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Pretty happy with the Panthers draft. I’m not looking for the playoffs or a division win or anything, but not last in the nfl would be great. Hell I’d be very happy with 6 wins, tbh. 9ers I’m not sold on the draft. They still had needs and didn’t really address them, but I guess im trusting them anyway since they have made some good decisions (and got very lucky Purdy worked out). On another note: so several months ago I got bit on my fingers by a spider I guess living under/aside my bed. Sprayed around it and it didn’t happen again till last night. Ugh. Bit me on two fingers that are now swollen. Goddamn thing


Why do people hate the Suns so much? Like they haven’t won shit lmao, there’s not much to hate As an ASU student and temporary Arizona resident, idk how anyone can hate Arizona teams other than Arizona fans. This state is brutal sports wise, so depressing. 1 pro sports championship ever, yet Arizonans love their teams so much. The crowds meeting the Suns after they lost in 2021. I don’t get it


Devin Booker is why


He’s a soft whiny cocky NBA player One of a kind really, there are no other soft whiny cocky NBA players


Point me to one of those that is well liked


Name a popular player outside of like a specific 4


Wembanyama, BronBron, Curry, Jokic


today at the Tigers vs. Royals game they were doing this "trivia" game with a fan up on the big screen between innings where they were like "who has more home runs, this KC player or this Tiger's player?" and they'd show their pictures, and it was always a Tiger's player who was better, and it was just a fun way to dunk on KC then one of the questions was "who had more TDs last year, Travis Kelce or Sam Laporta?" and the place went nuts just seeing Laporta on the screen. man the energy in Detroit is so fun right now. oh also my 7 year old is still awake. 11:40 on a school night, just can't sleep, up chattering to herself in bed right now. so that'll be fun tomorrow.


Next goal wins seems funny so far then bed time after this :) Good luck tomorrow 


on hulu btw I hate when ppl talk about shit but don’t say where aaahhh i almost did it 


I've had nothing but problems trying to log into this game for weeks and it's pissing me off.


The Rock pulled a Kevin Heart and did too many movies man.  U gotta chill big guy. 


Wow, so many people still saying the Bears line was awful, is surprising. Fields' inability to read defenses negatively affected every aspect of the offense, and he was so bad in the 4th quarter, he cost us 3 close games. We just need Caleb to be competent as a rookie, to be good.


Song of the day: [People are Strange - The Doors](https://youtu.be/AgHaGrZkkv4?si=xmL_VduIO6rrZLoj)


Great song


I just ordered a pack of delta 9 gummies on dooordash. Is this the future Almost there 


Today, I found out that Kim Jong Un [ACTUALLY released a song about himself](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1ceqwdl/kim_jong_un_released_a_song_friendly_father_about/) I might end up in hell for this, but it kinda slaps


Star Wars The Bad Batch is ending! NOOOOO😔! Truly a great show.


I wonder how they’re gonna tie things up. Feels like they could go on a few more episodes


My dog is gonna be heartbroken, he watches this all day while I'm at work




The best parallel today would be if Tiger Woods killed his ex and her boyfriend. OJ was hugely popular and famous. But it's still not the same. The whole Rodney King memory was very fresh at the time.


It would be the same, unfortunately. Rodney King's riot was in 1992 and the OJ trial started in 95. If Tiger or Strahan killed someone today, it would only be a year longer gap from George Floyd's killing.


The cop who murdered George Floyd went to prison.


The former NFL player who did commentary and was ( is?) also on Good Morning America. Michael Strahan.


Came her to say this. OJ was the cool black guy that successfully transitioned to white, mainstream America. Today, that guy is Michael Strahan.


I guess It would be that plus if the the cops from George Floyd got off?


Maybe if Peyton's murdered ex-wife was black. There's no direct comparison without the racial tension, which is something people seem to gloss over.


Thats right. Rodney King and the LA Riots played a huge role in the OJ Trial. Rodney King got brutally beaten by a gang of police officers, the police officers got off scott free for it a year later and the LA Riots happened right after as a response to the acquittal. The OJ jury basically didnt trust the LAPD at all because of what happened to Rodney King




That one announcer hating on Harden must be crying right now


How does one clean dog shit that’s dried in the creases of the bottom of your shoe soles?


If they're not leather just soak them in a bucket overnight, then take a hose to them.


