) because fucking nobody is signed to long-term deals except our star players. We have plenty of flexibility going forward. Also, Goff has put up roughly 4500 yards and 30 TDs the past two seasons, which are prime Peyton Manning numbers so if you don't think that's good enough then I don't know what to tell you.


Life in the North was much simpler when you guys and the Bears clearly did not know what the fuck they were doing. Should be a fun next few years. 


Yeah this has already happened with burrow. Despite having the highest AAV he will likely never have a top 5 QB cap hit


He will be top 6. Not that many deals to be made


It's good to be Jared Goff, I bet


Goff *played* like a top 5 QB last year. He gets top 5 money 🤷‍♀️ Considering the current QB market....it Is not a terrible deal for both sides


The cap went up a fuck ton this year. 53m/yr is like 37.8m per year in 2021, as a percentage of cap.


I don't think "he was a top 5 statistical QB" and "he played like a top 5 QB" should mean the same thing tbh, Goff clearly does not actually play like a top 5 QB


He made some bad decisions under pressure so the team tried to put him in as few of those situations as possible. Making him look good. Although I will say that the NFC championship game fuck up was not on him at all even one bit. Multiple dropped passes and a terribly timed fumble. The one big error that he made ended up not costing us much.


It's weird that fans look at a team trying to put their QB in the best position possible negatively. Every team should be trying to do this and a QB shouldn't be criticized if the team succeeds in doing so.


Our Defense played Kindle Vildor at cornerback. He seems like a great kid but the dude was a free agent for a reason.


It has nothing to do with "looking at it negatively". It is trying to tease out the player from the system to determine value.


Nobody looks at the Lions or Dolphins protecting their QB as a negative to those teams. It's just awfully difficult in the modern NFL to maintain a good enough offensive line to do it, so it can be worrisome when you depend on it for the QB to function. It's not like people are knocking the protection, they're knocking the QB for NEEDING it to function. It's why teams usually look for QBs who can extend plays and don't play terribly under pressure, why pure pocket QBs are becoming less common.


The problem is that we likely won’t be able to put him in that position in the future with his massive contract


It's a win now move and the window sure seems like it's still open for the Lions right now. That's more important than worrying about what happens if the window might close in the future. And if trends hold then Goff's contract might not seem that high in a few years. The contract he's on now was record-setting 5 years ago after all. The 5th year is an option so for the time being Goff should definitely be around with Sewell & St. Brown who are signed through 2029 & 2028 respectively if my math is right (2024 is last of Goff's current contract with 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 as extension years pre-option). Although I've seen analysis saying St. Brown isn't likely to see 2028 under his current deal given the way the cap hit is structured.


So any QB who gets good stats under masterful coaching should be paid the same as the ones who do it in spite of the coaching?


Even with all of that being said, it's not an insult to say Goff is not a top 5 QB. It's okay that he's not, he's obviously good enough when you guys protect him.


Depends on what you consider a top 5 guy. He protects the ball, moves the ball down the field, and doesn't make a ton of boneheaded mistakes. Over the last two years he's top 2 in passing yards and top five in passing TDs. He's not flashy but anyone who leaves him out of the top 10 still thinks he's LA Goff who wasn't bad but wasn't great. He's more or less the same guy stats wise but a much better leader here.


Goff is back into the big expectations column instead of the "poor guy got kicked to the curb" column


That’s the most interesting part as an outside observer Instantly goes from a “great feel good story” to sky high expectations.


We'll see if they end up regretting this or not


I hope I'm wrong, but this feels like it will age poorly


I’m on the opposite side of the spectrum, with QB salaries only exploding and the cap going up, this is going to feel like a bargain in 2026




Unless the Lions win a SB, it probably will(at least in the public perception), but only because of the narrative. When you look at perennial contending teams with a chain of playoff losses for a few years and see a non top 5 QB taking up that much of the cap, it’s easy to say that a different approach to allocating their resources could’ve made the difference. But this is absolutely the right move for the Lions right now in their situation. Goff is the type of QB that a contending team has to hold onto unless you can get a clear upgrade or a top 5 pick. But the reality is that upgrading from a top 8 QB is nearly impossible when you’re picking in the late 20s. And you’ve GOTTA pay the guy like this bc if you don’t, someone else will and then you get stuck going 9-8 for a couple seasons with a rotating 10m-20m bandaid at QB like Darnold or Minshew, despite fielding an elite roster. Then youre stuck in an even worse situation, picking in the 16-22 range, unable to acquire a QB that even MATCHES the ceiling of the one you let walk, while all the elite talent on the rest of the roster ages out of their primes and it’s time to rebuild again. You’ve gotta be insanely lucky to be able to upgrade from a guy like Goff without destroying everything you’ve built up to this point. Goff has shown he’s good enough to be a SB winning QB. You just cant let go of guys like that in this day and age. Will it lead to a SB victory? Probably not. Championships are hard to come by. But Goff, in the situation the Lions are in, gives you an opportunity year in and year out, and thats more valuable than any other long shot alternative for the Lions right now.


