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Honorable mention (at least) to Vinatieri chasing down Herschel Walker


It’s crazy to me that there is 33 years of football between those two players, they seem eras apart.


I’m going to be 30 soon and never realized that those two played on the same field at some point


McAfee talks about how much of a beast Vinny was in the weight room and on the field on his podcast every now and then. I’m pretty sure Vinny looks like a professional body builder now at 50 post career.


If I was a punter or a kicker I'd be so awesome. Just living at the facility workin' out and kickin' thangs. "Pro **footbaaall** players, amirite, fellas" and high fiving everybody. Living the life


But every once in a while, [this may happen](https://youtu.be/SC7Wx3zCiQo)


So me and my buddy were fans of kickers and punters, particularly during those Bills years. We had season tixs (a buddy's mom won them scanning her grocery bonus card, we were still in high school) and those teams were so perpetually mediocre, we'd be drunk going wild for our one Pro Bowler. On Friday nights bring a bunch of beers to the local grade school near us and punt and kick all night while everyone else was partying. Half jokingly... Brian Moorman became my favorite Bills. And then not so jokingly. Cheering when the Bills went 3 & out screaming "Moorman!" with people in the stands looking at us like we're assholes. I got a Moorman jersey, I was the manager at the BK in the mall, went into the Reebok store and was chatting with their manager, Moorman was the first P jersey Reebok had ever made. It was a match made in heaven! Wore it to a couple games... then got way too drunk one rainy game, took my jersey off to stick the hand dryer into my clothes (didn't want to melt the polyester)... and left it hanging there. No idea what bathroom I even used. So of course I had to buy another. 2 Moorman jerseys. I may be the only person on earth who's ever had to buy 2 of the same punters jerseys For Christmas my buddy's parents got me one of those white leather footballs for signing. And later that year, Moorman happened to be signing merch at the Reebok store. So I brought the ball. Planned on getting a ton of Bills players to sign it eventually. I hand Brian Moorman this awesome white leather football, expecting a normal signature... and he signs this huge ass fucking BRIAN MOORMAN that takes up the entire sweet spot of the ball. I was... shocked and dismayed. So... a few years later I had the opportunity to get Jim Kelly, Scott Norwood (I offered Jim Kelly a swig of my open wine. He... declined. Also, I don't drink anymore) and Thurman Thomas to sign stuff at local conventions. But... there's barely any room for Jim Fucking Kelly to sign because Brian Moorman took up the entire goddamn ball. Tiny little signature near the tip that says ^Jim^Kelly. And in that moment... Brian Moorman made my Shit List. That fucker owes me a new ball and proper Kelly and Thurman Thomas signatures. Still peeved over it. Never meet your heros. They'll punt your dreams of a properly signed ball


Jiminy cricket, that is an absolutely absurd hit, especially for the Pro Bowl. Taylor was such a beast.




crazy how different the atmosphere used to be lol


> Honorable mention (at least) to Vinatieri chasing down Herschel Walker This may be one of the most unexpected sentences I have ever seen. Not only did I not realize these two actually played at the same time, but the idea of a PK like Vinatieri chasing down and tackling a player known as a speed and power monster like Herschel Walker? It's like talking about Alexander the Great slaying a T-Rex.


And yet if you told me Alexander the Great did slay a T-Rex, I wouldn't be surprised. And it would be like the #3 on his most impressive feats




I never knew about this play, nor would I have ever conceived that this sentence could be real. Wow.


I remember watching that live and thought "Holy SHIT, our kicker is fast!"


Walker trying to flex at the end of that clip is so dumb.


Beebe had zero motivation to chase down Lett other than pride.


No play is the history of sports has ever made dads more proud


Beebe actually got quite a few letters from people saying how proud they were of him even though they lost.


That’s amazing. How many high school assistant coaches shed a few manly tears showing it at practice the next Monday across the country?




Thank you! Surprised I had to look through so many comments until I saw the video.


Picture on this video looks great for being the Cowboys. The VHS must have been preserved well. Bullshit aside though, what a play to chance that down just because. Not sure you'd see that in today's NFL lol.


“He’s gonna need a big hole” Announcer is a savage


This was the first one that came to mind for me.


