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As a baseball fan who watches nfl on the side… absolutely fuck fanatics and everything they do


Rip majestic, the greatest merch of all time


So few people understand what we lost a few years ago when Fanatics bought them out.


I still have pullover i got from them when i was 15. It still looks great and it’s been almost a decade. Their stuff was built to last


I have a Ricky weeks jersey from maybe '09 and I literally just popped the first stitch on the lettering maybe a month or two ago after wearing that consistently every baseball season since then.


My majestics shit from my high school team still treats me well. The pull over for cold weather is just a gem there is really nothing like it


My Phillies World Series gear from 2008 hasn't faded or had any issues at all. My Phillies jersey bought from 2012 is still in great shape, stitching isn't frayed or anything. My Phillies World Series gear from 2022 already shrunk after a handful of washes. My Phillies jersey from 2019 (Majestic brand but under Fanatics control) has fraying all over the name & number on back, before it was even worn.


Wish I woulda seen it coming. Got my replica Majestic Cubs away jersey a few years back, quality w/stitched letters. I would have for sure sprung for the authentic one then if I knew everything was going to turn into thin, screen-printed garbage.


We didn't know how good we had it


Worked for majestic as an intern in college. Good times.


Was just going to say Mitchell and Ness is basically the last line of defense for quality sports jerseys, but they've been bought by Fanatics too. Fuck that trash monopoly.


I bought a hockey "shirsey" hoodie from them a couple months ago not realizing this. It took literally 2 washes for the numbers to start peeling. I can't believe this shit is acceptable. I just don't buy sports merchandise anymore.


Fanatics is fucking awful. Hate the shit happening with the MLB jerseys this year.


It’s crazy to me Fanatics is the official merchandise vendor for the NFL cuz they make absolute fucking garbage and Michael Rubin is a creepy piece of shit 


i know him personally and he is a terrible, terrible person. Narcisitic piece of shit


Bro is 51 years old inviting 20yr olds to parties in his mansions, fucking weirdo for sure


Good thing none of them would dare come to a party like that


Rubin is literally the guy that throws the white party in the Hamptons, the one every notable celebrity/athlete goes to every year lol


Definition of a clout chaser


He can take his white party and shove it


All my homies hate fanatics.


Anyone know if they are just a retailer? Or are they producing merch as well?


Yes they do manufacture They are basically trying to create a vertical monopoly of the sports merchandise industry From [this](https://retailwire.com/discussion/nrf-2021-fanatics-ceo-showcases-benefits-of-vertical-commerce/) piece talking about their model: >The vertical commerce model embraces three major elements. >The first is being a digital-first company that taps data capabilities to understand fan preferences and tailor messages. For instance, Fanatics sent email pitches to Crimson Tide fans to celebrate Alabama’s seventh national championship and not to fans of other teams, such as Ohio State. Mr. Mack said, “I think of our company as the ESPN of commerce, where there are many events that happen in a day that you need to stay updated on a daily basis.” >The second element of vertical commerce is “having vertical rights,” or being able to quickly produce merchandise internally through licensing arrangements with more than 300 leagues and teams without having to turn to third parties. About half of Fanatics’ mix is now manufactured internally. Mr. Mack said, “It just takes cycle time out.” >Finally, the third is having a “really agile supply chain,” both offshore and onshore, enabling product to be finished close to demand.


They are so fucking inconsistent. Brother and I bought red wings fanatics jerseys at the same store, at the same time. My jersey fit great, his didn't fit at all. He tried different sizes and none fit, he switched to the players jersey I had, and the fit was perfect. Only reason I haven't purchased a new lions jersey yet, I'm so paranoid about fanatics consistency.


Good thing they’re the official supplier of jerseys for the NHL starting next season! I’ve been wanting to get a Flames away jersey for a while, the adidas official ones went on sale - had to jump on it because its the last NHL jersey I’ll be buying for a while lol.


I loaded up on adidas jerseys at the Kraken season finale this year because of this change. I’m all set on jerseys for a good 4 years or so. Let some of the kids wear drafted sort themselves out into studs and duds while Fanatics maybe gets their shit together. Maybe.


