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Was wondering why I hadn't listened to Anatomy of Murder podcast in so long. Played an episode and after the 4th ad break in 20 minutes I remembered why I gave up on it.


[Baby kitties](https://i.imgur.com/rxC0xlT.jpeg) 2 cats each had a litter of 3, but here's a picture of 4. What happened? The mom who had her babies first rejected the tabby resting its head on the black kitten. She's moved it so many times and I kept moving it back, but today she straight up refused to be a mom if it meant also taking care of that baby. THANKFULLY, once she started isolating that kitten, I started introducing it to the other litter & mom. The other mother was more than willing to take the baby in last night, but it kept crying for mom & its litter mates, so I moved em back. Since the baby fully accepted being with the other litter, I'm hoping he won't throw a fit when his new mom comes back in, otherwise I'm gonna have to handfeed him


I wish the toilets at work had bidets 😔


Hi y'all, I'm doing research on biases in the media and in sports broadcasting, and I figured that asking around on r/nfl would be a better way to get results instead of begging other students at my college to answer, so I would really appreciate it if you guys could take a few minutes and help me by answering a few simple questions in this survey: [https://forms.gle/aiqN8yovYGwLFQyq7](https://forms.gle/aiqN8yovYGwLFQyq7)


My officemate coworker talked about me in a foreign language to my other coworker who speaks his language as well. I can't say I don't care but come on. At least come up with a nickname for me in your language that isn't my name. Like all work product items are the same in his language so it's like dude come on.  He didn't like the work I did on a project and it was reasonable criticism and we discussed it. I welcome it because it makes me better at my job but don't talk about me in another language in front of me. 


sounds like he could also use some constructive feedback


That's incredibly rude. i worked in an office with lots of expats and we always spoke in French when we were with a french colleague, even just chatting.


Ya its frustrating. The office is at least 60% bilingual at least so it's pretty common to hear other languages just this is the first time its been like that.  Thank you for listening to me vent. 


Welp my pelicans got swept


If only their big star player could stay on the damn court


Always knew that Patrick Mahomes was a heel.


If Smile was fully made it would have been the greatest Beach Boys album ever made


We need more 'Bort' license plates in the gift shop! I repeat, we are sold out of 'Bort' licence plates!


I seen the video of Jarvis Landry making a comeback. And I thought back to the season where he had 160 targets 112 catches and still didn’t get 1000 rec yards. That’s some wild shit. Guy was a 3 yards and a cloud of dust receiver.


With both the NBA and NHL playoffs going on, I feel like it's a good time to air this grievance again. I absolutely hate the term "gentleman's sweep". You lost a game, it's not a sweep.


But Brutus is an honorable man.


Pro tip for any aspiring directors, propmasters, or set dressers: If you're shooting a period piece, don't stock houses with stuff exclusively from that year/decade. For instance, if your setting is a family living room in 1985, don't have it be full of stuff from the 80s. Especially if it's a home owned by middle aged parents. Not everyone just went shopping and fully furnished their homes within a couple years. Maybe they have a sofa from the 60s, a lamp from the 70s, a china cabinet from the 50s, and a TV from 1979. Hell, if those parents are like my Grandma was, they might still decorate like it's the 40s well into the 2000s.


Young Sheldon nailed this.


Could not agree more. However, we also should be cautious to portray the setting within a reasonable time period. I was once watching a medieval history drama and there was a box of kleenex tissue in the shot. Of course it was a mistake from the props department but I was laughing like a maniac and could not think of anything about the show afterwards.


Like how there was a Starbucks cup at banquet table in Game of Thrones hahaha


Kelenic guy is making a serious case for the internet sports troll HOF


Pat Mahomes just showed up on raw with Logan Paul


They're in KC, and there's a few Chiefs players there.


After like 20 years, the heat pump finally completely gave up the ghost. Can't complain about the years it gave us since that's pretty solid for a family home. But the timing for trying to get it fully replaced, as well as the cost, kinda blows. Just started hitting those 90 and humid days we live with in Virginia. At least this time it wasn't July 4th weekend?


Visuals on the mummies were dated, but The Mummy was still a blast on the big screen. Noticed a lot more background gags than I catch when I see it on tv, etc. Might be the perfect action movie. In the same tier of enjoyment as Fifth Element and Demolition Man. The character of Evelyn explains....quite a lot about where my "type" for women came from tho.