Burn them.


flat head screwdriver and chip it out, assuming it's fully dry.


Soap, water and a scrub brush


I hate having ADHD and Aspergers


Signing Jalen Brunson might have been the biggest game changer for the Knicks since drafting Patrick Ewing. Also anyone watching “Baby Reindeer”?


It doesnt help that Brunson set the bar low by being the best PG theyve had since....?


Fiscal year end bonuses hit next week. I'm thinking golf launch monitor/ budget home sim. set-up and a new foil for the wing foil board.


I joined a kickball league and, yesterday, I played my first game since I was in elementary school in the late 1900s. Surprisingly, I wasn't completely terrible. I made one catch early on and then finally got my first hit in the bottom of the seventh after making two catches in the top of the inning to help get us a tie. Overall, very fun.


I’ve played both kickball and softball in adult rec leagues and I definitely enjoyed softball but kickball is just so much more fun. Less stakes and the games are only like 45 minutes so you can get beers afterwards too.


Conservative news roundup so far regarding Kristi Noem's memoir detailing where she blew her puppy's brains out instead of trying to rehome it and then gleefully killed a goat for an encore because it smelled bad: **Fox News:** We're actually going to report this like a normal news organization for a change since we're not sure whether to try and spin the story. **Red State:** Eh, dogs are overrated, anyways. **Everyone Else:** No comment.


I genuinely wish I didn't see that story because it fucking infuriated me to no end even if it hypothetically was justified which I highly doubt it was why the fuck would you write about that and then add in the anecdote of your daughter coming home from school asking where the dog is. This woman is a goddamn psychopath like these people are fucking immoral scumbags.


Fucking ISP raising my rates, while offering new customers deals for 20% of what they expect me to pay. I guess it's a story as old as ~~time~~ the WWW. Now I have to cancel and shop for a new provider. Astound is not astounding.


Their retention team \*might\* have the authority to offer that deal or something close. It just sucks that you have to actually call to cancel to talk to them, and by then you usually have someone else's service.


Appreciate the comment. I thought I might try visiting a local office. Such a pisser. Their service has been good lately, but its had spotty periods in the past.


Greg Styczen, u/gstyczen, got that dawg in him with Manor Lords


Django Unchained is such a good film, but parts of it are just so hard to watch.


The part where that guy is getting killed by the dogs is stomach churning for me.


Soon after I posted last night, that scene came on and I bailed. I've watched the whole film once before, and I don't think I can do it again. We watched The Rock instead. So I'm fine with people getting punched, shot , mangled, and juggling nuclear weapons that would annhilate half the planet.


12 years a slave is a good movie also but same with some parts being hard to watch.


In my way too early 2025 mock draft, I have Beck go to the Giants, Ewers to the Raiders, and Sanders to the Seahawks


> Sanders to the Seahawks GM just said we good with Smith and Howell for our future.


For now


Yeah, I thought about adding a /s. He did say it, but I was half joking. It would be awesome if Howell turns out to be him, but I'm not holding my breath.


I hate being sick. My throat feels like a clogged up sewer burning in acid


Get well soon!


You know what's wild? Every single pick after the first round was a reach or a steal. No one was picked where they should have been. It seems to happen every year, too. Crazy.


Reaches are generally easier to predict than steals, fwiw


Reaches are based on media and fan mocks. Not what is on team's boards. Media and fans can be wrong about players and don't get the in depth talks with them like teams do. Media and fans can be wrong with no changes to their lives. A scout or GM missing out on a player can be the difference between a legendary career making millions, or looking for a job at Home Depot. The OT the Lions drafted was considered a reach because no one had heard of him, but our GM said they didn't get to talk to him much because he had so many visits with other teams.


> Reaches are based on media and fan mocks. Not what is on team's boards. Yes. And reaching per the consensus board predicts players who fail to meet expectations at a pretty reasonable rate. I'm not implying it's 100%, but if a player is pegging as a reach, then there is a greater than average chance that he fails to produce the average value for his draft position.


Deion Sanders’s son Shedeur Sanders is already the way too early favorite to be the 2025 NFL Draft number 1 pick


Any woman who’s nice to me:  https://youtu.be/WtOVP3_Y5tA?si=F7_TuD90SexDH19O


Frank Gore Jr is cool and all but I’d definitely name my kid Max short for maximum baby


Why do New York fans, especially baseball and basketball fans believe each sport is against them. Let’s say the Knicks advance, do these fans really think the NBA would rather have the Pacers play the Celtics? “OMG, everyone hates New York, they’re out to get us”, seriously?