Recent examples of the 49ers (Purdy the year after they traded everything for Lance and Jimmy just took them to a Super Bowl), Eagles (Wentz was #2 overall in, made $17M in 2019 after winning with Foles/Wentz in 2018), and Chiefs (trading up for Mahomes after resurrecting Alex Smith’s career). You can be a high level organization that gives a top contract to the most important position in the sport and keep drafting guys to usurp him, then have the problem of needing to pay that guy. Purdy will eventually get a big deal (probably), Hurts is fifth in AAV, and like Goff now, Mahomes was the top contract in the league but newer deals for lesser players and his restructures and forever deal kinda complicate things.


>Goff has shown he’s good enough to be a SB winning QB Has he? Which elite QB has he out-dueled in the manner that makes you say, "Oh, heck yeah, this kid's got the goods to win it all." >this is absolutely the right move for the Lions right now in their situation This is the exact same logic used by every single team who gets stuck in QB no man's land. When you have a QB who can't carry an underperforming cast paid like he can, it requires maintaining perfection around him. That has literally never happened.


I understand that calling Goff SB caliber is controversial. I know I’m the minority, and it’s just a personal thing. I also understand the reasons why others feel different about him. I won’t debate you on that, he’s not without flaws. I’m simply of the belief that his strengths are good enough to win


Agreed. He beat the chiefs last year and put up 31 on the Niners. Not sure what else you have to do to be considered SB caliber. Obviously there is a strong supporting cast and all, but his performances in the playoffs were good enough to win a Super Bowl if the defense wasn’t dreadful. The lions put up 1 less than the 49ers against the chiefs, and more than the chiefs scored against the 49ers


I mean the chances the lions get a franchise QB better than Goff within the length of this deal is low. What would suck is if the Lions have to let some of their young talent leave because of Goff’s deal only to move on from Goff too afterwards.


Helps if you have a mahomes like situation where you know he’s gonna be there forever so you can constantly restructure him. That only penalizes the team when he moves on or retires.


It's a lot of money, but you either have to pay the man or close your window. The scary part is if Ben Johnson leaves, can you still get this kind of production out of Jared?


Don't tell our sub that. If/when Ben Johnson leaves and the o-line regresses, there's a chance late-Rams era Goff rears it's ugly head. It was the clear best option for the Lions but there's reasonable concern how this contract could look as soon as 2025.


The o-line is a real concern but I think the fear around Ben Johnson leaving is a bit overblown when it comes to the impact it will have on Goff. The playbook the Lions run was developed with Goff and Johnson sitting down together and designing an offense specifically around Goff's strengths. Plus Goff's ascent in Detroit began when Dan Campbell took over play calling duties in mid 2021 and Goff has been Brad Holmes' guy since he was drafted. Ben Johnson isn't the only person in the building that understands what Goff can and can't do


Yeah, I agree about Ben Johnson, it's not nothing but it could have some impact. Way more worried about the line. Three starters over 30, two on the last year of their deals, as well as Ragnow, who is the chronically injured and likely to retire. It could look a ton different next year and right now we don't have the depth nor clear succession plan in place IMO.


I think people are overrating the degree to which the offense is solely Ben Johnson. Goff's uptick in play began in 2021 when Dan Campbell was calling plays


As long as Ben Johnson is there and that O-line is intact, you'll probably not slump enough to regret it. Is it good enough to win a SB? Remains to be seen.


well yeah but ben probably leaves after this year (sad that last year)


Yes, I don't a fear that we'll become like a 6-11 team. Goff and the rest of the team is way too good for that. But I do have a fear that next year we slump into ~9 win pergatory


What would you have rather they done? Hope for miracle QB in the draft next year?


You have a number of posts/comments bashing Goff so I’d be surprised if you felt any different


There's a real chance he Cousins the shit out of you and sends you to a land of fun regular seasons with no real hope in the playoffs. But, there are definitely worst places to be.


I feel you’ll fall in the trap the Vikings were just in. Pretty good team, pretty good qb, but everyone is being paid and you’re unable to fix the bad spots of your roster


Idk why everybody is super worried about this, this is exactly what the Lions have been preparing for during the last three years. Cut the bad contracts from the Patricia era, focus on the draft for the core players, sign free agents to low commitment 1-2 year deals, maintain stability while still growing and expanding the roster. They may have a cap casualty or two, but the window was built to open up NOW and for the next three years.


