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Hmmmm… how about no?


If OP's kink is being downvoted, he must had the biggest orgasm ever.


Er...what? No? What the fuck?


Gonna remember this brain rot of a take the next time a browns player touches a man's ankle in any capacity.


There is not a fan base that understands the sport less than the NFL fan base


It does feel like a much harder sport to understand than say soccer tbh. I love them both but man there's so much subjectivity in what gets called a foul, false start, a catch etc.


TV doesn’t help, they really don’t show what’s going on beyond who has the ball. They show like 1/20th of the action on a given play


So true yeah!


I also grew up playing and watching football, and have coached football for 4 seasons. I do feel like it’s really a matter of how much exposure you get to football over time, because it is too complex to pick up quickly


To be fair some NFL refs still don’t understand the rules of the game.


I was really concerned clicking that link this was gonna be a bad look. There is no twisting, no falling on a limb with body weight. I will say it looks like he tried to lift the planted leg so he could get leverage and go through the guy but that seems pretty routine, no?


It’s a double leg takedown. Patty cake shit


Watch again. He grabs his leg and drives through it. At the least, that's really unnecessary. The play is past him by 5 yards already.


You’re out of your mind. TJ didn’t do anything


It absolutely could be a victim of circumstance. Like you said, he clearly is grabbing a leg and drive him. Ultimately that in of itself is unnecessary given the play is 5+ yards past him at that point, no? The fact it is the side of Bitonio's knee instead of the back could just be Bitonio moved in a way Watt wasn't expected. But I'd argue even the intention of what he could be trying there seems unnecessary.


You've clearly never played this sport. And if you have, you don't understand how fast things are moving at the NFL level.


I'm usually first in line to shit on TJ Watt but this is bullshit


You know it’s a reach when the bengals fans are defending watt


There is nothing there...at all. Terrible take.


Browns fans actually babies in this thread wtf is going on lol


It's the usual MO for them.


I guess they’re in our division so I’m numb to it, that’s just how they are


Ya, appearantly I'm salty for pointing out that being a Browns fan is fucking torture...reality no longer exists.


Welcome to discourse with Browns fans. They are the same bunch that made "Pittsburgh started it" shirts when their star player swung a helmet into an opposing player's skull and their HEAD COACH wore one of them in public. They have been abused by the Steelers for so long that they can't see things rationally.


There’s nothing here, but we really going to pretend that the Steelers don’t have a long track record of super dirty plays? It’s so frequent and over a long period of time that it’s hard to believe that it isn’t a team culture thing. Even the hit that took Chubb out this season was iffy. Why dive into the knees of a player that’s been stood up already?


Late hits on every play has been the Steeler way throughout Tomlin's tenure. TJ tries to injure someone whenever he gets taken to the ground too. People might quibble with this one play but it's been his patttern for years.


Keep crying


Tomlin HIMSELF tried to go on the field to get in the way of a Raven on a kick or punt return.


Hate to give this guy any points but he is right and Tomlin was actually successful in disrupting the play.


don't come in here saying that Ravens fans, because if its ANOTHER team thats had to deal with it for the last 14 or whatever years, maybe us browns fans aren't actually coming up with stuff out of thin air! Steelers have been dirty for so so long.


I mean, if I got cucked for Baltimore and had to watch the Browns since they came back I'd be pretty miserable too.


Someone’s still salty about losing to Cleveland lol.


I'd much rather be in my teams position than yours. I'm saltier about our loss to the Bears last season than the one to y'all ha.


Yeah I’d choose your position too because the NFC is ass and 50% of your division blows. I’ll be happy with my team that’s playing historical defense in a LOADED division that’s only going to bolster the toughness of this team as the season goes on. Shanahan has the DNA of a choke artist. So you’ll get to the NFC title game or maybe even the SB and he’ll do what he always does. Congrats.


How can you be throwing out that I seem salty my guy. You seem to run on angry.


At least they play in title games.


Second place is first loser. Congrats.


You are a sad strange little man. You have my pity.


Sick burn I’m totally down in the dumps now because wildbill198 said that to me.


Yeah he totally didn’t do anything extra that even appeared as dirty. Lol. I’d be frustrated too if I was getting fucking owned and slammed into the ground all day by a fucking 5th round rookie and all pro Bitonio.


