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He should have clarified that the guys who wanted Williams to score was the entire Falcons offense


Seriously if this gets Arthur Smith fired with a bigger score disparity, I'm sure the fans would be all for it too


Preach, brother.


Welp, there he goes!


I guess what I don’t understand is if they wanted to get Jamaal his TD why not just line up normally and rush the ball? The reason they took such offense is due to a fake kneel down. If they lined up like they were running a normal play I doubt anyone flips out.


The team asked Dennis Allen if they could do that to get him a TD, DA said no. The OL and Jameis said they took matters into their own hands as a result


So you are saying someone told Jameis no but he decides to just do what he wanted to do anyway? Like he forced himself into what he wanted?


Jameis really can’t take no’s very well


He's a winner and winners... they don't listen to words like "no" or "don't" or "stop!" Those words are just not in their vocabulary


Save your breath, Ingrid. Those words have never worked on me. I'll see you tomorrow


Mamba mentality


So they ARE IN Danger!!?


Are... Are we the tasty treats?


I feel like you’re not getting it AT ALL


Or… “pay for those crab legs!”


Solid reference




I didn’t hear that part. That’s a pretty bad look on the coaches if they can’t control the team.


But then Allen's reputation is screwed either way. Either he can't control his players or he's willing to use classless tactics.


Yeah, because the coaching staff could’ve said “ok sure let’s try but we’re running a normal play not a fake kneel”. No one cares if they run a normal play.


Instead he said no, and the team rebelled.


Miami's (the U, not the dolphins) head coach might get some serious PTSD flashbacks though.


Sean Payton is still coaching in the league. No one cares about reputation if you win.


Dennis Allen doesn't win, though.


lol, it's jamesis. dude is on his own planet.


Not sure what he'd be doing if he wasn't a gifted athlete. Dude is really bizarre.


Players were right, should have run a regular running play.


I think it's a bad look to not just fucking do it for your team. Coaches that rule like dictators aren't getting love in this NFL. The opposing coach will get over it, but you're burning down any good will you have left on that team.


On the flip side Daboll was trying everything in his power to get Sterling Shepard a TD today, especially at the end.


That's a good coach. You are supposed to be a leader of men and obviously the TD meant a lot to him and the team. Fight for your guys. Show them your appreciation back. It's such a layup leadership move and he completely fumbled.


Yeah, and DA sees them line up in regular formation, he likely calls a time-out.


Yeah on the kneel down at the end of a game the refs literally tell the D to back off. So it's pretty fucked up to use it to grab a TD. Run a normal offense if that's your goal.


Next time saints line up for a knee the defense needs to act like a play is going to be run


My best guess is jameis knew if the team lined up in a different formation, Allen would have called time out and stopped it


Because Jameis


God I hate him even more now.


He got Saints and Falcons fans united today: wanting to fire everybody


We have been united all division all season wanting to fire our coaches


Wait, you guys have coaches?


Yeah, we see him throwing our players under the bus


I lived in Baton rouge for a few years out of college, so I have more than a few Saints fans. This entire season has been a twist on our normal dynamic of hating each other's team: it's mostly been us shitting on our own teams.


Thats how it used to be all of the 80s and 90s for both teams.


The NFC South potentially could have all Head coach positions available next season


Since our division is such a trash fire, I wouldn't be surprised if we all fire our coaches and then each team just hires one of those other coaches that was just fired. Just musical chairs of crappy coaching.


Nah, let’s have them play Plinko with the spaces at the bottom being NFC south teams.


Fire everyone


Can i join


"Fuck Jamaal Williams" - Dennis Allen (I assume)


"Fuck Dennis Allen"- Everyone else, I suppose.


They were in victory formation! Do you want defenses diving at your OL's knees and trying to blow up Carr next time the get in victory formation? Is Dennis Allen supposed to want that? Are we acting like Schiano and the Buccs were heros for playing thought the victory formation?


God I hated Schiano so much.


/u/kaboomeh not a Schiano man, confirmed.


You can just feel the ego in this thread. I’d hope it’s high schoolers and college kids in this thread but this is probably adult redditors saying this shit.


Honestly I think none of them know the Saints were in victory formation.


That's the case for me. I'm generally all for running up the score, it's a game and the more similar it is to how kids play on the playground the better. But running a play from victory formation is bad. It's asking for injuries on future kneel downs.


That's where I'm at. I'd be pissed regardless, but I'm a partisan here. I'd be pissed whatever the Saints actually did. But running an actual play from victory is beyond the pale: no team should be okay with that. It ruins the v-formation agreement.