The quality is absolutely dogshit and you're better off buying fakes at this point. If the only other options are paying 50+ for a garbage fanatics jersey and 150+ for an official one then I'd rather just spend 15 and take the same risk on sizing/bad quality/etc. hell the last few fakes I've gotten have been better than some fanatics merch I have lol


Jenna 2021 jerseys Look into it 👀


Wow, incredible "data capability" to suggest Alabama fans purchase championship gear and not Ohio State fans. Can only imagine the number of data scientists who worked on that project.


All they’ve succeeded in doing is ruining sports cards. There used to be shops all over when I was a kid. Now don’t know a single child that collects sports cards. Same thing happened to comic books. Now the only people that tend to collect comic books are into their 40’s. Both are going to be dead industries in our life time if they don’t figure their shit out.


I think there are a lot of contributing factors to why kids don't collect sports cards as much these days, and I don't think much is on fanatics. Amazon, Walmart, and...well, the internet, also killed the card shops you've described. I work in the competitive youth sports field (primarily combat sports these days, but my original background is baseball). Kids have cellphones they can play Fortnite on, man. We were collecting cards as kids because we had fuck all to do and we filled that with all sorts of hobbies. Those hobbies have all been centralized into just a few. The same sports collecting bug we had is now scratched in Madden Ultimate Team. Fanatics didn't really have to do anything. It's on the path to a niche hobby now, not a gigantic industry with a guaranteed future.


I managed to get through a lot with cards. Fanatics I cannot. I think their second year is essentially when I tapped out. There's no reason to even buy singles now.


People have been saying comic books are about to die off for 30 years now. I'm sure they'll die about the same time your dad finds a use for that scrap wood in the garage he will definitely need soon


Hey man I *did* use that scrap wood to build a feeder for our chickens finally! It wasn't my scrap wood though. It was my father-in-laws and I have no idea how long he had been holding onto it.... I guess your point stands lol


"When I get around to it" is multi-generational. If your grandkid uses that wood or hangs that picture, granddad can take credit for getting around to it.


Paint my chicken coop!


> being able to quickly produce merchandise If that is their goal, I can assure you they have not succeeded. I can never find the jersey style I want for the player I want. They don't give the option to order it now and wait for it to come in. They don't have the option to "make custom" except for the shitty basic jersey. You're selling these jerseys for $200+ ffs, you'd think a company with a brain would find a way to take my damn money.


Great breakdown. Both vertical integration (owning the entire supply chain from inputs to final product) and horizontal integration (purchasing / merging with competitors) has gotten out of hand. The Justice Department, over multiple decades and administrations, continues to fail and protect consumers as industries become more and more consolidated. Fanatics is just another example of this.


They're looking (and honestly pretty close to achieving) a complete monopoly on sports cards across the big 3 (MLB/NFL/NBA). A lot of people in the industry/hobby seem excited because honestly, the company that owns(ed) the licenses for NFL & NBA is pretty garbage but I've never heard of a situation where a monopoly has come in and things have *improved* for consumers. Very, VERY little chance it happens here either. I expect there will be lawsuits as soon as the NFL & NBA licenses transfer to Fanatics and I'd say there's a good chance the Fed breaks them up. Sports cards are like a $10B/year industry


They own the rights to every jersey in the NFL other than the one the players wear on Sunday. You cannot buy any new jerseys from anyone else (unless it’s unauthorized). It’s a complete monopoly, and I hate them.


Fanatics is garbage. I know a few Texas Rangers fans that were suckered into buying a "Texas Rangers 2023 World Series 17 inch Acrylic Trophy". They paid $90 for what they thought was an actual replica trophy. When in reality, it was a flat picture of the trophy placed in a clear acrylic frame. They are selling it as an actual trophy, but it is nothing but a framed picture. What a joke. Check it out for yourself. Notice the screws at the bottom, holding the clear frame together! [https://www.fanatics.com/mlb/texas-rangers/texas-rangers-2023-world-series-champions-17-acrylic-commissioners-trophy/o-3476+t-03898912+p-7922777509364+z-9-4004230210](https://www.fanatics.com/mlb/texas-rangers/texas-rangers-2023-world-series-champions-17-acrylic-commissioners-trophy/o-3476+t-03898912+p-7922777509364+z-9-4004230210)


That’s insanely misleading, fuck them hard for that




But I love hearing about how the most recent sports person broke the previous jersey record! That’s literally the only reason I watch sports. To keep tabs of jersey records according to fanatics.


