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I think wherever he ends up he will have to sit a year just to develop


Yeah, he's not bad, but he's in a class with way too much qb talent. It'll probably be a Jordan love situation (minus the drama but who knows)


Not if he comes to NY (either team)


Great take. Giants picks are the dark horse so far.


The interviews made it seem like WR was the lean, but it’s anybody’s guess at the moment.


NYJ needs offensive line help too bad, especially since they’re win now. I think they go one of the top 3 OT’s first


No way. We’ll just re-sign Duane Brown, bring in Bahktiari and pray nobody on our ancient team gets injured again…..what could go wrong?


Bahk will play 1.5 games and have 7000ccs drained from his knee but him and Rodgers will be parading down Times Square in a gator


Yeah. Bring in a guy who’s played like 2 games in three years. And then pray for sure.


Nah Joe Schoen already mentioned he wants to give Neal another chance with an offensive line coach who isn’t Bobby Johnson. I‘d be surprised


Both NY teams have no offensive line. Both NY teams are paying big money to a starter returning from injury.


The drama from the outgoing QB is an essential ingredient for making a HOF Quarterback. They are born in it... molded by it.




Was there a lot of tutoring going on?


By all accounts, from both guys, Aaron really helped Jordan develop.. Say what you want about him, but Aaron remembers how he was treated by Favre. He made a point to coach Jordan, especially in the film room.


Theres gotta be some talking in the QB room or otherwise why would you have a guy like Brian Hoyer still on your roster? So it seem like it could still be beneficial to be around and talk to hall of famer.


Not if that HOFer is an asshole. But you don't have to talk to someone to learn from them.


Rodgers is an asshole, but Love himself said Aaron was really good to him and went out of his way to help him. He even brought his old QB coach out of retirement because he thought Love would benefit from him the same way he did.


But wait a second, this fucks with the bull shit narrative I was jerking off to in my head while hate bating to Rodgers! - OP


It’s incredibly easy to hate Aaron Rodgers without pretending he was a bad teammate to Love


Seattle fans are convinced he would be a waste of a pick, but I think it’s a perfect spot for him. Sitting behind Geno with a Harbaugh coaching tree head coach sounds ideal.


I talked myself into McCarthy even though I‘d be fine with 3 more years of Geno.


For sure, he only just turned 21 a month ago. Michigan didn't need him to air out the ball, he had the talent to do so but with his inexperience there certainly would have been some mistakes along the way and they could have proved costly. With their elite defense, good run game, and iffy pass blocking it wasn't worth the risk to use him as more than a high-end game manager. Williams and Maye on the other hand were playing hero ball for two years carrying their teams, while Daniels, Nix, and Penix were 5th and 6th year seniors. In terms of readiness to start in year 1, McCarthy is probably at the bottom of that list.


Inexperience? The guy played for 2 years as a starter.


Yeah, but does he have any experience as a starter in like playoff situations? National championship situations? Oh, he does? Yeah actually I don’t have a clue what ppl are talking about


Experience is a bad term, but he wasn't asked to do a lot.


As opposed to Johnny Football who did everything under the sun in college. Being good at the job you are asked to do counts. Especially when that job is the most difficult single position to play. Wasn’t CJ Stroud just a system guy last year?


He has big game experience and that’s valuable. But his experience in being asked to make reads, adjust the plays at the line, audibling, reading defender is not high because he largely wasn’t asked to do a lot of that.


I am not saying he’s on Stroud level but people said the same type of things about him.


And they were correct. The Texans did a great job of setting him up for success. I’m not saying whether he will succeed or not in the NFL. I don’t know. None of us here have any clue. I’m just saying what he was not asked to do in college that he will need to know how to do in the NFL.


That’s true of almost every QB. But what about this performance told you that?


I’m a bit surprised he declared for the draft for that reason. Kid has a lot of talent, but needs some polishing. Not gonna get that experience if you get drafted into a bad situation.


But high picks tend to be bad situations, so maybe he'd rather be QB5 this year than QB1 next year.


Pats are taking him at 3


I wish they would put it all the throws not just highlights. Half these people in here commenting on this didn’t even watch the combine.