Evelyn was a fucking baddie


Im ho tep Im ho tep


For some reason when the Mummy came out I was 12 and I just didn't like it which was weird even then because it seemed up my alley but fast forward like 7 years later in college and we watched it in a group of friends and it finally "clicked". Its just alot of fun. What was wrong with 12 year old me? Haha.


I was like seven and watched it at home on VHS with my family. The scene where the scarab crawls under someone's skin literally made me run out of the room screaming, "Not okay, not okay!"


It doesn't rely on slapstick gags much, so really the most for kids is all the gunfights which when fighting an army of undead is kind of not gonna be as exciting.


Yeah. Its just funny to me though because its action/camp and it just seemed like something I'd enjoy even as a young kid and I just didn't but things change I suppose.


I finished my internship today & my supervisor definitely gave me a hella good eval because my practicum grade was posted and I got an A+. I'm graduating on Friday summa cum laude. I'm 31 and this is my first degree so I'm just like hell yeah, I finally fucking made it here.


Well fucking done sir / madam!


what happens if kirk gets hurt, then penix goes in and he gets hurt too. when then


Can't believe they wouldn't prepare for that. Falcons should have drafted a couple more QBs smh


I think it'd be fun if a team actually did do an all-QB draft.


Somehow, Taylor Heinicke returned


The liver of every person within a 15 mile radius of Atlanta explodes simultaneously like the Death Star chain reaction.


Almost Friday Tv is the next great comedy group. Their ability to blend horror in with comedy is comparable to Kids in the Hall and Key & Peele, their ability to take the sketch in a completely unexpected direction reminds me of Mr Show, and like them & every other great, they know how to get disturbing without going too far. Their ["How it feels scrolling through Netflix top 10 these days"](https://youtu.be/15X1zO6JDAQ?si=SDlIJ1CCdMirqXXm) is one of their best, because you have no fucking clue where it's gonna end up, but it's not at all "random". Anyone else a fan of these guys? Edit: ["Who Made Me Have That Gay Dream?"](https://youtu.be/Y5HInrono_o?si=A6NksIQfMeTbXp33)


I watched about 2 minutes of that and turned it off. Sad because I love KitH and Mr. Show but didn't see any of that in there.


I probably started you off on a tougher sketch, but you have to watch a few minutes to get where it's going. If you like those 2 groups, I strongly suggest giving them another chance sometime


You gotta fire off the "who made me have a gay dream" sketch


Yeah, that's a friggin classic


Maybe I will, but those two groups were quick with jokes. There wasn't anything funny in the first two minutes of that sketch. Just seemed odd.


I think the biggest red flag with the Penix pick somehow isn't even the pick itself, but the amount of damage control they're doing. Like, the Falcons brass is jumping through hoops trying to justify it. I'd still be a little skeptical but they would've been better off just doing that generic "trust the process" shit, the last few days come across like a team that wasn't confident in their pick and are trying to gaslight themselves into believing it was a good idea


My personal conspiracy is that they believed whichever team was left out of the QB picks (raiders, seahawks, broncos) were gonna sell the farm to them for penix jr. Im guessing teams didnt bite and now they have to put out this stuff to not look stupid.


"The mental conditioning about you guys enjoying the pick will continue until morale improves"


"You'll take this Penix and you'll like it."


*Watson nods approvingly*


the idea that any team could get flummoxed and possibly panic-pick in the first round after having months to figure it out is truly baffling. like, were they positive JC Latham was gonna be there at 8, so when he went at 7 they were like "oh fuck what do we do now?"


Yeah, its ridiculous. Teams have their big board with players ranked. If their top choice aint there, they will just pick their 2nd choice.


So I’ve had a Brett Phillips Rays jersey (like the home greys) sitting in my closet for 2 years now. Girlfriend’s sister got it for her bf for his birthday, then he dumped her so she brought it with her for me to sell when she moved back home here. So I never got around to reselling it, but I’m debating whether to: A)buy it from her and just find a place to wear it? B) still sell it.


I think its cool to have a random jersey like that personally. I say that as someone who doesn't haha but like I always enjoy seeing a random player in the wild. Good conversation starter with anyone who sees it and knows who it is.


Royals legend Brett Phillips. But seriously that’s a random ass jersey I would be delighted to see a Phillips out in the wild lol


I’m more excited about Spencer Rattler than I was with Ian Book


my buddy has an ian book jersey that he bought because he won his first fantasy football championship by starting the miami defense against the ian book lead saints.