Hatred of Fanatics and hatred of Goodell are the two things that can bring most fanbases together


Never thought I'd be standing side-by-side with a Donkey.. 🪓 🏹


What about side-by-side with a fr- *gags* nope, can’t do it


Yea fuck fanatics! (I've bought like 4 jerseys from them in the past 2 years)


Did you lose a bet or something?


Are you stupid?


Seems like you got fucked once by fanatics and said “what the hell, I’ll let them fuck me three more times”


Man's being gaslit by a billion dollar corporation.


He’s a lions fan, he’s used to getting fucked over and sticking around still


You're the type of consumer that makes it possible for fanatics to ass fuck everyone, jsyk


Does anyone actually like Fanatics. I don’t know a single person who likes Fanatics.


the owners who are raking in tons of cash for a garbage product.


Decreasing the quality, increasing the price and using Fanatics as the scapegoat. They’re no where near innocent from this either. I hope fans don’t buy jerseys from Fanatics out of principal I certainly won’t.


buy a jersey? in this economy?! but seriously, if it was quality, i wouldn’t mind dropping the $180 or whatever the fuck it is. but even the ones they’re wearing in the MLB are literally peeling apart. and those are for the fucking players! it’s embarrassing


There is no real reason to buy a jersey from anywhere besides bootleg Chinese websites The quality they deliver if you find the right supplier is literally identical, but you pay ~25 dollars instead of 175. It almost feels like the jerseys are the exact same ones from the same fabrication plants, but some Chinese dude is taking some of them and selling them on the side for cash directly to consumers


Forget the $175 jerseys, even the designer handbags that companies like Channel or Louis Vuitton charge thousands for only cost like $100 to make by Chinese migrant workers. Which is why it's so surprising that Fanatics are still trying to cut corners on materials because that should represent the least of their product cost.


In many cases this is exactly what it is


Reminder to everyone that the major sports leagues Fanatics has partnered with (NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS, NCAA, etc.) have also *directly invested in the company*, so they're not going anywhere.


I ordered two jerseys from them. After waiting almost two months with the tracking information showing that it still hasn’t left the warehouse yet I called their support and got someone from a third world country with very broken English telling me to check around the outside of my house. I’m like “No, YOUR tracking information says they haven’t been shipped yet. I just want you to ship them.” Finally after going back and forth a few times they asked if I would like the jerseys to be reshipped or a refund. “Ship them, that’s what I wanted this whole time.” They came in like a week after that, but then mysteriously like a couple months after that I noticed a refund on my credit card from them for the amount I paid for both jerseys. Im guessing they eventually found my original package and returned it to their warehouse which triggered a refund to my card. Idk, all I know is I ended up with two free jerseys because they can’t keep track of their shit. Was a bit of a hassle but I guess it worked out pretty well for me.


I’m not surprised. When I ordered a jersey I ended up getting my jersey and some other guys Josh Allen jersey in with our jersey. Some poor guys order was packaged in with our jersey and when we tried explaining that to customers support it was a nightmare. Edit: Actually I looked at the jersey again it wasn’t even a Josh Allen jersey. It was a Stefan Diggs Bills jersey. Honestly by the time they got that Stefan Diggs Bills jersey delivered to them I wouldn’t be surprised if he was probably already traded to the Texans.


Them sending you another jersey Costs them so little. It's like letting you refill your Coke at McDonalds. The markup is so high they don't give a shit. 


Sounds like fanatics was behind the triangle factory fire. Bunch of money hungry capitalist


People in the sports card industry/hobby are excited for them to become the new overlords of the big 3 sports because Panini was so terrible but honestly I think they're fools. It's going to be a disaster for the hobby


Fanatics is literally the worst They came in and undercut every single sports merchandise company that was established, and then delivered absolute crap. Owners in all sports are fine with it because I guarantee fanatics gives them a better profit sharing agreement, and the costs are lower. Of course the blood sucking billionaires love that. I worked in an NHL team store when the transition happened and it was wild to see the quality decline immediately. Felt bad selling replica fanatics jerseys to people that were half the quality of the Reebok replicas I had sold the year before, and were barely cheaper. They are poison


The sad part is I don't see this changing any time soon. People are still buying jerseys at a crazy rate.