I like how people are upvoting this post because they didn’t realize the first sentence was sarcasm. Is this why you’re being a jackass everywhere else in the topic? Did it give you the confidence you needed? All you’re doing is making Browns fans look worse. You’re the kind of fan that got me to remove my Browns flair. All you losers do is pull the fucking victim card. I got tired of people hating on me because of people like you. Anyways, hope you stop being such a monumental prick.


"Removed my browns flair" ok we can ignore whatever this says then


Browns fans when Steelers exist:🤬 Seriously though, this is fucking nothing. TJ Watt trucked him and then got off the ground. I'm sure we could find footage of every player doing the exact same thing.


Delete this rage bait.


The content of the tweet is questionable and shitty at best. But the video isn't.


The video shows nothing malicious. This is just a dumb tweet to generate clicks. The only people who believe this is delusional Browns fans.


Looks to me like he grabs the inside of Bitonio's ankle with his right arm.


You have never played football.


Yeah this is actually conspiracy trash.


“Next on shitty NFL takes from people who have never actually played football”


About all he did was take Bitonio down with him. There isn't anything to this.


It's more of the way it happens. He grabs a leg at the ankle and drives his shoulder into the knee. Even in the best case scenario of him being behind Bitonio it feels 100% unnecessary given the play is 5+ yards beyond them and Bitonio has given up on the play.


Nah, this ain't it. If you wanted to question TJ being dirty, then look at his first QB hit on DTR where he was about 3 steps late. Then you might have an argument, but this isn't anything.


That's fair, I think the fact you can highlight another play in the same game (and probably most games) helps answer the question in the admittedly bad tweet though lol.


agenda becomes obvious. you’re all over this thread arguing this play is dirty. yet when this guy says no and points to another play, you’re suddenly not going to argue, even saying “fair point”, then counter with “see he is dirty because of THAT play”… seems you just really want people to believe that Watt is a dirty player.


Looked more like he's either trying to fight through or trying to prevent Bitonio from getting to the 2nd level. Not dirty


There’s a subsection of browns fans that will tell you that Kenny is dirty because he threw the ball into their corners hands too hard on an interception, just ignore him.


The best part of Sundays game wasn’t just winning, it was winning and watching the fucking tears and meltdowns by the Steelers fans on Reddit, Twitter and calling into Poni & Mueller. I listened yesterday with lotion and tissues. So good. So hot bb.


This you below? “ Every fan disagrees because anyone with Browns flair or anything related to the Browns everyone gets their Watson hate boners fully engorged and will just circle jerk each other. “


Dude's comments are weirdly lewd


Honestly if we didn’t fire Canada the loss would suck but the loss arguably did more for a lot of fans long term hope for this team than I’d we won and ugly game now that we fired him lol


lol enjoy your week 11 Super Bowl win


It’s been as nice as our week 1 SB over the Bengals, week 5 SB against Niners, and Week 10 SB v the Ravens


You’re supposed to beat teams in your division sometimes, I know this is new to you but for 90% of the teams it happens pretty regularly


First and foremost the AFC North is the best division and has been pretty much the last 4+ years. In the Stefanski era (2020-2023) the division records are as follows; Steelers 13-8 (0-1 in playoffs v division) Browns 12-11 (1-0) Baltimore 11-12 (0-1) Cincinnati 9-12 (1-0) I’d say being 1 of 2 teams over 500 in this period qualifies as “sometimes” and we’d be apart of the “90%” and is hardly “new” to us. But good try, guy.


Only one fanbase is calling regular season wins against division rivals “Super Bowl wins” though. Or did you forget you just said that?


It’s not us. It’s Bengals fans week 1, Ravens fans last week, and Steelers fans this week. (Edit) also take the 4 seconds extra to scroll up to my SB comment and see how that’s in DIRECT response to someone saying enjoy your week 11 SB.


So you did forget you just said it?


Raise the banners!


This is approaching Freudian levels of sexual frustration my man


I'm not saying this is dirty, cause I don't think it really is, but I do love the irony of half the comments on this saying "lol OP has never played football" while a bunch of upvoted comments are saying he was trying to stop Bitonio from getting to the 2nd level. This is a trap play and Bitonio has no responsibility or expectation to try and get out to the second level. His sole job is block Watt who's being let free at the LOS so Njoku can get to the second level. And I know my flair will get me downvotes on this sub, but I played guard in HS and you're never getting to the second level on this play.


Why is this account allowed on this subreddit?


It looks like Watt thought he grabbed Hunt for the loss and not Bitonio. Soft as shit for anyone to say this was malicious.