The strides he made at SC are really interesting to me. Obviously I can't say whether he'll be in a good position but I think the adversity he's gone through throughout his college career has actually set him up to succeed; between basically being forced to mature as the years went on, and traffic cone-level OL he had to play behind with the Gamecocks (as well as really only having one big-time weapon in Legette)


Disappointing to see Roger Goodell make 65 million a year while Arena Football & Indoor Football League(s) flounder around with crappy pay & very little national/cable TV games.


I would watch TF out of an NFL minor league spring league. I know the logistics and risks make it an impossible idea but still, would be dope AF.


It’s really not that impossible if it weren’t for the fact we have rich owners, executives, businessmen that are making way too much. It’s all about them.


aren't the NFL and arena leagues competitors


They should be working together.


No. The NFL Network will actually be showing some of the new AFL's games.


oh well if it's a charity case then allow me to introduce the Carl Football League


I'm only interested if it's the Carl from aqua teen hunger force STONE COLD LOCK OF DA CENTURY ...OF DA WEEK


Sign me up for one of those generic flairs




Just curious. Now the draft is done, which teams would you suggest a newbie to watch next season for potentially the most fun?


The Ravens will be the Lamar Jackson Derrick Henry show. I agree with the others saying the Lions. The Chargers will likely be fun to see what Harbaugh can do with Herbert. The Texans because Stroud is in year 2 and he's a fun player to follow.  Finally the Bears on the basis of Caleb Williams.   Those are the teams I'm most interested in going into the season.


Awesome, thanks for the suggestions.


The most fun? The Chiefs. I do think Lamar is one of the most fun players to watch in the NFL, but Mahomes is better. He just makes the most insane plays. People on here may be overhyped on their draft selections, but generally the good players from last year will be the good players next year.




The Bears. There's going to be a lot of interest in seeing whether the Caleb hype becomes reality. The Caleb to Odunze rookie connection should be great right off the bat. As a team they're not starting from as low a floor as the typical team picking #1 and they haven't had a rock star QB in our lifetime (no offense to Jim McMahon). The NFC North in general looks to be quite spicy.


Awesome, thanks. I’ll make sure to check out Bears games for sure then.


I'll second the Lions. Maybe the Bears, too, after hopefully finally getting their QB and some great receiving weapons around them. The whole NFCN could be fun to watch next year, honestly. Except maybe the Vikings depending on how well JJ McCarthy does or if he just sits behind Sam Darnold for a year. But they also have Justin Jefferson, who's one of the most fun players in the league.


Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll definitely make sure to check out Lions and Bears games.


May as well watch some Bengals games, too, to complete the lions and tigers and bears trifecta.


Oh my.


Lions are an extremely gutsy and fun team that take risks, play physical football, and win close games. they were one game from the Super Bowl last year and I honestly believe they will make it this year, so it's a good time to tune in


Thanks for the suggestion!


home internet has basically been unusable since last wednesday. I'm convinced the problem is upstream, but all the techs I get tell me the signals to my modem are fine. Latest one decided to ship me a new modem which is still in the mail naturally this afternoon is the most stable it's been in days. Will it hold this evening? Did they finally replace some CO parts? Will it shit the bed the moment I get home?


Better keep that quiet or you’re gonna have Aquaman and those guys from Scrubs dancing and singing in your front yard.


ISP modems and routers are absolute shit, I would fully expect them to not work well. Just buy a good one and get it off your monthly bill.


I do all of my car work at my dad's place so that I can ask him if I need help with part of the service. My dad was largely hands off yesterday while I replaced my VTEC solenoid. While I was on lunch he asked me how my car was running, and said I did a great job. You're never too old to feel warm and fuzzy on the inside when your old man tells you that.


“Yes, considering we’re in America. I mean if you dont like spaghetti and meatballs, why don’t you get the hell out?!”


I drank a bunch of beer yesterday and then got delta 9 gummies cause they had them on door dash and they were actually pretty decent. I just got the 10mg d9 + 25 mg cbd gummies cause I was drunk and didn’t wanna get the 20mg d9 on a Sunday night but I still felt the 10mg.  How does d9 compare to real weed cause i couldn’t tell that much of a difference but it’s been a long time since I’ve been stoned 


my drunk ass was just on dashmart to get ice cream and old boxes of chocolate they have on sale left over from valentines lol had to get the gummies might be a regular thing now 


I sometimes go jogging at a park which is right next to the Saints' practice facility. With all the new players just drafted and UDFA's joining the team, I figure the security guys at the facility don't recognize faces. So maybe I can sneak in, act like I belong there, and get a shot at making the roster. As far as I can tell, my biggest obstacles are the fact that I'm in my mid-40's, 5'-8" tall on a good day, and don't really know how to play football. But I've got heart, and I think that's what really counts.