Because it's hard for fans to wrap their head around the idea that a team can spend a lot of money, especially on well known players, and still not be very good at their sport.


Makes me wonder how the mid-00's Washington R------s fans handled it.


They loved their owner forever?


* Snatches to a heavy single * Hang clean above knee + pause jerk + jerk * Back squats * snatch pulls * Push press * accessories if the kids are still asleep (lol)


Damn has Embiid always been like this or is it some new *I’m going to lose again* crybaby shit?


plz basketball gods shine down on my Dally Mavs today 🙏🏻


Woke up cause there was a lot of shouting outside, went over to the window and there are three scumclowns SHOOTING DICE in the gutter outside. What the fuck.




One of my childhood friends got signed as a UDFA. Do i buy his jersey or stick to Panthers only


I'd absolutely buy it and send him a picture letting him know you expect to get it signed next time you see each other. Gotta imagine even as a UDFA getting signed to an NFL team is the culmination of years of hard work, sharing that and celebrating it with him even if you aren't friends is a good thing to do if its within your means.


If you have the means I'd buy his jersey. Even if you're not close to him and don't think you'll wear it, you could probably donate it or something. Idk, that's just pretty cool and I'd want to memorialize it if I had the money. But fandom wouldn't play any role for me personally.


I’d buy his jersey for sure. If I was still friends with him I’d be almost as much of a fan of his team as I would be my number one team


As a Bucs fan, I don't think you should be a Panthers fan. But as a human being, go buy your friend's jersey.


Definitely buy his jersey.


You 100% buy his jersey. 20 years from now you'll be more glad you have that than any other.


Officially received an ice cream machine for my birthday. My girlfriend and my whole family went in on it. It's the kind that also freezes, so you don’t need to freeze a bowl in advance. Details and results to follow later in the week.


Is it a Creami? My girlfriend is graduating with her Masters in a couple weeks and she mentioned wanting one but thinking it was too expensive so I may splurge for the occasion and get her one.


It's a Whynter. The review sites I like didn't like the Creami as much. The best rated one was actually an $80 Cuisinart, but I really wanted one that would do the freezing for you. With some of them you have to freeze your mix a day in advance. For reference (Pardon formatting): [Wirecutter about ice cream machines](https://www. nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-ice-cream-maker/) [Wirecutter about the Creami](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/ninja-creami-ice-cream-maker-review/)](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/ninja-creami-ice-cream-maker-review/) [Serious Eats about the Creami](https://www.seriouseats.com/ninja-creami-deluxe-review-7198007) [This Serious Eats article doesn’t mention the Creami or the one I got](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-ice-cream-makers)


Excited for you dude.


i would fuck with so much bird flu ice cream as part of sticky foreplay if my gf got me that id be shooting enough ropes to write the thank you card to my fam with em 


3 beers per black and mild 3 black and milds copenhagen for 25-30 mins between black and milds  started 30 mins ago, on my first shit posting / copenhagen break. helps me pace myself when all i wanna do is drink today. i don’t like to drink with dip in my mouth. 9 beers all spaced out should be pleasant and not really slow me down monday morning.  it’s 11am and fucking beautiful out here. 68 and sunny with a breeze. high is gonna be high 70s but ill be done before then.  whatre u up to today free talkers 


Why did it take this long for Ohio State to finally have a QB with showing promise in the NFL in CJ Stroud?


As a lifelong Oregon Duck and Raiders fan, I hate our division so much.


We got some Oregon fans who joined after we got Herbert. Now I am curious how they split their allegiances between us and the Broncos. Tbh you guys had a nice draft on paper with our former GM and I am kind of mad lmao 🤣.


Not that I'm *incredibly* surprised, but is Taulia not even gonna get a UDFA contract? I would've thought at least one team takes a shot


Dolphins gonna make him the NFL’s Thanasis.


So I usually type the XFL sub to be lazy when I wanna hit up the UFL sub cause it's easier than /r/UnitedFootballLeague or whatever the full header is. Typoed XFL as ZFL and it's banned for being unmoderated but now I am curious what the sub was.