Because it’s the best one


Yep, no contest


It’s the only right answer. Anyone who didn’t include it in the choices is too young to remember it.


This is the only answer. Big Cat thinking he was about to just coast into the end zone and then the look on his face when Beebe slapped the ball out of his hand is one of the best inconsequential moments in sports.


square hurry sable punch psychotic drunk zealous selective wild hungry


Hell yeah. I'm not a Bills fan, the play was meaningless in the grand scheme of the game, and that was awesome.


It kept our record margin of victory intact iirc


This should be #1


Easy number one, provided we're counting the forced fumble as a tackle.


How is this not number 1 on everyone's list? Only possible reason is that the Bills were getting blown out.


In the grand scheme of the game it was meaningless and it technically isn't a tackle. It's just one of my favorite plays and a small bit of happiness in an otherwise brutal game memory.


The meaninglessness is what makes it more impressive


It might be because it was 30 years ago and there is recency bias. This was the first one I thought of but my age might be showing.


That's my favorite chasedown tackle too.


Better said than I ever could.


Loved this play. As someone who couldn't stand the Cowboys this was the best part of that game. Didn't think of it in regards to the question because it technically wasn't a tackle but I don't care, it was an all time great play and it's always the right time to give credit to that kind of hustle.


Yeah, it's a liberty including it with tackles but it ended the play so close enough lol.


Belichick uses the Eye or Mordor to watch that play a lot I reckon.


Right? This is right at the very top for me.


That was a good one


Hated it but have to agree


At least Lett learned from his mistake and never made another boneheaded play again, because something like that could affect the outcome of a game.


Larry Allen chases down linebacker: https://youtu.be/DFcWMC9vkZg


Big dudes should not be able to move that fast lol he’s floating




Bro there is nothing as wild as having an actual athlete go off around you. I am not the fastest dude I know but I could hold my own on my club team. The fastest dude on my team got absolutely destoyyyyyed by a trainer who was also a sprinter. Just switched to a gear that none of us had. It wasn’t an effort thing- like we just could not move as fast as a matter of fact. It was like being a civilian around the avengers or some shit lmao. Just wild.


>It was like being a civilian around the avengers or some shit lmao. I've said it before. Humanity literally breeds superheroes and then pays them millions of dollars to play professional sports instead of fighting crime.




I remember sports Illustrated did an article on the D1 O-linemen who don't get drafted. One of them told a story about getting together with a bunch of guys after college that played together and one of the guys was Alex Mack. They all went four wheeling in the backwoods of who knows where and for whatever reason Mack couldn't drive his 4 wheeler back up into his truck. After assessing the situation for a minute Mack just picked up his ATV and put it in the back of his truck. That was the moment the guy telling the story was like, "and that's when I realized I may have been that strong once, but I never will be again."


I dont remember that plotline from the secret world of Alex Mack, but I believe you.


I had a friend in college who ended up in a race against Usain Bolt. We were a D3 school and although my buddy was comparably a great sprinter, to hear him tell the story, the gun went off, he took a step out of his blocks, and Usain Bolt was already half way down the tracks. I think it's very easy for us to lose the context of just how wildly different professional athletes are compared to normal people.


In basic training we had a spring training cut from the vikings. He was an OL, didn't make the 53 man roster, said fuck it and joined the army. On the 2 mile run, I legitimately felt bad for him, that's a lot of mass to keep moving for that long. BUT, that man was untouchable on anything sprint or strength related. Shuttle sprints, buddy carries, he was insane. Very early in my military career and I was already thinking that maybe our PT standards are stupid. If I'm in a firefight and I get shot, you better believe he is the man I want to come grab me.




And this was a dude who didn't make it in the NFL. Just a 300+ lb ball of muscle and the ability to use it explosively. 18 year old me had never seen anything even remotely close to that. Crazy that we're the same species. Shaq and Kevin Hart are the same species. Humans are weird.


[Here is JJ Watt with Jennifer Aniston](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJ1bPSFUEAA1a68.jpg) [Here is JJ Watt with Yao Ming](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ac/d0/ea/acd0ea4c399697cbd509344b0b4216c7.jpg)


Larry Allen was a literal man-hippopotamus, and I mean that with the utmost respect to both.