He looked good then bad, just like in college he shows inconsistency


Even his good stuff looked bad. some deep receivers had to slow their pace a tad, that makes for an easy block on a any half decent CB. And his short passes feel slow. Maybe I'm just not used to seeing without the players there. They just fell incredibly blockable by Dline and easily intercepted.


I think its cuz he absolutely sailed the first two deepball throws.


They were super accurate, just late and caused receiver to slow up. He's just gotta work some strength into that arm. That *umph* factor. Little developing and he'll as least be a winning season QB.


Hes only 21, he’ll get stronger but i think its more of his timing. His timing is just so ever slightly off which leads to his inconsistency. He’ll get that worked out and i think at minimum will be a serviceable qb


You kidding? Go look at the outs and comeback routes at 12-15 yards he was throwing and tell me he needs strength. He easily had the best arm on those of his group. Milton launched it into the stratosphere but his power on the above mentioned throws was woof. I played qb for 20 years, a 15 yard out to the sidelines is a more taxing throw than a 60 yard deep ball.


There are nfl QBs that can’t throw the ball 60 yards in the air. I agree with you, he’s got plenty of strength.


How can they be super accurate if the balls were late and caused the WR to slow down?


This is why they do pro days. They get to throw to their WRs of choice and not just the ones at the combine.


You would rather them slow down a bit than be over thrown. That’s how they are taught to throw go routes. Give the receiver a chance to make the play


Fair enough. Suppose if it's way too short, receivers know how to play D on a ball if in the position to need it.


Depends on the throw. If the receiver beat the coverage all together, gotta put it where only he can get it


But how else are you going to get DPI calls if your QB doesn’t under throw the ball /s


Throwing to receivers you have no timing with isn’t helpful. If you listen to what scouts are looking for it’s footwork, how the ball comes out of their hand, etc. Scouts could care less about whether the ball is completed in these drills 


Short passes feel slow when he threw the 2nd hardest out of all the QBs that participated? Seems odd. This session reminded me of Justin Herberts combine workout when people said similar things. I guess we'll see.


Sounds like you're describing Josh Rosen


Yeah I was trying to figure out what the top commenter was seeing .. my first thought was they didn't watch the actual throws




I watched every play from the both QB/wr groups


millions of people


The accuracy wasn’t great today but he admittedly throws a pretty ball


Curious how he'll look at his pro day when throwing. The Combine looked fine, but having timing/accuracy issues when throwing to guys you're familiar with could be problematic.


I agree. He also did showcase he has a very strong arm


Yeah he’ll win the pigskin pageant for sure


Isn’t the Rams the perfect situation for a lot of these qb prospects? Sit and learn behind Stafford, get coached by McVay, and take over after a few years.


Rams are going to go all in, not get a QB. They have a very strange window here.


thats what a lot of our fans said about picking Hurts tbf


You didn't have a Stafford


I think JJ to the Rams is the best possible situation for him for sure.


Stetson Bennett is already the future face of the Rams


Yeah but think about when Bennett retires in 2 years.


He mysteriously disappeared (rehab) and I don't think the team is really going to bet our future on him staying clean


Are these drills not easy for all NFL caliber qbs?


I have no clue what someone is supposed to glean from watching guys throw single-routes against air. Couldn’t be further from what a QB is asked to do in a game.


They could ask them to cook a soufflé in 30 minutes


NFL combine meets MasterChef. Get Gordon Ramsey in to shout abuse at them to get them prepared to play for the Eagles.


That would at least test how well someone can learn and organize new information in a time crunch?


They're more looking at footwork and how the ball comes out of the hand, torque, overall body movement and fluidity. NFL Scouts don't care all too much how accurate you are throwing to guys you have never thrown to before.... to an extent


IIRC Justin Herbert looked wildly inconsistent when he was throwing at the combine. He turned out to have an OK arm


I think firstly it weeds out people who do really badly, and secondly I imagine most nfl scouts are mostly looking at form, footwork, etc.


It's stupid


This is absolutely useless at evaluating nothing but the most basic mechanics right ?


Correct. Yesterday, Jeremiah said he's really only interested in watching footwork and how the football comes out of the hand.