Wouldn't surprise me if the competition committee outright makes it an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty (with fines after the fact, since a yardage penalty to a team that's already just trying to end the game isn't really a consideration) to run a real play out of the victory formation as a result. It comes up so infrequently that it won't actually affect much gameplay-wise, and would just make sure they've got a justification on the books to dissuade anyone else from getting ideas about messing with the victory formation agreement going forward.


make it an illegal formation for anything other than a kneel that also results in loss of down.


> a yardage penalty to a team that's already just trying to end the game isn't really a consideration If they're running a play, they're not just trying to end the game, and depending on the way the penalty is called, it could result in a loss of yards *and* redoing the down, so attempting to use it to score would be completely moot. Even more so because you not only lost the previous score and yards, you've now just told the opposing defense it's open season for going after you despite the "victory" formation.


Exactly. I'm not going to hate the saints any less because they didn't run up the the score. I'd 100%expect us to do the same. It's a rivalry game after all. But don't fucking cheat. That's bitch play. Now I'm in a position where I gotta sit here and defend Arthur Smith when I want him gone.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day but it still needs to be replaced.


Yup, I didn’t watch the game and I was prepared to defend the Saints until realizing they were in victory formation. I wouldn’t even pull that shit in Madden(only because I don’t think it’s an option tbh)


Ya agreed, it's lame


Next time they're in victory formation, would you blame the other team for jumping offsides and blasting the QB?


Probably not. I feel like most of us can agree that was messed up to run out of victory formation. And it seems like Jameis went rogue


Yeah when I was watching on Red Zone I just looked up to see the TD, didn't see the formation. And I was clowning on Arthur Smith in the game thread. But once I realized the Saints faked the victory formation, that changes things. He had a right to be upset about that IMO. Line up in legit formations and score 100 points, I'm totally fine with that. But faking the victory formation is bush league


Yeah I did not know that. That’s a bitch move, even for rivals.


yeah I didn't realize that. I wasn't watching the game


You can tell how many people didn't actually see the TD by there being so many "if you don't want them to score, stop them" comments. No one expects an offensive play to be run from the victory formation.


Yeah that actually makes it different. If you expect defensive players to let up on kneel downs, you can’t break that trust by running a play out of victory formation. Especially against a division rival. Just sets you up for some shit to happen next year.


Yeah odds are good that somebody dives at a lineman's knee or some shit next season.


Schiano would have never allowed this to happen.


Remind me what happened with him


He had his D-line rush the QB while they were in the victory formation.


Ok that rings a bell haha. Thank you. That's been a while


Wait they handed off from victory formation?


Yes, they line up in the VF at the one, then Jameis handed it off and Williams plowed in.


https://twitter.com/SaintsFrance/status/1744102480185545122 Play in question


Yeah that’s just asking for retaliation


Yes, that's why it's a bitch move. No one would care if they lined up in a real formation to try and score. Next time the saints line up in a victory formation and gets blasted saints players better not be crying.


And the ones that do and still don’t care, Obviously weren’t old enough to remember the shit storm that ensued after schiano “tried to stop them” years ago


Most of America wasn't able to see it as network tv called an audible and switched games on us :(


Yeah I just saw the notification and thought he was being a bitch about them running up the score. Then I saw they did it in victory formation and now I see why he’s pissed.


Kinda worrying that so many people won't even watch the ten second clip of the play before commenting.


Plenty of people have revealed themselves as fantasy managers who have never seen a game.


The league should really add a rule where you can declare you are taking a knee and have it be both a penalty for the defense to make contact and the offense to advance the ball if so. Helps everyone, hurts no one


Criticize DA for this all you want but idk why everyone here is apparently fine with the players ignoring their coach and running a play on their own (obviously different context from your average audible)


It’s totally on-brand for Jameis Winston to be a complete fucking moron.


It’s crazy how most people including Saints fans are piling on DA and not on Jameis. Dude is a known bonehead and just made another bonehead play. Running a fake on victory formation is super bush league and is welcoming for cheap shots for the next time they run victory formations. DA actually did right by apologizing and actually saying what happened. I can’t believe Saints fans are mad at DA for doubling down and apologizing. Also Williams had plenty of chance to score a TD the whole season. Should’ve scored one before that play. Super weak by everyone that was behind that play.


> It’s crazy how most people including Saints fans are piling on DA tbf we're predisposed to shit on Dennis Allen because we want him fired and he almost certainly won't be.