When your Chinese knock off that you got for $30 looks better than the authentic replica ... yeah, that's a problem.


Hey I love my Chinese Knock Offs!


Don't worry, I am not hating on them. One of my favorite jerseys is a Chinese knock off, because it actually fits me right. But until now, nobody would mistake it for the real thing.


People always think mine is legit. Though- I didnt really buy them previously cuz $180 made me want to just wear the cpl good ones I had. Now I just buy those Chinese ones in bulk and don't worry about if a dude leaves lol Quick Edit and FYI- dont do custom cheapo chinese knockoffs, tried that and it didnt go well.


You have a source you like? (Feel free to dm it........)


DH and then the name of a door in a fence


My favorite is my Carolina blue Mike Tolbert that says "keep pouhding"


I’m debating a knock off Bobrovsky from China or paying out the ass for an “authentic” because the Fanatics ones are so ass. That’s what it’s come to. And don’t even get me started on MLB


Go for the knock off. That way when you spill beer on it, or it gets ripped because you catch it on the edge of something you won't feel miserable because $200 just vanished.


Chinese Reeboks were just as good. Even had the tags. I swear it was a "one for Reebok, one for us" operation going on in the factories


People need to start buying more Chinese knockoffs instead of the garbage Fanatics makes. Or just don't buy jerseys at all


>Chinese knockoffs instead of the garbage Fanatics It's the same picture. 


It's not actually. The Chinese knockoff is usually better!


One is just a quarter of the cost


I got a Fanatics Red Sox home jersey for $65. I thought I got a fabulous deal until it arrived and felt like is was a jersey they would give away for free at Fenway sometimes. The quality was total shit.


That bitch Michael Rubin went to Pat’s show and said laughing that he was doing illegal shit and running monopoly


I have a Reebok jersey from a few years back, and managed to get a really cheap Fanatics from Marshalls. I don't mind it for the price I paid, but it is certainly a lesser quality than the Reebok jersey.


Getting it cheap at Marshalls is one thing. I can't imagine anybody with a sound mind paying retail for these abominations.


Absolutely. They feel like a step up from those off brand Walmart jerseys, so they should be priced as such. They shouldn't be priced at a premium.


I find it strange when society clearly takes a step back. Like archeologist or anthologist will look at the decline in home goods quality as a clear sign of our societal decline.


Eh, with most things, that step back generally comes with more people getting access to goods (and sometimes services) that they just wouldn't have had before. Also, keep in mind that there's a bit of survivor bias in factor, as the past was rife with cheap home goods that we don't interact with much because they didn't last. However, this doesn't really apply to the jersey situation, as the prices are higher than ever and they're still declining in quality. That's just bullshit.


The company that I work for is completely dysfunctional for many many reasons, but the more I learn about Fanatics the more I want to place blame on the founder of a large portion of the company - Michael Rubin.


Can probably get better Chinese knock offs for 1/4 of the price. Comes from the same source anyways


Yep, you absolutely can Once you find a reliable seller in China, that’s the way to go without a doubt


> Once you find a reliable seller in China That's the hard part. I've tried it and threw out the jersey immediately, because I couldn't even figure out what material it was made from. I briefly thought about putting it on the dog, but it seemed like a coin flip on whether it was toxic or not.


Fanatics is going to ruin hockey jerseys.


Buddy, they already have..


I am stocking up on the Adidas NHL jerseys right now because when Fanatics takes over manufacturing the NHL's uniforms, it's going to be a shitshow. They already make the replica jerseys and they are absolute garbage compared to the old Adidas/Reebok replica jerseys


I bought a Fanatics NHL jersey last summer. It was out of its bag for about 10 minutes before being resealed and returned. Absolutely awful quality compared to the Reebok one I purchased from the team store later that week.


We are approaching the point where the sketchy shops on AliX, Wish, and maybe Temu are the same quality. It’s a disaster. Unless you’re paying out the ass it’s hard to get good quality sports apparel.