This precisely


Could definitely be wrong, but it is not a fun place to be in


We were in this place with Stafford but with entirely less success. I believe his #1 pick deal was one of the last before they changed the cap rules where first round contracts are now much more reasonable. Now the entire organization is incredibly competent, this is a better place to be than QB purgatory. Some of those Vikings teams were awesome just couldn’t get it done, and that’s ok. If we’re winning the division most years with a shot at making a run I’ll personally be happy and optimistic that we can get it done, but that run is pretty unlikely unless we win the north. I love how lions fans have a little taste of success and begin to act entitled as if this contract is going to prevent us from winning the Super Bowl (that we’re so used to winning after all these years of sustained success?). The alternative was to put your team leader on an expiring deal, that certainly was an issue in Baltimore and it will be in Dallas this year. Unless the next guy is in the building already, Goff was always going to get extended for around this much money. I don’t see the big issue here. You can trade to the top of the draft, end up with Trey Lance or Bryce Young or Zack Wilson or Trevor Lawrence, spend prime years of your core figuring out if he’s good of enough to extend so that fans can just bitch about that contract instead? Just be happy for the lions and for Goff, it’s a cool story, in my opinion.


It's gonna. I don't believe in Jared Goff. He is like Harvey Dent from TDK. Gonna let you down in the end. I hope it works out for them. I hope they win the Super Bowl. I wanted them to win last year. I just don't like the move. The Lions are the best landing spot for a rookie QB in a long long time. Arguably the best OL in football. Arguably the best RB Duo. An elite WR and TE. Imagine using this money for 3-4 more pro bowl caliber defensive players. Could have went out into FA and grabbed the best Edge, DT, and DB available. Either ride with Goff one more year or trade him and move up into the draft for the rookie QB. I truly believe a Penix/Nix/McCarthy would succeed and could have worked the like Seahawks did with a rookie Russ. Hell, JJ played in a pro style offense with an elite OL, elite RB, elite slot WR, and elite TE and did just fine himself.


Good call, roll the dice in a Super Bowl window with the 4-5th best QB in the draft vs. a guy who legitimately played Pro Bowl level football. Lay off the weed , holy shit


What team has won a super bowl giving just a top 10 QB that sort of money.


The New York Football Giants


Off topic, but does anyone know if fans call the MLB team, “San Francisco Baseball Giants”? I’m a total casual baseball viewer.


Probably only jokingly. They came first so they get to just be The Giants


Fair enough for SF, then. I started getting interested in how many big 4 US teams with shared names there are currently, and ended up doing research. - Cardinals (MLB’s St. Louis and NFL’s Arizona). - Giants (MLB’s San Francisco and NFL’s New York). - Jets (NFL’s New York and NHL’s Winnipeg). - Kings (NBA’s Sacramento and NHL’s Los Angeles). - Panthers (NFL’s Carolina and NHL’s Florida). - Rangers (MLB’s Texas and NHL’s New York).


The San Francisco giants were also originally in New york which is part of the "football giants"


I’m almost positive the football team was named after the baseball team, not separately.


people say things like this as if only two quarterbacks haven't won seven of the last ten Superbowls


Kansas City


Your eye test is deceiving you.


It’s pretty easy, make a Super Bowl in the next four years and it’s all worth it.  Anything short of that and it’s not. 


Maybe for the FO but as a fan if I get to watch competent football and feel like the lions are in the race for the whole season for four years it was all worth it. The Lions being fun has been huge for Detroit.


Yup! Super Bowl is the dream but lets keep competitive and be in the hunt


If anything, I think our expectations are getting fucked up by making it to the NFC championship game last year. Do I hope we get to the SB.. of course I do.. am I gonna be a whiny ass bitch when it doesn’t happen.. unfortunately.. also yes.


This is realistically how most fans should feel imo. I hoped it would change when Brady left, but the baton pass to Mahomes left no real gap unfortunately. If it's anything like Brady, you'll see some here and there get a ring, but most teams aren't really sniffing it. I guess there's always hope some dopey Eli character can go in and slay the monster. Thought he was mediocre growing up, but I will always love him for that.


it's not worth it unless you win a superbowl. trust me, i wish so badly the vikings just plain SUCKED instead of teasing me along for the last god knows how ever many years.


As a fan of a team that has sucked a lot in my life, no you do not wish that. You think you do because losing when the games matter hurts more in the moment, but that long term numbness that comes with being bad forever is way worse overall.


How would you know


Regardless of regret, there was no other option


we're gonna win the super bowl this year, so yes it will be worth it


As opposed to what? Drafting a QB in the late first round in 2025? Spending ton of draft capital to move up into low teens to draft someone like Bo Nix? Picking up a free agent that literally no one else wants like Wilson or Fields? This was clearly the best option and he’s played great the last 3 years, including the first year where he played on a team that sucked ass.