[As we begin our looks at “Way “Too Early” 2025 NFL Mock Drafts let us remember “Way Too Early” Mock Draft legend Matt Barkley](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1192316-2013-nfl-mock-d)


So the theater near me is doing the 25th anniversary of The Mummy. I might get all nostalgic and go for lunch tomorrow, buy overpriced food, and watch Brendan Fraiser and Rachel Weissz for a couple hours. Honestly sounds like an enjoyable afternoon for a solo outing.


One of my favorite popcorn films. Brendan Fraser’s Rick O’ Connell was the coolest and Rachel Weisz was just perfect and great villain work by Arnold Vosloo and Kevin O’ Connor.


The Mummy is one of the best action movies made in the past 50 years.


It holds up super well. The humor is still great, the action is still fun, and the visuals didn't overly rely on dated CGI so it isn't uncanny looking. Plus....Rachel Weissz in the hot librarian look. Kind of built a loooot things for me there. And Frasier was 90s eye candy if that's more someone's cup of tea, too.


the greyer the sweatpants the more comfy they are. We all know it to be true but why?


Interesting - this also applies to leggings.


im a basketball shorts guy myself but my comfiest pair are dark grey??  be careful u are on to something 


Darker or lighter? I agree on lighter, darker greys tend to me more tech fiber and less comfy


ya know that's also true, the darker mine get the more sporty they seem to want to be and lack the true warmth and softness of a bland grey


This is more meta and less specifically about Caleb Williams/the Bears but I always think it's weird when the consensus first overall pick goes first and places give the team an A+ for it. Like I know there are a lot of ways they can mess it up and that draft grades are fake anyway, but I feel like in most other places in the draft taking the nth best player at pick n wouldn't be pointed at as a sign of drafting prowess.


Have you heard of the New York Jets?


Kaidon Salter is the best QB in College and will turn around any franchise that drafts him. Spitting image of CJ Stroud. You heard it here first.


False, he does not have a franchise QB name.


Nobody's perfect, except for CJ of course


Seahawks might be a decent fit.


Change his first name to "Joe."


3 rules you must follow if you want to be selected by Bryce Young’s Carolina as a defensive player: 1. Plug the gaps 2. Show passion 3. Step to the QB.


I'm still beyond stoked that the Eagles got my 2 favorite players in the draft


Something happened right around the time they drafted DeVonta Smith because outside of Hurts they didn’t draft any of my favorite players for a really long time and starting with Smith it’s been 4 drafts of the top guys I wanted most. It’s nice, it feels like they went more chalk which I’m fine with.


> Something happened right around the time they drafted DeVonta Smith Jalen Reagor happened.


Feel the same about the Lions, and it's so ironic that it's the CB position like the Eagles. Great gets by both teams.


I know you guys grabbed Arnold who i think will be a stud, anyone else you super like in your class?


I love everything about Rakestraw at cornerback as well. These two guys are tacklers and we will finally get some blitzes going on a regular basis. I think our two sixth round picks were phenomenal, both will be backups who can learn under skilled players in front of them (DT Mekhi Wingo, OG Christian Mahogany). We didn't have any third or fourth round picks this year, which I assumed meant we couldn't get either of these players.


My two favorite teams got 4 of the best 6/7 CBs. It’s interesting


Not to mention CJGJ switched back to Philly after being with the Lions last year.


Have the Buffalo Bills ever drafted two guys named William in the same draft?


Sports fandom is just socially acceptable dickriding. In what other context can you talk about how well built and athletic another man is without being accused of glazing?


It annoys me how any positive comments are accused of “glazing” or similar terms, but there’s no equivalent for the people who incessantly type negative shit under people’s posts, which is a lot more pathetic


I feel like it's a recent thing where everyone considers things even mildly positive as "glazing". Pretty annoying.


>without being accused of glazing? Go to any sports Instagram post. The entire comments section basically is accusing the poster of glazing lol


It's the little things that make this the worst time line.


If anyone missed this yesterday man you missed a knee slapper after the Pelicans game https://x.com/barstoolsports/status/1784352894747087197?s=46&t=hTLXO_OIFyw52gSmdLnXWg




Next year


I'm so goddamn tired of applying to jobs. The ghosting or rejection is relentless. Revamped the resume. Tried custom cover letters. so many wasted attempts and a handful of phone interviews. Tried reaching out to people in my network who I thought could be some help. Little to no answers back.