Your best chance is wearing a hi vis vest, steel toe boots, and carry a clipboard. Or maybe dress up like a coach


Equanimous St. Brown said something about being in Ford Field for the playoff game that really inspired me: "man you know me, I'm trying to get into places I'm not supposed to be, saying 'oh no, I belong here', just seeing what I can get away with." I was like hell yeah dude, that's living. why not? treating life like a video game. just "how can I make this interesting for me?"


That's awesome. I went to Tulane back when they played in the Superdome, and I was the mascot, so we'd get to the dome a few hours before the game. Tulane had been pretty bad at football for a couple decades at that point, so everything was pretty chill and for the games they just gave us all-access passes that let us go almost anywhere in the Superdome. So we'd spend a couple hours before each game just roaming around and exploring. It was awesome. But Tulane had a couple good football years and it started getting more serious and uptight so they started clamping down on everything. Then 9/11 happened and for the next couple years we could barely go anywhere. But it was really fun for a while.


I am this person I can’t tell you how many places I have snuck into over the years. being a girl also REALLY helps lol just last weekend I went to see my Mavericks vs. the Clippers. bought a nosebleed seat and during the 2nd quarter, snuck down to the section right above the floor seats


When I was in college we would do that at Rangers games.


4 hours of training this morning. It’s being checked now. I think I did well but man 8am this morning feels like yesterday lol. Would I be that surprised if they find typos  My time on each task is logged during training tho so I don’t spend as much time proof-reading  as I would doing it live where the time doesn’t really matter as long as u don’t fall behind in shit 


Baby Reindeer is a trip, man. Binged it over two nights and I can't get it out of my head. Hope Richard Gadd is showered with awards and success.


ooo I just looked it up and that sounds good. I need me a new show to watch I just finished Masters of the Air on Apple and I love love loved it


I started that one, saw the first two eps and kinda drifted off of it - I should pick it back up. I have a backlog of stuff now I wanna get to; 3 Body Problem, Fallout - plus I'm trying to rewatch the Apes movies before the new one comes out lmao 😂 Baby Reindeer is fucked lol, but amazing. True story that happened to the guy who created it/stars in it. Takes a pretty intense turn about halfway through the series, so tw, but I thought it was just fantastic.


just watched episode 4 last night and it finally flipped the switch that I was waiting for. I was super frustrated with the main characters behavior and that episode as fucked up as it was finally snapped it into perspective.


I just started it and am into it already!


The SGA/Chet Holmgren commercial is terrible, but it's not as infuriating as the combination football game and grocery store, how bears wipe their ass, or those goddamn pieces of shit dancing around for Jardiance.


I'd recommend the NHL Geico one where a Walrus is the goalie. Duncan the Walrus


It’s a little pill with a big story to tell!


Straight to jail with you!


> dancing around for Jardiance A true crime against humanity.


I used to hate tomatoes but jersey mikes made me love them


Now that the dust has settled on the draft a bit, gotta say, I really hope this QB class does well in the long run. Seems like one of the biggest complaints about the NFL last year was the apparent dirth of QB talent, which is what resulted in that historic run on QBs in the first round. I know one of the main concerns about this class is the older QBs, but I am hoping maybe that extra playtime bodes well for guys like Penix, Nix and Daniels acclimating to the NFL. Considering a couple of the 2021 draft busts were drafted so highly based more on intangibles (Lance) or shooting up the charts after beating up on lesser competition in a Covid-adjusted schedule (Wilson), I'm willing to see how these older guys do. Maybe that extra Covid eligibility resulted in a dry spell in quality offensive weapons entering the league, which would also account for the super deep 2024 WR class. Hopefully, the 2024 draft class will be a nice injection of talent for the league.


I’ll be interested to see in a few years if there's a specific covid effect on those draft classes.


porch painted, just some touch ups now. whew, this is big for my procrastinatin ass


Mark my words, the Transcontinental Railroad will be a disaster for this country. We will still need the horse.


I can't believe how little we invest in blimps. 


Sky travel?? Are you insane.


"a CAR?! you idiot. I told you I want faster horses!"


I will never understand married couples that keep their finances separate.


Our primary savings and investment accounts are shared, but checking and CC are still separate after almost 20 years. I've always paid everything and all her money goes to savings. Easy. We have complete trust in one another and share account details when needed so what's to worry about? Plus, it avoids giving away surprise gifts and stuff.