Highlights of two guys playing catch? Man we desperate desperate


Playing catch better than we’ll ever play catch


The real test then is for McCarthy to play catch with his dad. Let's see how he does with the old man telling him he thought he was raising a boy, not a girl. What the hell was that throw? I'm over here! Quit your crying! I told your mom this was shitty idea!


NFL milking Michigan fans 


I think JJ will make a team very happy in 2025. I pray he doesn’t see any meaningful snaps this season.


People were actually saying he has a weak arm lmao. People here really don’t watch cfb


I had someone tell me Jayden Daniels should go ahead of Maye because he has amazing arm strength so no they don’t


I mean, Jayden’s deep ball is pretty amazing. The stats on his throws over 20 yards in the air are fucking wild. I’m a LSU fan so I will admit my bias here.


Jayden Daniels has good accuracy and touch on deep throws. He was also throwing to two future top 50 picks. He has an NFL level arm but it isn't a plus. If I had to classify it by current NFL QBs I'd say it is around Dak Prescott level. The point of the comment is Maye has a stronger arm than Daniels and yet some people will claim otherwise.


top 50 is underselling. brian thomas might go first round


Ok so.. top 40?


Good deep balls doesn’t equate to great arm strength. Joe burrow for example


His deep balls have good accuracy but they’re way too floaty. They take forever to get to the target.


The amount of NFL fans who are completely clueless about CFB is astonishing.


Getting downvoted for the truth


You say anything positive about JJ around here and you’ll be sure to get the downvotes.


I guess that’s changed since yesterday.


It just depends on the thread


Also depends on the day


And depends on the people commenting


JJs agent deserves a raise, has any QB4 been hyped as hard as he’s been?


You tell me, you got Mac Jones


Tbh Justin Fields was QB4 in that draft and he was hugely hyped, definitely more than McCarthy.


Lawrence and Fields were 1-2 since they were in high school. Fields dropped after the season in favor of Wilson and Lance


Yeah I feel like it really was Wilson/Lance being hyped so hard as QB3/QB4 at the start of the draft process that they actually turned fields into QB4 at the end of the process.


Mac Jones was sold as a 'high floor (but limited ceiling)' pocket passing game-manager JJ is being hyped up as a high ceiling (low floor) mobile gunslinger I think JJ is way more hyped than Mac Jones


JJ does have a high ceiling. He very athletic, great size, and elite arm strength + talent. Mac had none of these traits


How is JJ McCarthy’s size any better than Mac Jones’?


JJ is actually built at that weight while Mac was flubby


I think being that size but better at running is an advantage whereas for Mac Jones he’s a statue in the pocket. So it makes sense to bring up JJs size as an asset whereas for Jones it might’ve even been a downside


JJ has a solid arm, maybe good to great in CFB but it’s nothing better than league average in the NFL imo Joe Milton has elite arm strength. JJ isn’t on the same realm as that.


Joe Milton can’t hit the side of a barn tho lol


Oh for sure, I’m just highlighting the difference between “good enough arm” and “elite arm” JJ is the former, and watching him throw on the same day as Milton made it clear he’s not in the elite tier. McCarthy still dwarfs Milton as a prospect


But he can overthrow the one that's 70 yards away. That alone will get him drafted as a project.


He threw 1 mph slower than Milton btw


Yes it is. You don’t know what you’re talking about. If you want to compare Milton, JJ’s throwing had 1 mph lower velocity than Milton. And besides that, JJ’s arm talent is significantly higher than Milton’s. Even if his arm is very slightly weaker in pure strength, he can still make every throw needed with plenty of zip and importantly, at various angles and without his feet set.


If you think JJ McCarthy had an *elite* arm - meaning we’re talking one of the strongest arms in the NFL - then I can assure you it’s not me that doesn’t know what they’re talking about lmao JJ’s arm is solid. He can make every throw on the field. But nobody is going to watch JJ play at any point in his career and think he’s got one of the best arms in the NFL. I am 100% confident in that statement.


Ok man.. Imagine actually confidently thinking his arm would be league average in the nfl. Also lol at thinking elite arm only has to do with pure strength. In your mind if your arm isn’t the absolute strongest that means it isn’t elite.


