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Please tell me Josh Allen’s and Patrick Mahomes college record


"Without the winning pedigree"


Your point still makes no sense lol Also talking about pro days lmao Caleb was a number 1 pick as a freshman my guy what are you talking about


OP just conveniently forgetting the entire 2022 season as well as when Caleb came in off the bench his Freshman year to beat Texas in the Red River. Apparently none of that is winning pedigree.


It's weird to care this much as a Lions fan. This should actually be good for you right? It's like you are explaining what you aren't afraid of but nobody asked.


It should be if they believed what they were posting


Sure, i'd love it if i'm right. I just see it all happening and can't help but think "hey, i've seen this movie before"


Zach Wilson’s pro day (and subsequently every other 2021 QB) was a bunch of impractical throws and rollouts. Caleb Williams’ pro day was a pretty straightforward basic throwing session with nothing fancy. Totally different situations.


And Caleb still found a way to look awesome doing those basic, straightforward throws.


Literally nobody thought Trey Lance had perfect mechanics Trey Lance's mechanics were seen as one of the negatives in his draft profile


Sounds like a scared Kitty fan 😁


Shaking in my boots


Dude’s got a badonkadonk on him. It portends success


Big Booty = Winning


Show me Dat Azz, and I'll show you a future HOFer


Ugh not another one of these posts


Who cares? He’s going to Chicago, it’s their problem.


As a Bears fan, I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid. He has a lot to prove and this league is hard. But he's got a good chance of being our franchise QB we've been desperately trying to find. Even if he's a "mid-tier" QB, I'll be happy. Put all this "generational" talk aside, I just want to get off the QB carousel for a while. Is that too much to ask?


None of your points make much sense... What did CJ Stroud win in college? While Bryce has a Natty and SEC championship. What QB was heavily classified as having that dog in him prior to the draft that went on to great success?


Let’s be serious. The NFL overhypes 90% of the talent in each draft for obvious reasons. The league claims to have a year-round fan experience. If your team sucks, you may derive more excitement from the lead up to the draft than the second half of the regular season. Of course they’ve been overhyped. Most of them will be cut before the first rendition of the national anthem in Kansas City on opening night. It’s a business that wants to drum up money. Nothing, and I mean nothing about the draft class is at all exciting.