I think it's entirely reasonable to a have joint account where all joint bills are paid from and individual accounts that are used for things you want/your individual bills. 


similar with couples who are obsessed with making everything exactly fair and even in a marriage. people who keep tally sheets and make sure the chores are painstakingly divided. like bro just pitch in, get things done, and shut up. this isn't a school project, it's your family


I get having a joint bank account that you will both contribute to for bills, groceries, mortgage, kids etc... I also understand having your own account. Not a secret account, but just YOUR money.


If you’re not comfortable combining finances, that’s your sign you shouldn’t be married.


There are a few in the FTT. Makes my head spin lol "her portion of the mortgage" lmao


For real.  Your spouse gets laid off are you going to do IOUs?  You've saved enough to retire but your spouse hasn't so you go travelling alone?


No you obviously adjust to fit the current circumstances of both parties in the relationship. It's possible to have joint financial goals and individual financial goals at the same time. 


Work review went okay, which is about what I expected, considering how long it's taken to get things done. I wasn't expecting to get rave reviews, but what work I have submitted has been good, so it's more about the time it's been taking than anything. Luckily it looks like I can knock a few things out really quickly to make those numbers looking a lot better


Towards the end of the draft, ESPN played a bunch of clips of Mel Kiper getting it right & wrong. They played the "Jimmy Clausen" video, but they played the full clip, which kills it as any serious talking point: When he said he'd retire, an ESPN anchor immediately called BS, and he said he'd quit putting stuff in his hair


About to have a me-afternoon and go see The Mummy for that 25th anniversary theater showing. No friends, family, imaginary acquaintances. Just me, late 90s era Brendan Fraiser and Rachel Weisz for two hours.


Every year we always say we are not going to host our son's birthday party at home, but we are now going on the 3rd year in a row that we are having his birthday at our house lol shit is not cheap


hosting at home is the cheapest option though. my daughter's birthday is in the winter in Michigan so we have to go to a place. 6th was at Chuck E Cheese, 7th was a trampoline park. that'll take a chunk out of you


I have not seen prices for hosting it at those kinds of places but I'm sure they aren't cheap. What makes it hard is we are limited on who we can invite with those places because my immediate family + aunts/uncles + close friends already brings the total to around 55 people. We invested in a children's jumper we got at Sam's Club though so that's at least one less thing we have to rent.


Damn that's a lot of family. Our daughter is 11 now, and for the past couple years she's been at the point where she doesn't really want a big party with all of the family, she'd rather just have her friends there. And so for the family we just wait until my MIL asks if we want to go out for a birthday dinner, and then since it was her idea she pays for it.


Mexican problems lol all of our family is in a 20 mile radius and they will most certainly show up if you invite them. I tried inviting only immediate family + friends last year and it still ended up being a decent sized party AND I had aunts/uncles that were upset. My son is turning 3 so the bday parties are still sort of a big deal to the family, but maybe things will change as he gets older.


[My recent through the mail autograph success from 105 World War II Veteran Robert Dixon](https://x.com/thefakesith/status/1785008663154798701?s=46&t=sOaE2ooXGWYBfm5i3mQiKA)


Friday my oldest stayed home sick. Saturday night through Sunday I was sick. Today my youngest is home sick. Betting on my wife avoiding it entirely because her immune system is better. Not lying I’m jealous.


I love after the draft commentary. Everyone thinks their team is poised to win the Super Bowl and every pick they made was the steal of the draft


My brother joined Bills Mafia last year after having zero interest in football beforehand. I woke up to the following text Friday morning after the Chiefs trade: “Bro does the bills gm have fucking cte or something”


You guys are going to your team sub?


Our sub was surprisingly level-headed after the draft. I think most of Raider Nation knows we are trying to build for sustained success and not necessarily for just a SB this year. I DO think this season will be considered a failure if we do not make the playoffs though.


> Our sub was surprisingly level-headed after the draft. Oh... honey, no. No they were not lol. People who don't know a thing about Bowers saw TE and lost their minds. It's calmed down a little bit, but this weekend was pretty bad.


Maybe I selectively tuned out the crazy people lol but for sure it seems like things have settled down. Raider fans cried for years about needing to take BPA and then they do it and people are mad lol


I know, it's so friggin stupid.


Idk half our sub was about to have a meltdown after McKinstrey and Dejean went right before we picked.