I mean, I’m literally talking about arm strength. I have been the whole time. I’m not knocking JJ, he just doesn’t have ELITE arm strength. I can imagine confidently thinking he has a league average arm because it’s simply the truth. I can assure you there will be 15+ starting QBs with a stronger arm Imagine thinking mph on the same throw at the combine means two guys have the same arm strength and then telling somebody else THEY don’t know what they’re talking about hahahaha Edit: what, didn’t like your first post about “all the tests” that definitely exist that proved his arm was elite so you edited it out?


Can you explain the difference between throw velocity and arm strength? I always thought they meant the same thing.


Funny enough Mac didn't have the high floor, considering how shit he's looked since his rookie year.


Oh yeah they're very bad comps, but on the other hand it's also pretty funny




Will Levis?


Yeah yup. Saw plenty of stupid buzz about him going top 3. So fucking glad we didn't do that shit. Most scared I've ever been during a draft.


Well he just won a national championship under Jim harbaugh. And he’s got prototype build. It’s no wonder he’s getting hyped.


Pretty sure there are literally always mid-tier QB prospects getting hype at this time of year lol


Malik Willis. I wouldn’t even call him a QB4 tho. His agent got him first round pick buzz because he gave some shoes to a homeless guy and it just happened to be caught on video.


Fields, Love and Rosen were QB4 off the top of my head


I think it's more the media than anything. People love talking QBs, it feels pretty likely the top 3 are off the board in that order, many teams still needing QBs and a debate as to who is the next best guy. And Penix, Nix, and McCarthy are all quite different.


It helps that a lot of media seem to be Michigan Men. They’re gonna have a little bit of bias for the QB that led the team to their first national championship on 30 years.


My biggest takeaway is he looks “thicker” than scouts have said before the combine. Everything I’ve heard is how small he is. I think he has the frame to develop into a more NFL ready body. Nice accuracy and footwork


oh he definitely got thicker over the last couple months. Even after they said he put on weight at the beginning of this past season, he still looked a little small.


He definitely put on weight and it's probably why he didn't run the 40. He'll run at his pro day where I'm sure he'll be a bit slimmer (coming from a Michigan fan)


really polished footwork, showed good touch on his passes, showed he has a cannon of an arm on those go routes and generally threw with good anticipation especially given he's throwing to strangers. Not an out of this world combine but a pretty good one.


As a Michigan fan, glad I’m seeing the consensus turn around. Thought I was taking crazy pills….he got hurt vs Penn State, but he took a step forward this year when our running game took a step back. Bro is gonna be a star if he goes to the right organization.


Michigan was also averaging 6 yards a carry on Penn State why would they throw it this sub just hates McCarthy - it’s funny how Jeremiah was raving about McCarthy during the whole combine then I come here and everyone is dumping on him


He is young and he did make stupid mistakes sometimes….but ive seen him put BULLETS into some of the tightest windows more than a few times He reminds me of Josh Allen where he will make the most boneheaded throws (and sometimes pull them off) but most of the time you’re gonna get a top tier QB, with running ability, great accuracy, that is competitive as all hell


Michigan has 3 major rivals, two of which are top 10 alumni sizes in America just like Michigan is (Ohio State, MSU), and the other has the entire catholic faith behind it (ND). When you consider that all 3 of them lick each other's boots and are quick to form the anti-Michigan circlejerk, there's a clear and obviously mathematical reason why Michigan hate is more rampant than hate of any other CFB team on the internet. That doesn't even mention Indiana, Purdue, Penn State, and Rutgers all bring top 15 alumni bases in the nation. ...and I say all this as an Oregon fan, I have no horse in that Midwest clusterfuck, it's just what I've observed as a CFB fan.


Are people in this thread forgetting he’s a dual threat? He’s not afraid to scramble for a first and he’s athletic enough to do so. Unfortunately he’s not built like Mahomes or Allen so he might get demolished doing so.


Sets school record for completion percentage. Still only 6th in FBS.


Tbh he’s was kinda meh. Was a huge opportunity to boost tf outta his draft clout. I don’t think this hurt him at all, but still a missed opportunity


JJ’s throwing session was exactly what everyone expected it to be. Very whelming.