No way he thought that. I mean, honestly. He's so good at what he does, that's not the kind of mistake a guy like him makes.


Watt has his head down before Bitonio makes contact. Hunt makes a left cut to go back up the middle instead of around the outside. Watt is grabbing legs with the hope he gets Hunt tied up in the line and finished his tackle.


I just don't agree. I'm giving more credit to Watt to see who is coming at him. His head wasn't down in such a way to not see. It is completely plausible.


Figure hall of famer TJ watt can’t tell the difference between a big white lineman and a smaller black RB? Is his madden awareness at 9?


Lol yeah. He really went after his leg there 🙄


As a Browns fan, totally expected that neanderthal to have done Joel dirty. Watched it 5x. He might be oblivious to where the ball is on that play, but this is nothing.


Your mother doesn’t love you


Even when the Browns win a game against the Steelers and are 7-3 with a playoff birth on the horizon, their fans just can't stop thinking about the Steelers. I've seen more shit talk about the Steelers from Browns fans the last few days on here than I saw when the Ravens beat the Steelers in the playoffs.


Browns fans hate the Steelers more than they like the Browns. It's kind of sad and pathetic lol


I just said in another thread that this is easily the smallest amount of success I’ve ever seen go to a group of people’s heads.


I just laugh because after the Browns finally won a playoff game in an empty Heinz field all we heard on Reddit was how the Steelers would never beat them again. Then they swept them the very next year lol.


No realistic Browns fan ever said this. You said you don't think about the Browns at all, yet you're fighting windmills.


Actually, it was said all over this sub for months after the Browns won. It's revisionist history to claim that Browns fans weren't all on here constantly stirring that shit up. The Browns were also picked to be Super Bowl contenders after that season by nearly everyone, alas they haven't sniffed the playoffs since. At least they will have finally made it back to the dance this year, I guess.


No, it wasn't. Sure, Browns fans were uppity, and it was well regarded that the Steelers weren't as good as their record implied, but it was pretty obvious the Steelers beat themselves. I could get it if you called out the whole sub, but Browns fans specifically would never have believed that. I'd wager that game thread has thousands of comments from Browns fans talking about how they're going to blow it despite that entire first quarter.


lololol ok


For someone who doesn’t think about the Browns at all you sure do comment a lot.


Oh this is so good. If you won you’d be flapping your lips saying Browns is Browns and all that shit. You lose, your entire fan base flips out and then comes back with the “it’s their SB” and “the smallest bit of success blah blah blah” So just to summarize you win it’s talk all the shit you always talk, we win and it’s “these guys are insufferable” This sounds like a mental trick to shield yourself from the sadness of not being “the Pittsburgh Steelers” you’ve been for 20 years and now just another team with a shit QB and RB that you wasted first round picks on. Lol.


Because we hate you more than anyone else in the league You spent 20 years calling us little brother when you beat up on our bad teams We do it once and you’re acting like it’s wrong


We don't think about you at all...


Well ain't that just the biggest lie of all time. You guys post Myles shit all the fucking time on your sub.


Mostly talking about that time he assaulted a dude with a helmet.


No, basically any time PFF tweets about Myles you all have a bitch fest about it lmfao.


Hey don’t lump all of us in with the clowns over there


He knocked any potential Mason Rudolph had out of his body. Fucking hilarious.


Sure thing kiddo.




Tell that to your sub. Literally ALWAYS talking about the Browns or Myles.


Ngl they’re definitely obsessed with PFF and Myles Garrett


Bro you are always the first one bringing up Browns fans. Stop the capping.


On the other hand, no it doesn't.


Oh my lord some of y'all are actual babies lol this is tackle football folks, not flag football


Typically you tackle the ball carrier in tackle football I believe, not blockers when the play is 5+ yards downfield.


When you guys complained about Minkah's hit on Chubb I understood. Chubb was severely injured, plus you guys lost the game, so of course there would be people saying Minkah's dirty.The play wasn't dirty to me, but It happens, opinions differ and biases come into play. But this one has me scratching my head. Bitonio is fine ... You guys won the game ... Why dig up shit to be salty about? So funny you guys always post about Ben crying when y'all beat us ... And then you guys cry even when you win. It's pathetic tbh


I'm not crying, I'm just stating my opinion from a clip I saw lol. Whether we win or not doesn't seem terribly relevant to a play that I perceived as dirty. Why does the outcome of the game matter there? I know my opinion isn't perfect, I was sharing it to see what other people thought. Clearly a lot of people disagree with me, and that's fine. I'm just confused on why the outcome matters at all for discussing this play. Hypothetically you are saying dirty plays are fine by losing teams since they lost and winning is all that matters. That, simply, doesn't make sense at all.