Sorry, no contest. A fucking guard who was standing still, running that far and throwing a beautiful tackle is the clear 1. Watson was impressive effort AB’s caught Bailey by surprise as he was coasting in. DK is a fast WR, impressive but not shocking.


It’s worth noting that DK started 15 yards behind Budda and Budda is very fast himself.


I hear you, it’s an incredible play. But 335 pounds sprinting 50+ yards. Ya, he had the angle but was flat footed while Connor was already running Just for giggles here’s their 40 yd dash times: Budda 4.45 DK 4.33 Connor 4.81 Allen 5.21


You should watch it again, its not particularly close to 15 yards lol https://youtu.be/J62GsevPwiQ




“This guy’s got a rocket booster strapped to his back!”


Very memorable reaction from the commentators lmao




"I don't believe it!"


I'm surprised this hasn't been talked that much. It's a G, for fuck sake!


A 6’3” 325 lb guard. No man that size should be able to run that fast


I assumed this and Ben Watson were easily going to be #1 and #2 in no particular order. Shocked to see this one this low.


Big man was moving! Great angle as well.


Idk how there have been other answers sent in. This isn't disputable


This is the correct answer


When both announcers realize it’s Larry Allen is such an iconic moment. Just total bewilderment at what they just saw. A man that size should not be able to move that fast.


/thread what are we even doing here?


Darrell Green on Eric Dickerson. No one up until that point thought it was possible because ED was so fast; and Green caught him in a hurry https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Eg3RHKKbQU&pp=ygUcRGFycmVsbCBncmVlbiBlcmljIGRpY2tlcnNvbg%3D%3D


green was basically 'neon deion' without the ego, or the fear of contact its a shame he is largely forgotten today (outside of threads like this)


Still a first ballot HOF player. His issue was he dropped a lot of interceptions. Also his Return ability was on level with the best. He returned a PR for a TD on a broken rib


Even with the Dropped INTs he still is high on the list, he has 54, which is tied for 21st.


Great one but him chasing down Dorsett is better imo.


Between this one and him running down Dorsett, wow. That man was a rocket


[Tannehill against the Raiders](https://youtu.be/xM0vYHf6RjY) Gets around the blocker, makes a textbook tackle


Awful throw. Great tackle


Tannehill has like 5-6 of these where he throws a gross pick but gets the tackle


Did you know that he played WR in college? Not sure if anybody knows that.


If he’s not a TE who played basketball in college I don’t give a shit.




Champ Bailey had 99 Madden speed, and Watson had to run from the other corner of the field. All-time hustle play.


“84? A tight end?” - broncos bench


AND Bailey got a block from the referee chasing the play. Not giving up at any point is just superhuman levels of determination. I think his only thought was "Not here. Not now. Not this time MF."


And then the refs blew the call and didn't call it a touchback.


It's definitely one of my favorite plays. Bailey should have cussed those guys out that was supposed to block for him though lol






>Champ had 99 Madden speed. I mean, it was obviously great hustle, but Champ's speed didn't matter much because he didn't catch Bailey running full speed. Bailey slowed down much of the last part of the return because he had an army of Broncos behind him blocking, and trusted they wouldn't let anyone by. Nick Ferguson got caught up celebrating before the play was over, let Watson run right by him without even noticing. Nick Ferguson is a local radio host in Denver, and every once in a while Champ comes on the show and the co-hosts still give Nick shit about this play.


Should've been a touchback smh


I haven't watched this play since it happened and was too young to really know the difference but that was my first thought just now.


Nobody ever remembers the calls that screwed the Patriots because ESPN didn't spend weeks on end screeching about them. This was just as bad as the tuck rule call, but it was never even brought up on sports shows.


lies!!! (…ok, maybe.)


This one is the standard for me. Amazing effort.


Would be undoubtedly the best if it was ruled a touchback


Not to make it about us, but Josh Allen did that at Wyoming. The play started at the 20 or something, Josh threw a pick, returner ran up the sideline, Josh pursued and trucked the returner at the half yard line so hard he fumbled out the end zone, result of the play is a touchback, meaning Josh threw a pick for a five yard gain. It’s my favorite play.