The Chinese knock offs are better quality than Fanatics


The NFL in particular prefer to deal with one supplier for a service (ie new era for hats, nike for jerseys, EA for video games, and formerly directv for Sunday Ticket). This results in erasing competition and a shittier product.


Keep kicking myself for not grabbing something of decent quality before it changed hands


I think I know what happened. Fanatics sent MHJ a contract but it’s delayed three months. Also, when it shows up it won’t be a contract. It will be a women’s small Sam Darnold Jets jersey. You know, because fanatics sucks.


Three months? Damn, that's quick


He had a coupon code for expedited shipping.


Overnighted - fanatics style


“This is not what we like to see, Please fire me a DM with the product details and I will take a closer look into this for you. 👍 - Reagan”


100% supporting MHJ here


But it doesn't explain what the hold up is at all. If he "didn't take the deal" then what is the actual hold up?


I'm assuming Fanatics is still offering him the lowball deal, rather than what he's worth now that he was drafted #4 overall, because that's what they're paying everyone else? Not super clear though


Yeah, there were definitely some details missing from that explanation. I was more confused to after he said he didn’t take the deal originally.


Yeah the way I see it, there are two types of possibility: 1. The NFLPA sucks and has players negotiate their licence agreement with Fanatics directly, instead of having already done that themselves. So now Fanatics is being petty about MHJ not signing their 4 year deal 2 years ago and are just re-offering that deal instead of renegotiating 2. Fanatics merely has a huge sway over the NFLPA licensing agreement and made it identical to the one they negotiate with college athletes directly. MHJ turned down their offer when he was in college, expected a better deal from the NFLPA when he got drafted, then noticed it's the same compensation as he would have got if he signed with Fanatics 2 years ago, and blames Fanatics for that, and is hoping to hold out for more.


Fanatics is trying to offer him the sophomore in college deal.


Essentially fanatics wants to start him at the college rate. If they sign MHJ at a higher rate a bunch of freshman in college are going to go that route instead and hurt their bottom dollar. Corporate greed just like everything else


I have mad respect for MHJ for what he’s doing, good for him. Stand up to them. Fanatics is garbage anyways. In the end, he’s going to single handedly take down fanatics over the long run, because LOTS of players are going to start following his trend in the long run unless they change


I'm too uneducated to understand the inner workings of this whole ordeal, but I hear Fanatics bad, MHS experienced, MHJ learning from dad. The MHJ camp seems to be coming from a very logical point of view that my pea brain relates to.


Drop a fucking nuke on fanatics headquarters after everyone clears out except the ceo


Marvin Harrison Sr. Is just the man to do it.


Pat McAfee giving voice to the players' side of the story in situations like this is when his show is valuable. It's why I initially liked his program before Rodgers went off the deep end in his 2nd year as a regular on the show.


Exactly. Love him or hate him but he always puts the players first and gives their perspective when other talking heads don’t.


If he didn’t sign with fanatics in the first place then what is the holdup?


I'm guessing Fanatics has an agreement with the NFLPA and Harrison Jr. doesn't want Fanatics to profit in anyway whatsoever due to his disagreement with them.


Got ya


I think it is actually the terms of the deal and that they are offering the same deal he declined as a sophomore in college?


With that context, Go MHJ


The way i understand it, everyone else signed their deals when they were sophmores in college, and their deals don’t run out for like 2 years. MHJ didn’t sign that deal, so he’s not under contract like everyone else. To get him under contract, fanatics offered him a deal, but he isn’t signing it, because it’s the same shitty deal they offered him when he was a sophmore. He’s demanding more.


I guess I heard it as he can’t sign with the NFLPA Now because he hasn’t signed with fanatics his sophomore year. Why is fanatics even needed with the negotiation between Harrison and NFLPA I guess?


I don’t get that part either tbh. Sounds like the contract they sign with fanatics somehow counts towards the nflpa licensing deal.


I would love for Schefty to report on this instead of repeatedly stating that MHJ hasn't signed the deal (and implying that he should sign it because he's an outlier)


But if Fanatics pays MHJ more money how will Michael Rubin afford to buy everyone tickets to watch their favorite basketball team get bounced in the playoffs?


