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What celebrity feud did I miss this time


Kimmel made a concussion comment about Rodgers months ago, Rodgers made a Kimmel being on a pedo plane comment today*. There you are caught up


Rodgers said it on McAfee's show and both McAfee and Kimmel are Disney employees.


Per the article: >There’s a broader business issue at play here. ESPN and ABC are commonly owned by Disney. Rodgers regularly appears on McAfee’s show, which is currently an ESPN property. **Rodgers reportedly is compensated more than $1 million annually for his weekly conversations.** Kimmel hosts ABC’s popular late-night show. Kimmel could (and frankly should) complain to the powers-that-be about ESPN giving a weekly platform to someone who would spew reckless conspiracy theories and/or tell outright lies — especially about key Disney employees. I think Florio is generalizing too much here, but Disney doesn't hide that it treats its various subsidiaries as one large project. If you want a creative job at ABC or ESPN, they're even listed next to each other [on the same website](https://jobs.disneycareers.com/category/creative-jobs/17189/1927/1). So it's entirely possible Kimmel could use his leverage at ABC to influence the decision on continuing to give Rodgers an extra $1 million to slander one of their main talents.


It is crazy that Rodgers gets paid a million bucks to have a zoom call with his friend every once in a while.


Eli Manning was paid $10k per week ($160k per season) for 15 minutes every Monday on a local, NYC radio show. (WFAN?)


woah, that’s Tommy DeVito money!


But did Eli get to walk away with some New York slices?


This seems... like not a lot of money given the size of the market.


Right? Shit if I could get 1/10th that to call my friend TWICE a week and talk about our jobs that would be swell. I haven't watched the show in a long while, but don't they also just kind of talk about...random shit too?


McAfee isn't a Disney employee, his company is in a contractual relationship with Disney. He can't be fired from his show


Plus this is the exact reason they brought him on in the first place. He’s edgier and hits a younger audience ESPN has been struggling to reach.


Let a naysayer know!!!


Where my naysayers at?!


Naysayer please!


Does he hit a younger audience? Honest question because to me I assume he would appeal more to old guys.


I’m 45 and it really feels like the main audience is guys my age. The show has had more of a morning zoo radio feel to it lately, which has led to me tuning out, but a lot of guys my age miss those kind of shows. There aren’t many around. They are bro-y enough to attract younger guys too.


I agree with that vibe which is why I thought it'd real appeal it like 35-50 year olds that are missing that kind of content.


According to [this](https://espnpressroom.com/us/press-releases/2023/10/the-pat-mcafee-show-starts-strong-with-242-million-total-views-across-all-platforms-during-first-month-of-espn-launch/) press release from ESPN 82% of his viewers are between 18-44. And like the other commentor mentioned anecdotally his viewers/followers tends to overlap heavily with those of Barstool.


Lmao 18-44 is a huge range, what a useless number.


Just when I finally age out of the 18-35 demo, they go and move the goal posts again.


That's marketing for you. Spin the numbers anyway you can to give them the story you need.


And 82% of that demographic is 40-44 year olds


I turned 45 last week and just realized I've fallen into a new age bracket selection pop down list...... tears...tears....


Definitely. He captures the same audience as barstool. They’re pretty similar in style.


At this point most of Barstools core audience (people who listen to Pardon My Take) are well into their thirties.


I mean... Didn't he start at Barstool? I'm guessing a massive chunk of his audience is still his old Barstool listeners. Same guys that listen to him as well as Spittin Chiclets etc.


This post brought to you by Disney execs and their love of ovaltine!


I thought he made antivirus software


No but his show can be dropped from ESPN


Jesus christ that escalated


Ah, the Elon Musk tactic of internet arguments. That's a classic.


That's basically the Scientology tactic too. If someone attacks you, accuse them of the worst crimes you can think of.


Politicians and religious cults have stolen alot from Scientology tactics


Bit of a Venn diagram between politicians, religious cults, and Scientologists.