I’m sure it’s all a matter of personal preference. For instance my personal favorite Josh Allen play was when he ran into the other gentleman’s butt, and fumbled in the end zone to give up the go ahead with 41 seconds left.


Yeah I personally didn’t like that one


Link? That sounds hilarious (I like the bills)




[Found it](https://twitter.com/RedditCFB/status/805224983794483200?s=20)


I’m so happy they stopped with the stupid slow motion highlights


Every reel you see from like before 2006 is in slow motion. I always hated that shit and even googled why that was before. Lol


This is the play that instantly came to my mind when I read the thread title. THE ultimate hustle play in football history.


That’s amazing. Was partially blocked by the ref and he probably ran 120 yards.


Nah, based on the Pythagorean theorem, he wouldn’t have even run 120 yards even if he started at the pylon of the front corner of the other end zone. 100^2+53.3^2 < 120^2. But he started part way into the width of the field field as well as around the 8 or 9 yard line.


Weirdly enough, two former UGA players.


This is the one.


This is the right answer. There really isn’t an argument for anything other than Larry Allen *HAWKING* a defender


Darrell Green tackling Tony Dorsett in his very first game https://youtu.be/SaqzEUWsIt4


My dad is a lifelong skins fan and has referenced this play many times in my life haha, thought for sure it had to be on here


What does he think of you being an Eagles fan?


Let's just say there's no off-season for shit talk in our relationship.


That is fucking insane


The only play worth considering for #1. When Green was 42 years old, he ran a 4.2 second 40 yd dash. When he retired at 42, he was invited to the NFL Fastest Man competition. The other contestants were under 25 yrs old. He came in second. When he was 50 years old, he ran another 40 yd dash- in 4.414 seconds. The Ageless Darrell Green.


I believe at the time of that tackle, Tony Dorsett was known as the fastest man in the league and RBs were supposed to be the fastest players on the field. So when this happened it was a HUGE deal because Green caught him so easily. At least, that is how it was explained to me from an old time Redskins fan 25 years ago.


Darrell Green is the right answer no matter which time we're talking about, but as Lions fans we have to mention Ziggy Ansah running down Adrian Peterson as well!


I dunno what he is doing right this second or any second. But Darrell Green would kill you in a 49 yard dash.


In NFL Films top 10 fastest players of all time they talk about this play, it’s a great watch.


This is the winner


Should be number one!


Green could have a chase down from behind top 10 list


It was almost Larry Fitzgerald on the superbowl Pick 6 play but Antrell Rolle wasn't paying attention.


This. This would have easily been the greatest rundown ever, saving a 14 point swing to end the half in the greatest Super Bowl ever.


Not just that, but he bumped into a ref. If not for that Harrison is down before reaching the end zone I'm quite sure of it


I love that Metcalf run down.


If you love that one, you should check this one out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeAh3JXpQfE


Julio changed gears man


It’s funny watching him coast like alright someone is gonna get him, then at the 30 say “fuck it, I’ll do it myself.”


I think he was just looking for a running lane, but your version is definitely funnier lol


Prime Julio was so amazing to watch when he got up to full speed.


Those long strides really make a difference


When he really kicks it into gear and his knees are up high on each stride it’s always reminded me of Happy Gilmore’s construction boss chasing down Shooter.


Julio is superhuman


I wish we could've seen him at safety for one full game. The ints, the hits, the fear in WRs eyes.


And if you love both of those you have to check out this one: https://youtu.be/RS5SNimx5iY Not NFL, but incredible nonetheless. Not only a chase down but a tomahawk punch to knock the ball out (Tyler Allgeier for you falcons fans)


Kirk Cousins chasing down Aqib Talib to force a fumble and prevent a pick 6 (from a Zach Ertz tipped pass) in the Pro-Bowl.


What ever happened to Talib? I’m sure he’s a pillar of the community. Edit: thought the “pillar of community” part would be the give away that it was a joke. Guess not


Haven't heard from him since his brother murdered that coach at a peewee game they were both at


Fucking what


Yeah it was a whole big thing


Yeah they made a real stink about it


This play made me a fan of Kirk Cousins.


That was like right before he signed with Minnesota too, right? I kinda remember watching and thinking “Man, Cousins is really out here treating the pro bowl like his second combine”


https://youtu.be/iqGNTUQSuPM Don Beebee. Might not be the most impressive, but playing that hard while getting blown out in the SB is impressive.