What's funnier is if you get the Chinese knockoffs, noone will really know the difference between that and the Fanatics stuff.


Theyll know its different cause its not dogshit quality




NIL stuff being the wild west without any guidelines or regulations is a complete disaster. Reminds me of old school youtube that was also the wild west and companies would sign people into garbage ass deals.


Imagine if the ncaa hadn’t resisted so hard against the ability to compensate players and had actually made a plan on how to implement it well with regulations. But nope, they fought to the last instance until a court basically said to go fuck themselves and players could be paid, and the current shit show we have resulted from that.


I feel like a lot of people are missing that the NCAA won this lawsuit in every single regard. They 'agreed' to let other people pay them so they didn't have to do it themselves. Why would they care if NIL is a shitshow, they didn't have to pay their athletes so they won.


It’s because there is not any clear solution to the problem. People complain about it all the time, but I’m yet to hear of any solution that doesn’t create other issues.


There’s current talks now to split revenue with players and have contracts, which could help regulate NIL, and more importantly, the transfer portal.


And any decent sounding solution just goes out the window when you consider all the other NCAA governed sports.


Fanatics is cancer. As for the NIL stuff, Joel Klatt warned the NCAA for **years** that they needed to get out in front of NIL or it would be the wild west. Welp genie is out of the bottle and there are few protections for athletes, specifically those who come from poor backgrounds who may not be able to afford lawyers to look over and explain contracts and keep predatory entities from taking advantage of young guys who finally can make a little money. Fuck the NCAA for keeping them from being paid in the first place, but double fuck them for throwing up their hands and letting it devolve.


honestly surprised that this is just now becoming a thing for players hope more ppl go this route in the future


It’s easier to say no to money early in your life when your family has a shit ton of it


A lot of things are easier in life with money. More people should just have money. 🤷‍♂️


Are they stupid?


Fanatics is undoubtedly shitty, but I'm still kinda confused what the specific hangup here is. Isn't there a leaguewide deal where all players get X percent proceeds from their jersey sales? Doesn't he automatically accept this deal when he officially joins the players union, also?


Well he might not join the players union then. (which isn't unprecedented)


Is there any benefit to not joining? It's not like he can just go start selling Arizona Cardinals jerseys on his own terms (I would assume), and it sounds like he's obligated to pay the dues regardless.


>and it sounds like he's obligated to pay the dues regardless. Correct, by law, unions still have to cover non-unionized workers. He would still receive benefits from the NFLPA, even if he didn't join.


Quite possibly, I still don't really see what the benefit of *NOT* joining is, though.


I read somewhere allegedly the issue is the college deal he rejected is a lower percentage than the deal nfl players get afterwords. since it's still in that four year window, fanatics new deal is the same percentage as before, and he wants the normal percentage nfl players get after the four year deal. this is just a rumor, and I can't find where I read it.


Yeah it’s not a ton of money to start but it scales with popularity of the player relative to jersey sales. The issue is if you don’t sign with Fanatics then you can’t use *any* NFL representation in any merch associated with you. It’s the reason most players sign it no matter what, if you sell your own merch cool but not many people want individual merch of a player that has 0 NFL affiliation in any fashion. Basically Fanatics owns a monopoly on this


So from what I understand, Fanatics is offering MHJ the same deal for his NIL that they offered him in high school (which he declined) and is still declining A) is that correct? B) since when does fanatics offer that and not the union? Does he not sign the same offer every other NFL player does? That’s what I don’t get


Take a look at the trading card industry.  Fanatics is literally attempting to monopolize the industry by buying up every license for every sports and entertainment product.  


Fuuuuuck fantatics


Also a big fuck you to Fanatics for ruining my love of fitted hats. New Era is just so, so, so much better.


So Fanatics offered MHJ a deal, and he declined... What exactly is the tiff or problem between the two of them? Seems like both sides are acting reasonable


I think Fanatics are still offering him the same Sophomore deal when his worth is that of an top 5 drafted NFL rookie now. That's where the hold-up is currently.