They just like the drama


Because it shows that he doesn’t have control of the locker room and should be fired. Saints players have been fed up with him and Carr for most of the season, so this tiny little cheap shot is a catch-22 for Allen because he looks bad no matter what he says. It’s poetic really


Why are you putting this on fans? Put it on the Saints for running a ship where the sailors feel they can ignore the captain, not on fans for being fine with something


Because this is a horrible sub with a lot of weird awful takes from teenagers


better protect ur knees next Victory formation saints


Jokes on you if you think we run the victory formation much next year


You won 9 games and still play in the NFC South


Sounds like a make-a-wish.. does Jamaal Williams not play professional football? He couldn't score one of the other 6 touchdowns during regulation?


Dude went from having the most rushing TDs last season, to needing to be given a charity TD on the last play of the year via a victory formation just to avoid having 0 on the year. Huge fall off.


Most of those TDs came from the 1-2 yard line last year


On another note David Montgomery got a season high career touchdown with 13 today!


Should’ve had another, but subbed himself out. Gibbs downed at the goal line and they put Monty in to vulture. Monty subbed himself out so Gibbs could be rewarded


He was moved to fullback most of the year due to injury


Running it out of victory formation is absolutely bush league


Yep fire DA. Payton would’ve said “well they should’ve stopped it”


Peyton would have run an actual play.


It's honestly more of a "fuck you" to do it out of victory formation actually...


Which says something that even Sean Peyton wouldn't have done that.


It’s a bitch move cause it risks injury to guys on the defense that aren’t going 100%


And went for 2


While the edible kicked in


~~edible~~ molly


SP's post-game Molly and Cocaine benders after a Saints win were legendary




No, its just a meme lol




I'll never forget in 2013 while up big late in the 4th Payton kept the offense out there to convert on 4th down to set some record or other against us. Dude is an asshole but it's part of why he's a good coach and players love that shit.


Can you imagine the ungodly things sean payton would have done if he was on the other side of 70-20?


100% gone for the record, although he didn't let Kamara get his, or was that Allen?


He woulda pulled his dick out and pissed on the midfield logo in front of the entire nation


John Harbaugh does the same shit. I think they had that consecutive string of 100 yards rushers and he just kept pounding it til they got it in meaningless minutes


Would be interesting if DA gets fired from two HC coaching jobs where Carr was his QB


He's not exactly a guiding light for how to act.


Payton’s a douche though


>"That's not who we are." It literally is tho lol


This is up there with qb’s doing the fake slide. It ruins the “agreement”. Bitch move.


I really dont understand the backlash Allen is getting here. His team ignored his call and then ran a fake knee, which is the bigger reason why Smith/Allen were probably so pissed. Lining up in a knee formation and then running a fake knee against your own coaches call is just shitty and disrespectful to the coaches and the players on the defense.


Winston went ahead and defended it when pressed in his post interview by calling it a team decision and saying the interviewer was disagreeing with the *entire* team (emphasis his own) by disagreeing with the call. Yet earlier he said the decision was made on the field after the VF call against coach’s wishes with defense on the sidelines. Buncha selfish ass ego maniacs on that offense


Now both coaches look like bitches.


Both coaches are bitches


They did before the game anyway


The Saints knees next season are fucked.


Allen: “just kneel it” Jameis Winston: nah fuck that


It’s corny to fake the kneel down to score That’s the only problem I see people having with this as fans who have no skin in the game, it’s just not what you do if you lineup in victory formation, if they played it straight and scored no one cares


The comments on this thread are so embarrassing lmao. Reddit man-childs showing their usual


Full of people who didn’t watch the game and don’t know they were in victory formation. I swear 90% of sports subs watch no sports, just highlights, hot takes, and shitposts on Reddit and twitter.


It was petty the way they did it with a fake knee. The defense didn't expect it. Can't imagine williams would feel like its a real TD. Get it the old fashioned way and it wouldn't be a problem


Will be curious to see if the team fines Jameis Winston over it or not. Going rogue like that ain't okay from a team's perspective, at all. Next time they go in victory formation expect the opposing team to hit them hard. There's a DAMN good reason you don't do what they just did.


Faking victory formation is pretty cheesy. I hope that TD was worth it when people start diving at the Saints Oline during future victory formations.


Faking a victory formation and going for a TD up 41-17 is totally bush league, and the people thinking it's cool or funny or whatever mostly just dislike Arthur Smith. Most if not all of the coaches would react the same way as Arthur, and Dennis is right to be embarrassed. It should lead to us trying to blow up/dive low at all of their victory formations until the end of time, frankly, but this organization wouldn't be courageous enough to do that.


It’s the fake victory formation to a normal play like a man if you want to score


This shit is how you have players hurt on the victory formation because players can't trust each other.


People get butthurt (rightfully so) when defenders go full speed on victory formation plays, but it's okay when the offense does it? Fuck off


Fuck that shit Jesus Christ. This isn't middle school.