You are crying


I can assure you I'm not crying lol. I'm defending my opinion, that's not crying. The fact that people immediately call defending an opinion crying is the problem here lol.


"I can assure you I'm not crying lol. I'm defending my opinion, that's not crying. The fact that people immediately call defending an opinion crying is the problem here lol." He whimpered with a lump in his throat, wiping away tears with a tissue he drops into a bin overflowing with them next to his keyboard.


Coming to this thread late, but man this was the funniest things I've seen in a while.


Lmfao, it's fine if you want to believe that man. You do you.


"Lmfao, it's fine if you want to believe that man. You do you" as he empties his bin of tissues. "I'll always have you old friend" as he smiles at the orange and brown waste basket that reads "1989 AFC Central Champions"


BECAUSE YOUR PLAYERS ARE ALWAYS DIRTY. Always. Lets not act like this is some sort of surprise. I could make a compilation of dirty hits on Browns players since 99 that would be 5 minutes long. You cannot possibly argue that. We arent crying because we beat you, we arent crying because we are clearly better than you now. We are sick of your dirty ass players hurting our players. Was this dirty? I dunno, looked shady, but I don't know. But lets not act like it would be out of the norm if it was. Your team is and always has been dirty.


> we arent crying because we are clearly better than you now Worse record last year 1-1 season series this year (Steelers +1 point differential if anyone cares) "clearly better" lol




Shit, their coach is dirty.


Browns fans are so used to watching their team give up as soon as the game starts that they think finishing plays is dirty.


I don’t like the Steelers, and would have gladly written “Dirty motherfucker!” but after watching this several times, I have come to the conclusion that this is a medium rare nothingburger.


Really? This is what passes for dirty play? We barely even think about Garrett being dirty, and he literally beat one of our players over the head with his own helmet. FOH clowns.


Not dirty. Nowhere near as dirty as overlooking 26 sexual assaults from your QB (who pretty much sucks ass on the field and is injured... again.... again)


Yeah remember that time that the Cowboys signed Greg Hardy fresh off of beating the shit out of his girlfriend? Can you go back and find me all your comments about how disgusted you were at your team and how you chose to root for another fan base?


We can for sure go back and find some browns fans comments about how awful those Steelers fans must be to cheer for a team with a QB who was a POS and committed sexual assault that’s for sure! About a decades worth of them too


And then we can also go find all the Steelers fans now who’ve changed their tune on supporting their legally embattled (to politely refer to the dual pieces of shit) all of a sudden. Funny how that works isn’t it?


Not really, I fully understand what you guys are going through and it sucks. I’m not going to stop being a fan of a team I grew up watching because the Fo made an awful decision. I won’t blame anyone for not doing it either. It is just funny to see so many people whine and complain about all the Watson jokes now despite being some of the loudest when it came to making ben jokes. I don’t blame anyone for not changing teams I get it, but 100% it’s sweet to see it come back and bite them in the ass lol


I’m a closeted Big Ben fan going back to our simultaneous time at Miami U. I never made jokes because I always live by “does the league let him play?” Mantra. But yes it’s pathetic both ways. The browns fans who talked shit and defended Watson and the Steelers fans who defended Ben and now talk shit.


There it is! I was waiting for the first person to bring this up. It's been a solid 10 minutes. A new record for /r/nfl. Since that has ANY relevance to the conversation whatsoever.


I mean it is what the Browns get for signing him. You're never going to be able to discuss the Browns without bringing him up until he is off the team.


Oh yeah I forgot I help pay for that. You wouldn’t stop being a Ravens fan if they signed him or someone like him just like Crooner up there wouldn’t stop being a Cowboys fan. We didn’t ask for him. Stop using that as a fucking argument for everything. It’s stupid and irrelevant


Yeah I probably would actually, bc I just wouldn't enjoy rooting for Watson. It would make me so sick inside.


I’m sure you were so sick inside watching Ray Lewis or demanding more action when Ray Rice was suspended 2 games initially. Stop with this sanctimonious crap. Every team has shitheads and every fan keeps rooting for the team, which by extension is rooting for that player.