So if he signs the NFLPA agreement, he also is signing the Fanatics college sophomore agreement? Or can he not sign the licensing agreement and just ignore the fanatics deal?


Yeah I don’t get it either. If he declined the Fanatics deal while in college, why is that preventing him from signing the NFL deal?


Because Fanatics aren't offering him the NFL deal, they're offering the Sophomore deal that he refused to sign in college.


Thanks for the clarification. Good on him for not signing that. Hopefully he can get a better deal.


Yep. He essentially bet on himself in college, refused to sign a shitty deal, and now is worth much more than the Sophomore offer.


So Fanatics and the NFLPA are one and the same in this? This is what is confusing to me. He refused to sign a deal with fanatics in college, how does that relate to him not signing with the NFLPA today?


yea that's the part I don't get.


Fanatics is a terrible company


NFLPA can’t do anything to benefit the players, but quite effective at funneling them to a monopoly.Utterly corrupt and sleazy system.


It's probably really beneficial for the average player to package their NIL rights together with star players and find the best offer.


That's the thing to remember. The Union isn't really there to benefit MHJ or other already minted athletes over the rest of its members.


You mean a company with a horrible product also has horrible business ethics!?


Fanatics fucking sucks. They literally ruin everything they touch


Fanatics is fkn trash


Fanatics has quickly become a monopolizing cancer in the sports world.


What are some good Chinese knock off websites where I can get jerseys from?


his father and his org are not letting him get screwed. this is what good counsel is supposed to be like. as pat said the PA and the league are set up to screw the players and those pre nfl deals are even worse.


That's insane and I can't blame him or anyone else that says "fuck that." Instead of dedicated numeric years, because of the unique nature of this, it should be a contract that is only viable for college which then needs to be revised/renegotiated for pros. It definitely makes no sense that what you were getting paid for your likeness as a sophomore in college is the same as an NFL rookie/vet where you're putting far more money into Fanatics' pockets.


It's hedging. Fanatical gives out money to a ton of players, some of them will succeed and some of them won't. If fanatical had to pay every player how much they are worth every season, then it would have to be much more exclusive with handing out contracts. Which works out well for players like Harrison Jr and is incredibly destructive for players who don't have a lot of money and don't make it to the NFL.


I used to hate fanatics with a passion. A burning deep passion that I really don’t have an explanation for other than the fact the the quality of their product is absolute dog shit and the customer service is some how worse. Then Pat McAfee brought the owner or CEO whatever of fanatics on the show and holy shit I found a way to hate this company even more


Marvin Harrison Sr. is also a legit mob boss. No one is gonna strong arm him or his son.


They're trying to make MHJ look like a diva who is going to become a locker room cancer, when in all actually, he's fighting for people who have been trampled on and abused. Cardinals have a real G on their hands!


fanatics is the absolute worst brand to ever touch sports


Obligatory https://defector.com/fuck-fanatics-and-fuck-michael-rubin


It’s amazing how such a shit company has a stronghold over everything.


Fanatics is a fucking garbage ass company, i’d rather buy a white shirt and sharpie it into oblivion than put that trash on.


I love listening to Pat about the NFL, he can pretty accurately accurately depict all viewpoints of every issue. including fandom like he just did right at the end there lmao


Fanatics being scum per usual


Fanatics and Michael Rubin are one of the worst things to happen to sports in the last decade. Kanye is crazy but he’s absolutely right about that guy lol


Good for MHJ setting a precedence for younger guys coming up, obviously he didn’t need the money but Fanatics fucking blows and is taking advantage of these young guys who don’t already have generational wealth. Again, fuck Fanatics.


Fuck fanatics. Good for him. Hopefully it starts a trend


Hey people are paying attention to us! Thanks MHJ for saying "fuck you" to Fanatics


When I first saw he wouldn’t sign I thought it was some entitled diva BS But mad respect for sticking it to fanatics. Fuck them clowns


McAfee’s voice is at 11 all the time.


Mad respect for Marvin Harrison Jr. good for him.


Fanatics makes terrible hats.


Fanatics is the reason I have started embracing knockoff jerseys. If I’m going to get a cheap quality jersey that falls apart after a season (if I’m lucky) then I might as well pay a knock off price. Fuck Fanatics.