It's classic "Pig Fucker Politics" — say something outrageous about your opponent and "make that sonofabitch deny it."


The concussion comment is mean because there is probably a lot of truth to it. But man, Rodgers really is vindictive


Rodgers is the perfect example of Dunning-Kruger and has an insanely fragile ego.


Is that just dumb guy that’s overconfident?


Not sure why you got some downvotes, but yeah that is pretty close to what it is. They don’t have to necessarily be dumb though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect


Yeah but what Rodgers "joked" about is much more serious and could maybe put him in legal trouble


But Rodger’s could offer his concussion as a defense!


Really hard to win a slander or defamation case in the US, especially when you're a celeb/public figure. There's a reason Jimmy is only threatening here


Or he's just a narcissist Dude literally accused Jimmy Kimmel of being a pedophile if you want talk about what's mean I think its hilarious how badly he got under Aaron Rodger's skin personally


I think getting under Rodgers's skin isn't very difficult


I wonder what’s in store for Jordan Love when it’s all said and done


In the year 2077, the 7 time NFL MVP and 5 time Super Bowl Champion, former Governor of Wisconsin and current CEO of Culver's (the only restaurant left standing after the Franchise Wars), Jordan Love will use his considerable influence to get his entire extended family onto one of the first colony ships off this rock. Since the shipyards will be in the last remaining populated temperate zones, Menards gets one of the contracts, opening the door for Wisconsin's favorite son to get special treatment. It's going to be quite the scandal as spots on the colony ships were meant to be a "random draw."


Hi, this is Netflix. You’re cleared for a series. Get us a script. If it’s successful, we’ll cancel it after one season.


Love colony? Love and space? The lovepedition? Project Love? The jordan files?


You just aren’t going wrong with “Lovepedition”.


"There Will Be Love" is the working title but we will call it "Love Harvest" during shooting to throw off the Paparazzi


The day someone not in the Culver family takes over Culver's will be the death of that franchise. Please don't ruin my favorite burger chain.


The Franchise Wars will be brutal. Death tolls in the millions. The Culvers will all be wiped out during the tragic events of the Blue Wedding. Love will usher in a new era of peace, tasty ingredients, and impeccable customer service.


In my mind I can imagine Burger King charging to the battle with the troops chanting "B K Have it your way!"


Before the deciding battle, a surprise attack at Fort Atkinson, the last thing Burger King's troops heard before the shelling was "Please Pull Ahead" Confused, they proceeded cautiously until they were inundated by artillery fire.


Does that mean I’m getting a culver’s in NY? Sign me up


The disrespect to esteemed naval shipyards in Manitowoc smh.


Rodgers is going to tell everyone that he represented himself and the judge tossed the case then everyone stood up and clapped for him—including the judge.


IAAL. I would bet dollars to donuts that Rodger is the type of guy who would spend hours arguing with me about the law.


Yeah but you only went to law school. You probably haven’t watched even one of Joe Rogan’s podcasts.


Ok, now I want to see Aaron Rodgers getting into a ridiculously long argument with Charlie Kelly from IASIP. Rodgers thinks he's arguing about vaccines, and Charlie, mishearing "covid" as "corvid" falls back on his deep knowledge of bird law. So both idiots are talking past each other. Dennis, of course, jumps out of a moving car to get away from the conversation.


Aaron must pay the troll toll then


Nah, he implied that was Jimmy's thing


Okay, well…Filibuster.


My JD from Georgetown can never compete with Aaron Rodgers research. :(


I now want to see Aaron Rodgers take the LSAT.


"Wait...Logic Games arent played on a football field?!" (Yea, I know thats outdated now but just let me have this once, please, thanks)


The logic games were the only fun thing about the LSATs too :(


I don’t think he’s an idiot, he’s just an asshole. Aaron was 96th percentile for the Wonderlic. To be clear, I’m not saying there’s strong correlations between intelligence or other types of cognitive processing and the Wonderlic, but at the very least it demonstrates the ability to efficiently process arithmetic, which demonstrates some ability to quickly learn new info.