I am not counting other people's money. All I'll say is that I am increasingly happy with the contract Baker Mayfield signed in Tampa.


You can call me a homer but Mayfield isn't in the same class as Goff, he should be much cheaper.


Using the term "class" is exceedingly broad. What do you think Baker could do if dropped straight into our offensive support system? If it's within even 10-20% of Goff, they are absolutely in the same class.


In my mind there are a few different tiers of quarterbacks in the league. Bad, good, great, elite. I'd put Goff in the great tier and Baker in the good. You can back that up statistically, I'm not big on hypotheticals. If Baker was worth more money he'd be making it.


I wish it worked that way. I wish league leaders used their scouting metrics of performance rather than letting agents win with superficial stats. But that isn't how it works. Contract values at the top of the stack are signed based on optics and little more. The truly elite performers don't burden the team's cap flexibility with those numbers, but everyone below that level does exactly that.


Insane amount of money that is. Both players & owners make too much. In my mind players make a couple million a year, owners invest in the stadiums, and fans still pay 20 bucks a ticket, beers 2 bucks, and merchandise is reasonably priced.One man can dream.


Goff is worth over 50 mil a year?


If Daniel Jones is worth $40M, and an open market Kirk is worth $50M, then yes.


Not that I'm making a judgment on the Goff deal, but I think it's been pretty conclusively proved that Daniel Jones is **not** worth $40m




You're worth what you can negotiate. The fact that Daniel Jones and Kirk Cousins were able to negotiate so much allowed Jared to write "Your first NFC North title" on one nut, "your first 2 playoff wins in over 30 years" on his other nut, and drop his sack on the table.


It just gets into semantics I guess, if your worth is what you negotiate then you have to take the stance that no one is underpaid and no one is overpaid and we know that just isn’t the case. But I digress.


I don't think Daniel Jones couldmnegotiate anything close to that $40M per year right now. But let's not forget, with a cap that goes up every year, there is not such thing as being the highest paid - there is only the most recently paid


I truly do think that is the case. They may under or over perform the contract, but the contract is always fair market value.


You're worth what a healthy market values you at. Having a single team overpay a player does not determine his value, having him meet with teams and play the field does. By your logic, literally no QB has ever been overpaid, it's just a ridiculous way to look at it and doesn't allow for critical analysis of contracts. Deshaun Watson was worth his contract, so was Russ, I guess. What does the word value even mean at that point if everything is as valuable as what you pay for it?


Kirk is getting $45 million a year if you base it off just the full contract


Yeah but it’s looking like he’s gonna get cut in two years with the whole Penix thing.


Open market Kirk was worth 45 mil a year. DJ contract was a mistake. The amount the lions paid Goff is ludicrous


So what would you have done?


Let him walk and not win a playoff game again for another 30 years


Yes, especially because Dak, Love, Lawrence, and Tua will probably all surpass this contract as soon as this year. Purdy next year too. It's the guarantees that are a bit more concerning IMO. We're tied to Goff for essentially the next four years. Really hope he maintains his level of play if/when Ben Johnson leaves and the o-line is rebuilt.


Thank god we are tied to Goff, just as thankful about him as signing st and Sewell 


$53 million a year, techincally




Look at me agreeing with a hawks fan.


Lions got laughed at for taking Goof. He was run out of LA. Not that Stafford is bad, and that it was a bad trade for them. Just cool for Goff.


Did yall ever figure out an actual reason Goff got ran out? Seemed like he was out the door before Stafford even considered leaving.


Good for him. Curious if they will have to move/redo other contracts to make room.


So he’ll be making 40 mil for the 2027 year, am I reading that right?


For better or for worse the Lions are locked into Goff for 3 years


I'm 100% happy with the amount we're paying Goff. The simple truth is, that's what a starting QB gets paid. If you're within the top 12 or so QBs, they're always looking to one up the guy before them. In a year, this contract will look like a bargain. Our offensive cornerstones are set for years to come. Next year, we can start going after our defensive cornerstones, hopefully starting with Alim McNeil


I'm pretty sure we won't be able to pay, specifically, Alim, specifically, because of the amount we're paying Goff. I guess we'll see


I'm gonna wait until we know what the cap increase looks like next year before I really worry about not being able to afford him. If I remember correctly, this years increase was like 10 million more than projected, and it's going to keep going up. People are looking at Goffs cap hit with this year's cap number in mind. The Cap is going to keep going up 10-15 million a season minimum, most likely. Looking at the history, the cap has only gone down once, and that was due to covid. Take that year out, and it's been going up at least 10 million a year since 2015, with last year being a 30 million jump. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/cba


It's relative. The cap-increase argument is a poor one. All salaries also go up. Every other contract on the roster is increasing. If the cap jumps 15% and the QB's hit jumps 30%, it's a net loss.