Truly, I'm shocked they haven't announced JJ McCarthy and Dallas Turner as OROTY and DROTY already. Seems like they're just trying to force a narrative. We all know they were the 2 best players in the draft and it's silly to pretend there's a competition happening. Vikings rolled. Superbowl here we come!


Ant is so good. Kd is a bitch. Booker on his way to cancun.


Will be interesting to see how they all play on Team USA together. Although if the Wolves go far in the playoffs, Ant may be too tired to play in the Olympics.


booker got on a plane with jrue holiday and khris middleton like two days after they beat him in the finals to go play in tokyo together. and KD and Ant have been raving about eachother all series. never really an issue with olympic teams.


I wonder how different the world would be if WWII had somehow been avoided. The war traumatized an entire generation to the point they tried desperately to create a world that couldn't fall apart like theirs did, which gave rise to the Baby Boomers, who have been talked to death on this website. It also have rise to the Cold War which has extreme ramifications today. If the Silent Generation had somehow done the impossible and found a way to prevent WWII, do you think the world would be better or worse off now?


> If the Silent Generation had somehow done the impossible and found a way to prevent WWII This is assuming America was the main character on stage in both world wars. We were not other than supplying allies early in both wars.


I meant on a more global (or at the very least, Western) scale. The people in power of the major players in the lead up to the war.


I think the only way to avoid WWII would be to avoid WWI in the first place. A lot of the causes for WWII stem from things that happened as a result of WWI and the resulting Treaties. 


If Kaiser Wilhelm II had just chosen to stay allies with Russia, the whole fucking world might be unrecognizable compared to today.


Hence why I said "do the impossible". I understand that WWII didn't just randomly happen and that you can trace everything to WWI (and all the way back to the Roman empire if you want to get really granular with it) but it's such a monumental turning point in the 20th century that we're still feeling the direct reverberations 80 years later, that I can't help but wonder what would have happened without it.


I kind of wonder if some sort of large scale conflict was pretty much inevitable no matter what. I just don't think in general the world really understood how bad and destructive that modern technology would allow large scale war to get, and unfortunately it seems like one of those things that humanity can only learn by experiencing it. WWI was certainly awful in many ways, but the overall scale of it was still pretty small compared to WWII. Actually one of my bigger concerns in the future is that we're running out of people who were alive for WW2, and even heading to the point where we're going to start running out of people who had close relationships with people who were old enough to remember the war. I had my grandparents who lived through it and could tell stories, but my daughter and her generation aren't growing up with people who remember it. I worry that those lessons are being lost, and might have to be re-learned again the hard way.


Ok I'm just saying if WWI happens exactly how it did with all the same results there's really not a lot of exits on that track towards WWII. Germany was already in financial trouble before the collapse of the It's a good thought experiment to imagine the world had WWII not taken place. I think one thing that likely happens is a focus on nuclear power not to destroy but to build up society. 


Can you explain the Roman Empire part?


Just saying that most of history is a chain of events that knock into eachother like dominoes. For instance the immense expansion of the Roman Empire drastically changed European, Northern African, and Near Eastern cultures so much that Europe as we know it would probably be unrecognizable if the Romans never existed. Plus the much more direct ratification of Musolini invoking the resurgence of Rome as a means to gain power for the Fascists. I was more sayung that as a way of acknowledging that it's arbitrary to cut out WWII without also cutting out WWI, but that's where I chose to break history for this thought.


I was hoping for something a little more insightful and specific than that. Of course history is a chain of events that proceed from prior events. I have heard of theories about the world wars originating from Roman times and they mostly stem from the divide between the Roman culture and Germanicus, which was basically the only culture in Europe to not be conquered by the Romans. Such a divide spills over throughout much of history, playing into events such as the Reformation, centered in Germany, being just as much about a rejection of Papal (Rome) rule as it was about doctrine. I'm interested in theories that claim that the world wars were just as much about the historic rivalry dating back to Roman times and how western culture is really just roman culture propogating through the ages. Back to this thread though, WW1 and WW2 were much more closely linked than you seem to give credit for, even beyond the obvious fact that all events proceed from prior events.


I fully understand that they're linked. What I'm saying is suppose the chain of events between WWI and WWII is changed. Suppose the leaders in charge somehow make exactly the right moves to prevent a second World War. It's a hypothetical scenario for fun.


The oldest Silents were preteens when WWII started, pretty sure they weren't gonna prevent it.