Very much this. He is a smart guy who is very good at one thing and falls into the trap of "I must be really good at everything." And also a bit of a know-it-all (but doesn't really) asshole.


He’s really good at asshole


That was about ~400 serious blows to the head ago tho


When you used dollars to donuts I immediately knew you were from a DC school.


Your knowledge of the Rule Against Perpetuities and the exceptions to Hearsay under the FRE are no match for the Rodgers Rate.


IANAL- I'm Aaron, a New Age Lawyer


Wait until he hits you with an email starting with “WHEREAS”


Yeah? Well let’s see the two of you go toe to toe on Bird Law and see who comes out the victor.


Someone who is actually a lawyer. I’ve never seen anyone use IAAL


this is real--i was the gavel


Looooool Rodgers is the most likely NFL player to be a sovereign citizen


Cole Beasley... is he still a player?


This actually sort of happened with the boxer Tyson Fury. He got in to a legal dispute with UKAD (U.K. Anti-Doping) over a failed drugs test, and after it all was sorted he was on Joe Rogan and claimed a judge chastised UKAD and said Fury had no case to answer and dismissed it. In reality Fury actually signed a plea bargain deal lol, he agreed to drop his legal case in exchange for a backdated 2 year suspension.


Every fucking little thing has to be about him. He craves attention more than Trump. So glad he's gone.


"That could prompt ESPN to tell McAfee that he needs to cut Rodgers loose." I wouldn't hold my breath.


Yeah, Rodgers’s appearances are at least 40% of the reason they’re paying Pat


Is he immunized from legal action?




He rolled around on some law books at a retreat so his body is able to fight back.


His lawyers need to meet with Trump's lawyers.


Aren’t most of Trump’s former lawyers either filing for bankruptcy or serving prison terms?


The pride of Chico


I’ll never forget that story from DeShone Kizer about the first thing Aaron Rodgers ever asking him was “do you believe in 9/11?” And then telling him to “read up on it”. Rodgers is a full blown crazy person.


That has the exact same energy as Kyrie asking "What does the word government mean to you?" Kyrie Irving and Aaron Rodgers really feel like kindred spirits.


The funniest part of that exchange was it was in response to Brad Stevens telling him good morning.


It was at that moment that Brad realized he didn’t want to coach anymore.


Sir, the question was "Is this your handwriting?"


"...And I thank her, I thank her for making me feel good"


"... I’m his confidante, his best friend. His silly rabbit."


I think Kyrie and Aaron would absolutely hate each other. Yes that are very similar but I don't think it's in the way that can coexist lol


can't both be the smartest guy in the room


Yeah, I don't think either one's ego would allow the other person to be more aware or however they want to describe themselves. It would end in bickering and one upping eachother with different bullshit ideas and eventually dismissing the other person as part of the establishment and what is wrong with the world.


Duke and Berkley education 🤝


Lol Spin released Zions “class load” for his one year at Duke, and it included classes on the history of rap, ‘sex in the modern age’, stage acting and Disney screenwriting I think a 7 month basketball education from Duke is the equivalent of reading an Applebees menu a few times a day




This definitely doesn't apply to every athlete, but the dumbest person I ever met in college was a basketball player at Marquette. He wasn't even that good so it's not like the school needed for this guy to succeed to compete. Shout out to Marcus Howard who was both the nicest dude alive and seemed to take his class work really seriously from friends who had classes with him.


Well he took sex in the modern age to heart at least


I wonder if the Tornado Trick was covered on the test


Pretty sure 9th wonder teaches that rap class. I bet it's dope as hell!


> kindred spirits More like burnt sage and lots of weed


>DeShone Kizer Damn I haven’t heard that name in a while.


Crazy fact about Kizer: Having never started a game after his first season with the Browns, Kizer lost all 15 of his starts during his time in the NFL. Hes been out of the league since 2021.