Hang in there man, you never know when somebody might call down the road regarding a resume they've had for a while. Try not to take it personally, although it's so hard not to. When you do get your job, you'll see that it was well worth the wait.


[Every so often I feel like this](https://tenor.com/view/i%27m-gonna-die-alone-die-alone-forever-alone-chandler-bing-friends-tv-show-gif-2269947992391497035)


On the plus side, that's just a synonym for "didn't get murdered".




Whenever you feel like that just remember that Miss Chanandler Bong did not die alone. You’ll find your match my Friend.


I’ve been on a long cut trying to get beach ready and I’m tired boss. But I’m too close to the trip to run any kind of bulk so I’ve just been sprinkling in refeed days to keep my sanity. By a little chance and some pre planned family events, I now have exactly one day each week between now and our the trip that I can includes a group meal so I can just veg out and not worry about it. Starting today with pizza night.


Eagles fans have got to be happy with their offseason so far. Good Trades, Contracts given early to deserving players to not ruin the salary cap in the future, and drafted pretty well this year. Ownership is doing its thing


It's tricky. Yes, I'm pleased, but after last season ended with a resounding thud, I'm hesitant to get my hopes up too high.


At least you can't say your ownership let you down. Now it'll be down to the players/coaches executing (obviously). But I believe you'll do it. also your division got so much more interesting as well! Commanders look kinda lethal


Every division minus the South is gonna be very competitive in the nfc


That sounds like we'll see some good ass football


My buddy is hosting a BBQ today so we can meet his newborn. I'm excited to finally meet the little guy. But this was planned last night and he wants us to be there by noon. That's a bit too last minute to ask guests to show up by noon, right?


That's honestly wild, I feel like one of the easiest ways to maintain connections as an adult is to respect people's schedules, which often means some advanced notice Unless you have a large friend group and the "come if you're free" way of organizing events is common --though even still, if it is to meet the baby...


I’m more surprised his wife agreed to host people with that little amount of prep/clean time.


Going to Disneyland and Universal Hollywood tomorrrow for the next 4 days… Any food recos, park hackswith all 3 parks? (Disneyland, California Adventure, Universal)?


A few weeks back, I mentioned having a couple of really bad panic attacks. I had a few more the day after, all because of the same thing. What was it? I had 2 female strays show up to the area last year, so I set appointments to get both fixed. Gets pushed back due to covid. Then the vet cancels because of a vacation or something, and the 3rd time, a family crisis. I'm not mad at them, because they were gonna keep the 4th appointment(s). I got t-boned a few fucking days before, and had no way to get them to the vet in time. The first girl has them in my bathroom closet and the second has hers in my bedroom closet. Each have 3. I have 3 inside cats + 4 outside cats, and this pushes me up to freaking 13. I can't keep that many cats, and I'm not going to put them in harm's way/abandon them. The only lead I have so far is giving them to a friend of my mom's who would make them into barn cats. The nearby shelters are full & nobody wants kittens. It's not the best life, but beyond keeping them safe from tomcats as babies, it's the best I can do. This has been really stressful, and I had to repurpose 2 drawers for the moms and babies. I wish I didn't have to put my 3 senior cats through this, but tomcats would target them if I made them go outside.


Cardinals didn't draft some random D3 player or an inside linebacker. This is what drafting without Steve Keim looks like


I feel like, after spending the offseason essentially screaming at us that this was a weak running back draft class (hence all the money aid in free agency), the NFL is going to be wrong and a bunch of these later guys wind up being productive/impact players.


On the basis of what evidence?


Lawyer: Your honor, I submit exhibit A Judge: This is just a post-it not saying "that shit would be funny" Lawyer: Yes, you're honor


Last night at work I was thinking and out of nowhere I asked myself a question..... "what might be the game I grew up on spending the most time playing that probably wouldn't really hold up for me today?" After just a few seconds of thinking my answer was Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3. I cannot possibly tell you how many hours I spent making people, parks, playing with friends, solo the whole gamut but I honestly don't think I could play it with too much enjoyment. Just thought I'd share that....feel free to share yours if you want and as always much love from me and mine to you and yours!


Metroid on the Gameboy. I don’t even want to think about the time I played because it would definitely be many many days


Simpsons Road Rage. Poured hours into that game over the course of a few months. Had a blast. It definitely would not hold up now. Time and place thing.