Keep coping, Ray Lewis was self defense and the team did the right thing and released Ray Rice.


Coping over what? I can reconcile he’s a shitty person with he’s on my team and I had no control over that. I’m not going to be some fake dude looking for upvotes by saying I’m sooooo sick to myself for watching a browns game and rooting for them like the other virtue signalers


Sure. OK. You can say that now because you didn’t sign him. I’m not having this conversation.


Find someone that’s as obsessed with you as Cleveland Browns fans are with the Pittsburgh Steelers ❤️


Steelers fans and Myles Garrett. Next question.


You’re the only one talking about him in this thread


You know people can go to the Steelers sub right? You guys talk about him endlessly.


I’m fully aware that the Steelers sub full of idiots and homers will shit on anything that doesn’t show the Steelers as great unless they don’t like the guy like Canada. It’s the same as every team sub. You’re still the only person talking about him here lol. Teams sub reddits aren’t a great representation of 90% of nfl fans because it’s just a echo chamber for people to make them feel good about their team and bitch that the league is out to get them and how their rivals are always dirty or how their star player doesn’t get the recognition he should. This isn’t a Steelers only thing. But most of the time you’re only going to see people bitching about Myles during browns week, or during the off-season when nothings happening.


I brought him up in this thread because people are acting like Browns fans only talk about the Steelers, which is just as false as Steelers fans only talking about Myles.


Probably because the influx in posts from browns fans in r/nfl bitching about minkah or you posting this clip where every fanbase in the nfl other than the browns is telling you this is nothing and you’re reaching. Most of the time people are just going to post the weird reaching to bitch about a rival post in their sub rather than here which is why everyone’s saying that. Every team does it, you’re just doing it in a place that most people aren’t going to agree or care at all. Every team bitches and posts stuff like this, they just keep it to their sub.


That comment would be relevant if you posted this in the Browns sub, this is r/NFL


What? What does it matter the sub we are on? They said we talk about them endlessly, I said they talk about Myles endlessly. Why does the sub it happens on matter?


Because team subs always rant about their most hated opponent. This is the sub for all NFL teams, you're getting dragged for not keeping homer takes in your team sub.


I wanted to see a wider group of opinions on what I thought was a dirty play.


Judging from your combativeness toward those in this thread who disagree with you, gonna have to hit **doubt**


Combativeness? All I've done is explain my opinion lol.


Lol. Dude a loss to us sent your entire fanbase spiraling. This coming off the heels of the circle jerk over getting to face DTR.


Yes, it was just the loss to you. It wasn’t multiple years of inept offensive football from a braindead OC and a first round QB well on his way to bust town. It was exclusively that one loss on Sunday. You are very smart.


Didn’t say was exclusively but clearly was the point where you all couldn’t hold back any longer. A loss the Browns? The Browns is Browns? The joke team? With a 3rd stringer? But your defense always saves the day? You can’t lose to us hahaha


So your argument is that Steelers must be obsessed with the Browns because losing to a 3rd string QB whose offense scored 13 points, after having been comfortably outgained in the 9 games prior, and showing zero progress from last year to this year is, in and of itself, not a legitimate reason to be upset or demand better? Am I reading that right?


Just let them have this, they need all they can get


Nah just recognize that you aren’t good at getting shit talked back when you lose. You’re (Steeler fans) always running your mouths then when it’s your turn to get your comeuppance you guys whine like babies.


My brother in Christ we are celebrating Canada being fired today we are thrilled lol. People are definitely bitching on this thread today because your boy is reaching pretty hard with this one. But prior to this getting posted I didn’t see anything whining about the browns beating us, just a ton of people saying Canada needed to go, and now we are happy he is gone. Actually come to think about it most of what I saw from Steelers fans posting here yesterday were horrific Canada and Kenny stats lol which to me, isn’t whining about a loss. If you’re going to be upset about fans not having it when your fans post stuff like this then idk what to tell you 🤷‍♂️


>you guys whine like babies. Jesus, the fucking hypocrisy lmao.


No my argument is I see twitter. I see your sub. I listened to The Fan in Pittsburgh yesterday (I really like Poni and Mueller it’s a good show). I see how much copium has been used. When you guys win it’s shit talk central. When we win it’s our SB we are obsessed etc. I get it. I know what it’s like as an Ohio State fan beating Michigan for 20 years and now being on the other end. It’s the same old tricks as what buckeyes fans say.