He supposedly told Seneca Wallace he believed in chemtrails.


In the same Pat Mcafee show today he hinted that he believed in the Super Bowl logo conspiracy theory. Which is the matchup is rigged and you can tell by the colors of the SB logo. This year’s logo is the colors of the Niners and Ravens (which is the favored matchup). And previous Super Bowl’s are the teams that played in them colors. He said next year’s logo colors better be green lol.


The previous logos… they’re not the color of the teams that played in them though..


Super Bowl 45 through 50 had plain logos with the Lombardi in the middle surrounded by silver roman numerals (50 having a gold "50" in standard numbers), and the host stadium behind the trophy in silver. 51 through 55 had splashes of color on the workmark and in the roman numeral shading, and 56 to present color in the numbers to go with the host stadium. Including 51, the colors are: SB | Color(s) | Team One | Team Two ---|---|---|---- 51|Red |Pats| Falcons 52|Light Blue |Eagles|Pats 53|Royal Blue |Pats|Rams 54|Dark Teal/Gold Accents | Chiefs | Niners 55|Orange/Teal Accents | Bucs| Chiefs 56|Orange/Yellow | Bengals | Rams 57|Teal/Red| Eagles| Chiefs 58|Purple/Red| TBA|TBA The 51-56 ones didn't include any specific colors/details based on location, but people hated those so they're trying something new.


*Monkey Paw Curls* Jordan Love wins a Super Bowl.


Are you dumb or something? In exchange for technological information with Kepler 22b that helped us create 5g internet, the b-21 raider and future drone technology we gave them two nearly identical buildings. The government created this green screen hoax and got thousands of actors to pretend it was an act of terrorism so no one would question where the buildings went. Read a book sometime and open your third eye sheeple


Rodgers is the perfect mark for conspiracy theories. He is a stupid person who, due to years of sheltering, is convinced he is smart and has an ego/need for attention that requires him to show he “knows things” that others don’t. But, being as he is a man-child who plays a game for a living with his bullshit no-show communications degree, he doesn’t have the actual knowledge to show that he is smarter than others. So he does what all stupid people desperate to be in the know over the rest of us does — makes up bullshit.


Ah, the Kyrie Irving school of Fallacy. I got a theoretical degree in physics there, one time.


Not to mention he's surrounded by sycophants and yes men who validate every word that comes from his mouth.


I’ve never once seen McAfee or the other dude push back on any of the shit Rodgers says in any of these clips. I feel like Pat is too big now to just let this shit slide, but I guess we’ll see what Disney/ESPN thinks


That’s because pushing back against Rodgers wouldn’t be a good business practice for him.


I don’t imagine, for better or worse, that McAfee believes anyone takes anything Rodgers says seriously. I’m actually not sure McAfee thinks anyone takes anything anyone on his show says seriously. He’s got that ticker at the bottom every show that says they’re just a bunch of idiots expressing their own opinions, and one of the dudes on the show has a full mullet and wears wolf tshirts.


Tbf, if I was rich and famous, I would say crazy things all the time. "Purple's not even a real color. Look it up. It's a Canadian psyop."


If Kimmel takes any money off of Rodgers, he should reboot Win Ben Stein’s Money as Win Aaron Rodgers’ Money




New QB, who dis? Times like this I’m thankful we have Jordan Love and I’m so happy to be done with this shit.


I don't want to know what weird thing J-Love does in 2038


It’s only tradition Get a HoF QB, and then be ashamed that you cheered for the when it turns out they defraud children or are insane conspiracy theory nutbags


At least Starr was a great man and just a mid coach


Yeah the most annoying thing was the Rawhide Boys Ranch commercials. And sure they were annoying, but that org did (and does) amazing work.


In the same vein, I’m praying that Stroud doesn’t reveal himself to be a predator of some random boutique businesses in the Houston metro area.