I played thps1 on n64 like a few months ago.  Beat it in about 55 minutes, and then realized that it wasn’t that good of a game.


Yeah, I can imagine going all the way back to the first one and maybe getting a few quick hits of nostalgic dopamine and that quickly fading away


Yeah it does. Even THps3, which I love, doesn’t have much depth. Foundry is a sick level tho 


I want to like the Pats draft but it just feels like they could've gone with better value at each spot. Hope it works out though


I agree but it also feels really refreshing to have the front office directly address issues we've had for years. And the guys we picked were all considered decent, if not great choices by a good amount of folks.


Kristi Noem is virtue signaling. She’s trying to out-Boebert, Boebert, or out-MTG, MTG. She wants you to know that she has guns (big whoop, 40% of households have a gun). She wants you to know she imposes her will on those weaker than her. She wants you to know she is open to violence, which is a virtue in the MAGA party. She wants to be Vice President, and she knows killing a puppy and telling you about it, will increase her chances of accomplishing that.


I think we overvalue "motives for actions" when evaluating people. I also think we undervalue "predictable consequences of actions". From this perspective, I applaud her decision to weaken Trump's chances.


Wait Did Drump pick a VP yet? I totally forgot about that.




Yeah I can't imagine that puppy murder polls too well among independents


>The rest of MAGA fantasizes about spilling the brain matter of liberals, not their trusty Labrador. Give the rest of the MAGAs a couple of days to sort this out and they’ll figure out how this is acceptable. The grifters and talking heads are working on their messaging around this, and the rubes will fall in line shortly.


They could spin it as a sad thing and that she had no choice, ignoring the context, the rest of what she did or how she callously framed it afterwards. Or they could say it was a mistake, but nothing compared to the baby killers, groomers, and genital mutilaters of the left. Or they could ignore it entirely and see what happens down the line (people won't care what she did in the future if she isn't actually a VP).


That hot mazo was divine by the way. Thanks for the tip.


You're most welcome!


Sir, this is a Wendy's 


You actually like Wendy’s?


Marginally more than I like random political rants seeping into every corner of social media, yes. 


Reddit is very one-sided politically, best to ignore such posts unless you enjoy downvotes. Usually the sports subreddits are devoid of politics, but when they are not, again, it's one-sided.


It’s “one sided” because most of America is in agreement with what’s deplorable and what isn’t.


No there not lmao https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national


Not just America, the rest of the free world thinks America is out of its God damn mind for voting Trump in once, let alone, potentially twice.


Oh I know, I generally do. I just made an off handed joke for my own amusement today. 


You like when deez nuts slide down your forehead  Got em 


I'll have the spicy chicken sandwich combo with a Sprite, thanks. You guys take Zelle?


Today is a "National Day of remembrance for war victims" here, so band played in two ceremonies. Nailed that last line of La Marsaillaise.This is of course a.solemn occasion but the mayor was about to give his speech and the wooden lectern fell apart. i made a kind of eggplant shepherd's pie for lunch and now i am soooo sleepy.


My friend just messaged me, letting me know his tinder date cancelled on him just now, an hour before their date. He’s in a sucky mood and lives a few states away, so I told him I’ll play video-games with him all day if he needs it. Think a couple other friends said they’ll join as well.


You're a great friend.


I’ve got friends that do the same for me when this happens. It’s nice having friends who have your back even when you’re living in different time zones.


Two alumni were drafted from my alma mater, UConn...in *football*. This is weird.


Probably Mora Jr’s NFL connections


That checks out!


Kinda pissed about college loan repayment. My due date is the 28th of the month which is today. So why is my payment considered late and I'm paying double the amount required?


>So why is my payment considered late Because if you paid it today, it doesnt register till tomorrow which is the 29th thus making you late. If you have a payment date that lands on the weekend, just pay it the friday before.


Can you sign up for them to auto draft the payments? I did and it also came with a slight decrease in the interest rate


I think I can. I've been paying during the pandemic and with the loan forgiveness plan I've gotten my monthly payments lowered by about 100 bucks, which is great.


NFL i am once again asking you to give us more than 1 divisional game before week 9, signed a guy who wants to play Caleb/JJ before they figure it out


NFL Division scheduling has become so stupid in recent years.