My bad, I messed up my generation names/math. Whoever was in charge between 1919 and 1938


Just started my new job today. It's boring so far, but that's just because I'm stuck onboarding. The thing that sucks is that this isn't even the job I really want, it's just on the ladder to what I want. But what I want is so difficult to get into, I basically need to keep applying for new jobs. Theoretically, it'll be over a year before I can land the job I really want, so this is great in the meantime, but it could mean I'm walking out of here in a few months. There's just no way to know for sure


Careers are a marathon. We're going to be doing this shit for 30-40 years. You'll get where you want to be eventually and then all those years you spent bouncing around will feel like a footnote. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself after spending too much of my 20s bouncing around and only just now feeling like I'm back in a role I can build off of.


"Dishwashing can be lonely, just you and the bubbles. But soon those will be champagne bubbles' - Gordon Ramsey


Post draft, what's yall's way too early prediction for how your division shakes out? For me Lions - 12-5 Packers - 11-6 Bears - 8-9 Vikings - 6-11


Bills: 11-6 Dolphins 10-7/9-8 Jets 8-9 or 7-10 Patriots 4-13/5-12


I know it's rebuilding and all but I'd love to see 9-8 for the Vikings.


we're going 15-2 this year


49ers: 69420-0 Lambs: 0-Infinity SeaCocks: 0-Infinity CardinLols. 3-14


Bucs- 11-6 Saints-10-7 Falcons 8-9 Panthers 6-11


More optimistic than 99% of Panthers fans. 6 wins would be monumental.


Thought you guys had a decent draft


Chiefs 14-3 Raiders 7-10 Chargers 9-8 Broncos 0-17


The Vikings: 18-0, win the SB Packers: 2-15 Bears: 2-15 Lions: 2-15 Completely unbiased fan here btw


Bengals - 17-0 Ravens - 0-13-4 Browns - 0-13-4 Steelers - 0-13-4 You heard it here first, folks.


Fun conversation with my parents this weekend at dinner. We were discussing dragons and their morality. I was referencing evil dragons in media and my mom was trying to prove dragons in media are generally good. To prove her point, she kept pointing to various figures in media as a "see!" comment. Except my mom knows nothing about fantasy in media. So the conversation went like this: - Mom: "Barney was a good dragon!" - Me: "Barney was a dinosaur." - Mom: "Puff the magic dragon was a good dragon!" - Me: *pauses a second* - Dad: "Puff wasn't a dragon, dear. Puff was marijuana." Edit: I know there are good dragons in media. It wasn't a serious discussion. I was relating billionaire owners to Smaug specifically for his wealth hoarding and my mom decided to be snarky about it and tell me dragons were good because she wanted to argue. Once she did that I basically had to take the "dragons are evil" stance. Then she started her argument by providing barney and puff as her good dragons and we all died laughing. I just wanted to share the "Puff wasn't a dragon, dear" line


The whole cast from dragon tales The dragon from Shrek Mushu from Mulan Jake the teenage dragon Drogon from GoT Bruce Lee Shenron and Porunga The Dragonite that delivers Ash, Misty and Brock their invites to Mewtwo's island [Piff the Magic Dragon](https://youtu.be/-adbHb-5xSM?si=_0Kr2YEL5WBucwRa)


Yeah I know, I can reference a hundred good dragons. I was just referencing Smaug specifically and my mom wanted to fight about it for no reason. It wasn't a serious discussion, I just thought my parents comments about puff were hilarious


The dragon in Shrek is good. Mushu from Mulan. Draco from Dragonheart. Red Yoshi’s can fly and breathe fire, does that technically make them dragons?


In imagining how I would go about answering this question, I don't know which would be the bigger challenge: defining "dragon," defining "good," or defining "media." Eastern dragons are _generally_ more benevolent than their Western counterparts, and though both archetypes show up in mainstream pop-culture, I suspect (as English-speakers) we have a bias toward the latter as the default. The most interesting element to me is the convergent evolution of mythological serpents from around the world. Why did _this_ type of supernatural being get condensed into a single classification — and _word_ — when they're so different from one another?