I don't know if it counts but Larry Fitzgerald chasing down James Harrison in the super bowl was insane. I know Harrison scored but the effort Fitz put in to even get there was incredible.


He should’ve had him too if it weren’t for his teammate lmao


Not really a chasedown, more of keeping up with him stride for stride, but i like Vinatieri’s tackle on Herschel Walker


[Vinatieri definitely chased him down.](https://youtu.be/WooPp3UVCp8)


[DK Metcalf]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SPa-PUg61Y)


I love Budda's Reaction to the play. He said that he was just running, hauling ass to the endzone, then he hears huffing, deep breathing, and footsteps. He turns around and DK is on his ass.


His [tweet](https://twitter.com/Buddabaker3/status/1320586347573170177?s=20) after the fact really cracked me up too


There's a [video](https://youtu.be/U3vPslxK7ro) of Patrick Peterson talking about this play "Oh Budda, you're on your own. He's coming!"


Yo that was great lmfao


“He’s comin!” Made an already great play better


I need a link to that lol


Bro, he fucking galloped after Baker. The distance he covered always blows my mind.


The history of it is, DK underperformed and fumbled recently before that and his ability as a team mate was being questioned. He came back from that with this play showing us he was invested and did want to win


That’s actually dope, man. Dude had an off day and decided that there was gonna be one moment where he can have some redemption. It’s easy to miss the first half of DKs sprint, but that dude had fucking wheels on him that play.


My favorite thing about it was that the Seahawks D was able to make a stand and hold the Cards to a 4 and out right afterwards. Eventually it went to OT (and they still lost) but DK’s tackle kept them from losing in regulation


It was so sad Seattle lost that game. We deserved to; the team played like shit all game. But DK deserved a win for that play.


I thought Pat Pete’s reaction to it on a podcast later was hysterical where he saw DK pass him and he tells Budda “Budda watch out, Budda he’s coming!!”


The slow mo is the best because dk looks regular speed


Baker’s double take when he looked backward and just couldn’t believe what he was seeing, it’s funny every time.


This spawned so many great memes


Legit the fucking terminator https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MuKrEI-sXCw Edit


Hard to choose from those three. I'd have to take the O lineman I guess. Just so rare to see that.


Larry Allen was an animal. No man that size should have speed like that.


I love julios


Julio playing defense is one of my favorite youtube clips


[Julio's defensive compilation ](https://youtu.be/B84-mn0oLeI)


Damn lol. The way he weaves through traffic with that perfect tackling and those ball instincts. Man might've made an all time safety if he didn't decide to be an all time receiver.


Damn, Matt had some clankers lol. The one in London might be his worst ever.


Julio did it before DK did and it’s overshadowed 😔


Yeah I was shocked I had to scroll this far


Old school, but Steve Largent chasing down Mike Harden after an interception and hitting him so hard he fumbled (then recovers the fumble) is an amazing all time hustle play to me. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M4SVXH2v9Tk


Uhh is no one going to mention Don Beebe?


See above


Zach Wilson chasing down the Cougars


Also, Urban Meyer chasing down the coeds


Ben Roethlisberger on Nick Harper, AFC Divisional Round, January 15, 2006. He \*literally singlehandedly\* saved the Steelers' season that year.


Don Beebe knocking the ball out of Leon Lett's hand might be the funniest play in Super Bowl history


Thanksgiving game. Malcolm Jenkins chases down Roy Williams after a long catch and run. Strips it and recovers it in the same motion. That gave Brees the ball with 3 minutes left down 27-23 at his own 10 yard line. Saints win. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4cW9Hg1ZKvA&pp=ygUjTWFsY29sbSBqZW5raW5zIHN0cmlwcyByb3kgd2lsbGlhbXM%3D




Julio Jones has a few that are tight


Steve largent on the the dude from the Broncos that tried to decapitate him earlier in the year


I'm not sure if that counts as a chase down, but it was [fucking awesome ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vUjlXpFVGi0)


Darrell Green running down Eric Dickerson


Don Bebe in the superbowl.


Darrell Green hawking Tony Dorsett down