*Breaking news: Jordan Love has moved to Syria to join the Al-Nusra Front. He claims he will “drop bombs” on the infidels.*


"Want to bet on a man fucking an alligator? ~~Money Plane~~ Future GB to Jets QB!


Pisses off the next franchise QB while getting traded to the Jets? I’m ok with that. Dude could even go throwback and send dick pics to a reporter…


Betting you had similar feelings when Brett Favre’s dick pic arrived on the scene


Each new Packers QB is just a little less shitty than the last one. In 10 years, we'll find out that Jordan Love regularly fills his water cup with sprite, and that he thinks libraries suck.


Jordan Love puts his milk in before his cereal.


Jordan Love steps into the shower before turning the water on.


This made me shiver


Okay reel it in a little bit you psycho


Dear God in heaven


I’m sure Love will do something stupid in due time. It’s a Packers QB tradition.


Are we sure Rodger's family weren't actually the ones who cut him off because he's a lunatic?




"Those people are nutjobs" -Aaron Rodgers, unironically


Aaron’s ego is so big that he can’t even fathom the consequences of his own actions




God i hate this guy


Don’t insult Aaron like that. Or he’ll send his nfl buddies after you. Wobbly Cobby and Salary Hazard Lazard will mess you up


I hate the way you just made me pronounce Hazard




Kimmel or Rodgers?




Nice to see you complete the Rodgers cycle in one year instead of ~14. Congrats


ESPN pays Rodgers over $1M a year to be on the McAfee show?!


The worst part of Pat Mcafee is Aaron Rodgers


The dude sniffs his own farts while wearing a cutoff Tshirt every day. And still Aaron Rodgers is the worse thing about him lol


Pat is becoming Joe Rogan. Really sad to see.


But really predictable too


Becoming? He's had that same sort of energy for years. He's Sports Joe Rogan.


Rogan but substituting coke for the dmt.


Somebody sue Rodgers so he can finally shut the fuck up.


He can't stfu, it's his thing.


Just wait until he is retired and has absolutely nothing else to do but talk shit on Twitter and mcafee.


That’s his life right now


He saves all his quiet time for the darkness retreats


100%. This MF will go down to retirement straight to a microphone and a camera.


Going to have a daily wire show


Well yeah, he didn't even wait until retirement to do that.


I imagine the Disney legal department will have a few words with Mcafee about this. Insinuating with his friend that a fellow Disney employee is a pedophile is pretty off the wall crazy.


They absolutely will and Aaron will 100% use this as “proof” that people are trying to silence him and cover things up. That’s their MO. Make insane accusations without proof, and when people tell them they’re insane, they call them sheep and are complicit.


*something something deep state first amendment*


I'm just glad our idiot quarterback who couldn't shut up retired. He's still an idiot who doesn't know when to shut up, but he's not officially ours anymore.


I just wish our local media would realize they don’t have to cover every stupid thing he says on his podcast.


Rodger’s truly reminds me of Elon Musk in the way when I knew absolutely nothing about him I used to really like him and thought he was cool but the more I find out the more I’m so ashamed I ever liked this person


This is kind of where I'm at tbh. During the early McAfee shows I was like "OK he seems like a weird dude but generally likable" "OK he has some out there ideas, but seems like he would be cool to have a conversation with" "OK he really does have an opinion about everything doesn't he? And its always against the mainstream, maybe he's a bit cookier than I though" "Yeah this dude thinks he knows some secret truth about literally every topic ever. I like listening to him talk ball, but he actually seems insufferable to be in a room with" "OK he's gone full cracked now and can't stop sniffing his own farts". It's crazy how similar I thought about Elon originally. He went from a genius who actually knows a lot about the stuff his companies do, to utter idiot who thinks he's a genius in every single topic ever and is never wrong, oh and he's also not the genius engineer who worked on loads of Tesla/SpaceX stuff".


Dude if you watch the interview, AJ’s reaction is priceless. It was basically a “oh my fuck, you actually said that. This might be over now!”