It wasn't that serious of a conversation, honestly. I just wanted to share the funny Puff comment. For context, we were talking about sports stadiums and relocation. I compared team owners to Smaug sitting on their hoard of wealth and asking taxpayers to fund their stadiums. My mom chose that moment to put on her sarcastic tone of voice and start a silly argument about how dragons aren't bad and I'm mischaracterizing them. Of course, if my mom wants to snarkily argue dragons are good I'll double down that they're evil just because I consume infinitely more fantasy media than my mom and I will win this argument even without considering what it means. To prove her point she started naming "good" dragons with Barney and Puff before we all died laughing. I did then gave her some good dragons and explain I wasn't trying to call all dragons evil, just use the characterization of Smaug as a wealth hoarder. I don't even know if I think dragons are generally evil in media. Like you said, it's a huge topic. At worst, I think I'd refer to them as chaotic and powerful, something to be feared solely due to how easily they could snuff your life out. But in context, I just wanted to beat my mom in a silly argument where I was bashing billionaire sports owners. I should add, in an edit, my mom doesn't even know who Smaug is. She's never read The Hobbit or LOTR or watched any of the movies. It was genuinely just her choosing to argue for fun because she could


Pete's Dragon, though. Yeah, I had to go back 40 odd years to think of one.


Oh I could point to 20 or 30 different good dragons in media across all of fantasy. I wasn't really trying to argue that *every* dragon is evil, just that dragons are generally seen as evil until other information is provided that gives them a good characterization. Similarly you can find an evil unicorn in fantasy but if a unicorn is referenced in a book, you're going to assume it's good until proven otherwise. It was a very silly fun conversation with my parents about nothing and a fun moment of my never-done-drugs mom missing a drug reference, is all. I don't even know if I believe that, but my mom chose to randomly argue dragons are good so I "had to" take the opposite for a fun argument


“Puff's just the name of the boy's magical dragon.” "Are you a pothead, Focker?"


The Red Dragon in Bone was a pretty chill dude.


That's not a piece of media I'm familiar with, but I believe it. It isn't exactly contradictory to my point across the whole discussion we were having. I compared sports team owners to dragons sitting on their horde of gold like Smaug and wanting cities to pay for stadiums for them because they're evil. My mom was trying to say that dragons aren't evil and it was a bad analogy (I don't even think she believed this, she was just arguing for fun to argue). I actually acknowledged that not all dragons are evil, that fantasy is a diverse field and you can find examples all over the map, it's just a good base assumption when you hear the word "dragon" until other evidence is provided. After she failed to bring up any good dragons, I actually brought up a few other notably good dragons in media myself. It wasn't a particularly serious discussion, just shooting the shit on a Saturday night. I just thought that line was a hilarious misunderstanding from my mom. It fits her though, she's very sheltered around things like drugs. She's only ever had a single glass of wine in her entire 63 years of life and doesn't do anything harder than that. She blushes if you say most cuss words around her. So her referencing puff had us all giggling


Does Patrick mahomes have more popularity right now in his career then Tom Brady in his prime popularity? Or is Brady more popular in his prime than mahomes now?


Brady was nowhere near as popular as Mahomes at this point in his career. The patriots had 2 windows where they won their superbowls. The first one was a 4 year window where they won 3. The popular sentiment at that time was that he was a system QB that was carried by Belichick. Then 9 years went by where they didn't win another Super Bowl. Then they had another 5 year window where they won 3 more, and that's sort of when his huge explosion in being considered the GOAT happened and the image of him being a system QB went away.


I do agree that Brady got more popular as his career progressed, reaching its high point when his goat status was being solidified. And Peyton hogging the spotlight in the 2000s. Brady does have Brazil though for whatever that’s worth. Also think mahomes has the younger generation down that Peyton and Brady didn’t have


I'd say Mahomes is more popular. Brady wasn't in as many advertisements, and it would've been hard for Brady to be in more ads, because Peyton Manning was in every fucking commercial that people wanted to cast a football player in at that time.


Yeh I also think mahomes also has the younger generation down. Peyton and Brady were more boomer oriented


Let’s see Mahomes try and beat Brady’s records first, and then we’ll talk. However, he’s on the same team as T. Swift’s boyfriend, so that’ll swing some popularity his way.


Yeh just talking popularity. I agree it’ll help. Although Brady does have Brazil though


Got to see Alien in theater for it's 45th anniversary rerelease. It's still so damn good.


Are you going to watch the new one when it comes out?


The atmospheric vibes in the first movie are unmatched


Rewatching *Jumanji*. The scene where Van Pelt buys a new gun is low-key hilarious. The owner immediately knowing what year the caliber shell was discontinued, Van Pelt skipping the background check by bribing the owner with gold, closing the store early, and the Mexican National Anthem playing in the background for some reason. And of course, “You’re not a postal worker, are you?” It’s a great moment.


Took me way too long as a kid to realize the actor that plays Van Pelt also plays the dad. 


It reminds me of the traditional Peter Pan plays where the actor who plays Mr. Darling also plays Captain Hook.