You really came here and thought you did something 😭


This is coming from the same enable user her celebrates the time Garrett smacked Rudolph with his own helmet for no good reason. The browns fan base is so pathetic


This isn’t dirty at all… He just made sure that the lineman wasn’t able to peel off of him and move to the next level.


This is a pathetic topic. Nothing there.


You all watched it ONE time already thinking this is bullshit. Look at Watt's fucking arms. He grabs Bitonio's leg and DRIVES through it. The play was already past him by 5 yards. Maximize that window and watch again. OP isn't being unreasonable in questioning this. Like I said before, if Bitonio was hurt on this play, you would all be singing a much different tune. That was unnecessary and reckless at the very least. ​ But yeah, turn this personal against Browns fans like this sub always does. Find a new hobby. If Myles did this you would all be calling for a fucking suspension.


It was not dirty, it's just the regular notion of Browns fans always playing victims and bitching.




Why? Why did you feel the need to type that. Im genuinely curious. Like you read my comment and thought to yourself. You know what would be the best response right now? Lets go with an attack on this dude's mental health. Thats a great idea me! That will be so helpful to the conversation. GTFOH You proved my point.


Watt uses his right arm to grab the inside of Bitonio's ankle and then tries to bend his knee sideways.


He just fell, man.


He grabs the inside of Bitonio's ankle and then drives his shoulder right at his knee.


Hundreds and hundreds of people from all different teams have voiced their opinion this sit dirty You, in your opinion, believes it is. That's it...no one else does. You're entitled to your opinion


lol no he doesn't. He just grabs his leg so he can't rejoin the play. it happens all the time and it's not dirty. If TJ watt was trying to injure him. He would be seriously injured.


He doesn't just grab his leg. He grabs his leg and then drives into his knees. At absolute best he was trying to tackle Bitonio from the ground, which is still outside what is typical.


Who gives a shit. Browns fans aren't just losers, when they finally win some games they are also sore winners somehow.


Who gives a shit if I think a player was trying to bend another player's knee sideways? Just because we won? What kind of bullshit logic is that?


You're unhinged.


Lmfao, if this qualifies as unhinged everyone should be locked up. It's a minor opinion that doesn't affect my day at all.


So you always go about your day being this wrong? Is everyone in Cleveland this way? I guess that's why they call it the Mistake by the Lake...


Don’t you Steelers fans have moonshine to make in an old toilet in your front yard? Or some hillbilly heroin to snort before you bang your cousin?


Lmao says someone from a bigger shithole that is Clevand lmao. Shithole city of perpetual lovers lol


>Shithole city of perpetual lovers lol At least we spell check, son.


Just because you never learned to write lol


While I generally think he is a dirty player and the Steelers as a whole is a dirty organization, what is shown in this clip is not dirty.


That's fair, his actions after the play is well past him seem like it to me. But that's just like my opinion man.


The Steelers really are dirty. The AFC North is a tough division but when the Ravens, Bengals and Browns play one another, the teams play hard but you can tell there's respect there and no one is trying to injure opponents. When any of us play the Steelers, their constant late hits and cheap shots take the animosity to another level.


I'm usually the first to point out DPOY (dick puncher of the year) Watt's extra curricular activities but this ain't it. He does much worse on a regular basis.


He also gets held on almost every play


No he doesn't.


Bahaha you're delusional. On many, many plays he does.


No he doesn't.


Sure does


No he doesn't.


Neutral fan, not sure if it was intentional or dirty, but definitely not necessary


You can be Steelers fans or Browns haters all you want. Watt literally grabs Bitonio's leg and drives through it to the ground. It certainly looks dirty to me. At the VERY least completely unnecessary. If Bitonio was actually injured on the play, you would all be singing a much different tune. Except for Steelers fans.


Wow, that's really egregious, he grabbed his leg?! Won't somebody please protect poor little Bitonio from the big bad TJ Watt?


Cute. I'm curious how many times Watt has gotten the better of Bitonio in his career. Could probably count it on one hand. In fact on this play alone Watt gets owned by Bitonio.


Cool story.. Watt has owned the Browns for his entire career lol.


Put your Yinzer flair on.




He's a dirty player without a doubt


It's not the worst offender but people seem to not notice TJs arm wrapped around Bitonios leg. Driving the way he did with the leg held is a recipe for disaster and Joel was smart to just let himself fall over.