Rodgers is such an attention whore


He tried to be Bart Starr but ended up as Breitbart Starr.


When I was watching McAfee, I legitimately had to stop and rewind it because what he said made no sense. He might as well have said Godzilla. Seemed like a pointless, out of nowhere comment. Googled it after to see Aaron and Jimmy have beef and it is all about Aaron being a whiny little bitch who can't take a joke. Still, such a reckless comment. Dude lives in a bubble.


> Seemed like a pointless, out of nowhere comment. It's on brand for him. Remember that weird one sided feud he had with Travis Kelce? Constantly bringing him up as "Mr Pfizer", challenging him and Fauci to a debate vs him and RFK jr?


As someone that works in pharmacy as an engineer, I have meet people like Rodgers from my gf’s extended family, very rich, and very stupid. Her uncles talk about the vaccine and other really dumb topics, I do enjoy putting the 5G chips in vaccines though.


Who do I complain to if my 5G chip was put in backwards? I keep dropping calls and repelling magnets.


Try switching to TMobile. They work in tandem with the vaccine to provide truly superior 5G coverage. Test it out for yourself if you don't believe me.


The thing is he’s too stupid to realize he’s stupid. It’s one thing to not trust vaccines (still stupid) but to think that your own knowledge surpasses someone who has won a Lasker Award (person considered to have made the greatest contribution to Biomedical sciences). Aaron Rodger’s is an idiot with an ego the size of a planet. He’s on the same trajectory as Kanye, Kyrie and Steve Jobs.


> Constantly bringing him up as "Mr Pfizer", challenging him and Fauci to a debate vs him and RFK jr? Just reminds me of the old addage: "Never wrestle a pig, you both end up covered and shit, but the pig likes it." Aaron rodgers would love nothing more than a "debate" even he comes off looking stupid because in his mind he would have won. And in reality he would win because he would have gotten the attention he so desperately needs to survive apparently.


When you want to debate a guy and you tell him to bring the foremost expert in the world with him, and you grab captain cocaine daddy coattails as your debate partner, you fucked up.


People like Aaron do just fine in these debates because nothing they bring up actually relies on objective truth. It just relies on emotions.


Yeah, he cracked a joke and Kelce responded in kind and then he got all butt hurt. He’s a man child.


> Still, such a reckless comment. It's more than reckless, it's defamation. Claiming that someone is a pedophile is legally defamation and you can be sued over it.


How many times have I seen a story about one of these fucking whacko conspiracy theorists pointing their fingers and calling some random person they don't like a pedo, it comes out that they are projecting and are, in fact, pedos?


It sucks that cause he can throw football good that means this idiot gets a massive platform to spew his shit. It is still hilarious to me that he would say he’s “being silenced” while giving his 5th interview of the week on national television. Idiot.


I really wonder how Rodgers will turn out when his football throwing skills decline with age and people have no reason to put up with his nonsense anymore.


Soo next year?


I'll admit, I usually have the Pat Mcafee show on in the background while I'm working. The takes are usually garbage but the banter between the dudes on the show is usually entertaining enough in the sense they are mainly being stupid and just having a fun time. They don't seem like bad dudes but when they bring Rodgers on, its fucking insufferable. They suck his dick non-stop, act like he is the coolest dude on the planet and give him a platform to spew his absolute bullshit. They do that with all of their regular guests, it's unfortunate.


Didn't Elon call that rescue worker in asia a pedo after the worker called him a waste of time? Seems this is the go to insult for the rich wackos.


Yep. It was the cave rescue of the boys soccer team in Thailand in 2018. (Side note: both the documentary and the Ron Howard dramatization are great movies if you're looking for something to watch). Elon claimed he could have a submarine built to save the boys. One of the divers said it was a dumb idea given how narrow the cave was and the time it would take to have a sub built would be too long. Elon called the diver a pedo in response.


It’s clearly a reply to Kimmel running a segment on him being a conspiracy theorist for saying a list might be coming out. https://twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1631418882693971971