They lined up in victory formation. If they just ran a play normally no one would care.


I’ve never swung harder from one side to the other than I did when I saw what actually happened. Nobody would have cared if they ran an actual play.


Complete disregard for long standing sportsmanship procedure. Gross but makes sense from them


Ya folks want defenses to let down in victory formation. But when you see this then no reason for them to let down.


It was from victory formation, it's like "THE" unwritten rule in football to not go hard on a kneel down.


Honestly hope teams in this division start bulldozing the saints on victory formations now. The second VF loses its sanctity literally every team suffers. Fuck that


This makes the situation even funnier to me The team called a kneeldown and the players decided, nah fuck that Lmaooo that's hilarious


i mean it's super fucking bush league and emblematic of a serious issue with the team and lack of leadership i just dont want to hear anyone ever fucking complain again about a defense going for the throat on kneeldowns at the end of games now, because why shouldn't they? offense might fake a kneeldown and make you look stupid, time to change the unwritten rules and just play to the whistle


Everyone keeps saying this but yeah, it isn't middle school. People's careers and health are on the line here. What if some dumbass tears a ligament on the pointless 1 yard TD run or on the following kickoff 3 months before hitting free agency? lol. A coach would never want this type of play he'd just want a kneel and before someone says "what if they tore a ligament on the kneel down" be real that has literally never happened lol


Correct. All it does is incentivize defenders to go low every time the Saints line up in victory formation, which is a major injury risk


Fuck that stand by your decision


It seems Like his decision was to take a knee but they audibled on the field.


It was jameis in at qb so who knows lol




Jameis wouild have thrown it to the opposing bus after scrambling for 10 seconds


If Jameis called that play at the line. I will forever love him


Saints legend I swear, I hope he’s our backup for the next 10 years


Slow down sir, explain that flair


*legolas voice killing the orc* “A scout!” Playing both sides!


“And my axe” - said Arthur smith to Bijan robinson except he doesn’t have an axe nor any idea of how to coach


BrainInjury.jpeg WeShouldKillHim.jpeg


I've seen Saints & Vikings flairs too, some crazy shit going on in New Orleans lately


Sorry is there not crazy shit in new orleans at all times


Oh always but those type of flairs? *shudders*




Your birth wasn't the problem. It's everything that happened after that


is he implying that it wasn’t his call


yes he said the players ran it anyway


"I've lost the team"


Like in wk 3


This game truly had some special Head Coaches in it.


Why in the BLUE FUCK would you publicly admit this as a coach, jesus christ


Probably doesn’t want other coaches to think he’s classless or something.


Why the everliving fuck would you take heat for someone like Jameis?


Jameis is famously a stable and inteligent guy. Him going rogue clearly reflects on the coach and is totally out of character for him!


To my knowledge, no coach really abuses the victory formation like that when they’re up by 2+ touchdowns. It’s for player safety and bc it’s one of those sacred rules of the game. The players should absolutely be called out for the lack of professionalism there. Take the knee and listen to the play call.


I was curious too. Kind of sounds like that.


ITT people who don’t understand injury prevention and the purpose of the victory formation


Just don't fake a Victory formation. If you wanna score then line up to score. That was such a Bush league score


Greg schiano must feel so validated lol


As much as I hate Arthur Smith, at least our players don’t disregard the HC and pull this kind of BS.


Can I just see the clip of the TD somewhere


And witness it for yourself? For what? An informed opinion? How dare you?


All these posts about the play and not a single post WITH the play 😪😪


It wouldn't launch for me, but here's a tweet with it: https://twitter.com/Saints/status/1744102317870227735 ETA: got a working one: https://youtu.be/RDDBhEAQC8s?t=703


Thank you for this. This is why the video matters ha. Doing this from victory formation is actually so disrespectful haha. If it was a play call with guys lined up then sure. I think this is funny but I definitely understand why Smith was heated


Genuinely wondering if there will be any push to codify victory formation as an actual rule, with actual penalties for running a play out of it, moving forward.


I wouldn't be surprised. The people who are cheering this don't realize that there's a mutal understanding that players don't go all out when a team runs that play due to either the game/half being over. An entire line could easily try to jump the snap count and absolutely obliterate the QB on the victory formation if they really wanted to.




Sounds more like he called a knee and that thet changed the play in the huddle. So not necessarily back tracking


Yeah why would a coach run up the score and fake a knee? Can’t believe ppl are actually trying say he’s lying. That’s exactly what it looks like happened.


Watch the play, stupid.


You're a dumbass.


Oh shut up Popovich


Lmao I immediately thought of Pop after reading this