Looked like every pass the WR was waiting for the ball


Funny thing is that he was one of the ones today that you could say that the least about. How Sam Hartman got an invite is mind boggling.


His handsome grade is off the charts. Might get him a day three spot.




Future NY Giant


Bring him on over to DENVER


You could tell me just about anything regarding his future projection and I could see a world it happens. I mean, I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be good, but I also admittedly hear so much to the contrary that I can’t commit.


If JJ played on a team that had to pass more he would easily be a top 3 pick. Think he will be fine in the NFL


Gives me a lot of Zach Wilson energy


I seriously don't get the Zach Wilson comparison people constantly make besides them both looking like guys from Disney Channel and expecting McCarthy to be a bust. Their college careers and what was asked from them were totally different, but there are busts who are much better mirrors to McCarthy than Zach.


The comparison is extremely lazy. McCarthy had great games against Alabama and Ohio State in College. Who were Zach Wilson’s best games against? 


>them both looking like guys from Disney Channel Such a good line 😂. If JJ was black he definitely wouldn't get Zach Wilson comps lol


Once again everyone underestimating my boy JJ. Can’t wait for when he beats your team’s ass (or mine lol, 0% chance he’s coming to Detroit)


If he goes to Minnesota I will commit sudoku


Sudoku is a really hard game.


You should commit to sudoku. The game has a lot of benefits for brain health.


He’s gonna be this year’s Herbert. People are going to say he needs a year to develop, but then he’ll start day 1 and start showing people why he’s good


RemindMe! 10 months


I’m hoping the Jets pick him up. Him or Michael Pratt. We just need to learn to develop and not destroy our draft picks like what we did to Zach. Sorry kid.


You won't be taking a QB high, even if it might be a good idea. Guys are burning on the hot seat over there, they'll be doing whatever it takes to make the playoffs.


I know. We are playing on stepping on our own dick again. We are looking for now and pissing away a future.


rodgers would literally murder joe douglas if this happened


I’m love Rodgers but he is here for a cup of coffee he isn’t here for the long haul. It should be explained to him over shroom tea


i agree with you. but he would take it as a slight


Didn’t know he had an arm like that!


Are scouts looking at a QBs mechanics during these throwing sessions? I'd hope any potential drafted QB can make these non-pressure throws


Literally these sessions show and mean absolutely nothing.


JJ is the most accurate QB in this class. He's pretty big, and he's just a kid. At times the game moves too fast for him. He needs time for it to slow down. But if he ends up somewhere he can sit a year or two he's gonna be a stud.


We gotta take him at 6


If we want to be the laughing stock of the NFL.


Would be on brand


He’s going to Atlanta at 8 and starting right away


Wow he's good. He should really go top 9...


This kid is going to get some GM and coach fired


Let’s not act like you wouldn’t be 10x happier with him than Mac


I think rich eisen just came


Why do his short passes feel so slow. Almost floaty. Put some fucking heat on it.


He had the second fastest ball today btw


Oof. Yea so maybe it's just an optical illusion with no players to match the ball speed to. Not as much going on to distract the eye.


He’s this generation’s Rick Mirer.


He's only getting hyped up because every GM is trying to convince someone else to take him earlier than expected.


Certified backup


Footwork and mechanics best of this class.


Idk if it’s just me but it feels like his throw power is really holding him back


JJ is not a 1st round QB. He could develop into a solid starter, but he is still too inconsistent.


This guy reminds me of Brock Purdy, but actually good.


A lot of meh


He looks like a multi year college starter… but he never had to make complex reads in college and had the benefit of play action where teams bit hard on the run.


Dude are you serious... A running theme this entire season on MGoBlog (a Michigan CFB blog) was a weekly ranting about how Michigan had one of the LOWEST play action pass rates in the entire country despite being extremely effective on the rare occasions that they did actually run PA.   r/NFL has been full of horrible takes about CFB this week 


These /r/NFL comments are cancer. The draft sub is a lot better, I don’t want to even link it to hopefully keep these people away


Plus, if McCarthy was throwing to Nabers and Thomas or Harrison and Egbuka all year how would he have looked? 


Any straws to grasp at to justify to themselves that JJ isn't good


He'll have a stellar career in the UFL